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Dracula (Scenesys ID: 5425)
Name: Vlad Tepes Drakul II
Superalias: Dracula
Gender: Male
Species: Vampiric
Occupation: Dark Noble of Wallachia
Citizenship: Undead
Residence: Castle Dracula
Education: Extensive
Theme: Marvel (VFC)
Groups: Dark World, Mystic Arts, Hellfire Club
Apparent Age: 32 Actual Age: 594
Date of Birth 17 April 1430 Played By
Height: 6'5" Weight: 210 lb
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: Love you to death

Character Info


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Stiped in legend, mystery, and myth. Vlad Tepes, Vlad the Impaler, Vlad Drakul, Dracula. There are movies about him, books written, video games, and television shows. His is 'not' the first Vampire, despite what he may, himself, say, but he is almost certainly the most 'well known'. Not many people believe he exists, but those who do, realize that half of what is said about him is true and the other was some lie he spread to confuse the truth. Deciding which is true and which is lie, where myth ends and fact begins, that's the true test of faith.


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1430: Vlad Tepes Dracula is born in Transylvania. The heir apparent to Vlad Dracul, ruler of Wallachia. By seven years old, Vlad has usurped his Half-brother as Prince of Wallachia.

1444-1451: Vlad, his father, and his half-brother Radu set out on a mission of peace to the Ottoman Turks who threatened the European powers of modern day Hungary. Enroute, they are ambushed by Turkish soldiers where Radu and Vlad are taken captive as leverage against his father. Holding them in captivity, under torturous conditions, that he will lend his considerable authority in support of Ottoman expansion.

Tired of the terrible treatment, Vlad escapes from captivity after the death of his Half-Brother Radu. Thus led to his raise as Ruling authority of Wallachia at the age of 18.

This reign lasted but a year before he was forced into isolation by the approaching armies of his fathers killers. Until he, in an act of political necessity, threw himself at the mercy of John Hunyandi, the regent of Hungary, whom took the young Prince under his wing and taught him in tactics and political intrigue. After only year of this uneasy alliance, Hunyandi died and Dracula considered his obligations fulfilled to the ruling family. He ended his arranged marriage with Zofia, one of Hunyandi's daughters, and cast out his former Liege's widow, Lilith.

1459: Again beset by the Ottoman Turks, it is unclear whether Vlad was victorious against his aggressors, but it is known that he was mortally wounded by one of the Empires most accomplished warriors: En Sabah Nur (The mortal visage of Apocalypse) and the Dark Riders. It is rumored that it was during this time that he was turned by the Vampiress Lianda and that he rose to incredible power in the decade that followed as he came to understand his new, dark, nature.

1471-1496: With the rise of the Church of Christ and Vlad's association with Satan, his rule is contested for two decades by the hunters trained in his assassination. It is through his considerable power that he survived, but it led to the formation of the Cult of Mortium. The Cult are a group of necromancers, sorcerers, and witches who, using the Darkhold have created rituals and spells designed to return the Dark Lord to life in the event of his destruction. Likewise, he relinquished command of his throne after a near successful attempt on his life by his own son Vlad Tepulus. Believing that he would be far more successful as a ruler if he hid his existence from humanity upon whom he fed.

1500s: Vlad further solidified his power through political maneuvers and direct intervention. The Cult of Mortium becomes an established, dangerous, tool he uses to protect his rule from other powerful magic users who might threaten him where he reigns from his Eldritch 'Castle Dracula'. A place of great mysticism, where Dracula is the unquestioned master.

1600s: Vlad grows increasingly power hungry and foregoes his self imposed hiding from humanity with the rise of expansionism of European powers. Relocating to the American East Coast, he settles into Massachusetts and establishes himself as a wealthy European Aristocrat. During which his parties are, rumored, to be scenes of true horror. Where people who receive invites are sacrificed or converted to vampires. Which alerts the Church to his presence as he hedonistically engages in the colonies. He manipulated the Church in these times, played upon the superstitions of the human populace, and had several prominent Vampire Hunter, Witches, and their allies burned during the Salem Witch Hunts. While this was hugely successful, it led to a rise in suspicion of the mysterious Aristocrat and forced him to return to Europe when the township, led by one of the Helsing line, to burn his manor.

1700s: Vlad finds himself at the mercy of one of the Church Faithful for half a century. His blood is used to elongate the life of his captor until he is accidentally freed when hunters beset upon his captors believing they are members of the Cult of Mortium. Vlad now fully realizes that humanity, though weak individually, are growing far too numerous when empowered by the faith. He returns to Castlevania and strengthens himself after his near destruction at the hands of Father Eisner, regaining his lost power through dark rituals and pacts with Forces from Hell.

1800s: Vlad returns to America where his forces, now numerous, aid the Confederacy when one amongst them uses a mystical contract to force his compliance. While he's not particularly proud of his actions during this period, he got his vengeance shortly after the conclusion of the Civil War and returned to Castlevania in the late 1800s. Here he engaged with Apocalypse once more. The man who had mortally wounded him as a human and led to his transformation into a Vampire. While Apocalypse was able to 'kill' him, the Cult of Mortium was able to find his remains and return it to his coffin. Here they engaged in the first attempted at resurrecting the Dark Lord. While this is successful, it left him in a weakened state. Requiring him spend the better part of the late 1800s and early 1900s regaining his lost powers.

1940-1990s: Vlad returns to Romani where he finds that his servants, while human, are being killed by the Nazi's and, in a rare instance of siding with the heroes, aided in the fight against Germany in retribution. Through a series of crosses, double and triple, he switched from ally to enemy of the Howling Commandos, which ultimately led to him returning for most of the mid 1900s to Castle Dracula awaiting the Helsing hunters whom were set upon him by his former allies.

2000s: Once again Dracula is killed, this time presumably permanent, by the unknown forces, though he believes it be agents of his oldest enemies En Sabah Nur. While his death was greatly exaggerated, he has spent the last decade in an extended period of slumber under the protection of the Cult of Mortium. His remains carefully smuggled back to America where they can be returned to life using one of the many rituals created for his resuscitation. This has left him in a weakened state as he rises in 2024, but already he is making moves to regain his lost power and authority over Castle Dracula.

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What is very well known is that Vlad Tepes is that he is dangerous. His inclinations almost always favor himself and his own personal power, which makes him unquestionably difficult, if not outright impossible, to befriend by must humans. To him, they are food. That doesn't mean he kills them out of hand and he has no real interests, at least not this century, in experimentation upon them, but he does regard them as cattle. While he will not go out of his way to kill anyone, as any rancher towards their cows, those who get in his way should do so knowing full well his ability and willingness to cause harm and not lose any sleep over it.

Dracula is a manipulative monster who, over many centuries, has grown quite cold in his general opinion of humans in general. Over those centuries his intentions have been rather difficult to determine, moving from extreme to extreme where he may help the heroes of Earth in one beat, then thrust them upon one another in the next. Regardless, he is a known manipulator and is, to those who are well educated on who he is, understandably untrusted.

Nearly seven hundred years of life has made him a rather complicated individual. His whims are foreign to anyone who doesn't understand the flow of time and how it affects a persons interests. The things that amuse him, what makes him do anything that he does, is as confusing to humans as that which humans do is to cattle.

Character Sheet


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Dracula is immortal and nothing short of the gravest wounds will be of little concern for him as he heals far quicker than most wounds would be able to harm him. Age doesn't affect him at all and he is as young as he was the day he was turned to a vampire. As long as he has access to blood and his home soil to rest upon, there is virtually nothing that can 'properly' kill him... and he's created various rituals and alliances with Death itself that allows him to defy even that final demise, if at great sacrifice to himself. Requiring dark magics to return his lost powers should he be 'returned from the dead' in this manner. He is not 'impossible' to kill, but it is neither easily done or permanent in most cases.

Mental Manipulation:
Dracula has cultivated an arcane ability to mesmerism. While this originates from his vampirism, he is an accomplished sorcerer as well. These effects have a varying degree of capabilities, but are generally reserved for those who are of a weak will or fragile mind. It's how he controls his servants and spreads his will to those who would, otherwise, be frightened in his presence.

Physically Improved:
Dracula is inhumanly strong, unreasonably tough, and uncomfortably fast. While individuals like Superman would prove physically superior, it requires most mortal (and quite a few supernatural) beings exploit his obvious weaknesses to be on a reasonable physical level with the Dark Lord. That said, these abilities grow dramatically weaker during the daylight hours and when the presence of some of his more glaringly obvious weaknesses. He is still a match for almost any human at his weakest, but it is not as pointed. To that end, trying to fight Dracula directly requires a plan and preparation. He is not to be confronted by the mundane so lightly when he is at his strongest.

It is neigh impossible to hide from his honed vampiric senses. He can see in pitch darkness and smell the faintest hint of blood. He hears over great distances and has an innate connection to magic that lets him sense it when in his presence.

Atop of ALL his natural vampiric abilities, Dracula is a capable practitioner of magic. While he is hardly a rival to any of the mortal magicians in the world, he is still formidable. Specifically with regards to rituals and wards centered around his home, Castle Dracula. He is capable of conjuration, transmutation, and minor illusions. While these are not as well trained as others, where he shines is in knowledge OF magic. He understands it. He understands how it works and he knows how to counter it. ESPECIALLY when he is in his domain where his abilities are heightened and his power unrivaled.

He is undead and thus has no reliance on food or drink. Nor does he need to breath. Even without martial weapons he's a host of natural weaponry, including fangs and claws. These are things all vampires learn to master early in their existance and Dracula has had centuries to perfect them.

Dracula is able to shape his body in various ways, taking on different forms including those most associated with darkness: The Bat, the spider, the wolf. He can partially, and completely, assume a myst form. He can also take on the vissage of other people, those whom he's fed upon or killed over the centuries and has a host of identities he assumes to associate with the mortal world when his whim suits him.


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While it is not the greatest collection of arcane texts in the world, Dracula's tomes of arcane knowledge are amongst the most complete. He's seen texts of magic that most have only heard rumors and while he may not have originals of every one of them, he certainly has incomplete copies. The Darkhold has, in the past, rest in his hands and he's read the texts within. While he nolonger has command of that Eldritch book of dark magics, he has rituals born of some of the writings within. He's seen the Book of Enoch and other such scripts from which modern Apocalypic legend are written. This great host of texts is the source of his magical understanding, which is extensive. His magical abilities may not rival that of more able practitioners, his magical 'knowledge' may. Simply due to 'time in the game' and 'access to resources'.

Dracula is an accomplished combatant with fang and claw, but he is also well trained with the use of the sword. As a mortal man he was trained by the Hungarian Lord Hunyani, skills honed in constant strife with the Ottoman Empire during the mid-late 1400s where he saw countless victories against superior forces where he fought personally. He is a combatant that has had 600 plus years to master his chosen forms of martial skills.

Social Grace:
While it is without any doubt that Dracula is a monster, he is a social monster. Like every creature, mortal of the night, he craves companionship and as a mortal was well known for his charisma to his allies (and enemies) alike. He can navigate a party and understands the Etiquette of antiquated courts. He is fluent in multiple languages and knows customs of almost every place he's every been through the memories of those he's killed. He also understands the mechinations of society and how to twist it to his desires. He actively enjoys the Chess game of court, be it modern or ancient and has grown incredibly accomplished at navigating it.

On the field of battle, few have as much experience in combating superior forces as Vlad Tepes. Who is well known for his military victories against the Ottoman's throughout his reign over Wallachia until his 'demise' 1459. While most of his knowledge in warfare is from the 15th century, he's every bit as capable of using modern tactics to his advantage to varying degrees. He is, at the very least, amongst the more 'cruel' military genius in history and, through his vampirism, modern world with his use of Psychological warfare those source of horror stories told until this day.


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Castle Dracula:
Centuries of magical wards, rituals, and sacrifices has made Castle Dracula one of the most fortified Bulwarks of darkness in the world. Within the walls of the Castle Dracula is unrivalled in strength. It is from this castle, which exists between realities and only appears on Earth for one year every twelve years during the Year of the Dragon. Dracula is as linked to the Castle as it is to him. When it returns to this reality, he spends the majority of his time there. Regaining his powers to sustain him for the decade else he need to go to even greater lengths to reach his place of ultimate power.

Cult of Mortium:
In the 1500s, Dracula realized that he needed mortals to act in his steed with the rise in power of Church. The Cult of Mortium is a combination of powerful magical practitioners and witless human servants who are intimately linked to Dracula's plans on Earth. While they may not 'realize' what their purpose it, they are his life insurance policy. Some may not even realize what they're doing or what part they play. Those at the highest ranks within the Cult, however, are fully aware that they serve an ancient being who is, by and large considered, quite evil. Through the Cult, Dracula has returned to life twice over the last six hundred years. They have spells designed by the earliest members, rituals written by those same members and Dracula, and tools given by dark beings still, designed specifically to rise him from the grave.

This is the source of a great deal of his inherent capabilities as a sorcerer. His library of magical text is extensive, to say they least. His knowledge of things magical and arcane is equally so. If he doesn't have something 'himself' he almost certainly knows where to find it, or a copy of it. That wealth of information makes him the source of great scorn amongst the greater magical community who, understandably, hate that such vast amounts of magical knowledge resides in the hands of such a terrible creature.

Pacts & Pitfalls:
Say what one might about making deals with the Devils, but Dracula has done so. It is rumored that he sold his soul to the Devil to gain vengence against the Ottoman's who fell him, giving him immortal life. While this isn't 'true', he 'does' commune with the Darkest Entities of Hell. He is their instrument on Earth through the packs and deals that he's made with the Unholy. It gives him access to great resources FROM hell, but puts him directly in the sights of the mortal Church and servants of God as well. The bad with the worse, as it were. These pacts are not simply with Demons, however. He has an unknown pact with Death itself. Owing to some rituals done centuries ago, he is incapable of 'true' death. While there 'are' rituals that can 'kill him' (one specifically that may do so permanently but it is most rumor), through his rituals and pacts he is never really gone.

When he returns to life he is by no means as strong as he was prior, but that power is never completely locked away from either. It just requires the right magics and rituals be performed and he once more becomes the true master of the Night.

Money, property, and pawns. Dracula has hundreds of years worth of WORTH accumulating. He has lived in poverty and dined with Kings over the six hundred plus years of life and very much enjoys the finer things in life, be it ancient nicities or modern comforts. To say he has private jets to transport him, shipping companies that he controls for moving needed resources, or people to fight for him, is quite an understatement.


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Dracula thinks very highly of himself and his abilities. He is not above chiding at would be enemies rather than finishing them off simply because he thinks they are less than him and couldn't possibly hurt him. He has, in the past, flaunt his power to great detriment to himself and he hasn't learned anything from those failures. While he's not full on 'Bond Villain', telling the heroes his plan when he feels they're at a loss, he has (and sometimes will) pause the killing strike just to gloat at their inability to stop him.

Faith Symbols:
Simply wielding a crucifix at Dracula is as much effect as curing world hunger by chewing bubblegum. Those who have genuine faith in the symbology of religion, regardless of WHAT relgion that is, can push back the Dark Lord. This is a weakness of all vampires, but more so for Dracula who has made extensive, deep, pacts with Dark Gods and Demonic forces. Be they affected by those same symbols or not, the source of his curse bids he acknowledge the existance of God(s) as it does the existance of Demons. He'll retreat from such symbols and can be branded by them if they are placed upon his flesh, but it doesn't make him any 'weaker', only retreats him away where his strengths do him no good.

In the presence of garlic, Dracula is severely weakened. He is still quite dangerous, if only because of the sheer amount of abilities and resources at his disposal, but any plan designed to kill him almost always involves garlic as a means to render him more effectively combated.

The Helsings. A family of mortal hunters, impowered by lineage and strengthened by faith, are a constant ostainate throne in Dracula's paw. They are a weapon to be hurled at him and have caused him more pain over his long life than he cares to admit. While he is unafraid of them, he respects the threat they represent if a Helsing comes seeking him out... and he'll go to great lengths to make absolutely certain they don't have an easy time of it.

His Word:
Within his personal Curse, Dracula is incapable of breaking his word. In an effort to protect his people from the Hungarian forces, he bent the knee to Hunyani as a young ruler and for one year was beholden to his liege until the death of the Hungarian ruler. Because of this, any deal that Dracula makes, signed in a blood contract, is followed to the 'letter' of that deal for exactly one year and one day. If he gives his word on a matter, he will never go back on it, though the exact details of how he keeps his word are largely up for debate. He will not 'lie', he will just not 'tell the truth as the person expects'. And any deal that he makes that involves true sacrifice are as good as permanent, as is those he's made with Death or the Devils. While he WILL do what he says, it is incredibly important to mind HOW he says and weigh the desires with the intent.

Whatever deal his made with Death, it has unforeseen concequences that Dracula himself isn't fully aware of. While he cannot be 'killed', he does sacrifice a great deal of his power when being resurrected and he must regain lost power through rituals that give up more of his freedom each time he does so. What happens when he's given up all of his soul to this dark immortality, even he doesn't know, and because of that he doesn't rely on it when he can escape. While he doesn't 'fear' death, he has a healthy enough respect for it to know that whatever he's giving up to defy it is probably not worth it in the end.

Nothing exists for as long as Dracula has and remains off the radar. Governments are aware of his existance, as is the Church (all of them to some extent or another). The man himself may not be recognized on sight, but it has been reproduced a number of times for film and television. Dracula is a moniker applied to him by the greater populace and one he adopted in the late 19th century when he assisted Bram Stoker in the penning of 'Dracula'. The vast majority of what is known, and thought to be known, of Vampires deals directly with Dracula.. So of that is carefully crafted to throw would be enemies off his tracks, some of it is ernest and true, showing how little actual concern he has for humanities ability to do anything about it. Vlad Tepes, the Impaler, is a real man. He did real things in a real history. Most of those real stories are far more terrifying than what have been told, but they 'are' told. Those who realize he actually 'is' Dracula are likely to have heard of him unless they aren't paying attention to anything vampiric for the last hundred years or so. Since it all originates from him.

This isn't because he's the most powerful vampire that's ever lived. It's because he wanted it that way. He has crafted, intricately, a personality and persona that he presents. This is the true depths of his ego, given form, that he's had literal works of fiction written about him, that he directly influenced, simply because it amused him to be viewed in such an 'immortal' manner.

Forever is a long time and Dracula is cursed to spend it alone. He's tried to find brides, the gender of which didn't matter to him, but all of them failed to satisfy the emptiness of his dark existence. He has servants who bow the knee and has ruled over kingdoms tracing back hundreds of years and still he sits alone. This is a brutal reality. He is not incapable of being social and is a very social creature indeed, but he is utterly incapable of trust. Anyone who is willing to be friends with him are suspect, anyone capable of being in his company for 'eternity' cannot be trusted. People, no matter how powerful or strong willed, are enemies he hasn't made yet. If they get to close, he has to kill them.. or at the very least push them away. Not because he wants to be alone, but because letting his guard down has caused him far more harm than any vampire hunter ever could.

If there is any weakness, anything that can be exploited that would strike true, it's that. Vlad is a alone in and destined to remain that way. The clever can capitalize on that to bring slow down the dangerous monster long enough to strike a mortal blow. The deranged can seek to cure him of it.

Maria Tepes:
Maria Drakul, the first and only true love of Vlad Tepes Drakul. She was brutally killed during the Turkish invasion of Wallachia, tortured even, and it led Dracula to a vengeful attack upon Turac, a vampire lord who controlled the Turkish army. Dracula was, for good or ill, a many of God until the death of his wife. While he was not a good man by any accounts, he cared for his people, he cared for his son, and he loved his wife. The things he did for centuries thereafter are often, by his own words, because of her death. Having her taken from him led him down a dark road. That is likely a very romantic lie told so often that even he's accepted that it is true. Over there years he has found 'other' Maria's. Women (and men on occasions) who remind him of her by some quality. None look the same. It's led many to believe that he made the story of Maria up to satisfy some dark impulse for companionship.

Regardless of the truth on whether she genuinely ever exist, she certainly does in his world. Her ghost haunts him. Ficitional or not. Her memory plagues him. And her death is one of the major factors in his downfall into Evil.

Dracula has made countless deals with creatures far more powerful than himself. While he enjoys the benefits of these pacts 'now', eventually the devil will come calling for his due and he's keenly aware of it. To that end, he is occasionally the instrument of Dark Gods and Darker Demonic forces. What he owes them, exactly, only he and they know, suffice that it is sufficient and total.

Dracula cast no reflection in reflective surfaces. Be this a mirror or clear water. This extends to clothing he wears or objects he's holding. It also includes modern forms of photography or video. He doesn't show up in pictures or on film. This does not include his voice or any sounds he makes on devices that record sound. While he may not be 'seen' he can be 'heard' on such devices.

Silver Weapons:
There are a long list of reasons for this weakness, harkening back to Judas' betrayal of Jesus for silver pieces. Whatever the origin, Dracula is done grave physical harm by weapons crafted from silver. A blade of silver thrust his heart can kill him, decapitation with a silver sword is one of the few known manners to bring him to the true death. In modern days, silver weapons are far less easily acquired, however. Especially weapons containing ENOUGH silver to actually do him harm.

While a stake through the heart will not kill him alone, it does render him entirely powerless. He cannot move, he cannot speak. He is returned to that of a regular corpse and as easy to destroy as any corpse would be. That said, it is no small feat to stake him. Beyond simply being physically capable of preventing it by most people, he defends against it with hidden armor. He's old, powerful, and an egomaniac, but he's not stupid.

The rays of the sun are incredibly dangerous to ALL vampires. It can destroy their flesh and, even if he's not exposed to the rays directly, renders him weaker during the daylight hours. During the day he is half as powerful and has access to a great less of his magical abilities. He can still transform to escape, but it requires more intention, and is almost always to escape. Should an individual engage him during the day, doing so definitely improves their ability to fight him substantially.



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Dracula has 10 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
HFC: Party Like It Is The End Of The World September 9th, 2024 With the potential end of the world on the way in the form of an insatiable alien being, the Hellfire Club throws a party.
In the Dark of the Night August 21st, 2024 Marking this 'finished' as it was left paused by the previous player.
Meeting of the Many Myriad Minds July 15th, 2024 A Meeting of Minds that actually DOESN'T devolve into an argument or rancor!! It's amazing what like-minded people can accomplish!
Mental & Mentality July 8th, 2024 Dracula, Rien, and Charles meet at Oblivion club to discuss a plan. The ground work is laid.
I Should Tell You.. July 7th, 2024 A surprise confession from Rien turns into a surprise confession from both!
Unforgettable in Italy July 4th, 2024 Dracula seeks out Rien, finding her in rural Italy. The plot thickens!
Dinner for Dracula July 2nd, 2024 Rien's plans for a nice Italian dinner go awry when she ends up as Dracula's dinner guest!
Intervention of a Vampire July 1st, 2024 A bunch of vampire fledglings that caught wind of the bounty on Caleb come for him at a movie theater. Dracula, pissed off at the raucousness, evens the odds for the young Gothamite.
What They Do In The Shadows June 30th, 2024 An old man and an old woman meet up and talk while they feed the birds.
Music of the Night in Metropolis June 30th, 2024 A surprise meeting between Dracula and Miss Martian results in a surprising amount of civil discourse and even some teasing! It ends in a race to NYC!


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