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Isalia (Scenesys ID: 4600)
Name: Isalia
Superalias: None
Gender: Female
Species: Demi-God
Occupation: Amazon
Citizenship: Themysciria
Residence: Themysciria
Education: Classical Greek Godling
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Themyscirans
Apparent Age: 23 Actual Age: 2443
Date of Birth 8 December 420BC Played By
Height: 6'1" Weight: 150 lb
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Sky Blue
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Child of an Amazon and the god Aeolus who has only recently decided to join the Amazons in the World of Men.


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* 420 BC - Aeolus happens across Zanira. The typical Greek god kind of thing happens, and nine months later Isalia is born. As the baby tended to float around her nursery, the baby was left with her father, who could follow her if she drifted too high.

* 419 BC - 409 BC- Isalia grows up in and around her father's palace. Her mother visits her on occasion, but Isalia does seem to fit in well where she is.

* 409BC - 350BC - Isalia is trained in the standard weapons of the day by various mythological creatures residing on her father's island. She thus received training on a wide number of weapons against a very unusual array of opponents. She shows great skill with weapons, but often just doesn't have the strength to effectively fight more powerful opponents.

* 350BC - Seeing her frustration with not being to match her opponent's strength, one of the spirits residing on the island suggests the bow as a weapon for her.

* 350BC - 320BC - Isalia takes to the bow like a duck to water, and quickly becomes a deadly shot.

* 320BC - 10AD - Isalia decides to begin patrolling the island and driving off unwanted visitors. It is in the course of these duties that she first gets into real combat, and finds that the bow really does suit her.

* 10AD - On one of her patrols, Isalia spots an unknown figure vanish into a tunnel covered by overgrowth. She follows quietly and finds herself in the vault holding the door behind which the Anemoi Thuellai (Storm Winds) are kept locked away. There is a group of people here, working together to try and release the Storm Winds upon the world without any restraints on them. Seeing her duty clearly, she demands they stop, then moves into combat when they attack her instead. With her ability to use a bow while flying, she makes fairly quick work of them, but does take an arrow in her shoulder. She returns to her father's palace to tell him what happened and to recover from the wound, which doesn't take all that long.

* 132AD - On one of her mother's visits, Isalia tells her about the fight and injury. Zanira suggests further combat training on Themyscira to better prepare her for such events in the future.

* 133AD - 157AD - Isalia goes to Themyscira for martial training. It quickly becomes clear that she is nowhere near the physical specimen her sisters are, but she can run and fly circles around them. The Amazon trainers put together a program based on her speed and archery, and in this, she excels. During the last year of her training she is taught to use the Bracers of Submission to deflect attacks, and upon the words of the trainers that she is ready to take up her duties as an Amazon, she is formally presented with her own set.

* 157AD -1165AD - Isalia returns to patrol her father's realm since the Gate on Themyscira has quite a large number of guardians with all the Amazons living there.

* 1166AD - Another attempt is made on the Vault of the Winds, but Isalia leads a group of her father's guards to stop the vault from opening. At least one of the people involved in the attack seems familiar. Upon her return to the palace, Aeolus gifts her with a magical bow, the Bow of the Winds.

* 1166AD - 1592AD - Isalia grows more and more restless in the eternally unchanging isle, patrols become more and more boring.

* 1592AD - The third attempt on the Vault of the Winds. This time the attackers come prepared. Over a hundred warriors, along with a griffon and several satyrs. This battle rages for almost a day, the leader once again slipping away when Isalia's forces prove the stronger.

* 1592AD - 2022AD - The boredom can almost be cut with a knife as more years go by. Although Isalia has lost none of her sunny personality, she really, really wants to see something new.

* 2022 - With the Amazons becoming a part of the outside world again, Isalia decides to venture forth from her father's realm and see the real world outside of Godly realms or Themysciria.

IC Journal

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She tends to take the most positive viewpoint possible in any given situation.

She has not been a part of the real world, and doesn't really have a good idea of how deceptive and flat out evil some people can be.

Character Sheet


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Amazon Physique:
Superhuman Strength - She is not the imposing specimen most of her sisters are. That said, she can still lift about a ton, but this puts her on the low end of the strength scale.

Superhuman Durability - Again, she is not as tough as most Amazons. She can still take hits fairly well from anything up to about her own strength, meaning humans can be basically ignored, but anyone with super strength is a threat to her.

Superhuman Endurance - Her divine parentage gives her deep reserves of energy.

Immortality - As with all the Amazons, she will only die if killed by an outside force.

Enhanced Healing - She recovers from wounds almost as quickly as any other Amazon.

Allspeak - Like all Amazons, Isalia can understand and be understood by all creatures native to worlds connected to the Demiurge.

Daughter of the Winds:
Superhuman Speed - It is here that her parentage shines brightly on her. While she is not connected to the Speed Force, she can move faster than just about anything except those so blessed. Her reflexes are as fast as her movement, making her able to avoid or deflect almost any attack. She has no troubles emulating Diana's trick of blocking bullets with her bracers, and can probably move about as quickly as the Princess as well.

Flight - Born of the god of the winds, the sky is as much home to her as the ground. She can fly at supersonic speeds and turn on a dime. She often prefers to glide just off the ground rather than walking.


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Isalia's chosen combat style, the daughter of the winds is one of the best archers in the world. She unconsciously corrects for any air movement, and is as comfortable firing a bow while in flight as when standing on a solid surface.

Melee Combat:
She has had training with the normal weapons, sword, spear and shield over thousands of years. She's about as skilled at them as any mortal blademaster. Still, she prefers not to get into melee combat unless there is no other choice since she is weaker and less durable than her sisters.

Isalia used the flute to defeat some of the boredom of her father's realm. She's good enough at it to perform professionally and also has tried her hand at composing music.


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She has a set of armor following the pattern many of the Amazons use, resembling Diana's armor in coverage but colored white and gold. It helps protect her against any attacks that do manage to land, but even with it she is still less resistant to damage than other Amazons.

Bow of the Winds:
A gift from her father, this divine bow looks like it has been crafted of gold and ivory. She carries no quiver, because the bow creates it's own arrows at her mental command. It can form these of hardened air and choose either a blunt or sharp tip. It can also conjure arrows of crackling lightening, causing whatever is hit the same damage as being hit by lightning. The bow can shrink down to about a foot long, allowing it to fit into a sheath strapped to her right leg when not in use.

Bracers of Submission:
Isalia was presented with these upon the end of her training. They are her main defense against any attack she cannot dodge. She's fast enough to even block fully automatic gunfire.


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Amazon Code:
Having been trained and accepted as am Amazon and being presented with her bracers, Isalia is expected to keep to the Code.

As the child of a Greek god, she inherits a number of enemies. The main ones are the Anemoi Thuellai, or Storm Winds, that her father keeps locked up inside his floating island. Should they break free, they would certainly try to harm her to get back as her father.

Cult of the Storm - Led by a mysterious figure in black robes decorated with silver lightning bolts, the cult has been thwarted from releasing the Storm Winds three times by Isalia. There's a good chance that if they learn she has come to Earth that they will come after her.

Piercing Attacks:
In common with her sisters, she has almost no defenses if she is hit with a piercing attack.



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Isalia has 4 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Brooding Beasts April 19th, 2023 The infected creatures of the Savage Lands cause a frenzied stampede that engulfs a village of innocents. Wonder Woman, and the Amazons, call to arms the protectors of the Savage Lands from the X-Men and the Justice League.
Planetary Defense Briefing: The Brood April 6th, 2023 Members of various super hero teams combine for one all out blowout cage match in the Watchtower. They discuss the Brood invasion, the Shi'ar that loved them, and how the various supers should react to it all. Act now, and catch it on Pay Per View for only 49.99!
The Liberation of Pete Ross February 18th, 2023 A brave group of heroes goes in search of Pete Ross and finds in their way the biggest HYDRA military base any of them has ever seen.
Isalia drops in January 22nd, 2023 A new (old?) Amazon basically drops out of the sky. Introductions are made.


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Isalia has 4 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Isalia has been credited in 0 shows.

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Isalia has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
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Isalia has authored 0 books.

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Group Memberships

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