9362/A Moment of Quiet

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A Moment of Quiet
Date of Scene: 30 December 2021
Location: Long Night Bar
Synopsis: Cybernary and Quiet establish a mercenary partnership.
Cast of Characters: Katrina Cupertino, Stefani Houston

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    There's nothing particularly special about the Long Night. It's a bar, perhaps noticeable for the vintage arcade machines and pinball tucked in one corner, but otherwise a quiet place for people to come and unwind, where the owners don't ask too many questions.

    Also an excellent place for quiet meetings where people are unlikely to overhear or notice.

    In this case, Quiet has received, through a fixer she knows, a message requesting a meeting with her on this date at about this time. There aren't a lot of people out on a Wednesday night - a few regulars at the bar, a small group of college kids near the front chatting.

    A woman with horns and metal arms in the back, drinking quietly from her lager as she waits, her eyes flicking back and forth as she focuses on information on her internal HUD as she waits At her table is a small white vase with a single lily in it...the sign for who Quiet's meeting is with.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A fixer calls, a job beckons. After her more recent encounter with the aftermath of her 'old life' and the apology from those who were meant to be dusting away whatever 'footprint' lead from decades ago to now, Quiet was back on assignment.

Money talked and bordem was very much the enemy.

Arriving at the bar, her bare legs beneath the skirt she wore and low neckline might be questionable in winter months, but it allowed the Superhuman sniper to breathe clear as she makes her way towards the table.

Even without her senses, spotting the lily and the woman waiting there wasn't exactly difficult. A raise of her brow and she made her way over, sitting her form down on her chair without a word.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Cybernary dismisses her internal feed as she sees Quiet arrives, setting her lager bottle on the table and resting her metal elbows on the table, interlinking her fingers to rest her chin on top of them as she walks over and sits.
    "Good evening." she says, a slight accent to her voice as she smiles. "Thank you for coming. Your reputation proceeds you."

Stefani Houston has posed:
Whatever stream of infomation Kat had on her about Quiet, the woman was decidedly more direct in her approach. A nod of her head, the woman tilts her head to the side.

A question unspoken, but a lift of hands indicating a little sign language attempted to communicate.

It wasn't always the most common language after all.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    The horned merc hmms, leaning back slightly to free her hands as she links into local internet, tasking her internal battle computer to locate information. A moment later and she's downloading possible sign languages, then pulling up vocabulary and visual information she can overlay on her HUD to translate. Her own fingers start moving in precise movements, returning in the same language <<Is this better? I have heard you may be mute, but wasn't sure if it was nothing but rumor.>>

Stefani Houston has posed:
Impressive, Quiet actually gives a little amused quirk of her brow at that one before lifting her hands to continue.

<<The rumor is correct, but there are enough options these days to communicate. You had a job for me?>>

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    <<True. This one is not overheard easily.>> Cybernary returns, her lips quirking in a faint smirk, then her face turns more serious. <Not a job. But an offer. I am a mercenary, like you. I do not know if I am known to you. I am called...>> She pauses and says outloud. "Cybernary."

    She pauses for a moment, organizing her thoughts, then continuing. <<I have been doing this less time than you. But I am effective. But not effective enough.>> She makes a face. <<Recently had a job at Star Labs in Metropolis. Ran into Mary Marvel. It did not go well. It made me reconsider working solo.>> Her eyes find Quiet's as she watches her, then her hands shift again. <<I am wondering if you would be interested in a partnership.>>

Stefani Houston has posed:
Well, it was probably quicker than spelling it out to speak it, Quiet nodding once more and leaning forwards. Her elbows rested at the table, hands on the surface ready to 'speak' as she 'listens'.

Mention of the metahuman hero does bring another quirk of amusement.

<<You're considering backup, support or 'overwatch' as it were? That is certainly within my ability.>> A beat, she shrugs her shoulders under the slim jacket she wore unzipped. <<Of course, it would have to be worth my while.>>

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    <<Yes. Having supports would improve the chances of completing a mission with minimal trouble.>> Cybernary confirms. <<I am thinking an equal partnership. Shares split half and half for a job. If we bring in others, we can consider how much of a share they will get, to be negotiated at that time.>> She tilts her head. <<I do have an organization I can draw on for muscle, but they wont' have the same level of skill as a full time mercenary like you or me.>>

Stefani Houston has posed:
<<Equal,>> Quiet confirms, <<And information is shared freely. If tangling with superhumans is expected, I need to have the right equipment. And the right price.>>

She moves, a shift and a cross of her arms for a moment, but it seems she waits to see the other woman's reaction.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Cybernary gets a rueful look. <<Yes. Hazard pay at the least, or a contract element that says we can retreat if we're up against someone deemed too powerful. Like Kryptonians or Marvels.>> She ponders. <<I can get you equipment. Maybe advanced gear, when needed. But it would either come from your share or there would have to be a share set aside for equipment. The connections I have aren't charities.>>

    The darkhaired woman considers, pursing her lips. <<I'd share anything I know. We'd set what the employer has to tell us, honestly, for us to take the job.>>

Stefani Houston has posed:
<<"I have some toys of my own, connections too, but there is a lot of things out there that require creativity or specifics to deal with.>> Sadly enough, Quiet couldn't simply deal with every obstacle by applying a very precise bullet these days!

She nods, the silent woman lifting her hands once more. <<"But if all that is agreeable, then it seems this might hold some promise.>>

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    <<Good.>> Cybernary signs. <<Then we have an agreement. To start, I should tell you what I can do, perhaps?>> She offers a hand to shake to seal the deal.

Stefani Houston has posed:
The hand is taken, a grip perhaps suprisingly firmer than the delicate digits would suggest, but she 'shakes' on the deal before leaning back.

<<I admit, you have me at a disadvantage, aince you clearly have heard a little about me.>>

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    <<You do have more of an established reputation, before your retirement. The Diamond Dogs, wasn't it?>> Cybernary frowns a little bit. <<Well. I will give you the short version. I come from a Pacific island called Gamorra. It is known primarily for illegal and immoral research laboratories, many are used to turn undesirables into brainwashed cyborgs to serve its ruler.>>

    Cybernary taps her chest, then her fingers are moving again. <<I was capture, and changed, into what they call nymphodroids there. Women repurposed into brainwashed pleasure cyborgs. But I was to be a bodyguard as well. So I was filled with the equipment of a hunter and killer.>>

    She holds up her hand, and it shivers, then contorts, reforming into a blade. <<Limited shapeshifting. Onboard weapons. Enhanced senses, strength, speed, reflexes. A battle computer that allows me to identify threats. And then, what's left of the original woman who I was, a mutant with a minor talent for telepathy and empathy. Just enough to read my opponents.>>

Stefani Houston has posed:
Deep memories, those she held dear to her that gave her both joy and sadness...and those she never really discussed with herself.

She closes her eyes, nodding to the words of Cybernary, she tilts her head to the side at the mention of the brainwashing and augmentation. It was...a little closer to home than she'd care to admit.

Watching the small shapeshifting there's a little nod of her head after and Quiet gestures to herself. <<My powers are less varied perhaps, but I am good at my job, my senses are sharper than most and my marksmanship is...well, you heard my reputation."

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    <<I have, yes. I am an excellent shot as well, though I tend to prefer close up and personal>> Cybernary admits. <<I have connections with people in Gamorra still, other freed cyborgs. Some may be wiling to help at times, but...there aren't many of them and their focus is going to be Gamorra.>> Cybernary signs. She smiles a bit <<That can wait for another time though. To celebrate our partnership, can I buy you a drink?>>