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Ruaridh (Scenesys ID: 5136)
Name: Ruaridh
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Each-uisge
Occupation: None
Citizenship: None
Residence: Skowhegan, Maine
Education: None
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Dark World, Mystic Arts
Apparent Age: 2024 Actual Age: 2024
Date of Birth 09 May 0001 Played By
Height: ~20 hands Weight: ~1600 lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Black
Theme Song: Bury A Friend - Billie Eilish

Character Info


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Ruaridh, the Each-uisge, is a malevolent Scotish water spirit originally from the Isle of Man. He can take the form of horse or human male and is often confused with a far less violent and sinister Kelpie. For thousands of years Ruaridh lived a dark existence in the moors, rivers, and seas. His legendary behavior earning him a cultural level of fear and loathing. Ruaridh is removed from Scotland by virtue of a redeeming act, and something in this and the transition to America severed him from the bonds of his malevolent existence.


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Ic Journal:
stunk of fathers touch
stolen virtue from her thrutch
but I without pity nor voice to speak
knickered for her tender meat
and submit to me she gladly meeked

wickedness unseen since Nod

what a man does to his daughter
or how a preist's will may falter
to the river when they try
their remains lay side by side
only a few inches high

the same distance from the eyes of God

nobleman with daughter mourned
raised up purse and blew loud his horn
and heros come to seek a steed
blamed for this gruesome deed
but story of father's greed

collapsing father's facade

torn from ley lines power
more human by the hour
Caledonian stories to tell
new lands in which to dwell
dumped into paupers hell

with none my name to laud
with none my name to laud
with none my name to laud

0001: First spotted on the Isle of Man.

0030: First artistic depiction in stone sculpture by Scottish Picts and given the name Ruaridh.

0043: Blamed for the disappearance of several Roman soldiers reaching the ears of Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus.

0583: Drawn in the margins of a book of hours by Kentigern on mission in Scotland under Rydderch Hael.

1057: Ridden by Lulach at the funeral of Macbeth in Iona, an omen of Lulachs forthcoming demise.

1297: Offered tribute by William Wallace for support at the Battle of Stirling Bridge.

1759: Vaguely referenced in a poem by Robert Burns, in which he takes the life of a nobleman's daughter and is expelled from Scotland forever.

1974: Spotted living "off grid" in rural Maine.

2004: Referenced in Stephen King's "The Dark Tower".

2011: Researched and investigated by Maggie Steifvater for "Scorpio Races" who explained in an AMA that the two had met in person.

IC Journal

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Not having a defined life span, nor enough meaningful relationships with entities that do, Ruaridh does not understand the passage of time and its urgency as the average human might.

Severed from the ley lines in the old world, Ruaridh is becoming less spirit and more human. The concept of a future state and any hope or new opportunity that it might bring him does not guide or inspire him. He is still trying to understand why he is no longer a creature of just appetite.

If his shadow is going to come forth, it is in the presence of water. He is his most intense self in or within sight of water.

Character Sheet


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Performance of Humanity:
Rauridh can take a human form and pantomime human behaviors. In human form he has a supernatural allure that expresses for the purpose of coaxing others to bodies of water. It works best on the willing or the hapless, driving them into his arms, or far worse up and onto his back. It offers nothing but inspiration to the wary and the fearful, re-enforcing their justifiable concerns.

He need not eat or drink, nor breath air. He is not discomforted by extremes of weather, nor need he wear clothes to stay warm. He does not sleep or tire. In water he can choose to become insubstantial, it is a form of nonexistence in which he can travel long distances at the speed of the water, or sleep long enough to experience a new age. He can speak with the dead, though not all dead will wish to speak with him. He has an understanding and a kinship with all spirit kind, in so much as they can all be combined and described.

The Each-Uisge:
His idealized form. A powerful black horse with fin-like clusters on its legs on land and appearing in the sea with a long serpentine body, forelegs, and a horses head. It can be ridden like a horse on land or water and moves with equally exciting speed in both environments. It can rear, and trample, bite, and ram. When the water stallion fights, it fights with a gruesome fury. In water its skin can become adhesive, trapping the rider, until released or often drowned beneath the surface. It can consume its victims in a torrent of churning water and blood, leaving only the liver untouched. It is muscular with smooth black hair or skin and terrible red eyes. Its presence is so formidable that it can be felt even before it is seen.


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Ruaridhe understands humans well. He knows how to manipulate them. He tells excellent lies, can push buttons, and get things done. He is able to adapt his natural hunting instincts into modern day bureaucracies. He can be charming, or sound authoritative, he can play by the rules and knows instinctively how and when they can be bent or broken. He can argue effectively and knows when to do so, and when to stop.

If Ruaridh has any hope of becoming a tolerable part of human society it will be, no doubt, as a private investigator. Despite a weak sense of time, his understanding of the dark side and his ability to speak with the dead make him well suited for the work. He is good at finding people. He is wise about terrible acts and motivations. While he pines to return to a life of wickedness he does not love people for their wickedness and instead sees them as fair game. He knows himself unable to return to his old ways fatuously seeks the wicked in for the chance that they will rekindle his dark flame.

Spirit Lore:
Ruaridh is a malevolent spirit in transition. He knows much lore from ancient Caledonia. Stories of magic, ghosts, great heroes, terrible beasts, hidden artifacts and more.


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A Name:
Among the people of Scotland, Ruaridh is a known entity. He is a rumored ravager of young women, a supposed murderer of those who strayed too close to the rivers and lochs. In oral and written traditions he has been noted, catalogued, and snitched. He is a creature of appetite and terror, but he is not unique. Older Scots know to keep well away from the Water Horses and how the few and the brave have delt with them in the stories handed down the generations.

As with any spirit creature, there must be all manner of ritual, spells, magical tinctures, and weapons that will dispatch, trap, dispel or kill him in one way or another.

The Bridle:
In horse form, Rauridhe can be saddled and bridled by those who know and value his kind as land mounts. He will tolerate this enslavement for as long as it lasts, however the moment he sees a body of water, he will regain himself and things will take a very dark turn.

The Silver Coin:
A silver coin loaded into a blunderbuss once sent an Each-Uisge packing. Like most shapeshifters from the old world, they don't much care for weapons of silver.



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Ruaridh has 2 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Summoning Gone Wrong January 15th, 2024 Marking this 'finished' as it was left paused by the previous player.
The Wild Hunt January 15th, 2024 o/` Birds do it, bees do it. Why the hell cant we do it. LETS DO IT, LETS DROWN LA-RA o/`


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Ruaridh has 2 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Ruaridh has been credited in 0 shows.

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Ruaridh has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
No music submitted yet.

Ruaridh has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
No books submitted yet.


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