9420/Home Again

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Home Again
Date of Scene: 02 January 2022
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: Ted returns! And gets clocked by Dinah.
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Dinah Lance

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord takes his flying discs to the penthouse after many months. He enters and is barely recognizable as the millionaire engineer turned superhero. His beard is fully grown in and needs a trim. His hair is in a ponytail and his face is tanned. te kind eyes remain the same. His clothing is threadbare and in parts you can see his blue uniform peep through. With a sigh Ted sinks into his favorite spot on the couch. It was a long trek home. Well at least he had no one to interrupt his rest. He begins to drift off.

Dinah Lance has posed:

Sounds like how the cops knock on the door.


Maybe a whole squad of them.

Then the voice. A commanding woman's voice. "Rocket Red?! Open the door!"

Probably the lead detective or whoever. There's definitely the sound of boots on the hallway floor.


Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord wakes up. Rocket Red? What the hell?

OK, he's a rich guy. Cops should not be coming to his door like that. And whythey used the stairway and not the elevator, he could not know. However, hospitable as he is, he just flew a long way.

Ted goes over to the elevator, down a floor and stalks towards the intruder banging on the oft forgotten rear door.

Intruder seems to be short, curvy, hell she's stacked. Hourglass figure with an extra twenty minutes. But he also recognizes the 90% Sweetheart 10% Other attitude and voice. He tiptoes towards her and nearly at arms reach says softly, "Black Canary?"

Dinah Lance has posed:

Canary whirls in place as reflex (and more than a little impulsiveness) overrides good sense and one of those legs that she's famous for is already on its way up, the other having given her the upward impetus to reach Ted's chin's height. At the last second, seeing that whoever she's about to lay flat isn't really doing anything aggressive, she swings her foot just a bit more, twisting so that the toe of the boot passes by Ted's chin.

So he won't be rocking a broken jaw at least. Small favours.

Unfortunately the heel is harder to manoeuvre, and as good as she is, the very end of it thwacks the very tip of Ted's nose, like a schoolyard bully flicking a nose or ear.

Then Canary is head over heel over head and back on her feet, staring from a defensive posture as if looking at a ghost.

"Ted...?" Her voice is tentative. Disbelieving. And more than a little unnerved.

More staring as if all troubles she's having can be worked out by just developing a set of eyebeams to burn away confusion.

"Is that ... ?"

Her voice trails off.

You. She probably meant 'you', there.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord assesses the damage to his nose which is now covered with his hands. A scratch. A bleeding scratch. Correction, bloody nose and a scratch.

"Well who wuh you exbectig? Detective Cimp? It'd dtill by pethaws! I was ondy off de grid foh a few bonths! C'bon in."

He looks in the peephole and the door clicks and opens.

"Dice to see you by da way." He waits to let her go up the stairs first, like a homeless gentleman.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"I was expecting Booster and Dim, actually," Canary says sheepishly, wincing at the rapidly reddening nose she caused. "I'm really sorry about that, but ... uh ... I thought you and Booster both learned the hard way not to sneak up on people like me?"


"And Diana."


"And Karen."


"And ... well, you know. The entire feminine element of the League."

The Violent Femmes.

"And yeah, nice to see you too, Ted. I was wondering where you'd got to. When Booster came back and did that stunt in Manhattan, I figured you were likely going to come back. I mean that nice song he had everybody sing..."

Dinah apparently doesn't know what a "rick roll" is...

"But when I asked around, I heard Booster and Dim were palling around, and I know Booster always crashes at your pad, so I thought I'd make an entrance like I was from immigration."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord gains the penthouse and grabs a first aid kit for his nose repairs. Then the rest of his face rapidly reddens almost as much as his nose.

"Where does that temporally-challenged jock get off inviting people to my place, showing up whenever and dropping out with no word!?" He reaches over to take Dinah by the hand.

"Not counting you, of course. You're a delight and always welcome... you lost my keycard didn't you? C'mere." He attempts a hug.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Aw, Ted, you socially awkward goofball!" Dinah laughs as Ted attempts the hug. She corrects for his aim and makes it land. "It's lovely to see you. And I've got it somewhere, but I was here to deliver a joke, not visit you since, well, I didn't know you were here."

Makes sense.

"But you be nice to Dim," she adds with a warning voice. "He's a nice guy and he and I made a good team on a job. Like good enough that I'd go on a mission with him again. As long as it's not in the arctic."

That aspect is not forgotten. Nor, apparently, forgiven.

"I was just going to have a bit of fun at his expense. And to make sure he understands that the best way to deal with Booster is to listen to everything he says and ignore it; everything he suggests and do the opposite."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord releases the hug. He regards her for a moment. "The thing is, Booster has these flashes of making perfect sense. I really think there's some temporal agency that doesn't allow him to reveal too much and he is much smarter than he looks. The Arctic... in this outfit? You want me to design a heated suit for you? Consider it done.Were you the one turning the thermostat in the Embassy up all the time? I think it drove Batman nuts. Not that he'd let on." He stops talking and strokes the beard. "So... what do you think? The beard...?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Beards are for women, Ted." Dinah says with a laugh. "You know, the kind who like women but can't admit it to their families?"

Her eyes follow Ted as he moves. "And here I was," she then says, "thinking that was a fungal infection and preparing to talk you into going to the hospital. Makes you look different for sure. Can't really answer if I like it or not for the moment. I have to get used to seeing it first."

Taking a seat and crossing her legs, Dinah continues, "Suit would be nice, but I don't go into the arctic enough to be worth the work I think? And besides, the cold was impetus to get me working harder and faster."

She pauses, her face going dark.

"Though there was a serious chafing problem. At the torso."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord sits down next to Dinah and says, Oh I used to chafe under my arms from swinging under the Bug. The old costume rode up awful. The arms weren't the worst of it. It was a one piece..." He hits a button on his watch. Then he says, "I didn't know if I ever wanted to come back here. To Kord Co. to the League. I wasn't sure I wanted either anymore. It's nice to see you though."