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    The Akiár are a mostly-hominid species native to two planets in the general vicinity of Sol.  They are descendants of Neanderthals abducted from Earth to populate an alien world by an unknown older race.  They are largely mammalian in appearance and biology, but have hollow bones and large functional avian wings.  They are freely telepathic with each other and other telepaths, but require physical contact to make mental contact with non-telepaths.
    They have largely kept to themselves, and been careful not to reply to the few extra-Akiár intelligences they have discovered, so they are largely unknown to the wider galaxy.  Given Earth's history of relatively frequent alien invasions, this is probably not a bad idea.
    The only reasonably widely-known member of the race on Earth is Kían k'Rhyták t'Kiáre.  Kían's homeworld is known to him as Kyshán, and is a southern-hemisphere star known on Earth as δ Pavonis.  The homeworld, Akiár itself, is ζ Tucanæ, another southern-hemisphere star from Earth's vantage point.  Outside of rabbit holes created by Vorpal, so far there is no regular contact between Earth and either of the Akiár worlds.
    Among the few facts that are known about the race is that they are capable of interstellar flight, although that appears to be limited to transit between their two worlds as a matter of choice.

[Category: Encyclopedia]