Liam Traynor

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Liam Traynor (Scenesys ID: 5312)
Name: Liam Threinfhir
Superalias: Faoladh
Gender: Male
Species: Fae Werewolf
Occupation: Bodyguard & Carpenter
Citizenship: Ireland
Residence: New York City
Education: On Going
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: JL Dark
Apparent Age: 23 Actual Age: 23
Date of Birth 22 Apr 2001 Played By Brock O'Hurn
Height: 6'6" Weight: 243 lbs
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde Eye Color: Nordic Blue
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Born the child of a powerful witch and the spirit of an Irish Fae Werewolf, Liam has known his purpose in life since he was a small child. Determined to fulfill his duty and make his ancestors proud, he has come to New York City to seek out Corben Kelly and guard the man with his life? which will likely be a challenge.


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* 2001: Liam is born in Armagh, Ireland to Cadhla, the Ardsagart (High Priestess) of the Cumhnant na Beatha (Coven of Life). His father is not in the picture and he is raised by the members of the Cumhnant na Beatha.

* 2005: His education in the Cumhnant na Beatha and the Cumhnant a' Bhais (Coven of Death) begins, along with learning about the white magic of the Cumhnant na Beatha. He began learning Gaelic, English and French, reading, writing, math, etc. as a homeschooled individual.

* 2006: July, Liam experiences his first transformation to Faoladh (Irish Werewolf) and finally meets his father Cian Mac Threinfhir. Cian begins Liam's training as a werewolf, how to change forms at will and the combat skills he will need. The first signs of his talent with wood begins to show, and is nurtured by his 'mothers'.

* 2009: October, He learns about Corben Kelly, and gains the knowledge that he is meant to protect him, and why. Even as a child, he accepts, and devotes himself to learning all that he can and training for the duty he was born for.

* 2011: April, Liam receives his first tattoos, Celtic Interlacing pattern on both arms, just above the elbows. He also started learning American and French Sign Language.

* 2015: April, Liam receives his second tattoo, The Triquetra (Celtic Knot) over his heart on his chest. This is the year that he also begins an apprenticeship for wood carving and carpentry.

* 2017: April, Liam received his last magical tattoo, The Tree of Life, on his back. He maintains his studies and training, as well as working toward Journeyman Woodworker and Carpenter.

* 2019: Cian disappears, Cadhla explains that the magic that permitted him to exist expired on Liam's eighteenth birthday, but Cian would always remain part of Liam.

* 2020 Liam is accepted into the Southern Regional College, Armagh Campus to further his studies of carpentry and woodworking, as well as continuing his work with a master woodworker.

* 2023: February, With only a year of classes left at SRC, Liam begins applying to colleges in New York City to further his education and skills. June, is accepted by Columbia University to begin classes toward a degree in Applied Science, Woodworking.

* 2024: May, Liam heads to New York City, New York in the United States of America. His plans for college may be put on hold as the call to action screamed through his soul. It was time to find Corben Kelly.

IC Journal

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Once Liam sets his mind to something, there is no chance of changing it. He is determined to finish what he starts, earn a living, and keep his ward alive at all costs.

Gentle Giant:
At his heart, Liam really is a gentle and kind being. He tries to avoid conflict with humans when he can, and will go out of his way to resolve issues without violence. He knows he's large and that can make him scary to some people, but deep down he just wants to help.

His loyalty isn't easily won, but once Liam calls you a friend, he is loyal to a fault. He will be there for you, no matter what.

Liam will always stand between danger and the people he cares about. If that means holding them back to stay in front of them, that is what he will do. He believes himself to be strong enough to take it, whereas others may not be.

Character Sheet


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Acute Senses:
Liam's eyesight, hearing, sense of smell and taste match those of a wolf no matter what form he is in. He can see better in the dark, hear noises that might be missed by human ears, and scent track someone over long distances.

Claws and Teeth:
When in his werewolf or wolf forms, Liam gains claws that can easily slice through steel, be embedded in concrete, and even chop a man in half. They are always sharp, never dull and are very difficult to break. His teeth are nearly as strong as his claws, and can be used to bite down and hold on to things.

Liam can regenerate from damage done to his body, no matter the form, at an accelerated pace. A broken arm will take about a week to heal, deep cuts would take several days, and so forth.

Speed and Agility:
Due to Liam's being a werewolf, his agility is enhanced enough that he can dance out of danger, or in front of someone else to protect them. His movement speeds are only moderately faster than a normal human beings, unless he is in his wolf form and then he is twice as fast as a normal wolf.

Strength and Durability:
Liam is considerably strong. He is no match for superheroes the likes of the Hulk and Superman, but can stand against most others without too much trouble. He is also able to take considerably hard hits, survive bullet wounds, and even fall from a height of 50' and survive.

Each tattoo has been magically imbued with white magic for a specific purpose. The power of each can only be called into use once a day, then requires a full day to recharge.

Celtic Interlocking: Symbolized eternity, the cycle of life and death and eternal love. This tattoo is imbued to allow Liam to track a target no matter where they go on Earth (if the target moves to another plane of existence, the tracking spell ends and would have to be reactivated on that plane). WIth this tattoo he can track down Corben if he needs to, but the same limitations apply.

The Triquetra (Celtic Knot): Symbolizes the elements of earth, air and water. This tattoo is imbued to protect Liam against fire, drowning, and being buried alive (by moving the earth away from him). The effect activates automatically and will last until Liam is away from the risk of fire, no longer in water, and/or out of the ground.

The Tree of Life: In Celtic mythology, trees are considered sacred beings and symbols of seasonality, the cycle of life and death, and rebirth. This tattoo has been imbued with two distinct spells.
The first is the ability to heal someone who has been injured. He can heal a broken bone, mend torn skin and muscle, and close the wound of a severed limb, but not regrow it. He can never heal himself, and it takes three days to regenerate this spell.
The second spell is a contingency linked to Liam's duty. Should Corben Kelly be mortally wounded and/or die, the spell will activate automatically no matter where Liam is in conjunction with Corben. It will pull the energy to cast from the very magical essence that is his Irish Fae Werewolf. Corben will instantly be fully healed and/or 'reborn' if he died. Liam will immediately return to a human form and require time to recover, but he will no longer be a werewolf.

Three Forms:
Liam can assume three distinct forms, which are:

Human: Liam in his human form is 6'6" tall. He appears as any other human on the planet.

Werewolf: In this form Liam looks like the ancient mythical creature that he is... a Werewolf. He stands anywhere from 7' to 8' in height, his weight matching that. He is covered in muscles with dark black fur covering his entire body.

Wolf: In this form Liam is a wolf. He is six feet long (including tail), two and a half feet in height at the shoulder and weighs around 140 pounds. His body is slightly more muscular than a normal wolf, and is covered in dark black fur.


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Although Liam can build furniture, and even wooden structures, he is an amazing artist when it comes to carving. He can take a piece of wood and carve exact likeness into the surface, or as a statue. He prefers using recycled woods to give his work a unique appearance.

Liam is a Journeyman Woodworker and only a few official hours away from master level. He can build wooden structures, make furniture, and carve intricate designs and statues. With a piece of wood in hand, he's in his element.

Distance Running:
One of the few things Liam picked up entirely for himself is his running. He started going for runs to clear his head as a child, and has continued to do so his entire life. The longer he has done it, the further he can go before growing weary.

Hand To Hand:
Being what he is, Liam has learned various forms of hand to hand combat, as well as some very specific to werewolves for using his claws. He has mastered the use of his claws, and can use rear claws when in wolf or werewolf form as well.

Liam's native tongues are Irish and English, but he has also learned Gaelic, French, as well as ASL and LSF.

It likely goes without saying that Liam can be dropped in the wilderness and survive, but he has also taken the time to learn all the human tricks for building shelters, starting fires, and the other skills required to survive for weeks.


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Cumhnant Na Beatha:
There are 13 members of the Coven of Life in Ireland. If Liam ever has a dire need, those who can will come to his aid, send money, clothing, or other items that he might require. They are his family, the people who raised him, and they will do what they can for him.

Online Sales:
Liam makes and sells small to medium sized wooden statues, as well as pieces of furniture, both online and hopefully in New York as well.

Threinfhir Family Savings:
Liam is the last of the Threinfhir line, and though he has no idea where the money came from, he has access to a decent sized inheritance (around 350k, he's never looked for the exact numbers).


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Acute Senses:
The downside of seeing, hearing, scenting and tasting things like wolves is that the world looks different. He is sensitive to high pitched noises, including dog whistles and things taste differently to him than they do to other people.

Meat, meat and more meat. Sure, he can eat those green things but they do nothing for him. Liam requires meat for nutrition, be it cow, pig, chicken, horse, rat, guinea pig? you get the idea.

Moon Phases:
Unlike other werewolves of legend who are forced to change forms when the moon is full, Liam can shift through his forms any time he likes. However, this ability comes with a price. When the moon is full, it is difficult for him to /not/ want to be in his largest form for the entirety of the three days. If he is unable to shift forms, he is grumpy, irritated and can lose his temper far more easily. During the waxing and waning moons, he is in full control of his emotions, and during the new moon he becomes something of a cuddle bear and may experience troubles taking any form other than human.

Liam may wear a human skin, but he is not human. By all accounts he is a predator like the wolf inside him. His nature and demeanor can sometimes make others uncomfortable just by him being there. It isn?t anything he specifically does, it just happens from the natural order of predator and prey.

Silver and Iron:
Liam has a double whammy when it comes to metal allergies. Silver will block his ability to change forms, while Iron stops him from being able to use any magic. Both metals will burn his skin if he touches them or is touched by them, and prolonged exposure can cause up to third degree burns.

Ward: Corben Kelly:
Sworn to protect Corben with his own life, this makes the man a weakness that will bring Liam to his knees. Should someone kidnap or harm Corben, it is possible that Liam will lose control and go into a rage, and Corben is the only one who could successfully calm him down.



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Liam Traynor has 3 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Portents of Peril: Something Wicked May 18th, 2024 Corben calls a meeting to discuss an encroaching darkness in the Otherworld. Getting out is the easy part, it's the getting in that can be a little hard.
DOOM: Rescuing the American Dream May 18th, 2024 A journey into Hell offers nightmarish sights, sounds, and scents. A brutal fight for survival results in the retrieval of a national landmark.
No One Should Eat Bacon Alone May 4th, 2024 A ginger wolf shows up just in the nick of time to save Corben from angry vampires. Tied to Corben by fate, Liam likely isn't going anywhere - ever - even after the bacon's gone in the morning.


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Liam Traynor has 3 finished logs.

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Liam Traynor has been credited in 0 shows.

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Liam Traynor has been credited in 0 albums.

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Liam Traynor has authored 0 books.

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