Ruby Lasertrava

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  Star Sapphire (West Shi'ar zone)  
Ruby Lasertrava (Scenesys ID: 3232)
Name: Ruby Lasertrava
Superalias: Star Sapphire (West Shi'ar zone)
Gender: Female
Species: Human(mostly)
Occupation: Xenotherapist
Citizenship: Shi'ar(ish)
Residence: Earth(ish)
Education: Counselor's investiture, Glorkon Consort's Academy
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 24 Actual Age: 24
Date of Birth 20 Oct 1996 Played By
Height: 5'7" Weight: 128 lbs
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Ruby Lasertrava is a wide-eyed ingenue tourist in the wonderful world that is Earth. She is also a member of an intergalactic corps of love warriors, serving the interest of ancient mistresses. Together, sometimes, these aspects fight crime, or at least the aspects of crime that touch on poor communication in relationships. She may not save the city, but she could save your marriage.


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(All years in Earth terms.)

* Over a thousand years previously: Thiresque raiders periodically abduct isolated settlements and individuals on Earth, due to human-Thiresque genetic intercompatibility. These become less frequent as Glak'thir recovers and integrates into the Shi'ar economic system, although their cultural roots mean they never cease entirely.
* Jan 19 1944: Elaine Hixton, Women's Airforce Service Pilot, 'rescued' by a Thiresque raider craft along with her ambushed transport plane over the south Pacific.
* Oct 20 1996: Ruby Lasertrava born to Pavel Lasertrava and Elan'ha Shiren-latra in Public Infirmary #17, Seraya-voda, Glak'thir.
* 1999- 2010: The years of schooling!
* 2010-2014: Apprenticed at a spaceport all-in-one facility, serving uniform laundry and refreshing beverages to the brave beings of the Fleet.
* 2011: First met Garron, a local courier a year older than her.
* 2011: Fell in love with Garron.
* Early 2013: Accepted marriage proposal from Garron. Troth to be plighted 2/1/2014.
* Jan 1 2014: Garron joins Shi'ar Imperial Fleet as craft pilot on a six year hitch
* Jan 9 2014: Ruby discovers Garron's enlistment
* Feb 2 2014: Ruby ceases attempts to message Garron; completes registration lottery application for sector Consort's Academy at Glorkon
* Feb 18 2014: Acceptance signal!
* Mar 1 2014: Ships out!
* June 2 2015: Informed of Garron's honorable demise in action and credited his minor personal assets as designated recipient.
* Dec 19 2017: Investiture in the Counselor's Service on Glorkon. Parents confirmed 'very proud.'
* Jan 1 2018: Deployment to insubfeudation zones. A series of complex negotiations, spontaneous trainings, and strategic initatives improves the stability index by a full 4% on a continental basis!
* Oct 20 2018: "Ruby Lasertrava of Glak'thir. You have great love in your heart." Immediately goes AWOL for training.
* Apr 15 2019: Re-enters Shi'ar space
* Apr 17 2019: Arrested by Imperial Superguardians
* Apr 18 2019: Broken out by fellow Star Sapphire
* May 2019-June 2021: Fugitive actions avoiding the D'Ken government
* July 2021: Heads to Earth to let the heat blow over and get in touch with her roots.

IC Journal

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Born Tourist:
The relative freedom of motion of first, a career in counselling, and second, the ring of the Star Sapphires, has brought out Ruby's intense curiosity about places, people and things where she is at. While she is capable of task focus, she will tend to remark on things and people and places she's been, done and seen. It's sometimes an annoying habit, but this also brings a deeper level of empathy and appreciation, as well as a willingness to find the beauty in almost any situation.

A roughish upbringing led Ruby to feel a certain obscure pride and profound interest in her roots - which are predominantly Earthling, albeit by a torturous expatriate network of refuge populations and abductees within the body politic of the Shi'ar Empire. This means she is enthusiastic about almost everything to do with Earth... EVERYTHING. Even minor boring things or, you know, objectively bad things. 'Oh wow oh wow they're doing *religious prejudice*!'

Due to a mixture of intensive space-training in therapeutic and compassionate techniques, and an innate nature, Ruby genuinely believes that ultimately that just about everything can be resolved with peaceful conversation with MAYBE a smidge of pressure, and that sentient beings are, with rare and legitimately-handicapped exceptions, basically good -- maybe selfish, maybe rude, maybe protective of their position, but not wicked. You just have to get there. They just have to put in the work. They just need to be encouraged!

Ruby tends to believe what she is presented with and how people present themselves. This shows in both personal relationships and in a wider ranging approach - if people say they're good heroes, why, they must be. People wouldn't just LIE casually, right? And if they got something wrong, it's more likely to have been a mistake, or a case where they just interpreted something differently. She wants to think the best of people.

The counterpoint to this is that she becomes

  • cataclysmically furious* when she can no longer rationalize her way through trust, and may do

stupid, furious things! Fortunately she is relatively easy to talk down. Most of the time.

Character Sheet


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The Violet Ring:
The Power Ring of the newly-forged Star Sapphire Corps promises the potential of infinite power, backed by one's passion and one's love and one's experience. And, to keep you in line, a daily recharge. Ruby is a relative novice with the ring and the greater secrets of the Emotional Energy Spectrum.

The ring provides Ruby with a personal forcefield of substantial durability, able to resist many energy weapons and comparable blasts, although often with a smidge of "bleed through." It can also provide life support in hostile environments, including 'the empty dark void of space,' although truly horrible environments will drain its charge.

The ring provides the blessing of flight. In an atmosphere, Ruby is practically limited to a few hundred miles per hour, mostly from anxiety about hitting something. Well clear of a planet, it can take her faster than light, allowing her to travel between stars.

The ring has a database of the lore of Zamaron's wars against the cosmos, which can provide a range of often-sporadic and definitely-biased information on many topics, although core baseline scientific information is usually sound. The ring is also capable of 'scanning' an object to provide more information: however, unless the topic relates to a Zamaronian war diary or truly ancient history, it will be more along the lines of 'the best guess of an educated Zamaronian' rather than 'an actual reliable answer.' It is particularly sensitive to the intensity and degree of love.

And most famously, the power ring can produce constructs of glowing violet light! Ruby understands this largely as a very powerful and flexible portable tool; as such, her constructions tend to take practical physical forms (as well as the old fashioned 'general blast') and have about one ton of physical force backing them. (Constructs used for defense will be perhaps equivalent to inch-thick steel armor; 'wonderful to have, until it suddenly isn't enough.') There is one particular trick - encasing a target in a crystal - which Ruby does not fully comprehend, but which comes naturally and more powerfully to this phase of the emotional energy spectrum than most other methods.

Ruby has a Thiresque grandfather, granting her some of that species' natural abilities. Oh, what are those? Thiresque are the survivors of an ancient deadly nuclear-chemical warfare that consumed the surface of Glak'thir, which has managed to very gradually recover. These survivors are very tolerant of environmental pollution and ambient radiation, with the slight downside of needing a generous amount of magnesium in the diet. They are also looked upon as shiftless menials in many parts of the Shi'ar empire, due to Prejudice.


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Counselor's Investiture:
Ruby has trained as a Counselor in a major academic center in the Shi'ar Empire. This is a socially important role, as Shi'ar Imperial culture places a very high value on marriage, in specific.

Most of what Ruby does can be analogized to a couples' (or more) relationship counselor, encouraging and facilitating open communication and frankness about goals and desires. Nestled around this core are important things like dealing with complexities related to biologies and interstellar feudal relationships, opinions on a wide range of topics, dealing with one another's mutual or independent history of cruelty and other acts, and so forth.

In Earth terms, this is comparable to a psychologist's practice, with the additional supporting information on exotica and with some unorthodox avenues of practice ("what if both partners are telepaths?" "what if someone has a hibernation cycle - can this make room for a third?").

Service Industry:
One of Ruby's professional pursuits was managing a combination laundry station and bar/snack shop for rowdy space-sailors -- often alone, under heavy time pressure. This has taught her several things, including the basics of short-order cooking (albeit not in Earth's style) as well as seamstress and cleaning duty, and perhaps more importantly, the ability to multi-task and handle multiple actions of competing priorities with emotional and functional skill. They say that being a waitress is actually one of the most all-round demanding professions in the world! This is no less true... among the stars.


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The Corps:
While they have a much shallower bench of institutional resources, Ruby *is* one of the Star Sapphires and could call upon their aid... at least, in outer space. On Earth, other than the first among equals, it may well just be her, and they are not necessarily going to be able to provide assistance. Vengeance? Maybe! But that's no good if you're dead! (They did give her some precious metal to get situated on Earth. That was nice of them.)


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Or, 'gullibility about Earth.'

Ruby knows Earth mostly from occasional scraps of media which leaked into the Shi'ar gray market and from stories from her grandmother, who was seized while shuttling planes during some past Earth war. She knows some very broad facts (England has a king, or a queen; America doesn't; Nazis are bad) and will probably listen to anyone who can make a credible- sounding presentation about some fact of Earth life to her. (Bonus points if you can tie in a love- related or romantic angle!)

She may be very, very angry later if this is revealed to be a mistruth, and it is likely to fade over time. Slowly. Gradually.

Limitations of the Ring:
The ring of the Star Sapphire Corps is a powerful tool, but it requires recharging; much like the ancient frenemies of Oa, the Zamarons built smaller Lantern-like devices for recharging. This helpfully also reduces the mental influence of the violet light, in addition to being an avenue of potential control.

In addition, the Zamarons may have commands for Ruby as for all members of this violet corps, and these may not necessarily be either convenient or to her personal liking. Unfortunately for her, the Star Sapphire has a legacy of making its interests known in a very persuasive manner.

Love Love Love:
Using the violet light of the Star Sapphires can be an intoxicating, reckless experience, much like... falling in love. While Ruby has used it long enough to be able to keep her head together when flying, or when making modest use of the ring's abilities, she will tend to get more and more dizzy and cacklingly happy and grandiose if pressed into a combat or other extreme ring-usage situation! This can be counterproductive to group cohesion as well as completing things in a reasonable and timely manner.

Space Crimes:
Ruby has several interlocking legal problems in the vast realms of the empyrean.

First, Ruby has ditched out on her professional obligations as a Counselor in the Shi'ar Imperial Service. This normally requires primarily civil penalties and comes with disfavor, in a vacuum, but let's move on!

Second, shortly after finishing her training with the Star Sapphires, Ruby declined an invitation to join D'Ken's Imperial Guard, as she had a 'higher mission.' This means she is, legally, an enemy of the Shi'ar state! (This may change with the recent change in government, but it is probably not a priority for Lilandra Neramani.)

Third, as a member of the Star Sapphire Corps, Ruby has a big sign on her head saying 'Did you have a beef with Zamaron? Take it up with me!' Their long cosmic history and distinctive branding will make it hard to deny, although once in a while this could redound to temporary advantage. Once in a GREAT while...



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Ruby Lasertrava has 8 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Post-Script: Christmas Trees December 2nd, 2021 Just a little matter about a missing spear, no biggie.
Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting November 17th, 2021 The Christmas tree is lit to much fanfare! Love and holiday spirit are in the air!
A Hellfire Halloween October 28th, 2021 The Halloween bash at the Hellfire Club goes as planned. Darkness, debauchery, deals, and costumes a plenty. Though, given the shenannigans toward the end, the bar might need to put a hold on jello-shots for the foreseeable future.
Rooftops and Rubys October 20th, 2021 Hello, Ruby, I am Diana! A tour of the Embassy is given to a drop-in visitor!
Excuse me - Is This Superman's Bar October 1st, 2021 It isn't. (Ruby chats with Meggan for a while about the local area and some questions about the nature of the human* heart.)
Some Days You Just Can't Get Rid Of A Rock September 22nd, 2021 An encounter with random people on Broad Street reveals disillusioning facts to RUBY, and after some time, directions to a hotel are given to KA'SHIRA, courtesy of local megateacher ALBERT and his astute space-pupil, GREG. To think, that the cats are neither cats, nor fat.
The Rebellion Will Be Televised September 21st, 2021 Thanks to the efforts of Gotham's valiant defenders, Princess Amethyst is saved from her Gemworld pursuers and the forces of darkness are beaten back! ...for now.
The Raptor and the Sapphire September 13th, 2021 Clearing out space debris, Michael meets the avatar of love, the Star Sapphire! And Throne knows these humans could use more love on their world...


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Ruby Lasertrava has 8 finished logs.

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Ruby Lasertrava has been credited in 0 shows.

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Ruby Lasertrava has been credited in 0 albums.

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Ruby Lasertrava has authored 0 books.

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