Harry Leland |
Harry Leland (Scenesys ID: 5258)
Harold "Harry" Leland, Esq
Corporate Lawyer and Financier
Manhattan, New York, New York
Master's degree in finance, JD in Law.
Marvel (VFC)
Mutants, Rogues Gallery, Hellfire Club
Apparent Age:
Actual Age:
Date of Birth
12 Nov 1973
Played By
380 lbs
Hair Color:
Strawberry blond
Eye Color:
Theme Song:
Money by Pink Floyd
Character Info
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Harry Leland is wealthy, powerful, and a devotee of pleasures of all sorts. He's a shark in the boardroom and in the courtroom and has the professional reputation to show for it. He's also ruthlessly amoral in his personal life and while he sees no need to be outwardly rude or mean to people he wants to destroy, this will not stop him from going to nearly any length to get what he wants. Raised by wealthy parents, attended prestigous schools, being told no only spurred him to go further, get more extreme, in the name of getting what he wants.
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*1973: Born to Victoria and Montgomery Leland in Boston, Massachusetts
*1988: His control over gravity manifests, resulting in the negligent homicide of a girl that had rejected him. His parents arrange for the charges to be dropped.
*1991: Attended the University of Pennsylvania seeking a degree in finance.
*1995: Graduates cum laude from Penn
*1996: Is accepted and attends the Wharton school of Business at Penn to get his master's degree in finance
*2000: Graduates from Penn with his master's degree in finance. Develops a reputation for being hard-drinking and absolutely ruthless in business.
*2001: Goes to work at Bain Capital in their mergers and acquisitions department. Quickly rises up the ranks, slowed only by his increasingly out-of-control drinking habit.
*2005: Takes a leave of absence from Bain to enroll at Georgetown to get his law degree. Gets a near-perfect score on his LSATs.
*2008: Graduates summa cum laude from Georgetown with his JD in Law.
*2009: Goes to work for Goldman Sachs in their legal division, being recruited explicitly for his legal and financial expertise.
*2010: Checks himself into Betty Ford to deal with his increasingly-problematic drinking habit. Emerges six months later, now sober.
*2010: Returns to Goldman Sachs in their legal department and assigned to work on the financial end of corporate raiding.
*2015: His net worth crossed the 250 million dollar mark due to a little insider trading and a lot of bonuses for extremely profitable M&A activities. Begins to relapse into his alcoholism but is managing to keep his habit from affecting his professional life.
*2016: Diagnosed with congestive heart failure and begins a treatment regimen to control his condition. He also cuts back on his drinking for a time.
*2018: Crosses financial swords with Sebastian Shaw, handing the other man a rare loss in court and in the financial world.
*2019: Sebastian lures Harry away from Sachs to go to work for Shaw Industries. Sebastian also sponsors Harry for membership in the Hellfire Club's Outer Circle.
*2021: Harry is retained privately by Emma Frost to lead the effort in a hostile takeover of Frost International.
IC Journal
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Driven To Succeed:
To Harry, it's not enough to just get by. He believes in giving 110% effort to everything he does, which is a contributing factor to his alcoholism (see Weaknesses). He's highly intelligent and willing to do anything necessary to come out on top. He recognizes that consequences exist but if he can mitigate or dodge those, he will without a second thought.
Harry is an outwardly friendly and cordial man. He rarely curses, even more rarely raises his voice, and treats others that he's not competing with in business with respect. He gives to charity regularly, treats those around him and under him with warmth and kindness, and adores children. He made the decision long ago to treat others with kindness and then, if necessary, bury them in a shallow unmarked grave if they interfere with his goals.
Harry appreciates the female form in all its glories. He appreciates it so much that he tends to invite anyone he thinks might accept into his bed. He does, as a saving grace, take rejection with good grace and charm.
Character Sheet
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Gravity Manipulation:
Harry was born with the ability to manipulate gravity - one of the four fundamental forces - at his whim. He has not bothered to train his gift in any real combat sense but one trick he most definitely has down pat is the ability to rapidly increase the weight of an object within sixty yards of his person. He can adjust weight by an orders of magnitude, which tends to turn most unaugmented people into chunky salsa. He's so good at this one trick that floors tend to give way when he really cranks up the force of gravity. Cranking up gravity that high is, however, very rough on Leland's body and exacerbates his cardiac issues. If he pushes too hard or for too long, the strain could be fatal.
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Harry has attended some very good schools in his time and is quite intelligent. While he's not quite a genius he's above-average in his memory and critical thinking skills as well as having a diverse set of interests upon which he can converse. In his chosen fields of law and finance, he's near the top of his field.
Harry is a skilled financier, a wizard of the balance sheet. His speciality is in mergers and acquisitions as well as corporate raiding. He can analyze a company to the last dime and see where the most profit can be made either in breaking it up and selling off the parts or in merging it with another company to the betterment of both.
Harry is a financial lawyer, barred in New York State, Pennsylvania, Delaware, as well as in his home state of Massachusetts.
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Harry has a penthouse apartment in midtown Manhattan as well as a mansion in Boston and a second penthouse apartment in downtown Philadelphia.
Harry likes to be stylish in his dress, in a conservative manner. All of his clothes are hand-tailored to his bulk and made of the finest materials.
Harry is a multi-millionaire with investments all around the globe. He's definitely in the 1% but he's by no means ultra-wealthy.
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Harry is an alcoholic. He's mostly got his problem under control these days, having recognized that his dependency on alcohol was beginning to seriously hinder his life. He has by no means cut alcohol out of his life entirely, he's just better about knowing where the line is and/or mitigating his excesses.
Congestive Heart Failure:
Harry has congestive heart failure. His blood pressure is usually too high and only roughly controlled via medication. As such, when his blood pressure spikes he tends to be racked in a cardiac cough that can leave him helpless for a minute or more. He's also a much higher risk for a heart attack or a stroke if he pushes himself too hard for too long.
Out of Shape:
Harry is morbidly obese and has little stamina for extended physical activity. Because of this his gravity manipulation power tends to put great strain on his body.
Harry is something of a sociopath. He doesn't feel a great deal of shame or remorse or moral qualms - his concern is nearly always how a situation will either benefit him or hinder him. This trait has given him great success in the business world, especially in corporate raiding and in mergers and acquisitions. It's much easier to get wealthy when you don't tremendously care about the welfare of others.
Entertainment Credits
Harry Leland/gallery
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Group Memberships
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