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Meanwhile, at the cafe...
Date of Scene: 06 June 2021
Location: A Cafe in Rome
Synopsis: Two new and unusual students meet and form a new friendship. And celebrate by delivering fresh foccacia to the rest of the students on the trip.
Cast of Characters: Madison Evans, Greg Rollins

Madison Evans has posed:
    Not far from the hotel where the students are staying, one of the teens is sitting at a streetside cafe - just a little hole in the wall with a pair of tiny tables out front. Madison has a small cup of coffee with a foam on top, and on a plate a pastry that seemed vaguely like a croissant to her - but with lots of flakey layers running horizontally down the pastry. She's picking it apart curiously, nibbling at the layers between cautious sips of the coffee. She has a thoughtful, curious look on her features - as if she hasn't quite decided what she thinks of //either// of these things - not yet, anyways.

Greg Rollins has posed:
It's only because it's not that far from the hotel that Greg has probably been allowed to go that far as well. He's at least ditched the cowboy hat, but left his hair long and down. It's an odd combination with his dusky orange skin. He's managed to pick up a box of something that smells vaguely fish like and is munching on one. Stopping for a moment, he blinks and looks at her as if trying to place her. Finally, he apparently decides to say something, "Hi! Are you here on the trip as well? I think I might have seen you on the flight?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh, umm, yeah. From Happy Harbor. Right?" Madison answers, greeting the strangely-colored fellow with an awkward smile. "Yeah, I mean - I've seen you around too, and I- well. I'm new to the school, actually, but my mom made me- I mean, she made sure I could go on the trip to get to know people, so now I'm here and- ...uh, what I mean is I'm Madison, hi." The words tumble out in an awkward rush - embarrassment coloring her features for a moment before she tries to cover for it with a broad smile. To offset Greg's unusual appearance - hers is completely and utterly normal. She's just a brown haired, hazel-eyed girl in jeans with a well loved 'Jedi Academy Alumnus' t-shirt.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg nods a few times. "I can slightly relate. Ms. Morrigan said it would be a good way to see the world, so I said yes. I did not expect all the emotions and stress from the plane ride." He smiles.

"My name is Greg, or at least the Earth name and all." He says, motioning at a chair, "May I sit down? I can share some of this fried fish thing I got. It's surprisingly pretty good."

A small shake of his head as he opens the box and does pull out a bit of fried fish of some sort. "Besides, I just joined like a week or two before the trip."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh, umm - yeah. Sure. I mean - of course!" Madison answers, giving Greg a smile. "Greg. ...Earth name? So, like, you've got a //not// Earth name too, then?"
    She gestures towards the plate beside her as she adds, "I got a- umm, I'm not sure what it's called, actually. But it's got all these flakey layers, and it has this cheese-ish filling with like some cinnamon and orange peel. I mean, I didn't know what it was when I bought it, but I think it's pretty good."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg smiles, moving to sit down. "Oh? Neat! And yes. My real name is Gex." He looks around a bit, then at her, "I'm an alien. Literally."

He shrugs, "I honestly bought too much of this, and I think I accidently heard that it doesn't taste as good when reheated. Do you want some?" He offers the box towards her, and there's like a dozen pieces of baccala in there, too. With forks and such. Apparently he really did order too much.

"As much as fish dishes are interesting at times, even I am not ready to eat this much." He shakes his head.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I mean. ...I'm here to try new things, right?" Madison asks, picking up one of the forks - and flashing Greg a bright smile. "This is the farthest I've ever been from home, actually. Or my mom. I mean - well. If home is really home anymore. Do you know what I-" She's got a piece of fish on her fork when her brain catches up with her mouth and she adds an embarrassed, "Oh, well, but I guess you know all about being far from home. So are you from, umm, Mars then? Or...?" She finally shuts herself up by shoving a piece of fish in her mouth, and chewing on it thoughtfully.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg shakes his head, "Nope. Keep going if you want to guess. Well... actually, never mind. Zira IV is the name of my home planet. Um..."
He sighs, "Hard to explain where from here. It's on the edge of the galactic arm. Opposite of this one."

The alien teen rolls his eyes, "Long way from home. What about yourself? How'd you end up at Happy Harbor?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Zira IV?" Madison repeats after she swallows the fish. "On- on the other side of the galaxy? //Gosh//." Yes, 'gosh.' She actually talks that way. "That is far from home. I- well. I was living in California. I mean, that's where I was born, but then my mom - her job got transfered to New York, so we had to move, and umm... Well, she enrolled me in Happy Harbor," she explains. "We toured the school. It looks nice - plus there's horses, I'm pretty excited about that." And it's reflected in her features as her smile broadens.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg's eyes widen a bit, "Horses? As in the four legged animals? Oh, I did not get to see those. I hope I do not scare them or anything. They looked magnificent! They look almost like... like.. um." He looks thoughtful, "Not bilaki. Conaks, maybe? They were all skin, no fur however. Uh... leather, I think you call it?"

He shakes his head, "They were also had tempers until you tamed them. I saw one kick a person a good distance because it wasn't tamed." He sighs. "But riding one was so much fun when I was younger. I mean, you literally couldn't get over the wind in your hair except for the flying, the feel of them. It was all so... free, I guess you could say?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison listens to 'Greg' going on about bilaki and conaks with slightly widened eyes - her fork poised part way to her mouth with more fish pierced on the end. Finally she offers, "Well, wild horses can be pretty dangerous, too. I mean - even tame ones. They're powerful animals, so you have to respect them, you know? But I'm sure if they're at a school - they've got to be pretty tame, right?" She takes a bite, and then seems to have little qualms about speaking with food in her mouth. It's a good thing her mother isn't here to comment on //that//. "I usef ta go ta ho'se cam' e'ry summer, ya know? Guess I don' need ta now."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg shakes his head, "I used to spend mine mostly in training. Stupid politic courses. I swear a lot of Earth's is less crazy than what's out there." He motions at the sky slightly as he munches on a piece of fish as well. He sighs. "Well, true. You don't. Probably be nice to just be able to visit school, do the whole riding the horse thing, and go from there."

He looks slightly annoyed, "Too bad I can't fly as much here. I swear I heard a scream whenever I went into the air to try to get a good view of the place and a few pictures." That has him looking just a little annoyed. "Made me come right back down and back into my room."

Madison Evans has posed:
    As Greg gestures towards the sky, Madison looks up towards it - an expression that's part baffled, and part //awed// on her features. A real honest-to-goodness alien. It's going to take some getting used to. She redirects her attention back towards Greg before she speaks. "I'm pretty excited about it, actually," Madison agrees - her smile broadening. "I mean - I hope I get the equestrian class, but it's probably hard to get into something like that, and I //am// a new student, so-" Well. She'll just have to see.
    But then at the mention of flying, she blinks in surprise before asking, "Wait - you can fly? I can't do that... What's //that// like?"

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg smiles, leaning back in his chair to look out a bit. "At first, it was frightening... but once I learned how to control my suit? I love it. Even if it is artificial, my suit allows me to go just about anywhere. I've even flown in space a little. The freedom /there/ is astounding. In the atmosphere, you just drift along at times. But out there? Slightest movement, and you change direction. Push a little one way and you could spiral who knows where."

A smile comes on his features. "At least that one I do not have much trouble with... my reason for being in Happy Harbor is well... my race has mental powers?"

He shrugs, "I can basically read minds and emotions, but I can't turn it off yet. I think my parents or tutors were supposed to show me how before I left, but my home..." A sigh is given, looking at the fish as he takes another bite of it.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh. So it's a suit? So - if I wore it I can fly too?" Madison asks - looking eager and curious. Is //that// a thing she gets to learn at this school? "Man - Happy Harbor is awesome!" she exclaims with a laugh. Maybe this move wouldn't be so horrible after all, even if she is across the country from all her friends.
    As he talks about mental powers, though, she leans in close looking rather intent. "Mental powers? So - what am I thinking right now?" 42. 42. Com'on, 42. The answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. 42.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg shakes his head, "You actually can't. It's umm... implanted."

That has him blinking a few times. "Oh, something about the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. And 42." He pauses as he seems to consider, "What is a... jedi?"

That has him definitely a little curious. Maybe he caught it somehow, but he does sigh. "And you are also very excited on the joyful side. Empathic as well, remember? It did end up keeping my planet fairly peaceful."

A small smile is given, "I do not know if I could make a second suit here. The rest were salvaged on the trip here with my own ship, and well... it is currently a bunch of debri outside the solar system. At least beyond my reach, and my ship's, plus I would rather stay away in case I was followed."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Aww," there's disappointment in Madison's voice - followed by a blatant stare. "Whoa! That //worked//!" she exclaims. "Man, this is going to be a weird school, huh?" she asks - but there's a huge grin on her features as she asks it. What kid //wouldn't// be excited about stuff like this?
    "Well, the Jedi," she explains, "they can sense the 'Force.' It's like- it's the life that binds us all together, you know? It flows through all living things. And - well - nonliving things, too, I guess. So the Jedi can use it to do stuff like move things with their minds, and jump real high, and usually they can read minds and stuff too..." Only she can't seem to figure that part out.
    "...why would anyone be following you, though?"

Greg Rollins has posed:
"Oh! It sounds like mental powers I know sometimes showed up among my people. I did not have them, but they could do the same. They were some of the best knights. Um..." He actually colors a bit in embarassment. "Sorry, the knights are something like what I have read they are called here. Protectors of my home, or were at least. I do not know if any survived. Uh... well... my home was invaded."

"The Aakon are what the invaders were called. Ruthless aliens that I hope never set sight here. It only took them a few days to take my own world." He looks down at the fish, poking at it with a fork. "And well... I am hoping that the big gas belt was enough to hide my cloaked fighter shuttle from detection at least. And I hope they did not follow when I went to faster than light speed."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh... gosh." Madeline's eyes go wide. This sounds like just something out of all those science fiction stories she's read! Alien races clashing amongst the stares, the lone survivor escaping to race for some semblance of safety...
    ...and possibly lead them right here. "Oh," she adds more quietly - before forcing cheer back into place. "Well. I hope you're right. And- I mean. That sounds really tough. And you haven't been here long, either, so-" It must have all just happened, huh? "But you're not alone, now. Right?" she offers with the broadest smile she can muster. "We'll make loads of friends at this school."

Greg Rollins has posed:
A smile is given back, "Oh, definitely. So, what powers have you worked on? I mean, you said you think it is all jedi, right? Did you try to read minds as well?" He asks, looking curiously at her.

"Did these jedi do anything else besides what you mentioned? I mean, from the sounds of it you can do a little, but not all of it?" Greg looks thoughtful, then takes another bite of fish.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I mean," Madison shifts a bit uneasily. It's not something she usually talks about all that much except with her friends - no one else believes her about the 'Jedi' thing. "Well. Most people think the Jedi are only a thing in movies and books. But then how come all my powers are Jedi powers?" she asks. "I- I haven't gotten the mind reading to work, or the Jedi mind tricks, but I can move stuff with my mind. And I can jump higher and further than other folks, and move faster. And I just found out I can heal stuff - when someone gets hurt. I mean, I haven't tried it on anything really serious, but Rey did it in the latest movie. And I can..." She looks around for something - then just takes a napkin, crunching it up into a ball. Glancing around she spots a trashcan barely visible though an open window into the cafe, and after taking a deep breath in and letting it out slowly... she tosses the napkin, which sails through the window, and into the trashcan.
    "That. If I concentrate on it - I don't miss."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg nods, "I see. Neat! If you can do that every time, it'd be useful. Um... can you do it without having to throw?"

He looks considerate, "I mean, the whole mind thing is something I hope you do not get a good grasp on any time soon. Messing with another living being's head is... not pleasant. Ever." A sigh is given, "I remember hearing someone tried it like many, many cycles ago on my world."

He looks considerate, "I do not think you would be a bad person to have such, so far. I am still wondering where these came from, however, as most humans do not have them?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I mean - well, I can use telekinesis to put it in the trash can too, I guess," Clarice muses. "But I don't think it's the same thing?" Is it the same thing? From the puzzlement on her features, it's clearly something she's never considered before. "Huh."
    With a shrug of her shoulders she adds, "In the books and the movies, most people can't sense the Force - only the Jedi. And- well. Yeah. You have to be careful with the mind-stuff. Like, the Jedi - they use it sometimes to just nudge people's minds. 'You don't have to see my id,' or 'you can let me in,' or even something like making them think they heard or saw something, so you can sneak by. But the Sith - they're the bad guys - they take control of people's minds and make them do things. I'd //never// do anything like that. I'm not //evil//," she asserts firmly. "...but like I said, I've tried the mind stuff, and none of it works."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg looks considerate, then sighs, "I think I will have to watch some of these movies and other things. They do seem interesting, and might give me ideas of my own." He shrugs. "But if you say they do not work, perhaps you should focus on what you can do? My suit uses blasts of pure force to do a variety of things. Actually, the whole moving things sounds a lot like the magnetic gauntlets I have on it. You can pull or push metals. If it's too heavy, then you push yourself as well. Maybe you can use that to fly somehow?"

He shrugs, "If nothing else, at least the school will work with you to figure out what you can do and help out. I mean, I am still surprised they took me in and Ms. Morrigan knows at least some of the story."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Well - why wouldn't they take you in?" Madison asks - a puzzled look growing on her features, as she starts picking at more of the fish again. "Umm - because of the whole 'you might have been followed' thing, I guess?" she asks cautiously - wary of causing him more pain. "But I mean - there's probably all sorts of strong people who'd help protect the school, and the students. Plus... there's the students."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg nods, "The students were what worried me. I do not know who or what may have followed me, after all, and I seriously do not want to be found if it can be helped. It's bad enough that I... help when I can. I know two incidents made the news and internet at least." He looks slightly annoyed at that one. "Not my fault I was just in the area, and well... I couldn't just stand by and do nothing." He sighs.

"I really, really do not want to drag others into something if I can, to be honest. Feels like asking for help is just asking to put Earth in the Aakon's sights. Which, well... yeah." He pokes at a piece of fish with his fork, looking a bit sad over it.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Well. ...why'd they go messing with your home, anyways?" Madison asks in puzzlement. She hastily adds, "I mean, you don't need to tell me anything about that if you don't want to. I bet things are tough enough and we could talk about, umm, other stuff instead if you wanted like maybe ummm... board games? Or movies or something? ...if you've seen any movies yet."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg looks thoughtful, "I... actually don't know any board games or movies from this planet. Or much of anything. I have been studying, but the most I can do is watch the entertainment programs. The whole vehicle racing seems to be a thing and fun, but rest is... well, stuff I do not understand?" He looks confused. "Like those shows that show you how to make food whenever you have a food maker on a ship usually?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "...a food maker on a ship?" Clarice repeats. "Well... people don't have food makers here. I mean - we have microwaves, and ovens, that you can use to reheat things if you buy pre-prepared foods - which my mom won't. But it's not like Star Trek. You can't just say, 'Tea, earl grey, hot' or 'pepperoni pizza' and have it appear. People have to chop, and sautee, and do all that stuff... themselves, if they want a good meal. My mom's really into cooking. She makes me help."

Greg Rollins has posed:
That has Greg blinking a few times. "You do not have food makers? Interesting... I guess that is a course I will have to take." He looks both curious and confused by it. Seriously, he probably grew up on the stuff being automatically made! "I mean, it sounds interesting and all. Might not be as useful on long space journeys if I ever get my ship's gravity drive fixed."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Do you think they have cooking course?" Madison muses thoughtfully. "I mean - they could. But you could get by on prepared stuff if you want. Or take out. There's frozen, microwave meals - all sorts of stuff like that." She gives a shrug of her shoulders before adding, "And if you wanted - you could probably come over to my place and my mom could show you. She'd probably be glad I'm making new friends. ...or whatever."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg blinks, looking at her and tilting his head to one side. She might notice that his ears are.. not human when his hair isn't hiding them like that. "Oh? I... guess I can? It would be my first time doing anything like that." He looks confused by the idea of cooking still. "What is a microwave?" He asks. Seriously, alien. Yep.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Well it's box - made of metal and plastic, mostly - with buttons that control the power level, and the time. You put cold food in it - and it makes it hot. Umm, like... using microwaves I guess? Isn't that a thing, in science? I really don't know. It makes things hot. Mom only uses it for reheating leftovers," Madison explains with a shrug. "And if you don't want to - you don't have to come over. But you'd be welcome. We could make... chocolate chip cookies or something. Or a proper meal if you'd rather learn that," she offers easily. "Then I can show you some of my games!"

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg looks thoughtful, then hums, "Microwaves... oh! Huh. I knew they made heat in concentration, but I thought they were only used for communication." He shakes his head, looking amused, "And sure! I guess I can. Hm. Should we be heading back soon? I mean, I do not know what else they have planned, but maybe we can pick up some food to bring over as well? Probably make the teachers and most of the class happy, and I really haven't been using my living expenses money for anything lately."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "You get living expenses money?" Madison asks curiously as she tears the pastry she had bought (well - what's left anyways) in half and offers it to Greg. Then she takes a cautious sip of the coffee again - and makes a face. "I'm being naughty - my mom won't let me drink coffee. But I though - I'm in Rome! I should try it! ...it's not very good, though. Why do people like this stuff?" Standing up, she takes a bite of her pastry before adding, "Makes the pastry taste better though!
    "Anyways. I don't get living expenses - but I get an allowance from my mom - for doing chores and stuff."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg shrugs, "Government found me when I crashed pretty much. They setup the identity, gave me a living stipend, and just said to not make too much trouble. My ship is still back where I left it. I mostly survive by using the food maker on vegetables and occasional animals I kill. Mostly. And the things I buy in stores."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "And animals you kill?" Madison repeats in a curious tone as she starts walking back to the hotel with Greg, munching idly on her half of the pastry, still. She keeps her eyes open for any food-places where they could grab snacks for the other kids. Making friends with food is a solid plan. "What kind of animals do you hunt? I mean - some animals people think of as pets... Some might be endangered or whatever..."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg looks thoughtful, "The ones with the horns on the head mostly. They seem to be all over the place, uh... sometimes they're the fat looking ones? Those things are a bit harder. I actually have to up the beam power just to take them down." He shakes his head, "I would rather not do so at all, but unfortunately proteins are harder to come by here."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "...oh gosh," Madeline remarks. She stops in her tracks, and shoves the rest of the pastry in her mouth, then pulls out her phone. After a quick search, she shows the screen to Greg - with the image of a cow on it. After swallowing her food she asks, "These? Have you been hunting these?"

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg blinks, then shakes his head, "No. They looked to be... owned or taken care of by someone. I stayed away from them." He looks considerate, "Uh... they had big horns, with a lot of points for the bigger ones, and skinnier. The short ones had two that came up like this?" He makes a C motion with his fingers. "One on each side of the nose?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh - good," Madison says, letting out a laugh. "Yeah, cows are owned, so if you took one of them, that'd be stealing," she agrees. "That's why I got worried." She looks thoughtful - and after another quick search, shows him a picture of a deer, while looking at him for confirmation. "This, maybe, for the bigger ones?" she suggests. And then a moment later brings up a picture of a wild boar, though wears an uncertain look on her features. "...and this?"

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg nods, "Yep! Those two! The worse part for me is trying to get them back to my ship so it can cut them up fast enough, or doing it myself. One or two usually sustains me for a week, I would say." He looks thoughtful, "Add in some of the fruits and vegetables here and there, and well, nice meal usually." He sighs, "I admit the things the cafeteria at the school served were... interesting at least. I had to ask and actually use my ship's computer to figure out macaroni and the cheese."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh, okay. You're probably fine hunting those. Except I think you need a hunting license, and there's usually certain times of year you can hunt things, and certain times you can't," Madison explains as they start walking again. "Those're deer, and boars, by the way. You could also learn fishing I suppose?" she suggests in a musing tone. "I think... fishing is //always// okay." Isn't it? As for mac 'n cheese - her grin broadens. "Well, //everyone// likes mac 'n cheese. But my mom always puts a little butternut squash in it to make it 'healthier.'"

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg pouts a little, "Explains why you have packaged meat products. Hm... so no deer and boar hunting except certain times of year? Joy. Uh... what is... oh! Fish! Huh. I did not think to try to catch those. I was not sure if my suit would work right underwater."

He looks considerate, "I will have to ask my ship and see. Liquids were not part of the training I went through."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Well, most people get a fishing pole," Madison explains cheerfully. "My father took me once. You have this pole - this stick - with a clear thread attached, and a hook, and some weights so the hook will sink. And then you have some sort of bait or lure on the hook, so the fish think it's food and when they bite the hook, you use the reel to reel them in and - BAM! Fish." She giggles then adds, "The fish I caught was thiiiis big." She holds her fingers three or four inches apart. "Too small - so we threw it back."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg laughs, "I can see how that will be too small." He hums, "So much as that cafe's food was interesting, what else can we get? Oh, does your... ah... communication device give any recommendations? I remember hearing someone did that one time." He looks at her, making a bit of a face. "Then again, they also started yelling at it and stomping on it for being too slow."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Well - someone's got a temper," Madison answers with a laugh. "And - well, yeah, my cellphone might, but we also could-" She points abruptly. "Is that a bakery? What do you bet they have foccacia? What could be a better Italian treat to bring back than fresh, local foccacia?" she asks - flashing her companion a bright smile. Doubtlessly she just forgot //who// she's talking to.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg blinks a few times. "What is a... foccacia?" He looks to her, obviously confused. Oh yeah. Alien. He shrugs, "I guess I will have to try one first, huh?" He laughs, "This is definitely one of the more memorable trips I have had since I have been here."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh my GOD, you've got to try foccacia - com'on!" Madison says eagerly, trying to grab Greg by the arm so she can drag him towards the bakery. And they do indeed have foccacia with a variety of toppings. Tomatoes! Onions! Olives! Herbs! Cheese! Mushrooms! Artichokes! Eggplants! It looks like there's a dozen or so different options - all pre-sliced into servings. "It's like pizza - only different? See? It's good. It's... well it's bread with stuff, really. ...what if we got 2 of everything? That might be expensive though. One of everything, and they can cut them in half?"

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg looks confused at first, "But is that not just pizza? Oh, wait, toppings are different. Hm..." He sighs, looking at her, "I hate to ask it since I do not know the local language..." He looks around a bit, then concentrates a little. One startled shop worker later and they eventually have the foccacia. A lot of it. That he's probably carrying the majority of in the boxes. He glances at her, "If it would not ruin my clothes, I would just fly you and this there, but since it would, I guess we can walk?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "...but flying is a thing we can do later - another time?" Madison asks. She bounces up onto her toes - literally bounces at the idea. "Yes yes yes please. I mean, not now. We have fresh, roman foccacia! But later. Another time." She wears a massive smile on her features. Any thoughts she may have had of loneliness earlier? They're certainly far from her mind at the moment.