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Revision as of 03:32, 15 May 2020

Odin All-Father is ruler of [[[Asgard]]] and all itinerant realms. He is the [[[Primarch]]] of the Nine Realms, those worlds closest to one another on [[[Yggdrasil]]]'s limbs.

He is a cunning and wily individual, valuing wisdom and intelligence even more than his awesome physical and magical might. Odin is a masterful tactician and brilliant strategist, and though prone to fits of temper never lets his emotions get the better of him. As the Primarch of Asgard, he wields the [[[Power Cosmic]]] to shape Asgard and its residents as he sees fit.


Odin is the third to claim the throne of Asgard. He is the son of [[[Bor]]], who led Asgard to conquest across the galaxy for millennia. His grandsire, [[[Buri]]], was among the first of the [[[New Gods]]], and his mother was a [[[Frost Giant]]] named [[[Bestia]]]. This makes Odin a direct descendant of the primal entity [[[Ymir]]] and the God-Mother, [[[Gaea]]]. His brothers were Vili and Ve, twins both older than himself.

Odin spent his youth warmongering at the head of the [[[Aesir]]]. Tales of Bor's exploits against the might of [[[Krypton]]] echoed ceaselessly, and Asgard lived up to their reputation as warriors without peer. Odin led the warriors of Asgard against the young realm of [[[Thanagar]]], unaware of the cold-war detente created by the planet [[[Oa]]]. He was the battlemaster for Bor's armies when his father launched their might against the [[[Kree Empire]]], and defended the [[[Demiurge]]] against the [[[Celestial]]] war-host.

When [[[Ragnarok]]] shattered the World Tree, Odin was one of less than a hundred Asgardians to survive. The blow to the Demiurge crippled Bor, who fled to [[[Niffleheim]]].

Odin approached King [[[Freyr]]] of the [[[Vanir]]] to propose an alliance, but was met with scorn. A civil war broke out, suspended only when Surtr attacked their refugee enclave. Odin joined his brothers Vili and Ve to drive the mighty [[[Surtr]]] out of Asgard. His brothers perished, and Odin became the Primarch of Asgard-- albeit a weakened and impotent echo of what it once was. Peace prevailed, and Odin was married to [[[Freyja]]]. They became the mother and father of the newly created race of [[[Aesir]]].

Odin amassed power by any means available. He made alliances with the Dwarves of [[[Nidavellir]]] to forge arms and weapons once again. He cultivated alliances with [[[Alfheim]]] and reached out to [[[Olympus]]] and his other counterparts among the [[[New Gods]]]. Through his political alliances he sired [[[Thor Odinson|Thor]]] with the Vanir goddess [[[Freyja]]]. When the [[[Frost Giant]]]s invaded [[[Earth]]], Odin slew their leader [[[Laufey]]] and took his son [[[Loki]]] to raise as his own boy.

For thousands of years, Odin has sat upon the Golden Throne of Asgard. His efforts to protect his people have ensured the great realm is once again a mighty force in the universe, and Asgardians are revered across the universe to this day by many races who were ground under the heel of Kryptonian aggression.