8825/A quiet coffee break
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A quiet coffee break | |
Date of Scene: | 25 November 2021 |
Location: | The Coffee Bean |
Synopsis: | Quiet gets a snack, Billy helps! |
Cast of Characters: | Billy Kaplan, Stefani Houston
- Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy is at the counter ordering. He gets himself a large breve with extra vanilla and extra caramel. Browsing indecisively over the available treats as an increasingly impatient barista waits for him to decide, he finally points at some donuts. "Can I have one of those French crullers? A-actually, better make it two." He nods. Yep, that is exactly what he wants and looks confidently at the barista...for like 10 seconds. Then his confident look fades. "And a blueberry muffin!" he adds quickly. Once his order is ready, the kid turns around to try to figure out where to sit.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Every professional knows they need to take a break now and then, it was just common sense. That and...well, sometimes there was a lull between assignments and contracts for someone like Quiet.
With the weather turning toward winter as it was the woman's choice of leg-baring hotpants and her jacket unzipped to reveal a little more neckline probably drew eyes for the craziness of it as much as any more mundane reason.
Pushing into the cafe, the silent woman makes her way toward the counter, crossing her arms as she waits behind Billy.
When he's done? Her eyes do move over him but there's no flair of recognition. Instead she steps up, lifting her hands to begin the usual fun of trying to order a drink while being mute!
- Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy cants his head curiously to one side causing an avalanche of hair to shift over his eyes, which he clears by flicking his head. He stands there with breve in one hand and plate of about 800 calories worth of pastry in the other. He's look curiously at Quiet. It's chilly outside and she's curiously underdressed. He decides to chill near the counter to see how this is going to play out.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Sadly, it's pretty clear pretty quickly that like most people the cashier didn't understand sign language, that was going to make life difficult.
A few moments of frustrated exchange and the dark-haired girl was reduced to pointing to her mouth and shaking her head before pointing at the menu.
She could shoot a target moving faster than the speed of sound, but just ordering a drink could be obnoxious for poor Quiet it seemed.
- Billy Kaplan has posed:
The kid furrows his brow in thought for a few moments. Then Billy moves to an empty table and sets down his drink and his treats. With a surreptitious look around to make sure nobody is watching him, he quietly murmurs an incantation under his breath. ~IWantToUnderstandSignLanguage IWantToUnderstandSignLanguage IWantToUnderstandSignLanguage~ He draws in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, then walks back to the counter. "Excuse me, ma'am, if you could maybe go a bit slower than normal I think I can probably make out what you're saying and translate for you." He offers the impatient barista, with whom is already acquainted, a polite smile.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
One would think pointing would be enough, but apparently the barrista was more than a little dense. Next time she'd dig for a cellphone, or maybe bring a notepad...but right now she was pondering something between walking out and a desire to slap the guy around the head so he'd actually listen.
Billy to the rescue, Quiet turns and seems to consider a moment before she lifts her hands to sign once more.
<A latte, and a blueberry muffin.>
- Billy Kaplan has posed:
He's new at this, having learned sign language like 45 seconds ago. So Billy watches in concentration at Quiet's hand gestures. Finally he nods. "Okay, cool. I got that." He turns to the barista. After gently clearing his throat he says, "She wants a glass of mountain new, heated up in the microwave, then add chocolate syrup and slices of lime." His lips twitch for a few moments and then he breaks out laughing. "No, no, I'm just playin'." He flashes a playful grin to Quiet, then says to the confused barista, "She wants a latte and a blueberry muffin." As the worker goes to prepare the order Billy looks back to Quiet. "That was.. that was just a lil joke." He points once in the direction of the barista. "You know just... just makin' a.. a joke." He tries one of his signature, disarming smiles.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
A brow quirk made it pretty clear that humor had probably been a little battered by the earlier difficulty, but she does nod her head none the less. Payment fished from the pocket of her jacket, she settles her order before lifting her hands once more.
<Thank you for your help. Apparently he was too impatient to notice what I was pointing at.>
- Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy maintains his warm smile. He lifts one shoulder in a brief half shrug. "Yeah, it's probably a crap job under the best of circumstances." His gaze shifts up to a clock on the wall. "Anyway, I didn't realize how late it was. I was supposed to meet my parents for dinner." He lifts a hands in a brief wave. "Hope your day improves," the young spellcaster offers. Then he heads for the door.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
A blink, a tilt of her head, the silent sniper is left recieving her beverage and muffin as Billy flees. Curious, but she shrugs her shoulders as she takes a bite of her treat.
Saved from missing out on the snack! Truely Billy was the hero of today!