Elsa Bloodstone
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Elsa Bloodstone (Scenesys ID: 1812) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Elsa Bloodstone | ||
Superalias: | None | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Magically Enhanced Human | ||
Occupation: | Acerbic Monster Hunter/Mercenary | ||
Citizenship: | American and British Dual Citizenship | ||
Residence: | Bloodstone Curios, Boston, Massachusetts | ||
Education: | College + Masters in Monster-slaying | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Mystic Arts, Godlings | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 26 | Actual Age: | 26 |
Date of Birth | 01 Dec 1995 | Played By | Courtney Hope |
Height: | 5'9" | Weight: | 120 lbs |
Hair Color: | Red | Eye Color: | Green |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: | Hellraiser - Ozzy Osbourne and Lemmy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw79RVnlCb0 |
Character Info
Second in a long and ancient line of monster hunters. Elsa's been trained from birth to me a remorseless and fearless hunter using powers inherited from millenia of her fathers exposure to an extra dimenional gemstone. Turns out she's actually plenty compassionate and way more heroic than expected. This complicates matters greatly.
Great way to create a hero dad!
1995: Born in Boston, Massachusetts to Ulysses and Elise Bloodstone. But raised in England. Her birth was celebrated by Elsa being made to fight the Blight Beast.
1997: Fought hungry Great White Sharks off the coast of South Afrika
2002: Expensive British Public Schools. First Monster Kill. A Qlippoth, took 10 seconds too long. It's blood infected her scalp and was not allowed to wash it it. Washing it returns it to blonde, but soon self dyes red. Had to deal with the stigma of now being ginger. Mother tried to take Elsa, had already lost younger children to Ulysses' insanity. Elise was the one commited instead.
2012: Finished schooling. Ulysses was ready to die after 10,000 years. Bequeathed the Bloodgem to Elsa and demaned she kill him. She refused having finally 'Had it up to bloody here!' Her father calls her a failue and a trollop one last time. Whether that sticks or not Elsa doesn't care.
2013, moved back to Boston and into Bloodstone Estate there. Operated as a monster hunter out of a quaint seeming store called Bloodstone Curios. Used it as base and storage for any mystical artifacts that need locking up. Also studied history at Harvard.
2019: Finished Masters in History, could not be arsed going for PHD. Mastered much of her powers. Learned that not all monsters are Monsters. Dated a few.
2020: Saved brother Cullen from one hell dimension. Lets him stay in the English Manor, will occasionally cuff him upside the head when his Monster side leans him towards Supervillain. Gave him a bloodgem shard ring to control small m monster side. Also smacks him just for being a prat.
2021: Saved sister Lyra from an entirely different helll dimension. lets her stay with Cullen, Nullgem used to cancel magic use and helps keep Cullen behaved. Also dopeslaps him.
2022: Is thoroughly enjoying being a rich, immortal, honster hunting super heroine.
IC Journal
If it warrants it, Elsa will probably throw shade at it. While she does snark very much and to everything and everyone. To a lot of people she generally holds no malice. If she did she'd be more likely throwing knives or grenades as well. Tone of voice is a key detail.
Sure she's born in Boston, but Elsa was raised by her father in England and was eductaed in some very expensive Public (What everyone else would call Private) schools. So British accents, aristocratic comportment and poise were instilled every bit as much as her monster hunting skills.
And as a result. Completely railed against it and embraced a more common lager lass outlook. Drinking, Swearing, not giving a toss. Private Schoolgirls can be worse Monsters than anything eldritch of origin, but try punching one and see what that gets you.
She still calls it Chowdah though. You couldn't beat that out of anyone born in Boston.
Despite, and in spite of the cold and Monstrous detachment towards human life her father Ulysses tried to instil in her. Elsa actually has a great sense of compassion and mercy. She will defend those that need it, even when they aren't human. They can be as Monstrous as any small m moster species could be and some monsters can be as caring and loving as well. Children get her in a particular big sister mood. They should not have to go through crap like what she did and finds utter disdain for those that would make a child fight. Do not be an absuser in earshot of Elsa. There's worse things than death and she's functionally immortal, she's got time to come up with stuff.
Easily Exasperated:
When you have a ten thousand year old father who thinks throwing newborns at monsters is a good start for training, you grow up being easily annoyed and frustrated by the world. From wannabe self importance, absoloutely petty greed. Seeing that new things turn out to just be the same old bollocks. This usually leads back to being acerbic at best. Violent at worst.
Character Sheet
Enhanced Senses:
Elsa's main five physical senses are all at superhuman levels on par with most Feral type mutants. Which makes curry nights a double edged sword.
Immortality and Healing:
Elsa has inherited the same immortality and regenerative abilities as her father though at twentysix Immortality is a long time coming. Her aging has been arrested, and she is immune to disease or sickness. She no longer needs air, food or water to survive but is still susceptible to the adverse effects of going without. It just will not kill her.
As part of the immortality package, Elsa also inherited a prodigious healing factor, allowing her to recover from what would be greiviously injuries or regenerate lost bodyparts. The worse the injury the longer it takes to heal, a lost limb might take a decade but being shot, stabbed, slashed, burned or battered would heal within minutes.
Psychic Potential:
It took a few thousand years or so for her father but for Elsa, the potential for low level psychic abilities in in the very distant future. Telepathy, Telekinesis, Aura reading, Astral projection.
At the most for now, Elsa's psychic defenses are at preventing unwilling intrusion and deception by illusion. Which is really all she needs for now. Ask again in five thousand years.
Super Strength:
Due to a life of exposure to the Bloodgem's mystical energies, Elsa's strength is in the lower end of superhuman. Able to left about 5 tons at rest and up to about 15 tones when pressed and running on adrenaline and hit hard enough punch open a vault made of titanium. Or destroy a jeep with a guitar.
Super-Human Agility:
Mobility and Flexibility have been enhanced where she could put acrobats and contortionists on the Cirque Du Soleil to shame.
Super-Human Reflexes:
While sure she can tan and heal some pretty hefty attacks. She's nimble enough that she can actually dodge weaponfire and attacks though she's only just on the borders of superhuman. It just looks impressive because she can do all those backflips and stuff to get out of the way, return fire, and stick the landing.
Super-Human Speed:
Elsa's speed has been enhanced beyond base human. A full sprint can get her clocking in and around 60-ish miles per hour Or close to 100km per hour.
Vampiric Immunity:
Part of the package with her regenerative abilities. Elsa's blood is effectively toxic to vampires when they bite her. The regenerative properties in her blood transferring to them when drunk as Elsa's power is effectively to live. So much so that a turned vampire can be rendered human again. To one that is born a vampire or long past a human lifetime it is lethal lacking anything to bring to life.
The bloodgem itself also anathema to vampires much like certain religious icons.
Ladylike Comportment:
Although not a member of any aristocracy. Thankfully. Elsa being a rich kid with a father that has a lot of expectations for his daughter sent Elsa to many an expensive British Public (Private to non British) school.
She was taught all the lady like stuff normally expected of someone that would have been married off to some actual knight or lord. All the cutlery, the difference between black and white tie formality. Dancing, all kinds of snobbery.
And how to torment other teenage girls if only from being on the receiving end.
Elsa would rather just grab a pint and a kebab more than attend a ball.
Pinky out!
Melee Combat:
Talented is probably a stretch but she could kill monsters as an infant. Then she was trained by someone with ten thousand years experience in multiple types of armed and unarmed melee combat. From the archaic like spears, srowds and shields right up to chainsaws and guitars if she has a weapon in hand. Without she's learned and mastered multiple martial arts to the point she's blurred them all together like a combat smoothie. Leaning into more acrobatic and flamboyant, and improvised moves and weapon use as needed to avoid taking too much of a hit. Healing don't prevent pain. But she can also roll up her sleeves and wind up a decent enough haymaker.
Monster Hunter:
Trained and active literally since birth. Elsa has been hunting and killing capital M monsters. Having built up a sizable knowledge base on species, traits, territories, habits etcetera. She can usually extrapolate how something new in her experience might behave and figure out how to subdue or kill.
Mystic Research:
Hunting monsters often starts with research. So into the books she goes. She earned a very expensive Masters degree in History which have her an appreciation for kicking back and spending a night cross referencing. It's not just monsters she reseacrhes either. Sometimes there's trinkets and artifacts involed before you can defeat stuff. The hat and whip are just icing on the cake.
Ranged Combat:
When your father is a ten thousand year old immortal caveman, he builds up a lot of knowledge involving the use of ranged weapons since he's lived. Spears, bows and arrows, slings, rifles, pistols, shotguns, rockets, explosives, phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range. Elsa has had her hands on it and can shoot it well to hit what she aims at in it's range. Super strength is great for nullifying recoil!
The Bloodgem fragment embedded in the choker worn around her neck, and untold numerous particles in her bloodstream inherited frrom hher father were once part of a larger meteor that crashed to Earth around the year 8250BC. Under the control of an ancient being predating the current universe known as the Exo-Mind as a conduit for a power known as the Hellfire Helix, a nexus for all magics and similar energies.
On it's arrival on Earth, the meteor was shatters in a fight between a human hunter and one of the Exo-Minds agents. The resulting explosion destroyed the agent, the hunter's tribe, and scattered the shards of the meteor across the world. A large shard in the form of a gem embedded itself in the chest of the Hunter whom would soon become known As Ulysses Bloodstone whom made it his mission to gather as many of the remaining gems as is possible. He's spent a long time doing it and bequeathed the mission and a gem in a choker to his daughter Elsa whom has inheriterd many of the abilities the gems bestored on her father.
There are listed in the Powers section.
Bloodstone Curios:
This is where Elsa primarily operates her monster hunting operations from.
On the surface it's a museum and curio shop dealing the occult and mystic though most of the real heavy duty stuff under sercure lock and key from mundane and mystical intrusion while it awaits either purchase or sending back to the English manor to feed her sister Lyra (Gotta love having mystical disposal in the family!).
Under the semi public veneers. This is where Elsa keeps most of her equipment, weapons, loot, and hard copy knowledge base. Though she does maintain stashes of all in other locations as well. Beats having to pay shipping costs or dealing with pesky old customs.
Stupidly Rich:
Rich Heiress doesn't even begin to cut it. When your father spent ten thousand or so hunting monsters and adventuring, it's nice to know that he spend a lot of time accruing a lot of treasures and riches. Numerous real estate properties including mansions in England, Bloodstone Manor, Bloodstone Curios in Boston Massachusetts, Bloodstone Island in the Caribbean. Apartment buildings (With a sub-basement bas) in Harlem NY, and maby more across the globe. There is also a self sustaining stock portfolio which all combined with everything else, there is little want for anything.
A Spot of Tea:
Do not get between Elsa and a Cuppa
Abused Childhood:
Having literally been thrown to monsters since she was a baby. Elsa's upbringing was traumatic to say the least and between monster hunting and navigating private girls schools she's seen some of the worst that sentience can throw at people and it's shaped her Personality as a result. Luckily things like violence, alcohol and substance abuse, and other fun vices are great for dealing with it.
Elsa knows what was done to her growing up should never happen to another child and despite her fathers attempts to get it out of her system Elsa is nothing if not capable of mercy and compassion. Seeing abuse of innocents of any species is very likely to earn the instigator an equal measure of violence.
It can be exploited. If it's done to force Elsa to stay her hand, it will annoy her and she will have plenty of time to come back to finish the job. She won't deliberately put innocents and bystanders at risk which can sometimes prolong a problem and will have beef with anyone that puts children in harms way even for heroic means.
Immortality Sucks:
Elsa's more than educated enough to know that living forever and not being a sociopath means you'll see people live and die constantly, even through old age. It's depressing enough in her mid twenties. But it's downright daunting you have millenia to repeat the process and most of the people and monsters that can keep up with you. You might just have to end up killing.
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Elsa Bloodstone has
7 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Spooky Season: The Troll Market | October 16th, 2024 | A Halloween trip to the Troll Market goes fine...until it doesn't! |
Mess with the Hellfire Club, get the stake | May 19th, 2022 | Shaw's Devils take out the vampires and steal their data. Shaw's Focus performs admirably. |
An Odd Discovery | May 2nd, 2022 | A night at Coney Island is ruined by the discovery of a dead body...but how did it get there? |
Harmony in the Discord | April 25th, 2022 | What shall we do with a drunken dwarf, what shall we do with a grumpy warrior, what shall we do with a reality stone and a crazy sorcerer? |
THE MAKER: I Dovregubbens Hall | April 24th, 2022 | Our heroes venture into the World Pool! They return with the Reality Gem and the talking head of a cantankerous dwarf. |
THE MAKER: L'Apprenti Sorcier | April 22nd, 2022 | A wizard wielding a strange form of magic appears in the subway! Chaos ensues! |
Robb and Gun It | April 10th, 2022 | A She-Hulk and a Monster Hunter go to talk to a gunsmith about ridiculously oversized weapons and have some bonding time. |
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Elsa Bloodstone has been credited in
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Elsa Bloodstone has authored
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