Annette Bellerose

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Annette Bellerose (Scenesys ID: 4854)
Name: Annette Bellerose
Superalias: Oubliette
Gender: Female
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Barista
Citizenship: French and American
Residence: New York City, NY
Education: Highschool
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 17 Actual Age: 17
Date of Birth 31 Jun 2005 Played By
Height: 5'4" Weight: 100 lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green
Twitter: @theycallme1eye
Theme Song:

Character Info


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The secret daughter of two French-born international Arch-Villains, Annette Bellerose goes by the name 'Anne Stroud' as she lives in disguise in New York City, NY. She is a reluctant but increasingly enthusiastic participant in minoor villainous activities with some other young super villains, under the alias 'Oubliette'. Little is known about her by the authorities, but she already has a file with the Avengers as a minor point of interest in the local masked menace ecosystem, and is on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar for reasons that they aren't divulging. She is a metahuman super-inventor, specialized in robotics, and mainly works from behind the scenes as a support.


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* 30 Jun 2000: Adele and Simon Bellerose, two French-born international super villains (Obelisk and Sobriquet, respectively) are married in their civilian identities.
* 30 Mar 2005: At 9 a.m., Adele Bellerose gives birth to Annette, while Simon stands guard and provides support.
* 08 Apr 2005: A villain and former friend, Abattoir, tells Sobriquet that he'll take care of Obelisk for him right before fleeing as Miss Liberte attacks Simon Bellerose in his civilian identity. Simon Bellerose is killed.
* 2005 to 2017: Annette grows up in the base of a super villain, on a tropical island, with Abattoir (real name: Guillaume Durant) acting like a father figure. Eventually, Obelisk and Abattoir become a couple, with the former never knowing that Abattoir was involved with her husband's death. Annette rarely sees anyone outside of her family.
* 31 Dec 2018: Miss Liberte and Abattoir clash in a final battle, and Obelisk has also come out of retirement, intent on getting revenge upon her ex-husband's killer. Now going by the name Black Obelisk, she ensnares Miss Liberte in an undersea death trap, where Abattoir believes he has murdered the heroine. In truth, Black Obelisk keeps her prisoner, for more extensive punishment.
* Jan 2019: Once Adele and Guillaume return home, Annette's latent metahuman abilities are triggered by the gruesome visage of their injuries. Annette begins planning her escape, conflicted over the realization her parents were Arch-Villains. What else have they been keeping from her?
* Feb 2019: Guillaume becomes aware of Annette's power, and abducts her while Adele is away. Annette is forced to construct all sorts of robots at Abattoir's command, and to build robotic replacements for her own body parts he removes.
* Mar 2019: Annette escapes from the island base, making it to New Zealand.
* Apr 2019 to 2020: Annette Bellerose arrives in the U.S. With the help of a friend she met while on the run. She has all necessary identification to be considered a citizen and fabricated records of her existence in U.S. government computers.
* 2022: Annette has melded into the populace and even speaks English without any trace of an accent thanks to constant practice. She goes by 'Anne Stroud', and works as a barista in NYC. Reluctantly, she takes on the name Oubliette, and mostly provides support for some young villains on a few jobs without exposing her existence.
* Feb 2023: Anne has been a minor villain for almost a year now, and kind of enjoys it. It's like she's part of a secret club with friends her own age. She never had friends growing up, so it's nice to feel like she belongs.
* Jun 2023: Black Obelisk and Abattoir are still on the look-out, with Abattoir having constructed a fictional version of events and fabricated all the evidence to suggest that Anne had a psychotic break and was responsible for hurting herself. Gradually, they are closing in on Annette's trail.

IC Journal

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Annette tends to like the same things she hates. She is traumatized by body mutilation and being pursued, but enjoys horror and slasher flicks. She's a moody loner, but Annette enjoys hanging with her friends while being a moody loner. She expresses affection in the most round-about, passive-aggressive manner, and her animosity by being as outwardly emotionless and uncaring as she can. It takes a lot of time to get used to her, and it might be that no one will ever truly 'get' her, but the longer someone is around her the more the subtle, understated humor and care she has for those close her becomes evident.

Annette has the strength of will to leave behind the only life she has ever known and cross the Pacific Ocean to a country she knows nothing about because she has determined that is what she wants to do. She is obstinate and defiant, and has no problem standing up to authority figures or of exiting a situation if doing so benefits her. She isn't afraid to fight, for herself or for a friend, though she may do so through indirect or otherwise less-obvious means.

Character Sheet


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Robotics Tinker:
Annette has an intuitive understanding of how to build things, especially in the area of machinery and robotics. Her creations often outstrip her own understanding. They may sometimes seem to violate well known principles that leave others perplexed why they work, and are often not reproducible by others.

While she does have her own skills and understanding, her ability is more a matter inspiration than knowledge. Another person might ask her, "I know it works, but why did you do even try that in the first place?" and might get answered with, "Because I knew it would work?"

She does not require the same level of equipment to make something that a normal person in that field would. While a robotics company would have to design and manufacture chips, Annette could make do repurposing parts scrounged from other sources. However, she does still need the materials, the creation does not just materialize.

* Annette can improve on an otherwise mundane object, like a refrigerator made for her sweet elderly neighbor that keeps food fresh longer, or a microwave that warms food evenly.

* Within her specialty of robotics she can make a drone or robot the equal of what a skilled company in that field could put out, though falls short of the creations of luminaries like Tony Stark or Reed Richards. She could create small drones similar to what Leopold Fitz might make, but could not create Life Model Decoys. Her robots lack sentience or sophisticated AI and need to run off remote control or be given verbal commands.

* More complex items outside of her specialty, like a jetpack, might be possible in great need but she would probably be better off (and safer!) just buying one.

* Annette can create robotic prosthetics from metal and plastic which function similar to the original body part, but has not made any that carry additional functions or capabilities.


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Computer Operations:
Annette has been training herself in computer operation and programming, website creation, and data management as part of her plan to get her GED and then make it into an IT job while pursuing a scholarship for college. She is pretty good for someone without any training, and can potentially get into improperly secured websites and routers or use backdoor protocols to access stuff she really shouldn't have access to. It's not equivalent to a professional hacker, and any form of decent security will stop her.

Annette can speak French, English, Spanish, Fijian, Hindi, and Fiji Hindi. English is spoken without any accent.


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Robot Armor:
Not power armor, but rather a robot servitor that Annette can wear. It helps to conceal her identity, provides protection against fists, blades, and small arms, and conceals the fact that she has robot proshetics which could help someone link her civilian identity and villain identity. The armor can perform a set of pre-programmed actions or enter an automatic action state ("follow the target", "break open that door", "move away from anyone who comes within 3 meters") by voice command, but has no meaningful A.I. or capacity to act without direct instruction.

Robotic Prosthetics:
Annette has robotic replacements for her right arm, right eye, left knee and hip, and parts of her lungs. They are not cybernetics, and she cannot control them by thought. They are constructs of metal and plastic that use voice commands or remote controls to move around.

Annette has a 'workshop' in an abandoned building in downtown NYC. It has a mix of stolen and purchased supplies and tools that allow her to construct robotic servitors, their weapons and features, and to develop new robots and variants, limited by available equipment and resources.


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Capture and Restraint:
Annette has a trauma response to being captured, imprisoned, or restrained. She will fight tooth and nail to avoid any of these, regardless of the consequences, and that goes quadruple if her step-father or anyone who reminds her of him is involved. The threat of any of these can also push her to back down from a situation.

Scarred Inside and Out:
The combination of seeing her parental figures horribly disfigured and near-death, and the torture her step-father put her through in an attempt to forcibly expand her power, have psychologically and physically scarred Annette. She has frequent nightmares about her experiences that have made her an insomniac, and her right arm and right eye are fully robotic replacements, with some other bits and pieces internally for parts of her lungs, left knee, and left hip. These are painful make getting around on a day to day basis a struggle.

Anette is very sensitive about her appearance, believing herself to be just as horrifying and disfigured as her mother, so tends to attempt to be as plain as possible to avoid attention. She has no idea how to handle compliments or positive reactions to her appearance, and shuts down when insulted.

Trust Issues:
Even though Annette wishes to feel like she belongs and be able to act like a normal teenager, the betrayal and lies she has faced from her parents have deeply damaged her innocence. She has a hard time truly trusting anyone, doesn't give away more personal information than she has to, and is always on the look-out for signs of duplicity and backstabbing. She is perfectly willing to backstab a backstabber pre-emptively as well, which can cause problems all on its own.



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