ID State Owner Title Description
16913 Finished Roberto Da Costa CEO's and Snarkage Empanadas for everyone!
16081 Finished Roberto Da Costa Fair Winds & Following Seas Space Yacht! The heroes stop the pirates, with minimal injuries. The spae yaht is damaged perhaps irreperably
15630 Finished Roberto Da Costa Netflix & Chill Roberto and Raven catch up and spend quality time together.
14460 Finished Roberto Da Costa Low key magical meeting Vacuums are sold, an artificer begins her career and a connection is made.
14441 Finished Roberto Da Costa Reign of Terror: Roadtrip to T. O. Morrow Doug and Berto speak to TO Morrow about Sentinels. Hilarity ensues.
14194 Finished Roberto Da Costa Taking Aim - Stringing the bow Cap and Roberto discuss the plan to assauly AIM while Gabby gets some merch signed, Jamie people watches, Rogue fails to use the dewey decimal system and Marie assumes she's about to be arrested.
14023 Finished Roberto Da Costa Meeting of the Means A Dialogue is opened
13785 Finished Roberto Da Costa Reign of Terror - A Dutiful Relationship Roberto gives Toni a mystery to look into and gets a lecture on the war mongering ways of one Tony Stark
13754 Finished Roberto Da Costa Talking out the Trask : The Problem with Aquiria One of the missing investigators is found and a new plan to enslave mutants and make them super soldiers is uncovered. The Trask facility is investigated and a presence unearthed.
13736 Finished Roberto Da Costa X-Corp update and Phase 2 discussion Updates are made, MutantTown goes well but on the international scene Trask is back.
13708 Finished Roberto Da Costa A Cold Day in January A conversation in the night leads to a plan to implemented in the light of day and the warmth of the spring!
13707 Finished Roberto Da Costa Devil Went Down to Rio -Conclusion Part 2 The New Mutants thwart Justin Hammer's plans to take control of DaCosta International
13630 Finished Roberto Da Costa It's beginning to look a lot like... Hot Chocolate and financial advice but no presents.
13628 Finished Roberto Da Costa Devil Went Down to Rio -Conclusion The team continues their brainstorming session and a plan is hatched or at least half baked.
13624 Finished Roberto Da Costa Meeting of the Mind Roberto offers Mystique the Role of X-Corps head of Security. She accepts and plans are made.
13590 Finished Roberto Da Costa Grand Opening Ninjas attack but the Stadium opens anyway and everyone loves Dazzler's performance.
13542 Finished Roberto Da Costa Berto and Kurt meet in MutantTown Done
13506 Finished Roberto Da Costa Devil Went Down to Rio Mephisto is run off and Tabitha, Illyana, Kathryn and Sam help Berto analyze the Data and come to conclusions about who is sabotaging DI and what are the next steps. Even a path forward regarding the contract Mephisto has with Berto's Dad.
13444 Finished Roberto Da Costa The Prelude to the storm, no the other storm. Sam & Berto talk it through, work out a plan and walk on to face the problem together.
13126 Finished Roberto Da Costa MutantTown Townhall A discussion is had OOC/IC plans are made for MutantTown. Poor MutantTown.
13125 Finished Roberto Da Costa Fall Fesitval Harvest Celebration and Sppoky Season Gala A wonderful time was had by all. And the MutantTown community is introduced to X-Corporation.
13110 Finished Roberto Da Costa X-Corp: The settling Plans are made as X-Corporation takes shape.
13072 Finished Roberto Da Costa Beautiful by the Lake Friends catch up and some new plans are made.
3510 Finished Roberto Da Costa Bem Vindo ao Brasil No description
3470 Finished Roberto Da Costa A Friday Night Flight Steph and Roberto take flight to Brazil!
3202 Finished Roberto Da Costa Doing My Part Roberto and Scott talk about Roberto joining the X-Men. He's in. Also, did you know that they made a 5 /AM/? Berto didn't.
2183 Finished Roberto Da Costa Kitchen Chat Roberto, Ororo and Kitty have a talk in the kitchen over pork, coffee and cereal, can you guess who had what?
308 Finished Roberto Da Costa A Lazy Afternoon Chats and drinks are had.