Blood Red MOO-n
Blood Red MOO-n | |
Date of Cutscene: | 14 June 2024 |
Location: | Space - Asteroid M |
Synopsis: | Mary offers up a controversial new strategy to the Blood Red Moon, and introduces an even more controversial new member.
Or in other words, a bunch of bloodthirsty vampires end up bowing their heads to a cow in a cape. |
Cast of Characters: | Mary Seward |
Ever since that violent attack from the Batfamily, and the subsequent vandalism of Mary Seward's penthouse during their necessary escape, the members of the Blood Red Moon have called Asteroid M there new home until said Penthouse is properly renovated. It's been a trying situation, to say the least. Their alliance with the Brotherhood of Mutants meant that the vampires were barred from feasting on the blood of those who carried the X-Gene. There had been some ire among those who heard of this stipulation, but none would be so bold enough to subvert the will of their Queen of Blood.
Of course, this rule meant double when regarding all the very much mutant Brotherhood members who called this place home and were gracious enough to provid them stay. It's a lot to ask of a bunch of vampires that they stay in a cooped up place full of warm bodies and aren't allowed to feed from any of them. At the same time, Mary needed them all to lay low for the time being. They had felt the wrath of a group of super-vigiliantes upon them, and it would be awhile before they were ready to do so again. Knowing this, Mary's been having them make do with a substitute. Synthetic Blood, a gift to them from the Hungarian Death Dealer Selene Corvinus. This was to tide them over, allowing them to stay content on the asteroid...Though, it was of course, nowhere near as good as the real deal.Regardless, this was the best they could do for food...That is to say...until their Queen of Blood showed up with an odd proposition.
"I'll need you guys to start feeding on animals."
There was almost immediate uproar among the vampiric cult. This sounds bad. Feeding on animals was something they swore against. Could this be a sign? A sign that things were going downhill quick for their team? That the end is nigh? One member put all their thoughts into rational words from one voice.
"But, Queen Mary, I thought this was all so that we wouldn't have to resort to something as low as that! You said that was for weaklings and traitors! Don't tell us we're changing our ways now!"
The cold glare of Mary was easy in shutting up this one who dared to speak like she didn't know what she was doing. However, this serious stare melted away for her casual fun-loving tone. "Of course not! What you just said before was still true. Don't get me wrong...See, this isn't a matter of morality or some bull like that." She snorts after saying Bull, for reasons that the rest will soon come to know. "Nor is it borne of desperation as some of you might think, in the wake of such a brutal attack on us by our foes. See...This is the matter of recruitment..."
A pin drops, as a whole horde of vampires stares at it's matriarch in utter bafflement. Undeterred, and thankful for the assured silence, Mary continues. "...See, I just discovered that vampirism could be spread to animals! Could you imagine that? How many lily-livered, self-hating, angst-machine vampires have fed on animals as some desperate attempt at settling their misaimed guilt, not knowing that they could have been adding more to the ranks of the living dead?...Think about what that means for us! We could go around, biting cows, and dogs, and cats and giving their our gift of undeath! Then, imagine the chaos they could spread! Some pet-owner gets suddenly bitten by their beloved Pooch? Boom, brand new vampire. A bunch of unsuspecting farmers prepare their cattle for the slaughterhouse, not knowing they're the ones who'll become food! People preyed upon by those they least expect, the wildlife around them!"
Not as awed as Mary seems to be going for with her words, the vampires look amongst eachother, still completely befuddled and wondering if their Queen has finally gone mad after all the centuries. "...Okay, I see some of you are still skeptical. I figured this would happen...Thus, let me introduce to you, the newest member of the Blood Red Moon-"
A brown cow in a dracula cape suddenly teleports into the room. It moos. "HELLCOW!" She slaps her hand on the cow, who lows in mild annoyment. "See, I found this little heifer here while on a trip through New York's streets and well...I became enamored. This is no mere cow you see before you, but a true remarkable specimen of vampirism! She is what we should aspire to be! The steed that we shall ride on in our conquest of mankind!"
"Okay, okay!" Having had enough of this, another vampire dares to question the Queen. "Listen...My Blood Queen, even if what you say is true and...that cow that looks like you put it in a fancy Halloween costume really is one of us? What makes you think it's really as much of a game-changer as you say it is? It's a cow! Vampire or not, you can't make it not a cow! It's a big, smelly animal that exists to spew milk and be made into patty meat! What could it and a so-called flock of bloodsucking farm animals and woodland critters possibly do to the humans, that our legion of bloodsucking PEOPLE, can-"
And then he is set on fire. The vampire is set ablaze by a stream of hellfire just as he was getting into the groove of his rant...
...and everyone in the room can see plainly that it came from the Cow. The Cow, Hellcow, was not at all amused by the bloodsucking toady's dismissive words, and neither was it's mistress. Thus, it blew burning hellfire onto the dissenter as retribution. It did this deed. As the vampire writhed against the ground, his kin could only stare onto his pain and then to the Cow who was being pet by their Queen of Blood, who just reminded them why they should never do anything but obey her.
"...I think that speaks for itself, don't you all?" Mary snidely remarks. "So...I'm gonna find out all the most populous animal spots on the planet where you guys can hunt. Zoos, Farms, Pet shops...Places where you can go and gorge your thirst, and create more, more powerful cute widdle members for the Blood Red Moon. Sound simple enough?" The vampires simultaneously nod their heads in response. Like a hivemind. Really, they're just too afraid to even look like they don't agree. "Good...Very good." Mary tugs on her Hellcow's cape. "C'mon, Bessie. Let's get out of here..."
The Blood Red Moon parts in half for their queen, allowing her and her cow to pass through, as they bow their heads in reverence.
Hellcow Moos once more.