9665/Be very Quiet..

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Be very Quiet..
Date of Scene: 16 January 2022
Location: The Public House - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Emma talks to Quiet on hiring her for future freelance work
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Stefani Houston

Emma Frost has posed:
There's been some back and forth corresspondence of Emma Frost making it known that she is looking to hire some professionals to have on retainer for her own things. Having made contact with one of them, the blonde is currently sitting over in the VIP area of the Hellfire Club's Public House. She might no longer be the White Queen, but membership in the club was still membership in the club. Emma would be sipping on a small glass of wine while waiting for her invitee to arrive.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Work was work, Quiet lived to have something to occupy her time these days and with the recent...events, the more lawful or government contracts were a little fewer and far between.

Emma's offer? It was enough to have Quiet intending to check things out.

Of course, at least with the club being what it was less eyebrows would be raised for her attire, but the silent sniper might still be thought underdressed as she stroke into the public house, her form wrapped in a short, backless dress. More formal than she'd like, but swimsuits and combat webbing wouldn't quite blend in when she made her approach.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would give a nod to Quiet and smile, "Greetings." She would offer and gesture at Quiet to join her. "Thank you for respoding over to my offer. While we're here would you care for anything to eat or to drink? Anything you wish is good for order." And it's on her tab after all. That's polite when one has a guest and they're discussing business.

"So is there anything you might want to know going in?" Emma would speak as if completely aware of Quiet's.. Limited interactions but seeming to have no issues with them for whatever reason.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A shake of her head, Quiet herself was far more focused on task rather than the luxury around her, at least for the moment.

Limited was a generous summary, but Quiet's gaze fixed on the other woman before she lifts her hand to gesture for Emma to continue.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would hold a hand out, "With recent events I've been looking to have individuals on.. Retainer that are available and have expertise." Retainer, not an immediate need for a job. But someone that was interested in one.

"For a variety of possibilities." Also vague.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Her hands lift, small but deliberate movements indicating communication. Sign language wasn't exactly a common skill, but she'd attempt it first none the less.

Of course, she didn't -know- the woman across from her was a telepath either, so even if Emma didn't understand the 'language' she might be able to read the intended message.

<If the payment is good enough. I still like to know what I'm being hired for before I agree to anything.>

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would dip her head over at Quiet and follow what she was doing. Emma could follow the hand gestures and the thoughts that would come with it - at least so long as the skimming of surface 'thinking' went well.

"For now, simply on retainer and available. When I have a job I will of course inform you of what it is as you would be working on a freelance basis. I can give an example of something I had considered in the past but in turn I would expect your full confidentiality int he matter and the understanding it was a hypothetical, not something I would have necesarily had done if I could find those expert enough."

Stefani Houston has posed:
<You hardly look like you need 'arm candy'> she signs, but Emma's continued speech is enough to have her hands lowering, the mute merc tilting her head as she listens and a nod of her head given.

Confidentiality? Of course, Quiet thought herself a professional.

She wouldn't say a word...

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Quiet, "Very well. As of a.. Month or two ago there was an offer by Namor to take in refugees among mutants to his Atlantis. Namor has a.. Very strong reputation." That seems the most polite way to put it. "Of aggression and belligerency. I try and keep at least a partial eye on the.. STate of mutants. That would have had the effect of strongly upsetting the Genoshan Brotherhood. Paricularly if Namor would have had ill intents." She would explain.

"So one thing I was considering at the time was an investigation of what Namor was planning, what his intents were, what resources he was putting into it.. Atlantis has a great deal of infrastructure up here on the surface world."

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet wasn't a mutant, but she hadn't considered herself 'human' for a while now. Certainly, the sniper was sympathetic to anyone who might be 'other' enough to draw hate their way.

Nodding to Emma's words, the implications of necessary recon and observation wasn't exactly hard for her to pick up, it seemed suitably motivated and...as close to a good charitable thing as she'd had in a while. Certainly, some of her time with her long-dead friends had been a lot more simple.

Discounting that whole trying to murder them initially anyway.

<I think I understand.>

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "So.. I need to have specialists in the event I require that sort of thing done. I'm not gong to use such a group for corporate espionage unless it's hostile to a greater good and one of the.. Numerous heroes are not in a place they can deal with the threat or can respond. I'm going to let you knoww hat the jobs are, as freelancers you will be allowed to decline to take one. I will of course in turn expect total confidentiality if you decline one. But I will elaborate what they are in advance."

Stefani Houston has posed:
A nod returned, it was Quiet's time to share information, a hand slipping up into her neckline and retrieving a small card from where she'd tucked it away. Account details, always an important logistic for a mercenary.

<Superhuman encounters cost extra, pre-warning if they're expected to ensure the right equipment is brought is preferable if you want to ensure success.> the signing resumes, Quiet's gaze meeting Emma's having barely moved for the entire exchange.

<If lethal force is required or forbidden, it should be specified or I will use my own judgement.>

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to take the card and nod, "MOney is not an issue darling. I will give the best intelligence that I have on wahtever I hire you for. I will admit that I may not have perfect information but I will try my best. If there are greater than expected threats you will have full discretion to abort and pull out. Rules of engagement will be on a mission by mission basis, but I'll likely request that violence be kept to a minimum."

Stefani Houston has posed:
Minimal violence wasn't always the request, some had sought her out for more lethal skills in the past...but Quiet seems unperturbed, a nod of her head the only discussion needed on the point before she folds her hand in her lap.

Seems the terms were fine by her.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would dip her head, "Thank you. You will of course be given a retainer for your availability immediately.. Do you have any accounts you prefer to be paid in or other methods than cash?"