Fabian Cortez
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Fabian Cortez (Scenesys ID: 1241) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Fabian Cortez | ||
Superalias: | None | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Homo Superior | ||
Occupation: | Advisor to the King of Genosha | ||
Citizenship: | Dual Genoshan and Spanish | ||
Residence: | Genosha | ||
Education: | Private | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Brotherhood | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 29 | Actual Age: | 29 |
Date of Birth | 07 JUL 1990 | Played By | Daniel Radcliffe |
Height: | 6'1" | Weight: | 190 lbs |
Hair Color: | Brown | Eye Color: | Hazel |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: | Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand |
Character Info
Fabian Cortez, a nobleman of Spain and the advisor to Kings... or at least one King, Magneto of Genosha. A mutant supremecist and a cultist of the Acolytes, Fabian is a charismatic though treacherous leader in Genosha.
* 1990 -- Born in Spain to a family of noble blood and ties to the Spanish monarchy.
* 2004 -- Mutant Gene activates, his powers coming to the fore. However, his powers are more subtle, and it's only through their effect on his sister, Anne-Marie, that he even knows they are there.
* Fall 2008 -- Begins university at a private European Union university in Munich.
* Late 2010 -- Drops out of university in his third year after being radicalized both politically and cultishly online to co-found the Acolytes (full title of the group is Acolytes of Magneto) with a handful of other like minded mutants, presenting himself and the others to Magento to serve him directly. He begins training with the other Acolytes and the remaining Brotherhood to hone his body to be a reasonable freedom fighter for Magneto's cause, as his mutation is not physical.
* 2015 - Assisted Magneto, the Acolytes, the Brotherhood, and the X-Men liberate Genosha from the Magistrates. Rewarded with the position of Advisor.
* 2020 - On an errand for Magneto, Fabian was outside the palace on the far side of Hammer Bay when the attack hit. He was grievously wounded, comatose, and buried under rubble, and taken unconscious to Wakanda to recuperate. He awakens in a hospital unit in Wakanda among others of his countrymen, and immediately demands repatriation to the side of his liege.. To find out that liege is now Magento's youngest daughter, Lorna. Still, his duties call him home, and though he is not fully recovered he returns to the rubble of Genosha to see to it being rebuilt in his God-King's image.
* 2021 - Magneto's actions leaving Genosha and Asteroid M made him extremely jaded and made him traveling the world. He has learned new skills and made many new contacts. He has also established cells of his cult in pockets around the world.
* 2024 - He finally feels he is ready to return to Genosha and help ensure that it becomes utterly undefeatable. It is his destiny. It is his birthright.
IC Journal
Fabian is a founding member of the cult that worships Magento as a godmutant, The Acolytes. His fervent and unbreakable belief in Magento, his vision, and his martyrdom and potential eventual rise from the dead drives him with the intensity of any person deeply enmeshed in any religion. He is also not shy about trying to sway other mutants to his beliefs and while his proselytizing is usually charismatically done, it is fervent and passionate.
Raised as nobility, Fabian was geared to be a leader from birth. Though he is also content to accept orders from a higher member of the chain of command, he thrives when he is given people to lead on their behalf.
Proud and Vain:
Fabian is a handsome man, and a nobleman besides. He keeps himself in perfect shape and as well-groomed as the situation allows for. Further, as a mutant, he truly believes himself to be a member of the chosen race, homo superior.
Character Sheet
Fabian has learned to augment the slightly superior physical traits that almost all mutants have such that; unless a mutant has physical debilitation as part of their mutant power, he is able to speed their natural healing by a factor of ten.
Power Manipulation:
Fabian can enhance, dampen and unify the mutant powers and abilities of other homo superior.He is able to increase a single mutant's power by upwards of a factor that can even make them entirely uncontrollable with concentration, or a handful of other mutants at a lesser amount. The more mutants he is enhancing at once the less enhancement they all receive, though he can focus on one receiving more of a boost than others. He must be within a reasonable physical radius of the recipient to make use of this power. He cannot use this power while unconscious, it is a focused power. The boost fades after a brief time (generally a scene).
He has learned to be able to make this effect addictive if he chooses; though it only works on a single boost, and will only occur if there are repeated applications (at least three). The addiction will fade with enough time between boosts. Note: All aspects of this ability requires consent to be used on a player character.
Power Read:
Along with enhancing, Fabian can determine the exact power set of another mutant within a reasonable visual range of himself (face to face, not through video screens) by simple concentration. He usually uses this ability to coordinate with his team on how to take them down if necessary.
Fabian is widely travelled and has learned many languages. He is fluent in English, Spanish, French, German. He also has good conversational knowledge of Russian, Sotho, Swahili, Zulu, Wakandan, Afrikans, Mandarin and Japanese.
Trained from birth as a noble scion, Fabian has been taught the art and value of leadership from a young age. He is good either as a primary leader or a secondary leader under a higher ranked ally.
Fabian is an obsessively trained marksman who specializes in pistols and small guns. As a militant mutant freedom fighter with no outward physical powers, he is intent on still being useful in combat. While he is no Ollie Queen or Clint Barton, much less any meta, his marksmanship is pretty close to peak for a baseline human, similar to someone like Frank Castle.
Peak Conditioning:
As Fabian has no physical powers, he is also obsessed with keeping himself in prime shape so as to not be useless on the field. He has the physical conditioning of a human who does regular strenuous and targeted workouts.
Tactics and Strategy:
His primary and grade school being at a military school for the upper class in Europe, he is a long study of Tactics and Strategy, and since forming the Acolytes has had many chances to apply and learn further in the field. He might be able to go toe-to-toe with Cyclops on this.
Unarmed Combatant:
Fabian has also learned unarmed combat from members of the Brotherhood, although he prefers to use guns, in a pinch, he can defend himself with hands and feet. He has spent time sampling local styles from various parts of the world.
As the co-founder of the Acolytes, he holds great sway with the cult as a whole. Though their primary loyalty is to Magento and his line, many of them consider Fabian to be one of the Chosen and obey him without question.
He has personally built numerous cult cells around the world that are loyal to him to the point of sharing their time, talents or possessions to the cause.
Family Ties:
His family is Spanish nobility and he has blood and political ties there and across Europe. He doesn't like to pull on them, but he will if needed.
Fabian assisted with the liberation of Genosha and has served the royal house as an advisor since. He is well known to the people and well-liked, as he often was tasked to handle what could be considered petty issues of the nation.
He comes from a wealthy family, who while not entirely happy with his choices, are still supportive of him. He has access to this as needed, though he often eschews it. He also has established a number of safehouses and bolt holes from his cult around the world, stocked with weapons and other expected resources.
Fabian truly is a mutant supremacist. He despised having humans live on Genosha after Magneto took over, and privately advised often to have them removed or killed. He does not see humans as people, rather at best, cattle, and at worst, an enemy that must be utterly destroyed.
His time abroad has tempered this a little but also made it worse. He now has a hidden hierarchy that places the Brotherhood, Acolytes, and those who fought for Genosha's liberation at the top. Followed in descending order by Mutants, Metahumans, Mutants who fought against Genosha, other powered individuals, aliens, sapient species such as dolphins or whales, and finally baseline humans dead last.
His public face and private face on this are very different. Publicly its just mutants and powered individuals first but not all humans are bad. Privately he really believes in this hierarchy and it has a significant effect in his decision making. Individuals can prove exceptions and he will trust or work with humans who are exceptionally loyal to the cause, but the ramp to do so is long and always subject to ending if disloyalty is show.
If Fabian wants something, he cannot quit until it is his, or until he is distracted by something he wants more. Whether that is skill, or the recognition of a person makes no difference.
True Believer:
Fabian is a cultist in the worst sense of the word. He truly, desperately believes in Magneto's martyrdom to the point he had been planning his own coup to force it into play when the razing of Genosha happened. This is not out of dislike for Magneto, rather the opposite: a pure worshipful love that genuinely and terribly believed the death of his God-King was the only way to save mutant kind. His sanity and sense of logic and coherence cannot be trusted when it comes to his religious beliefs. With the destruction of Genosha, and his cult's devotion and desires being set into motion, he is likely to be easily swayed towards total war with humanity to bring about the Utopia that the Acolytes crave.
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Fabian Cortez has
33 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Updates on the Acolytes | February 16th, 2025 | Fabian reports his recent activities and plans to Magneto and gets approval for a couple more... unethical ones. |
Rumble In Th--Little Italy! | February 11th, 2025 | Well it's not like he -meant- to kill 'im... |
Cortez Vs Becomer 2 | February 10th, 2025 | Becomer has a Job! |
The Birth of the Upstarts | February 9th, 2025 | Trevor pops in on Fabian unannounced to offer him a vision of the future. |
Title Pending | February 5th, 2025 | Maddie wants to know if Cortez's Power Receivers would work for her, Cortez reads her powers, everyone is alarmed, but conversation is still had! What potential sits here? |
Favors 1: X-Men's Offer | February 4th, 2025 | Fabian Cortez offers the X-men use of tech that will allow double their normal powers, if only they give him a call. Everyone Thinks This Is A Bad Idea and that Fabian is Trying To Be Evil. +Plot 263 |
Messing With The Wrong One | February 1st, 2025 | One Acolyte messes around a little too much with Cain and 'finds out'. |
X-Men: Unleash the Hounds | January 27th, 2025 | A twisted monster of a man called Ahab attacks a gathering of mutants with his slaves, the Hounds with murder on his mind for sport. A group of Brotherhood and X-Men fight him off with trauma. |
Cortez Vs Becomer 1 | January 26th, 2025 | Becomer is a creep and Fabian still wants it on his team. |
Blood Drive on Asteroid M | January 25th, 2025 | Cortez recovers on Asteroid M. The Rogue Madrox Dupe schemes to make his separation permanent. Many liters of blood are harvested. First appearance of All Thumbs Girl. |
Luck Runs Wild! | January 21st, 2025 | Where in, Jennifer Stravros and Fabian Cortez break eachother. Luck manipulation is a bad combination with power manipulation. |
Field Trip for Training | January 18th, 2025 | Fabian leads Vito through a training simulation. Vito makes a mess. |
Getting to Know Genosha | January 16th, 2025 | Vito and Fabian go for a walk, visit a memorial, and Fabian shoots Vito. Everyone ends up laughing and having a wonderful day! |
New Approach | January 14th, 2025 | The Acolytes host a 'public discussion' in Mutant Town where Fabian Cortez speaks on the future of Mutantkind. He is challanged by Lois Lane, verbal sparring resulting in +bbread 4/754. And yet, teen mutant Vito appears to be won over by the propaganda! |
HUNGER: War of the Heralds | January 13th, 2025 | The heroes gather. Two Heralds die (and one gets his ass bit by a super-dog). Galactus revokes the Surfer's powers and empowers Morg, who seems more dangerous than ever. The heroes retreat, but the Invisible Woman and Hal Jordan leads an infiltration into the Worldship. |
Mutant Night at Underground Fight Club | January 7th, 2025 | The Underground Fight Ring has been infultrated by the Acolytes of Magneto! Openly! Investigation reveals many more Acolytes at hand, a single fight is interupted by an accidental fire and a more major confrontation is avoided! For now? |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Apocalypse Now | January 5th, 2025 | Stryfe and his allies have their cataclysmic showdown with Cable and his allies, all in pursuit of the power of Apocalypse. |
Multiple Prepwork | January 2nd, 2025 | Jamie, Rogue and Monet drop in on Cortez unannounced. Cortez is sus and now they have proof he's up to something! |
Making 'Friends' | December 31st, 2024 | Unlikely as it seems, Cortez and the Juggernaut have come to an understanding. There is a potential of allyship if Things Go Well. |
Brooklyn Bash | December 26th, 2024 | Cortez and gang try to steal something, and Mandy and Cliff try to stop him. Still, Cortez is Cortez, and brought along the Juggernaut, so nobody gets what they want. Except maybe Juggernaut. |
Recruitment Drive | December 19th, 2024 | Quire: 1, Cortez: 0, Satana: Free Meal, Caleb: Was just trying to be a nice guy |
Genosha Getaway | December 16th, 2024 | While visiting her father in Genosha, Kitty and Fabian Cortez run into each other. |
Deus Ex Sinister - The Ultimate Mutant | December 15th, 2024 | The Shade and Fabian Cortez interrupt Mister Sinister. It's a partial win for the Acolytes, but at an extreme cost and truama from it. Some wins aren't worth it as they get a glimpse of the monster underneath the man. |
I come to parley | December 14th, 2024 | Emma 1, Fabian 0 |
Assassinating Children is Fine | December 14th, 2024 | Fabian and a group of Acolytes fail to assassinate a GenZ Anti-Mutant Influancer thanks to the unlikely interferance by Emma and Conan! |
For the Cause | April 15th, 2024 | Fabian and Kwannon scope out targets for allies and for exploitation. |
The Path Of Progress: The Fall Of John Sublime Pt. 3 | April 13th, 2024 | Cable and X-Force finally confront John Sublime. |
A Sinister Plot: The Left Hand Holds All The Cards: Team Three | June 6th, 2020 | Clones are discovered, Heroic X-Men commit property damage in the name of good, and Mr. Sinister proves he darn well can't share. |
The Vizer and the Queen | May 21st, 2020 | Fabian and Lorna talk about the state of things in Genosha. |
Genosha Expedition III: The Exiles | April 26th, 2020 | The Magistrates return to Genosha attempting some Gunboat Diplomacy, angering the mutants on site. It doesn't end well for the returning exiles when an angry and power-boosted Polaris attacks them. |
X-men Base: Genosha | April 25th, 2020 | Scott and Lorna try to catch up on reports... and Lorna has a panic attack. Enter Fabian. |
The Acolytes Return | April 18th, 2020 | Exodus sparks some rather heated discussion in the Genoshan royal tent. |
At Your Service | April 13th, 2020 | Fabian returns to Genosha and offers his services to the daughter of Magneto. She accepts... begrudgingly. |
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Fabian Cortez has
33 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Fabian Cortez has been credited in
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Fabian Cortez has been credited in
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Fabian Cortez has authored
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