8166/So... About Pete's Parents...

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So... About Pete's Parents...
Date of Scene: 08 October 2021
Location: Clarice Ferguson's Quarters
Synopsis: Even when it's supposed to be about Pete - it always ends up being all about Clarice and Theo. Why is that?
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Clarice Ferguson, Rahne Sinclair

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Although it will be a few more weeks before Winifred, Sarah and Mary can actually come home to live, Theo is already making plans. With a tape measure in hand, he is measuring out spaces and taking notes on his tablet. He's already drawn a hole in the wall for where the tubing will go into his room, having made her of the space on the other side for the large playground of steps, wheel, and other items to get from up high to down low in a guinea pig way... the least possible work required.

At the moment he is measuring the space around his desk, intending to put in a hiding pocket for the three to sleep if they want, really he's just planning the pig-afy the room.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The door slides open as Clarice returns after another strategy session - trying to nail down the details for the impending op. The meetings were long, and often tedious, but of undeniable importance. Spotting Theo with tape measure and tablet in hand however brings her up short as she watches her brother in silence for a moment. "I'm almost afraid to ask. What plot are you hatching?" she asks.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Another set of measurements are added to those he has before Theo turns and looks at Clarice with the most innocent expression he can muster. "Nothing," he blatantly lies, but he's also grinning broadly. Then tells her the truth, "I'm measuring to pig-afy the room of course."

With that, he moves over to Pete's desk to start taking measurements there. Eventually he will have a 3D image of the room and everything in it on his tablet so he can plan everything perfectly.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Oh. ... of course," Clarice agrees, as she begins to wonder just what she's actually agreed to here. Time to worry about that later, and really - they owed these little guinea pigs //something// for their role in all this, right? And she owed Tara the help rehoming them appropriately...
    She perches herself on the edge of her desk, watching Theo take the measurements in silence for a little bit before she remarks casually, "Pete's been doing better too - hasn't he? A little more relaxed. A little more open. It's hard for me to judge sometimes... you know him so much better than I do."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo pauses for a moment and looks over at Clarice, immediately trying to determine what she's thinking and what she's actually trying to learn.

"He feels more comfortable in his own skin and mind," he offers, then goes back to taking measurements. "He still gets nervous around new people, but so long as everyone acts normal, he adjusts quicker than he used to. I introduce him to Madison and Dyani, and he was tense at first, but chilled right out and joined in the joking around."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "That sounds promising," Clarice agrees, lapsing into a momentary silent as she considers this news, still watching Theo at work as she chews over her thoughts. "And sleep's getting a little easier for him too, I hope?" she asks.
    "You can tell me to shove off and mind my own business anytime you like, you know," she adds, with a wry twist to her smile. Probably in preparation for her //next// question.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo marks the measurements he just took, then sets the tape measure on the tablet and walks over to Clarice.

"Just a few little night spots," he offers, knowing full well that Clarice is leading to something. He's figured out her pattern, which is alright, because it gives him time to brace for whatever it is.

"Pete doesn't mind me talking about most things regarding him," he shrugs. "If you hit something he doesn't want talked about, I'll tell you. The nightmares are growing fewer and fewer, and the big ones that wake the dead, are almost gone."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm glad. He's been through too much." There's another one of those brief, slightly loaded silences as she considers her next words - but honestly, it's time to just out and say it. "Pete probably doesn't know anything about what happened to those people - the ones who killed his parents?" she asks. "Do you think it would help him to know? Or do you think it would be too painful for him if we tried to look into that?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
There it is, the point.

Theo hmmms softly, then walks over to grab his bottle of water and moves to the couch to sit. "He doesn't know what happened to them, or who they even were," he offers. "I know what they look like, because I've seen that moment in his life numerous times, but even I couldn't tell you who they are."

He pats the couch beside himself for Clarice to join him. "The thing is Clare, he knows that most likely they were like you were, programmed... but there's a part of him that wants to know if that's the truth or if they willingly did it. If they willingly did it, he wants to personally drive them insane."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice joins her brother readily, sitting with one leg folded under her, and one arm over the back of the sofa. "That's understandable," she agrees. "And I don't know if we could ever find those answers. But we do have their images - or at least what Pete remembers of their appearances. If he shared that with Robert, he could draw or paint them. Does the memory show what their powers were? Did they have any names or code names they called each other by? We could try to figure out who they were - if they were being controlled or not. But I wanted your opinion on if it would be too painful to bring it up, or if you think it might be therapeutic for Pete to at least try to find the answers." Her expression is solemn as she keeps her gaze intently on Theo's, studying him for his reactions.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo lays his hand on Clarice's shoulder. "Whoa sis, hold up..." he chuckles. "That's a lot of questions at once... this is a physical memory of what actually happened, including the emotions and pain and terror. So the only way to analyze the memory is to live it with him, and take those emotions while someone else watches it without them. I remember their faces and uniforms, but even I can't reach in for details without feeling what Pete did."

He takes a drink of his water before offering it to Clarice. "I think if you offered Pete a chance to have answers about those who did it, he'd take it, but I can also tell you that if it turns out they willingly did that, he won't stop until he's hunted them down and driven each one insane."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:

That was Clarice's celphone, a text arriving. Minor, probably happens a lot. But it was the instant message sound of Rahne sending her something.

A quick look at the phone would reveal a 'taxi?' and a thumb out emoji, Rahne being a doof and signalling for pickup.

Apparently she's finally free. School's been a beast this week.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's a big can of worms," Clarice agrees. "And it would be asking a lot of Robert - to take that memory in. I get that. I suppose I should approach him first, and see if he'd even be willing to take on that much pain - before we bring up the idea to Pete," she muses quietly.
    She presses her lips together for a moment before remarking, "I never got the chance to go after any of the people who hurt me. I honestly think it would help me if I had. Do you think it would be helpful for Pete? Or damaging?"
    At the sound from her phone - it's actually the sound of a wolf's howl - a smile briefly breaks across her features before she pulls out her phone to check the message. "Rahne's coming up," she remarks simply, before replying to the message. 'In your room?' Once she's sure //where// exactly Rahne is - she'll open the portal to allow the wolfgirl through.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo shakes his head, "No, no, no, you don't understand. I'm saying I know the pain, so I'll take that and Robert can just get the images of the memory. No one else needs to ever know that, and I don't think Pete would share it with anyone else. The images though... sure, he'd likely do that. I'd have to ask him about that though."

He takes another drink of his water then says bluntly. "It would help him, he may not realize it fully, but I know it would. He needs to see he's no longer that little boy, he's a strong, clever, witty, funny, handsome guy... it would definitely help and was that Rahne?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
A quick pic of Rahne on her bed in the dorms is more than enough. She's never been a quick finger-typist.

A portal later, and Rahne's leaping to put her arms around Clarice's neck, a reaching hug that only slightly leans toward throttling. Not that she'd ever hurt Miss Magenta.

"Heeeey Theo," she says, as she vaguely distracts Clarice for a moment. She's dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, bare feet. Just, you know. Clothes.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Alright, then we at least give it a shot. There's no promises, of course, but we have a lot of resources - and access to as much of the old computer files as still exist. Is this something we should talk to Pete about together? Or you think it's better if you and he talk about it..." she gestures between her head and Theo's, back and forth, a couple times. Apparently this is some sort of short hand for 'psychically.'
    She finishes the gesture, she checks her phone again, another smile on her lips. "It's Rahne," she confirms. The portal opens - and the next thing she knows she has a Rahne in her arms. She has no complaints about this upgrade, as she leans in towards the other woman.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo slides a little away from the now hugging couple.

"I think you should let me talk to him about the idea, then we can talk to him about the full plan," he offers, then slips to his feet to go back to measuring the room while his sister is lovingly mauled.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne has no idea what they're talking about, but given that it's none of her business either, she flops next to Clarice and busses her cheek. "Schooooool, blecht. Why ye both here?" Okay, so she's butting in after all. She slips an arm about Clarice's waist, then waggles fingers at Theo.

"Also, wot evil plan? Can ah help? Ah can be evil."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'll follow your lead," Clarice answers Theo - giving him an encouraging smile, before turning her atttention towards Rahne. "It's good though - isn't it? Furthering your education? Theo acts like he never wants to leave school..." she teases gently, giving her brother a grin.
    She runs her fingers over a patch of hair on Rahne's head that's a bit shorter than the rest - though she makes no comment on it. "We were just talking about a way of maybe helping Pete with some bad memories. Helping him find some answers - even if it might be a little painful. That kind of thing."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo glances back to the couch for a moment, then finishes measuring around Pete's desk. He didn't know what Pete wanted for the guinea pigs around his desk, but with the measurements added to the computer, they could plot it out later tonight.

"I like school," he comments at random before now moving to measure the wall with the television. "Pete likes Rahne well enough, he won't mind you telling her Clare, if you want to."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Eh. Et varies." Rahne is apparently not as thrilled with schooling as Theo may be. "Learnin' tae do nursin' duties, triage level. Ose means 'pertaining to' and es one o' like fifteen words wot mean thet, an' english is weird."

She flops, across Clarice, then looks at them both. "Wot?

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Nursing's important, though. Helping keep people alive - and healthy. People like me who keep doing stupid, dangerous things for good reasons," Clarice remarks with a wry smile. Usually for good reasons.
    She's silent for a moment before she explains, "Pete's parents were advocates for mutant rights. The Genoshan government - the former Genoshan government, obviously - they didn't much care for that. They sent some people eliminate his parents - and he saw the whole thing. When he was about ten or so." Her expression is grim, and sad as she explains the situation to Rahne, her fingers still toying idly with the woman's hair. "We're going to try to find out who it was that did it. If they were acting of their own free will or not. If they're still alive or not. We're going to try to find Pete some answers." And possibly some revenge.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Now that he has all the measurements he needs, Theo sits down at his desk and plugs the tablet into his computer. H & D got him a sweeeet program for 3D rendering of rooms, and now he sets himself to that task. Clearly his homework is already done, which is usually the case. Even with more advanced classes at Happy Harbor, he was sailing through.

"They made him watch," he corrects calmly, his mind focused on the program and the task to keep from remembering the nightmare. "Then they just tossed him in a gutter and left. He needs answers." And revenge.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne lets Clarice do that, her hair finally long enough to play with a bit. She's never had styleable hair before. Even with that one side that's short. It looks kinda cool that way though.

"Answers, definitely," she says as her eyes drift closed. "Tha be soothing, ye can keep doin' thet."

Her left eye is half-open, when she says, "Revenge be wot ye both be nae sayin', though. An ye dinnae want me tae say otherwise?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Someone's responsible. Someone made that decision. If we can find that someone... They shouldn't get away with something like that. Pete's parents were good, brave people, and what they did to them - what they made Pete see - it's hurt him deeply. He needs to know that ultimately they paid for what they did. He needs closure."
    Still toying with Rahne's hair she adds, "I probably wouldn't argue with you playing with my hair either, you know."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo turns a little to look toward the couch, immediately regrets it and looks back to the screen.

"Yeah, it's revenge I'm looking for for him," he admits bluntly. "They scarred him for life to get their jollies, they /enjoyed/ his pain, so yes... revenge. Once he drives them insane, I intend to pocket them and be done with it."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Oh, Lord, why me. Okay. This is what you ask of me, I'll do my best.

Rahne hugs Clarice's waist, then sits up. She kisses her cheek, then says, "Will, later," as she touches the girl's hair.

Then she sighs. "Sure an' make sure they dinnae do it again, but closure be a personal thing. An...ah cannae.." She knows that she should say that it's wrong. There's so much pain here though.

Who am I to try and save their souls?

"Ah jus' want better nor this for ye both."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    It's not the first time Clarice has heard Theo talk like this, and it's always a slightly jarring mirror to look into. She'd always thought that vicious streak in her - the killer inside her - had been put there by all she'd been through. But every time she glimpsed it in Theo...
    Was it wrong, was it hypocritical of her, to want her brother to stay innocent? To wish that her brother weren't a killer as well?
    She leans into Rahne as the woman sits back up, answering the woman's words with a quiet, "It's part of who I am, love." Is it really part of who Theo was? Was he just trying to live up to the example //she// set? "We'll see what we learn first, Theo. If we can find any of them... and if any of them still live. Any who actively chose what happened."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Since he's facing the computer, his back to the couch, neither Rahne nor Clarice can see Theo roll is eyes at that. Everyone deals with pain differently. Pete relives his in his dreams, every night and Theo lives them with him. Theo locks his pain away and pretends it doesn't exist, easier to go day to day with it all locked away. They lived the Genoshan hell, millions did not survive it, and Theo knew Pete well enough to know that closure would involve inflicting some kind of pain on those who destroyed his childhood, possibly his life.

"We all got different ways dealing with things," he offers, entering the last of the parameters into the program. "What would you think is better, Rahne? Offering counseling and flowers to the ass hats who did this to Pete?"

Now he does turn to look at the two of them on the couch, not seeing the cuddling partners as he had before, not through the haze of red in his vision. He's keeping the anger out of his tone at least. "I'm actually really curious, what would you do Rahne, if it was you?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne, who looks less comfortable than she ever has in this company. Rahne, who wants to help so very much. Rahne, who's endured pain too.

"Stop them. Make sure th' pain does nae happen again. Then focus on th' ones tha' they hurt, not th' ones who did the hurting. Make our lives so much better tha' we can be sure we have all th' love an' warmth tha' we can, an' move on."

She's thinking about Theo, but she's also thinking about Reverend Craig. The one who hurt her, when she says, "Do y' honestly think ah havenae taken time tae ask m'self tha' question, Theo? T' really think et through? Do y' think ah have nightmares every night because ah'm jus' pretty?"

She isn't showing anger. But it's not absent. How could it be? "Find them. Save anyone in danger. Then, save y'self. They be nae worth ruinin' a good person like you."

That last, that's said to Clarice too. Maybe Clarice most of all.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    A mask of calm has fallen into place of Clarice's features - silencing the roiling and conflicting emotions the discussion elicits in her. "Not everyone's a killer, Theo, and I don't think any of us want to live in a world where that's the case. You haven't taken a life yet. Even if it's someone despicable - someone who'd improve the world only by leaving it - there's still a cost to you, in crossing that line, and taking that life."
    Her gaze goes from Theo, to Rahne, fingers brushing the wolf girl's cheeks as she adds, "Rahne's not a killer. There's nothing wrong with that. She has a different sort of strength, a different way of seeing the world, and we need that too."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo was staring at Rahne for a moment like snakes sprouted from her head, but once Clarice speaks he looks to her.

"I've killed," he admits. "Just once, during the attack.... I'd do it again too. Thing is, I'm more than willing to help anyone else they've hurt, but they don't get to keep hurting people. Sure, find them, then do what to them Rahne? Slap them on the wrist? Lock them in a jail they'll break out of? What do you do when you've found them and find out they willingly killed the parents of a child in front of them?"

He takes a slow, deep breath. "If they didn't do it willingly, that's another matter entirely. That wasn't choice, and you let them go... but if they willingly did it... no, you don't just walk away, you make them suffer!"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne isn't looking at Theo so much just this second. She's looking at Clarice. It might be the wrong choice, but it's the one that her heart cries for. And she'll never lose hope in Clarice being saved.

"M' hands are made o' knives," she says. Then she turns those soft eyes to Theo, the thought she's following turning her eyes with her head and her train of thought. "M' powers. All ah have tae work with, be claws. M' hands are made o' knives, be how ah think of it. Ah do nae have a lot o' ways tae fight wi'out hurtin' people. Pretty badly actually."

She lifts her fingers, human now, but with potential for great damage, cuts, death. "So, th' simple way be tae jus' do that. Do y' think tha' someone like me, someone who's been fightin' tae find other ways for years now, is gonnae look at y' and say yes? Thaur was no other way tae solve things, than killin'?"

"Theo, thaur always be another way. Th' question is, will their death actually help ye in th' way y' think it will. Because Clarice knows. It doesnae jus' affect them."

Then she stops, and gives up. And hugs into Clarice as if turning this all off. No more. She's done all she's got, and pulls in, and hides.


Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "There may be another way - but what way is the best way?" Clarice answers quietly, still holding Rahne to her. "I don't pretend to have all the answers. One of the most important people in my life revels in causing pain, and carnage. I'd do anything to protect him, and keep him free - even knowing what he can do. Even knowing that many of his victims have been innocents, over the years. But I wouldn't be here, and I wouldn't be me, if he hadn't helped me find my feet. Find myself." Would the world be a better place without someone like Victor Creed? ...probably. But she'd feel lost.
    "Who did you kill? What happened?" She didn't want this for Theo. She hadn't wanted him to end up like her.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Enough is enough. It's alright to have an opinion that is different, so long as you can express that opinion in a healthy debate. Theo was truly trying to understand what other choices their might be for people who enjoyed torturing a child. He knew that Rahne wasn't the sort to kill, but he also couldn't understand how she could just let someone like these people go, or express what other options there might be.

Turning back to the computer, Theo stares at the rendering of the room the program created, noting mistakes but at moment just leaving them. "During the attempt to run away," he says, leaving the other part of the conversation as dead for now. "There weren't just large mechanical robots trying to round people up and kill them, there were people helping them. I don't know if they were mutants or humans or something else, all I know is that when one tried to grab dad, I killed him by pocketing him."

He turns slightly to look at Clarice again, "And as I said, I'd do it again if I had to, to protect someone I care about."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
That's the thing though. Rahne can't answer Theo's question, because she's barely managing to answer her own. What can SHE do, not what can Theo do with his own. She said that she's still fighting that fight herself, still learning. She said...all she knows. It's not enough.

So she stops. She holds her girl, and shuts up. "I'm sorry," she says softly. And that's all.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's alright, Rahne," Clarice murmurs, simply holding the other girl close to herself. "The answers aren't always easy to find."
    She takes a deep breath in, letting it out slowly before she remarks, "You know I'm not advocating to let these people live - not after what they did to Pete. But killing to defend someone you love is one thing. Killing for revenge... it exacts another cost entirely. You understand that, right? And when you do it once, it's easier to do it again, and again.
    "I want you to be sure as you can - how much of this is your anger and your pain? You've already said Pete's pain is yours. Is killing someone over this really want you need? Will it help you heal? Or is going to open a door you can't close again? Are you willing to take that chance?"
    Looking towards Theo she adds, "If we can find the people who //chose// to do this to Pete - you know I will kill them for you, and for him. Is this something I can do for you both? Or is this really something you need to take into your own hands? You have to really think that through ahead of time - because there's no taking it back once it's done."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo shakes his head, as if to clear it, then shakes the rest of his body as well. Still looking at Clarice, he takes a moment to inhale a deep breath, let it out, then another one in and out. His emotions and Pete's did get mingled in this area, he knew that, but he also knew that for Pete... he would murder anyone who hurt him or tried to hurt him again.

"The difference between killing in self defense, and killing that can be called murder, is a narrow line of emotions," he says more calmly. "I get it Clare, you don't want me to be a part of your world like that. You want me to live outside the box that is the Brotherhood. It's alright for others to choose to join and kill for mutants, but not me."

Picking up his water, he takes a drink. "You're right about the emotions though, Pete and I both feel it, and it's mixed with my own so much that my desire to kill them is as much for Pete as it is for myself, for what they did to 'us'. Pete wants to know if they choose to do it, or if they unwilling subjects. That's all the further he's thought about it, but me? I've thought about it a lot. If they were unwilling, let em go. If they were willing, they die and to hell with who ever else it might effect."

Another pause as he sits himself up straighter in the chair. "I'll talk to Pete, see what he wants if these people are found. See if he wants them dead... and if he does, then my hands are involved."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You know there's many ways to help the Brotherhood, and further the cause," Clarice answers Theo. "Not everyone goes on missions. Not all missions involve killing. And there's a difference between killing someone in the middle of a fight where you're saving lives, and freeing captives - and looking these people in the eye, knowing they've wronged you, and your brother, and taking their lives. Taking them in cold blood."
    Clarice looks away from Theo - staring blankly at the blank screen of the TV across from her. "I have different sorts of dreams, you know. The ones where I remember what happened to me - what I was made to do? Those aren't the worst of them. Sometimes I dream the Magistrates are back, and gain control of me once more, and order me to turn on the Brotherhood." To kill her family. If she really shreaded Creed with her portals - could he heal from that? Would he come back? "Those aren't the worst either."
    The silence drags on just long enough that Theo probably starts to believe she won't continue - but she does, her voice little more than a whisper. "Sometimes I dream that I've lost myself. That's grown to enjoy the kill so much, that I don't care who I kill. That I would choose to kill the people I love."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo sits quietly, listening and watching Clarice. He'd offer to hug her if Rahne wasn't there, so instead he is forced to just remain sitting there. It was getting closer to time that Pete would come back, and he'd know the minute he was on the asteroid because Pete would reach out and touch his mind.

"Like I said Clare, I get it you don't want me involved. You think I should be a 'normal' kid, only I'm not, there was never a chance that I would be, and I never will be. I don't know what I intend to do, but I do know that I /will/ be helping mutants. If I choose to join the Brotherhood and help on missions, then that's what I'll do. I know you don't want that, but it's my life and I get to choose, right?"

He does stand up and walk over to the couch, laying his hand on Clarice's shoulder. "There is something you forget Clare, though in dreams I get that you wouldn't think of it." He sits on the arm of the couch, keeping his hand on her shoulder. "The Magistrates have to get through everyone on this Asteroid, including Pete and I, to get to you, and I don't see that happening. As for losing yourself, how can you when you have everyone who loves you to remind you who you are."

Leaning closer he whispers in her ear, <"You're a generous, kind, loving, considerate big sister who is loved, respected and adored by two brothers, if not others... as well a strong willed, hard, determined cold blooded murderer who uses her powers for the good of all mutants.">

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    When Theo's hand lands on her shoulder, Clarice frees one of her hands to rest on top of it. "I really don't mind if you choose to go on missions - after you finish school," Clarice answers, without turing her gaze towards Theo, still wearing that carefully constructed, calm mask over her features that keeps the strongest of her emotions tucked safely away. "As I said - killing under fire - to free people, and save lives - that's different than murder. You don't have to walk the same path as me. You haven't crossed that line yet.
    "I can't choose your path for you - but I love you too much not to at least warn you. You might cause yourself an even greater wound, trying to heal the one that's already there."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo shakes his head a little. "Twenty seven of the fifty states in America still have the death penalty, Clare. Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentuky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wyoming. That's over half of the states of that country that believe in an eye for an eye. Sure, they pay some people to wear masks and do the injections or pull the lever, but how is that any different? I'm not asking to be paid for justice, but you and I both know that those ass hats /deserve/ to die for what they did to Pete and likely thousands of others in Genosha. If Pete wants them dead, then I want to give that to him, just as much as you do."

He gives her shoulders a squeeze. "I told you before, I intend to finish school before I make any decisions, but I'm also going to start training and preparing for /all/ my possible choices. I can to anything I want with my life, and just because I choose to help the Brotherhood, doesn't mean I can't do other things as well."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Please believe me that it is different, Theo," Clarice answers.
    "And he's my brother too, isn't he? Does it have to be you, in order to feel closure? Do you have to take that risk? If we find the people responsible - I just wish you'd let me do it, is all."
    Her hand still resting over Theo's she adds, "I want you to train, you know. I want you to have every choice open to you. I'd be proud to fight beside you on a mission - but your emotions are too mixed up, too bitter, and too angry to see what you could be costing yourself here. I can do this for both of you."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo takes his hand away, shaking his head as he stands up.

"You don't get it, you don't want to get it either," he states rather calmly actually. "It has to be me, and maybe even Pete, because /WE/ lived their hell Clare. We lived under their laws, died under the laws, hide ourselves, cried ourselves to sleep at night because of what we were. Yes I'm bitter. Yes I'm angry. I have every right to be, and this... this is the one chance I have to get rid of those emotions once and for all. For revenge, for justice."

At that moment the door slides open and Pete steps into the room. He hadn't reached out like he usually does, he was distracted by his own thoughts, which was actually a good thing. The closer he got to the room however, the harder it was to block the thoughts ripping out of Theo and into the world. He had tried to blocked it out, but Theo was upset and that made it harder. So as he entered the room, he already knew what the topic of conversation was.

"The mental scars of pain and anguish are bigger than the possible scars of killing in cold blood," he offers quietly. "But that doesn't mean that they even deserve to be killed. Until we know, why does it matter? Clarice doesn't want you to be a murderer Theo, because she's afraid. Get out of your own head and look at it from her point of view and you'll see, it's because she loves you, and she's afraid."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice's hand drops back to Rahne's form, her fingers twitching uncertainly. She never had the chance to get her own revenge. It's something she craved. Theo's words find their mark, and for a short time, Clarice doesn't have any words as she tries to sort her thoughts out once more.
    "I want my revenge," she finally admits quietly. "I want to kill the people who took me from my family. That experimented on me. That forced me to kill. But if Raven thought I might hurt myself, or lose myself doing so...?" She wouldn't bother to suggest that Creed would make such a claim - he wouldn't. He didn't see the world that way. "I don't really know if I could let her do it for me. I think I could." Could she?
    "I wouldn't ever //take// your revenge from you. From either of you. You have to give it, or I can't touch it."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete walks over and grabs Theo's hand and pulls him back over to Clarice. They were already having a conversation and apparently Pete wasn't playing games with this one.

Theo is pulled over and looks at Clarice, chewing at his bottom lip. "Pete's right," he offers. "Over all it doesn't matter right now, but..." he looks at Pete who just nods, so he looks back to Clarice. "If these bastages end up actually deserving it... we'll all do it. You, Pete and me, alright?"

Pete remains silent, his usual stance in these heated debates. He kept Theo from losing his temper and actually centered on the moment, not letting his friend lose himself in the emotions that consumed them both when it came to Genosha.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Her brothers will still be murderers, then. It isn't what she wants - but what can she say that she hasn't said already?
    Clarice finally looks towards them both, answering quietly, "I don't want you to be a murderer. Neither of you - let alone both of you. But if that's the way it has to be..." Whether it was the words, or finally making herself look towards them that causes - the walls begin to crumble, and a few tears begin to streak down her cheeks.
    Should she have opened this can of worms after all? Would they come out the other side of it better for it - or simply more damaged?

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo sits himself back on the arm of the couch and lays his hand back on Clarice's shoulder, but it's Pete who asks quietly, "Clarice, you said that killing in self defense or to protect others isn't murder, right? So...." this time it's Theo who nods, keeping hand on his sister's shoulder. "So... how is this different? If I'd been older, stronger, more capable then, I'd of killed them then without even knowing if they fully deserved it. At this now, now we can find out if they choose to do it, or if they were controlled. Neither of us can understand the difference."

Theo offers Clarice a nod now. "That's kinda the problem here. You always say your broken because of what they made you, and you say you want revenge for it, and some how that's okay because you've already killed people, but how is this not the same, if in fact they choose to do it? Isn't it protecting mutants by killing them?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Killing them then is different. It's to save your parents. It's... in the heat, and the passion of the moment. It's different. And if you're telling yourself you want to kill these people to protect other mutants - you're lying. That isn't the reason why you want to do it - why you think //you// need to be the one to do it and no one else. You want to kill them for revenge, because of the pain you feel - and that's different.
    "I want to kill them because they deserve it - whoever caused this to happen deserves it. And to protect you. Maybe you're right - and being able to do it yourself is the closure you need. I just- I wish you could accept letting me act in your place as closure."
    Blinking back some of her tears, Clarice begins to gather up Rahne, rising to her feet. "I think I should go lie down for a bit," she offers.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo stands up, looking over at Pete. The mental conversation was always faster and easier, they worked things out between them in record time.

Pete steps back from the couch as Clarice stands up. "We know why we want to kill them Clarice, neither of us sees the reason as helping mutants, he was asking if it was /also/ that. We both want revenge and justice. and we agree they deserve it, if they choose to do it." Pete says, continuing to add that part no matter what.

Theo looks pissed off as he heads for the bedroom. "We'll talk and we'll make sure, then we'll talk some more, and we'll keep talking. Theo doesn't get it," Pete says only after the bedroom door slides closed behind Theo. "He can't fully understand the difference between you killing and us killing, but we'll talk, alright? I can't promise I'll be able to talk him out of wanting his hand in on it, but I can promise I'll try to help him understand."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The anger hurts. Whether Theo means it to or not - it hurts. But that's how it's supposed to go with families, isn't it? You try to protect each other, and sometimes you hurt each other. Because nothing hurts as much as love. Clarice swallows back some of her emotions as she trains her gaze on the taller boy. "Thank you, Pete," she answers him quietly. "I hope we do find answers for you. I'm sorry, this was supposed to be about you, and instead-" She shakes her head.
    "I love you both, and no matter how I feel - no matter how strongly I feel - the choices are still yours, and his. Not mine."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete steps over and sort of half hugs Clarice before whispering, so that Theo can't hear it. "There's still a lot of things he's got locked up inside him Clarice, but there's nothing more important in the world to him besides you and me. Try to remember that."

Stepping back he offers a weak smile, he hated being in the middle and watching the siblings struggling to understand each other. They'd get there in time, when the both of them stopped putting up walls and pretending emotions didn't matter. In the mean time, he'd do what he could for both of them.

"I'm here for you too you know," he then adds. "If you ever need to talk, I do keep secrets."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice leans towards Pete - then offers a nod of her head, as he suggests that they could talk - followed immediately by a shake. "You wouldn't really want a glimpse inside my head, Pete - whether it was an actual peek, or just me telling you." She gives him a small, tense smile, before finally retreating into her own room - curling up into her bed as she finally lets herself start to cry out all the pain, and fears, and worries - mixed in with a dash of self-loathing.
    Why couldn't she make Theo see how dangerous it all was? Why didn't she have the right words?