8793/A Private Conversation between lovers.

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A Private Conversation between lovers.
Date of Scene: 23 November 2021
Location: Mystique's Quarters
Synopsis: Lydia and Mystique get down to the serious talk, resolve some issues, then go to Lydia's place for movie, dinner and Mystique sleeping
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Lydia Dietrich

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique carries Lydia through the hall of the asteroid over her shoulder, a broad grin on her face as she passes a couple of people, and heads right to their room. Once inside, she goes into the bedroom to lightly toss her on the bed.

"I loved that," she admits with a chuckle, then offers her hand to help Lydia back up.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia squeaks in protest as she's thrown over Mystique's shoulder and carried to their quarters. Sure, she's strong enough to keep this from happening, but she allows it, protesting, "I can make it to our room under my own power, you know!"

When she's tossed onto the bed she's laughing, and takes the offered hand back to her feet. She swats at her lover playfully. "You meanie."

She makes her way into the living room and plops down on one of the chairs and grins wickedly at Mystique. "My turn, now." Black ectoplasmic tentacles snake out and wrap themselves around Mystique's waist and lifts her up in the air. They drag her to Lydia's chair and deposits her in her lap. "There," she says with satisfaction.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique could of course protest, but since they are in private and she did just carry Lydia through the halls, she accepts with a laugh, then wraps her arms around Lydia.

"Touche my love," she says, kissing Lydia a soft kiss. "Now, what did you want to talk about?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia returns the soft kiss with one of her own before growing serious. "Azazel," she says. "Ever since with our dinner with him I've been thinking about him. Well, you and him, really." She wraps her arms around her lover, and pulls her in tight. "I know you still love him, and I know that you want to be with him, as well as with me."

She scowls a little, "Hatshepsut and I talked about this, when she first showed me how to put The Beast to sleep." She shakes her head, "It was the first time I was able to think about it clearly. It allowed me to really examine my feelings about it, and I had an epiphany."

She closes her eyes to rest her forehead against Mystique as she continues. She hadn't prepared herself for this conversation so The Beast is still running around in her head making it hard for her to think straight about this. But her previous moments of clarity gave her something to hold on to, an anchor against The Beast's storm.

"I realized that I wasn't trusting you as fully as you did me," she explains. "The jealousy was me not trusting you to come back to me when you're not with him, and that's unfair of me. I should be able to trust you completely."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique watches Lydia's eyes as she talks, because the emotions and truth are always in the eyes. She had known it was a touchy subject, because of that beast inside Lydia that seemed to be way more possessive than Lydia ever was, even though it was all still a part of her lover. Sometimes thinking about it made her brain hurt, but she had accepted it.

When Lydia leans her forehead against her own, she closes her eyes a moment to keep herself calm and centered. "You know I love you Lydia," she says softly. "But I think it's more than just trust. I don't know if it's the beast that makes you jealous, or if it's in there without the beast, but that is a part of it as well, or so it seems to me. I could be wrong, I most likely am wrong... so..."

She places another soft kiss on Lydia's lips before finishing that sentence. "... I love you, I will /always/ come back to you, but yes. I love Azazel and I've missed him more than I can put into words. What do you want me to do?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia is still for a moment, unnaturally so, as she collects her thoughts. When she breathes again it's to speak. "Without the beast there, all that was left was insecurity," she says, still keeping her eyes closed. "Worry that being back with him would mean that you would eventually find me unworthy. After all, you loved him first. The beast feeds off of that and turns it into jealousy, into possessiveness. Even now it tells me you're /mine/ and that I shouldn't share you."

"And that's greedy. I'm not a greedy person by nature." She finally opens her eyes to look within Mystique's own. She brings her hands up to cup her lover's face. "What I'm trying to say is that when I'm calm, when the beast is asleep, I can be okay with you being with him. The problem is this damn second nature of mine, but I'm working on that."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
It's moment's like this one that Mystique is reminded that Lydia is no longer a living person. It should be obvious the way she's pale and rocks the Goth School teacher look so hard core just looking at her makes the cobalt mutant's hormones scream in several languages at the same time, but this moment... the stillness, the silence, no breathing, just slams it home. For weeks thinking about that made her cringe inside, the reminder that she did it, but slowly that guilt has been inching away to a little voice in the back of her mind.

"That actually makes sense to me," she offers with one raised brow. "I know you, how you are, what you think and feel, or rather I did. I know this beast changes some things but at your core, I know you. I don't want you to have to fight with yourself," she sighs softly, this time resting her forehead against Lydia's. "So we're going to take this a little at a time, alright? While you work on the beast inside you and tell that fucker I don't belong to anyone, I'm not a possession while at the same time understanding that I belong heart, body and soul to /you/... we'll take it all slow. I can't deny what I feel for Azazel, but that doesn't mean I have to rush back in full speed. Alright?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia looks so relieved to hear that Mystique wants to take it slow that ruby tears come to her eyes. "Thank you," she says, leaning forward to kiss her lover. "I love you so much," she says. "I would give you anything. Denying you what you crave hurts me too. I'm glad that we can agree that this isn't a 'no'. Just a 'not yet.'"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Lifting her head, Mystique places tender kisses on Lydia's lips, chin, then neck and even nibbles a little on her neck before looking back into Lydia's eyes.

"No sex," she reiterates Lydia's original line. "Although he is the same Azazel he's always been, it won't hurt anything to take a little time making sure he's the same Azazel, that is to say... getting to know him again. I realize this part is likely going to set off your beast, but I may end up making out with him a little bit." This was a test, she had to see how Lydia would react to that thought, just to be sure of the /real/ line.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia stretches her neck out to allow for easier nibbling. She nods in agreement. "No sex," she agrees with a nod. When Mystique mentions making out with him a little growl escapes her before she can strangle it in her throat. "It's /fine/," she says, telling herself this more than her lover. She gives Mystique something of a wan smile. "Just... probably... not right in front of me."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique chuckles softly before pressing herself in against Lydia, since she's the one in the lap this time, and going back to neck nibbling. "I would never do that Lydia, just like I won't make out with you in front of him," she whispers against the now renibbled neck. "I've got some class, and I don't want to hurt either of you... but tonight, I'm staying up with you so you get to pick what we do."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"You sure?" Lydia asks, once again stretching her neck for easy access. "You'll be dead tired in the morning." She thinks about it for a moment, "I can take you to my apartment, cook you some dinner, and then we can cuddle on the couch and watch a movie or two until you fall asleep." She grins at the thought. "I'd like that."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Another nibble and Mystique sits up to look into Lydia's eyes, a smile on her face. "That sounds like a good time waiting to happen and guess what... you get to pick the movie," she wiggles her brow before moving to stand. "You also get to decide what your cooking, no asking me for what I want, cause I'm clueless. I'm always clueless when it comes to food."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia leans up to give Mystique a deep kiss. When they break she says, "You were pretty clueful for our dinner with Azazel." She grins, "I'll come up with something. I'll probably have to go do a bit of shopping first. Since I... well... you know, stopped eating, I haven't been stocking up my kitchen." She looks thoughtful for a moment before chuckling, "You know, the great thing about having teleporters at your beck and call is that the entire world is your grocery store."

She snakes an arm around Mystique's back and another under her knees, and stands up effortlessly, showing off her vampire strength. Setting down her lover she says, "As for the movie... well... we'll see what's on On Demand."