9868/Would Hammer really do that

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Would Hammer really do that
Date of Scene: 28 January 2022
Location: Stark Tower: Pepper's Office
Synopsis: Absolutely. And because he would, so would Pepper, and Commander Phil Coulson.
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Phil Coulson

Pepper Potts has posed:
Evening in Stark Tower. Everyone, well, mostly everyone has gone home for the evening. The sun's set, and the neon lights are bright, lighting up the Tower, lighting up the buildings nearby. It's quite a location, the HQ for Stark Industries, and there really isn't a bad office space in the place.

Pepper's is rather high up in the building; the windows are the outer walls, and the lights of the City do a great deal to illuminate the room.

Earlier in the day, there was a phone call placed; somewhat cryptic, really, but enough that she, at least, would believe it wouldn't be a waste of time to talk to someone about it. Someone that wasn't Tony, that is. He's got his own problems, after all- well, his problems sometimes end up hers, but.. there it is.

Armed then with an actual, official ID, there is no question that one Phil Coulson doesn't actually //need// an escort up. There really aren't any as honest as that man...

Phil Coulson has posed:
Taking in the quiet setting of a nearly abandoned Stark Tower, Phil Coulson goes through the various iterations of what could be going on in his head as he makes his way from the lobby to the elevator. Did Stark find an 0-8-4? Is there warning of another alien invasion? Does Tony just want him to tag along on another awards presentation? The possibilities are endless.

His mind shifts gears as he enters the elevator, waving his badge to send it rising up towards Pepper's floor. Why was it Pepper that called, and not Tony? Was he too busy? Does not not even know?

As the elevator lurches to a halt, Coulson makes him his mind and mental notes his current theory - Tony has no idea he is there. The door opens, and he walks out with that same disarming smiley face that he uses on the regular - the kind of goofy one that makes him hard to take seriously. Even when he is most certainly serious. Just in case.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Mr Coulson has entered the elevator, Ms Potts," comes the cool, collected voice of HOMER, the AI now used in Stark Tower now that JARVIS is in the Avengers' Mansion.

"Thank you, HOMER." Pepper rises from her desk in order to meet the Agent at the elevator doors for no other reason than to greet him. Once the door *ding* open, the red head is there, a smile on her face. She's still in work attire; business skirt suit, minus the jacket, but her hair is down and work shoes have been replaced with more practical pumps.

"Thank you for coming," comes in a friendly, warm tone, "Really. I hope I'm not taking you from anything."

Phil Coulson has posed:
Dressed the same way he is always dressed - does SHIELD issue those suits, or is he just a true creature of habit shopper - Phil Coulson steps out and offers a wry smile to Pepper. "Please, you know that there is nothing to be taking me from other than SHIELD stuff, and luckily someone else drew that Heavens coming down assignment." He chuckles softly to himself. "Amazing how much the Book of Revelations come to life cuts down on the rest of affairs we need to deal with." A quick flickering of his eyes around the room - habit, more than anything to do with Pepper - confirms that no one else is about.

"So, what can I do for you, Miss Potts?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper gestures towards the door to her office, and begins the short walk, looking relieved. "So," she begins, "I was in a meeting earlier today, with a few other companies that I'm certain you would know if I named them. And, after I logged out, I got a message from JARVIS."

Once they're in the room, Pepper closes the door behind her, only to move a little quicker to get to her desk, and her screen controls. With a couple of button-presses, the large screen comes up, and there is a recognizable office of Hammer Industries. "I didn't notice it, not until later, when it was brought to my attention." There, in the background, is a file folder marked 'Take AIM'.

Pepper shakes her head, looking a little on the sheepish side, and she exhales in a breath, "At first I didn't think anything about it. But, JARVIS.." if he mentions it.. maybe?

Phil Coulson has posed:
Following along at the same pace, with that measured stride of his, Phil Coulson nods as Pepper narrates the tale. Upon their arrival at the office and display, he offers a small "hmmm" as she shows the image from within Hammer Industries.

"I will choose not to ask you how you have that," he murmurs as she continues. He lifts himself up on his feet as if that will given him a closer look at the image, and thus a better understanding of what exactly that is.

Turning his gaze to Pepper. "What kind of threat does JARVIS believe it to be?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper chuckles, looking down in the laugh before she lifts her head once more. "It was taken from a screen shot during my conference call. It was in full view. I just didn't notice it at the time. JARVIS did." It's nice having a super intelligent AI at one's beck and call; even better when they're proactive!

Pepper comes out from behind the desk and leans on it, her hands on either side of her, gripping the edge of the glass-paned desk. "He's been running programs, and he hasn't told me. What he did ask me, however, was to contact you." She smiles bemused, and looks as if she's going to roll her eyes, "I think he's trying to protect me. He just couldn't contact you directly, probably. Or wouldn't."

Phil Coulson has posed:
Tilting his head for a moment, Phil Coulson nods as he realizes the zoomed in and altered perspective of the image. "Do you really think they are dumb enough to leave their nefarious plans sitting out in the background of a call with Stark Industries?" he asks of himself, and then he looks to Pepper as if waiting to synchronize with her in saying "Yes."

He remains standing in that pose where his hands do not quite seem where to go, handing down at his sides at differing angles. "How very patriarchal of him. I thought Tony tried to incorporate a bit more enlightenment." He seems to agree with the eyeroll, at least verbally. "Alright. So can we pull him up here? Not that I planned to take orders from a computer today, but if he found something, and thinks it a credible threat, I'd take orders from an ice cream machine. As long as it wasn't from McDonald's - those already break."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is looking from screen to Phil, to screen and back to Phil, and in the answer to the question, she does indeed serve as a harmony to his own utterance, "Yes." A laugh escapes her soon after, with a shrug lifting her shoulders.

"There's not much telling. Perhaps Tony doesn't want to give the impression that JARVIS can just hack into SHIELD." Who knows if he can? She's not willing to allow the AI to find out. Unless it's an emergency, that is. "He probably feels that it's a credible threat, but beyond that? He hasn't told me anything."

In the next heartbeat, there is a *ding* that sounds from Phil's phone. A message has arrived, and even if the Agent had his phone silenced, it still makes a noise. Should he read it?

'Tomorrow. 1300. 150.23.342.'

Phil Coulson has posed:
"I don't suppose you can give him a call from here, huh? Would save me a lot of trouble." Coulson might have made a token attempt to hide the his notice of the ding. But he respects Pepper a bit too much, and acknowledges it, fishing out his phone. "Maybe that's him now."

He views the information, frowning a bit. "Puzzling." He turns it around to let Pepper see it, clearly drawing her into the web of intrigued. "Lat, long, and altitude, you think?" He pulls up his mental map - it's rough, but he tries to cross reference to see where it would be if it were lat and long.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper shakes her head. "JARVIS is almost never here anymore. It's HOMER. I'm not sure why he was on my teleconference call unless there was something already bothering him." Listen to her, talking as if the AI is actually human. "HOMER isn't quite as proactive. He's not as progressed as JARVIS is yet." It's obvious who the red-head prefers, easily.

The *ding* causes her a moment of silence, and as Phil fishes out his phone, he catches the message. When it's shown to her, Pepper shakes her head. "It's an IP address." That, she does know! "Beyond that?" She shakes her head. "But, you see now why I had to talk to you?" It's not really a question that needs answering. Instead, Pepper offers to try and get JARVIS to actually talk to him, to try and see what set the alarms in the first place. No promises that it'll happen, but there are the beginnings.

With an escort back to the front lobby, dealing more in small talk now, Pepper leaves him to get to his car, and she heads back to the elevator; finally ready to go to sleep for the night.