Niall Smith
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Niall Smith (Scenesys ID: 5278) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Naill Walker Smith | ||
Superalias: | Hammer | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Metahuman | ||
Occupation: | Student | ||
Citizenship: | USA | ||
Residence: | Metropolis | ||
Education: | High School (In Progress) | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Groups: | Happy Harbor School | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 16 | Actual Age: | 16 |
Date of Birth | 03 MAR 2008 | Played By | Some Generic Zoomer Crackerboy |
Height: | 5'9" | Weight: | 175lbs |
Hair Color: | Brown | Eye Color: | Hazel |
Twitter: | @nailthatstandsup | ||
Theme Song: | That's a tie between Dirty White Boy and Stacey's Mom |
Character Info
Generally wide-eyed and full of wonder, hope, and joy. Niall is an encouraging and comforting presence, or at least he tries to be. There are, however, a few things that will spiral him into a depressive pop-psychology paranoia.
* 2008: Born in Topeka, KS, to unknown father and Sheila Smith, superhero fangirl and journalism student.
* 2020: Moved to Alamagordo, NM, with Grandad while mom worked as an international superhero reporter.
* 2020-2022: Homeschooling and homesteading in the desert: Even less exciting than it sounds. Skipped a couple grades (not hard in New Mexico).
* 2022: Returned to Topeka when mom came back to the States.
* 2022: Caught a Topeka Metro bus to the chest during a supers battle, sustained a single broken rib.
* 2023: Mom helps Niall hide his minor-league powers.
* 2024: Sheila gets a job in the Gotham-Metropolis metroplex and brings Niall with her.
IC Journal
Mom thinks she's done me a favor getting me into this "Happy Harbor" school. Thanks mom. It was bad enough going back to a regular school in Kansas after homeschooling with Grandad. But now you've got me in some ultra hot-shot private school? I was 2 years ahead with grandad, now I'm like 4 years behind with these New York City snobs! At least she kept her promise about getting me my Kansas driver's license for my birthday before we left. It may have a stupid "AGE RESTRICTED" printed all over it, but none of these fukkin losers even have a permit. I just need a car now. Maybe there's a farm with an old beater around here.
There's this guy. Let's call him Dr Gene Bender, because he's a villain and he's all about genetics and I don't want to be sued by the real guy for defamation or slander. This Dr Bender might just be packing something bigger than we realize in his armored slacks: The future of mankind. Let's break it down. Doc Bender's whole schtick is that mutants--or mutates--or Human++ or... Look, it doesn't matter. The point is that he views the broad term of "mutants" as the next step in human evolution. Let's say that he's out of line, but he's right. In that case, those banded bloomers of his are just bulging with breakthroughs for the human race. They are positively presenting with a prominent, aching moral imperative, too:
Good old-fashioned raw-dog fornication.
Don't blame me, I'm not writing this for pleasure. I'm writing this for a school assignment, which is about the furthest thing from pleasure that exists. I'm just doing the math, and the math says that in order for the entire species to evolve, mutants need to get it on. A lot. And not just with other mutants, either. Even if mutants started Mormon-style families of a mutant mom and a mutant dad and thirty-seven mutant kids, that doesn't elevate the species. That's going down Magneto's mutant-separatism. No, mutants need to channel their inner rock stars and go on a world tour of unapologetic promiscuity with mutants and non-mutants alike.
This is no laughing matter! Evolutionary pressures rise when a species is threatened, and these past years have given us plenty of threats from outside the species. From Kree to Jotun, Kryptonian to extra-planar entities beyond logic and comprehension, humanity is undeniably threatened. When a genetic advantage presents itself and propagates, that species succeeds... and as a sentient species, we need take a firm grip on that advantage and ensure that it propagates. Or we can just die, I guess.
But, no! Do not go gently into that good night! Punch that throbbing golden ticket! We don't need Wonder Woman! Well, we do, she's undeniably the first line of defense of our species. But, metaphorically speaking, what we need isn't Wonder Woman but Wonder Womb-an! So if you've got an extra chromosome, it's your moral imperative to become a genetic Casanova, a Lothario of Lineage, a Free-Love Femme Fatale! Turn every awkward Tinder date into another opportunity for all mankind to survive. Don't do it for your own satisfaction.
Do it, pun intended, for the species.
Niall has the overarching goal of finding his father and enforcing a showdown. This is really stupid, since the man has remained completely absent (as far as Niall or his author at this point know) from his and his mother's life, wouldn't recognize him, and why would he want to fight Niall... But attachment issues don't exactly lead to rational decision-making. It certainly gives him motivation, though, both for things (for example, rescuing someone) and against things (such as, against just getting a CPA license, doing taxes, and living a great life as a family man).
Niall is not worldly, he's from Topeka--and under 20. He's not STUPID, mind you. He'll learn. But right now he's likely to be easy to manipulate.
Not From Around Here:
Topeka is a long way from Metropolis and the Eastern Seaboard. The greater metro area has a population of around 250k. That's it. It is a remarkable city in that, somehow, most Americans have heard of it. Some might even know that it's "in Kansas or Nebraska." The vastness of the city he grew up in could fit in a neighborhood of his new city. He will thus not be as tied into culture, will come from different assumptions of how things operate, and be more easily impressed than locals.
Once he becomes or is made aware of manipulation, he will snap into an unreasonable pop-psychology paranoia. Again, he'll learn. Probably. Some people never do, after all.
Character Sheet
Niall stopped a city bus and suffered a single broken rib. So, no, clearly he's not ACTUALLY invulnerable... but it sure does take way too much effort to hurt him, harm him, and keep him down. If an explanation is necessary, this is a multifaceted combination of factors: Tissues tougher than usual, a weak ablative energy barrier in the skin, an innate psychokinetic reflex that spreads forces around and through his entire body, along with just being a tough dude.
(Minor, Undiscovered) No, look, if you lop his arm off it's going to take like a decade to grow it back--maybe more. But damaged cells don't fibrotically scar, they all regenerate yet without interfering with normal hypertrophic results of damage and healing (otherwise exercise would just restore him to yesterday's ability).
Peak Health:
(Minor) Niall is at peak human health, equivalent to a professional athlete with an obsession for proper diet and sleep. Oxygen efficiency, energy, recovery, growth, flexibility, visual and auditory acuity, whatever--he's got it. This sustains and is sustained by his Microregeneration.
Duh. His super abilities have been present to certain a certain degree all of his life, which easily leads to a natural athleticism.
Homesteading teaches you carpentry, roofing, plumbing, electrical work, and a whole mess of other skills--none of them to city code.
Not the city kind. Actually going out into the forest or mountains, tracking game, making the kill... look, just watch Mountain Men or Homestead Rescue.
Lives At Home:
His mom's a reporter, which means she only *looks* like she's got money. But he's got food on the table and a reasonably safe place to sleep.
(Undiscovered) Niall's cells are active and aggressive after separating from his body far longer than most. At this point in his development, under normal circumstances the worst that happens is that people may inconsistently experience mild allergy symptoms if he's fighting a cold or recovering from a fight. Those with compromised immune systems are more likely to suffer. When Niall is injured and microregenerating more intensely, though, he releases more damaged and active cells into the air. When he was in the hospital overnight for his broken rib, the ER had to admit more patients to the hospital-proper than expected. All chalked up to "well, it was a supers fight," but eventually the pattern will become signal, not noise. If he were near death, giving mouth-to-mouth would be dangerous to a normal human. This will scale as his powers scale.
Mom and Grandad:
Moreso Mom. They are both unpowered, unprivileged, and Niall loves them both. Honestly Mom is a public figure and has at least one superhero lover, but they're not exactly watching out for her. A couple might show up AFTER they get word she's been harmed or kidnapped. And while Grandad has some serious *Copperhead Road* energy going on (probably where Niall gets his paranoid behaviours from), he's only safe in his homestead--and he goes out with the boys plenty. Grandad would probably seriously hurt anyone who attacked him at home with bombs, bullets, knives, and traps... but in the end, he'd be kidnapped or killed successfully for sure.
(Undiscovered) Niall may be stubborn, but his mental core is inflexible. He will break before he bends, which is like psychic ceramic: Hard, but brittle.
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Niall Smith has
3 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
New Challanges From Old World | September 5th, 2024 | A small Olympic event goes past with little fanfare as an old washed up olympian has his day made by those willing to take out time for him. |
Elotution Lessons | August 26th, 2024 | No description |
A Discussion on Mentorship | May 7th, 2024 | Jonn helps Niall with some focus issues at Happy Harbor. |
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Niall Smith has been credited in
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Niall Smith has authored
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