Millie Nusia

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Millie Nusia (Scenesys ID: 4586)
Name: Millie Veronica Nusia
Superalias: Succubus
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: US Citizen
Residence: Westchester, New York
Education: High School Graduate, 1 year college
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Mutants, Xaviers
Apparent Age: 20 Actual Age: 20
Date of Birth 12 dec 2002 Played By Neringa Kriziute
Height: 5'2 Weight: 120
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song:

Character Info


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A extroverted person going through the trouble of having her life flipped upside down and struggling to adjust. She's crawled into herself as she tries to wrap her head around having some rather vicious abilities. She's a woman struggling to find her identity and with what morality means to her.


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* 2002: Born in Tallahassee, Texas to devout Catholic couple William and Rachelle Nusia.
* 2012: Joins junior cheerleading team the Texas Junior Bengals.
* 2016: Joins cheerleading at local high school
* 2021: Graduates from High School. Begins attending University.
* 2022: Powers manifest draining people she touches. Finding it irresistable she begins siphoning others going on a feeding spree. When she comes down her parents accuse her of being a demon. The Catholic church is brought in and she is locked in her basement where she is subjected to multiple exorcism attempts. Escaping her parents want nothing from her. Her things are burned. She becomes 'The Succubus' around town. If she's not a demon, she's a weirdo, or has weirdo parents. She is found by Cerebro and rescued by the X-men and taken on as a scholarship student.

IC Journal

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Millie has always been a beautiful little girl. From entries into pagents to being a young teenage cheerleader she grew from being pretty into being a beautiful bombshell. It can draw attention to her and once that was quite nice she finds herself finding it more of a burden than a boon. Still she has quite the pretty smile. Her curves have filled out in the right places. And plenty of blonde hair that rounds out the beauty package.

Her physiology draws her to feed on the life of others. Her body craves it. Needs it. She's like a vampire - but without the blood. Even though it's a physiological need she feels terrible about it. And she fears turning inhuman. She fears she loses herself and her humanity just a little bit each time she feeds and every time she gives in to her needs. She both wants to feed on others - it feels amazing. It empowers her. It's how she feels alive. But she feels it's wrong. It'll only hurt others. It's a flip-flop that often leads to regret.

Introverted Extrovert:
Introverted Extrovert
Millie used to be quite the extrovert, friendly and down to earth. She could easily navigate the social landscape with those around her. Since her mutation has started things have changed. She's withdrawn, others have withdrawn from her. And she's been branded a literal demon by the townspeople. Even if it's not true, it's enough that it's weird and taboo. She's now weird, her parents are weird. And it hurts. She struggles with socialness and has receeded into herself, but has trouble staying a total introvert and sometimes will draw out, then back in. She just can't help herself sometimes.

Everything she knew in life was broken. Her place in the world shattered. Everything she ever had gone. She has to start over, and it all hurts. She's not where to go. What to do. And is figuring out what her world is becoming.

Texas Charm:
Texas Charm
A southern girl where hospitality and a certain verbal twang were a must on the education list. Though she doesn't have as heavy of a tone as those she grew up with she retains some of the accent. And the desire to reach out and be kind and helpful to her fellows.

Character Sheet


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Life Transfer Enhancements
* Healing of self or others - Can use energy to heal from basic to grevious wounds. This requires touch and flows energy back into people to heal others, giving them extra energy to expend to healing wounds, extra immune system to fight illness, etc. Her own body can recover from death/dessication with touch as long as she is not incinerated and her body is lagrely intact. She cannot bring others back from death.
* Superhuman enhancement - Physical Traits - Millie can take passive life energy in most situations and apply it to strength, endurance, speed, or intelligence to enhance to a level beyond peak human. She just can't generally do more than two traits at once. She can funnel life energy into multiple traits however it takes a drastic drain and as a full powerhouse she can only last a few minutes before being spent. Speding too much energy makes her mad for life energy and unable to contain her thirst for it. Strength allows her up to lift several tons, endurance makes her body more resistant to damage, stamina lets her continue without stopping/tiring, intelligence enhances her memory and the ability to see minute details or enhance focus.

Life Energy Overview:
Mutated Physiology - Life Energy Vampire - overview
Millie's body has very slowly transformed to requiring the sustenance of the life energy of others. Her body can siphon this energy from others and store it or even transfer it back to people in a variety of ways. Without a regular source of life energy she will wither and become feeble, including in extreme circumstances going ito rigor or dessicating to a hibernative state. Feeding from others is a euphoric experience for them and an addictive experiernce for Millie.

Life Types:
Energy Siphon - Vegitarian vs Carnivore
Being in an area lush with plant life and energy is something that can also sustain Millie. Though it's not as satisfying as feeding from active beings like humans. A area like a lush jungle or garden can give off a fair bit of energy. If she were to actively feed it would bring in much more energy but harm the vegetation - such as making flowers wither, trees droop or becoming brittle etc.

Energy Siphon - Active
Pulling energy from others requires a touch. Anywhere on her body will work but typically hands and lips are the focal points. Touch will always give a drain however that drain can be managed to being very minimal - where a few minutes is like a rigurous workout - down to being fatal and leaving the body dead, or sucking it dry and leaving it dessicated and turning to dust. The euphoria that the victim feels is greater with the amount of siphon and the longer the siphon is active - but at no time is the victim unable to act unless they lose conciousness. Conciousness can be lost within one minute if actively draining with maximum intent to a normal person. Sickness can come after, including anemia, lowered immune system, or an actual active sickness like a chronic cough. These typically recover within a few days of rest.

Energy Siphon effects - Addiction and Euphoria
Millie can survive on life energy instead of food. Food cannot completely sustain her, however it does help keep down the need and provides additional nutrients and supplication. There is a compulsion to feed upon life energy. Passively isn't enough to maintain her long-term. There is a desire and it's something that threatens to cause her to be addicted. Each person has a different set of nutrients and is unique. She struggles with addiction when feeding and finds it difficult to stop feeding - which can be dangerous to the person whom she's feeding from. On the other hand it's a euphoric high for the person being fed from. Like a soft to an intense high depending on the strength and length of the feeding.

Millie can absorb the energy of others passively. Depending on the proximity and number of people in an area she can just absorb a little trickle of life energy naturally expelled by others - the more healthy they are the more they give off. It's like a candy bar, it sates hunger short-term but it isn't satisfying. The more people the more it feeds her desire for more and the more difficult it becomes to not actively feed. Being within 10 feet of others will bring her passive energy, and the closer the more energy will be gathered. The power is always on but the closer and more people there are the greater the compulsion to actively feed.


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On a semi-professional level, she has several years of coached junior competition of routines. Some gymnastics and acrobatic movements involved, as well as routine and coordnation.

A pretty good dancer when it comes to general dancing. She was a hit at the prom!

Digital World:
Digital World
Pretty good with social media, tracking things down online with searches, and digital investigation of social media, public records, etc.


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Xavier's school for gifted youngsters provides a scholarship for Millie to attend. This provides the entirety of room, board, and a stipend for expenses. Without the school's support she would be destitute and homeless.


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She has a need for life energy. But when siphoning it from people actively it feels amazing. It makes her body feel alive, it elevates her mood and she finds it difficult to stop. She gets into a mindset that something feels amazing - why would she want to stop? It's a struggle she has between the need to feed on others in the world - and the balance of not overfeeding. She struggles with moderation. If she releases too much life energy either to someone else, or uses it up using abilities she hungers for more making it a compulsion to feed that is difficult to ignore.

She's been called a demon, a succubus. Vampire. Some of these traits fit the bill. But she's a mutant, not a magical creature. She can't help but feel a certain kin with these ideals. But she also is hurt by them as they make her different from others.

Requires prescription glasses to read or for small detials within a few feet of her.

The Church:
The Church
She struggles with anything church related. The church cast her out as a demon and a priest abused her by locking her in a basement, and performing holy rites on her. Turned her parents against her. If she were to follow them then she's considered damned. She has difficulty respecting any church authority - if not outright rebelling against them.



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Millie Nusia has 4 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
One Good Turn Deserves Another January 11th, 2023 Marie takes Millie out on a shopping trip, new looks for Spring are decided upon, and the girls indulge in some girl-talk and mutual encouragement.
Queen and Succubus January 10th, 2023 Millie meets Marie-Ange and Emma, a new friendship is formed and plans for shopping are made!
A Quick visit to the school! January 9th, 2023 Sam, Franklin, and Millie discuss powers, and life!
Millie is certainly... in a whole new world. January 3rd, 2023 Laura is lurking around at Xavier's where she spooks the new girl with talk of magic, monsters, aliens and the horrible things which happen when mutants walk around alone. Welcome to Xavier's Millie!


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Millie Nusia has 4 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Millie Nusia has been credited in 0 shows.

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Millie Nusia has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
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Millie Nusia has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
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