Maynard Tiboldt
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Maynard Tiboldt (Scenesys ID: 3641) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Maynard Tiboldt | ||
Superalias: | Ringmaster | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Occupation: | Ringmaster/Secret Criminal | ||
Citizenship: | American | ||
Residence: | Mobile | ||
Education: | High School Graduate | ||
Theme: | Marvel (VFC) | ||
Groups: | Rogues Gallery | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 38 | Actual Age: | 38 |
Date of Birth | 05 Jan 1984 | Played By | A young Tom Selleck with black hair |
Height: | 6' 1" | Weight: | 190 lb |
Hair Color: | Black | Eye Color: | Green |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: | |
Character Info
Maynard Tiboldt is the current Ringmaster of Tiboldt's Circus and the latest of a dynasty of showmen. However, the people rejected Maynard's troupe and, in a fit of bitterness and anger, decided that if the people wouldn't enrich him and his troupe they would be forced to. So now he and his troupe travel the world as The Circus of Crime, using hypnosis and their own unique talents to enrich themselves and help Maynard get a fraction of revenge against the public that shunned him.
* 1984: Maynard Tiboldt is born to the legendary Tiboldt family, an Austrian family of showmen. His Father Fritz, a naturalized citizen, being the current Ringmaster of Tiboldt's Circus of Wonders.
* 1994-1999: Spent his child and teenhood struggling to balance both his academic responsibilities and his responsibilites at his family's circus, often traveling all over the country over the Summers.
* 2000: Maynard graduates High School and loses out on a scholarship in order to work in his Father's circus, becoming a knife thrower.
* 2008: While in Seattle, Maynard decides to research his family tree, and discovers a shameful family secret. His Grandfather used his Circus during WW2 to committ acts of espionage during the war, a shame that caused his Father to move to America when he inherited the Circus.
* 2011: Maynard's Father dies and leaves the Circus to Maynard.
* 2018: Tiboldt's Circus begins to suffer from financial difficulties due to declining interest in Circuses as a whole, enraging Maynard.
* 2019: While cleaning his Father's attic Maynard discovers the stolen blueprints of the Nulltron, a hypnotic device whose plans Maynard's Grandfather stole.
* 2019: In a fit of desperation, Maynard uses what funds he has left to have a criminal engineer to build the Nulltron, which he uses to rob a bank. This gives Maynard an idea, if the world won't enrich him and his troupe willingly, they will be forced to. He and his troupe decided to use their talents to committ robberies and other crimes.
* 2020-2021: Maynard and his troupe go on a "world tour", performing in shows around the world and picking up new talent while robbering their audiences and comitting other crimes.
* Dec 2021: Maynard returns to America and plans to bring his troupe to NYC.
IC Journal
Deep down within Maynard lies a bitter wretch whose has turned his back on normal society. Years of his circus being neglicted has made Maynard bitter towards people in general, whom he now views with disdan and scorn, blaming them for his failures. But, he keeps these emotions bottled up at all times, only letting them loose when angered.
Maynard may not show it much, but he is a caring person deep down. Part of his reason for turning criminal was the inability to pay his workers, who had shown him great loyalty for years, and Maynard didn't have the heart to put them out of the job. He is very fond and protective of both his troupe and his friends, willing to do anything to help them, imcluding prison breaks.
Maynard is a charming, gregarious, and a well-respected individual. He is easily able to get people to like and trust him, which is very important for both lines of his work.
Maynard Tiboldt is a surprsingly loyal boss and friend. He is never trecherous and takes any kind of treachery badly, to the point where he tries to attack any traitor he witnesses. He will also treats his employees surprsingly well, much better than most villains, knowing they will be loyal to him in return.
Despite the friendly facade. Maynard is a ruthless, surprisingly spiteful individual. He is willing to do anything to make sure his circus survives, even if it means kidnapping, public destruction, or even murder.
Character Sheet
Armed with his Nulltron, Maynard is a master of Hypnosis. With a combonation pf his smooth, calming, voice and his Nulltron Maynard is able to Hypnotize most normal people, but has a harder time doing it to those with higher mental resistance.
(Note: will ask for permisson before doing this in a scene)
Knife Throwing:
Maynard is a very skilled knife thrower. Years of practice has allowed him to hit targets as small as a dime. However, he will have trouble hitting people with superhuman reflexes.
Maynard is a skilled leader who is able to organize large-scale heists that run as well as well-maintained clocks
Maynard is a very skilled swindler and scam artist. With just a slight of hand trick and his silver tongue Maynard is able to fool most people, but can be outed by more skilled con-artists or by people with close observational skills.
Besides his Troupe, Maynard employs a sizable amount of "riff-raff" to work for him and his Circus. These men are often petty criminals, thugs, or jail escapees lured into working for Maynard under the pretense of steady pay and the ability to hide from the law by traveling place to place. When not serving as stagehands, concession stand staff, or various other backstage roles these crooks are often out and about committing crimes of their own to suppliment the Circus' income and often assist Maynard's troupe during their crimes.
The Circus of Crime:
Maynard's biggest asset is his Circus and its performers. Gathered from all corners of the globe, these men and women use their talents, skills, and sometimes even powers to commit crimes while entertaining the masses. Each individual is incredibly loyal to Maynard and his Circus and is almost impossible to break in interrogation, except by a master interrogator.
Elliot "Crafty" Franklin: Elliot Franklin, Clown name "Crafty," is a career con-man, pick-pocket, and all-the-round criminal. After breaking out of jail in Orlando, he joined with Maynard's circus and quickly became the leader of the "Clown Pack" Maynard's clowns. Elliot uses a series of weaponized clown gags, including scalding seltzer water, gas-filled juggling balls, and more.
The Jackal: The Jackal, real name unknown, is a Mutant Jackal Maynard picked up from Egypt. This mutant, formerly feral, was civilized by Maynard and The Great Gambonnos and trained in acrobatics and knife throwing and is now slowly becoming a big attraction. He uses his new skills combined with his natural abilities of excellent hearing and smelling to be a dangerous opponent.
The Great Gambonnos: Ernesto and Luigi Gambonno are acrobatic prodigies and master aerialists .They can leap distances of about 35 feet without a trapeze and are very skilled at parkour, which allows them to commit city-based crimes easily.
Tomas Ramirez: Tomas Ramirez is a fire-eater from Spain and an original member of Maynard's circus. Using a secret technique unique only to his clan, he can consume fire into his mouth then spit it out at enemies without harming himself. He also has access to incendiary discs, which explode into flames when they hit a target.
Zelda DuBois: Zelda DuBois. Aka Princess Python is one of the world's best snake charmers who has fallen in with the Circus of Crime. She is currently in possession of a giant python named Precious, which she can sic on foes, and has trained to do surprisingly intricate tasks.
Boris Zukov: Boris Zukov was picked up during Maynard?s latest world tour and was already an accomplished lion tamer in many circuses before falling on hard times. He has a close bond with his lions and can train them to be fierce to enemies yet gentle enough to leave with a baby. He has also taught them to commit simple acts of thievery.
The Kabuki Twins: The Kabuki Twins are twin contortionists and martial artists from Japan. The sisters are clad in traditional kabuki garb or red jumpsuits equipped with blades on their fingers and are always masked. They use their mastery of martial arts and their flexible bodies to significant effect as Maynard's bodyguards and as top-rated attractions.
Bruto The Strongman and Iron Jake Baker: Bruto and Iron Jake are Maynard?s primary muscle and the Circus? strongmen. Jake, an Englishman, and Bruto, a Swede, are apart physically powerhouses. Still, together, they are a true force to be reckoned with, using their incredible but not superhuman strength to overcome most mundane foes. However, the two hate each other passionately, stopping team-ups.
The Nulltron:
Maynard's biggest asset is The Nulltron. The Nulltron was a device being developed during WW2 that Maynard's Grandfather stole the plans for. The Nulltron, which is now fitted into Maynard's top hat is made out of a simple engine and a spinning disk. As long as Maynard's victim is staring into the disk, Maynard is able to hyponotize them into following his bidding or paralyze them long enough to rob them or flee. (Will only do this with player permission on PCs.)
Maynard is the proud owner of a vingtage locamotive owned by his Grandfather, his Father, than finally Maynard himself. This train allows him and his troupe to travel across North and South America efficiently, though not quickly.
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Maynard Tiboldt has
5 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
RoT: Recruiting the Circus | June 17th, 2023 | The Recruiter hires Maynard Tiboldt and his circus to commit a theft. |
Meeting Monet | May 26th, 2023 | Aurora runs into new people at the Hellfire Club, and learns that some powers are really fearsome. |
=The Human Cannonball | March 29th, 2022 | Kori stops a robbery |
Circuses and Peanuts | February 21st, 2022 | No description |
The Circus Cometh | February 21st, 2022 | Tiboldt's Circus entertains and soaks it's audience |
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5 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Maynard Tiboldt has been credited in
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Maynard Tiboldt has been credited in
0 albums.
Title | Release Date | Artist |
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Maynard Tiboldt has authored
0 books.
Title | Release Date | Synopsis |
No books submitted yet. |
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Group Memberships
Maynard Tiboldt has been listed in 0 groups.