Embershroud |
Embershroud (Scenesys ID: 4609)
Isabella Clark
Undead Vigilante & Financial Consultant
New York City
BA in Economics
Original (OC)
Apparent Age:
Actual Age:
Date of Birth
10 APR 1995
Played By
190 lb
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Theme Song:
Character Info
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Embershroud is a superhero fueled by a twisted combination of magic and technology. She is undead, having been brought back to life following a horrific tragedy. Having abandoned all hope of returning to the life she once knew, she resurfaced in New York City under the name Embershroud, and operates as a vigilante superhero in the cover of night.
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1995: Born Isabella Clark, in Chicago, IL, to parents Liz and Hal Clark, a professional boxer.
2005: Began learning boxing from her father.
2013: Graduated High School, Valedictorian.
2018: Received BA in Economics from the University of Chicago with a minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies.
2019: Died Isabella Clark, January 19th. Cause of death: Automobile collision.
2020: Returned to life by Jensen Corp, location unknown.
2021-2022: Location unknown.
2023: Sightings reported on the streets of New York City, a dark entity calling herself Embershroud.
IC Journal
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Embershroud is fueled by fire and as such, has a firey personality. She's likely to throw herself at danger with reckless abandon, or react aggressively to a percieved threat.
Though Embershroud strikes a deathly and frightening figure, she is actually quite compassionate, and will go out of her way to help those in need. If she can. Without them screaming.
Embershroud lacks a sense of touch and a sense of taste. As a result, when performing activities that are supposed to engage these senses, Embershroud can become depressed or pessimistic about her unlife.
Embershroud is aware of what she looks like and is reluctant to engage socially as a result. It's difficult to make friends when you look like a monster from a horror film.
Embershroud's number one personality trait. She is out to get the people who made her like she is, and will stop at nothing to burn the entirety of what she considers an evil corporation to ashes.
Character Sheet
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Embershroud ceased aging when Isabella Clark died, and at this time does not know how long her lifespan may be. Will her Fire Core burn itself out at some point? She does not know.
Damage Resistance:
Embershroud is undead, and her body is held together with magic. This has granted her a modecum of damage resistance. As an example, she could probably be thrown through a wall and still get up to continue the fight, but she's not indestructible and things like large caliber firearms can really ruin her day.
Fire Manipulation:
Embershroud can manifest and control flames, and is immune to the effects of fire and heat. Typically, she uses this ability to add fire damage to physical attacks by engulfing her fists in flame. She has not discovered all of her capabilities regarding this power, yet.%
Embershroud can fly in essentially the same manner as modern iterations of Superman, though not quite as fast. While she can reach speeds of several hundred MPH while flying, she cannot exceed the speed of sound and it would still take several hours to fly to London from NYC.
Embershroud possesses superhuman strength. For a matter of perspective, she can lift perhaps a ton, and given enough distance could stop a runaway train, but would ineffective against a Texas-sized asteroid. She'll leave that to the popular A-list superheroes.
Embershroud is undead, and as such does not require food or water, nor does she breathe. She can go underwater for extended periods of time, but cannot exist in space without other protection. She still needs regular sleep, during which her Fire Core enters a low-power mode in order to regenerate.
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Isabella Clark began learning boxing when she was just 10 years old, from her father Hal Clark, who was a professional boxer. As Embershroud, these skills translate well into her new career as a vigilante.
College Education:
Isabella Clark has a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Chicago. She largely uses this as a small-time financial consultant on a website she runs, when she's not out being a vigilante. She minored in Gender and Sexuality Studies, because she thought it would be an entertaining class but it turned out to be less fun than she imagined in high school.
Computer Savvy:
Having grown up in the 90s and into the modern technological era, Embershroud is quite proficient with a computer. Is she a professional hacker? No. Does she love the 1995 cinematic masterpiece Hackers? You bet.
Isabella Clark began to learn how to play the harp when she was in high school, after joining her school's orchestra as an extracurricular. She practiced every day through high school and into college, becoming talented enough to have joined the University Symphony Orchestra in Chicago, though mainly she performed as a soloist or accompanied by a few friends from high school. It's the only instrument she knows how to play with any real skill, though she could improvise similar instruments well enough to not sound like a cat in a washing machine.
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Online Business:
Embershroud runs an online website where she dispenses financial advice. She operates under a false identity and the income is deposited to a debit card under the same name, and the funds withdrawn in cash. It makes her enough money to afford a rundown studio apartment in a sketchy neighborhood in New York where the landlord would prefer to never see your face and doesn't ask questions as long as the rent is on time.
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Extreme Cold:
Because Embershroud is fueled by the Fire Core, when it cools her powers weaken, and her body becomes stiff and difficult to move. It's a great weakness of her's, and as such she tends to avoid situations where she would be particularly cold. The Fire Core can counteract the effects of normal weather, such as winter in New York. Supernatural weather, extreme blizzards, or combating people like Iceman or Mr. Freeze would be a challenge for her to face.
Fire Core:
This is not only the source of Embershroud's powers, but it is also the beating heart of her existence. If it is destroyed, so is she. It is reinforced with protective magic, so destroying it is no easy task, but Embershroud is unaware of the limits of these protections and therefore is protective of it.
Undead Visage:
Not only is Embershroud undead, but she resembles it quite clearly. This makes things like socializing very difficult for her, and she places an exceptional value on the few people that get close enough to her to be considered a friend. This can be used to manipulate her, though in the day to day it just makes it really difficult for her to get coffee from Starbucks.
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Embershroud has
5 finished logs.
Charity Boxing Beach Bash! |
January 20th, 2023 |
A charity boxing show at the beach turns a little more intense than expected when a surprising guest shows up.
Mis-undead-standing |
January 17th, 2023 |
Demona tries to fight vampires with zombie plants. Ember shows up and DECIMATES them. Then they talk.
Ghosted |
January 16th, 2023 |
No description
A bad day to be a thug. |
January 16th, 2023 |
The thugs are defeated, and gives a new meaning to 'The Hand'
Undead Investigation |
January 15th, 2023 |
Hellboy and Balm meet Ember on a rooftop. They don't even fight...physically!
Entertainment Credits
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