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Latest revision as of 23:47, 10 June 2021

Best Pastrami In Town!
Date of Scene: 10 June 2021
Location: Schwartz's Deli
Synopsis: Jason and Amy eat pastrami, while Amy meets Cassie!
Cast of Characters: Amy Winston, Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain

Amy Winston has posed:
After a very static filled call, Amy manages to work out a time and a place. Dressed like a regular, ordinary earth girl in leather jacket, boots, jeans, and a band tee, Amy runs her fingers through her blond locks as she waits just inside the door.
    Taking in the deli decor with the old photos and nostalgia she checks her phone idly. Holding it up towards the ceiling, Amy squints at it and turns side to side trying to get the beat up flip phone to get a signal. "I hope I heard right." She mutters to herself and looks towards the counter with an awkward smile.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason isn't on time. He shows up about ten minutes late, sporting a fairly fresh looking black eye. A baseball cap pulled low, a leather jacket, faded Nirvana shirt and jeans makes up his outfit. He parks a motorcycle outside and makes his way in. He flashes her a small smile when he sees her, and raises a hand to wave. "Nicer then fighting putties in the park?," he asks, stepping up beside her to glance at the menu.

Amy Winston has posed:
Shrugging, Amy gives Jason a look over. "I suppose. Personally, I appreciate the free cardio." She jokes and joins him in looking over the menu. "Meat that isn't some kind of lizard. It smells like heaven in here." She comments and points to one of the sandwiches. "That's supposed to be worth writing home about. But I mean, it's on rye. Hard to go wrong there."

Jason Todd has posed:
He chuckles a bit and nods, eyeing the menu. "Pastrami with fries. Root beer to drink. Trust me. The root beer is a local one and it's hard to beat. The pastrami here has been the same recipe for...fucking forever." Bruce took him here once when he was settling in, and it's always carried a complicated place in his heart.

Amy Winston has posed:
"Well, if it's local approved....sure why not?" Amy looks towards Jason. "Pastrami with fries, root beer." She repeats and steps up to the counter. "Two please." She orders and holds up her fingers before gesturing back. "And maybe a cup of ice? Hit a door nob..." She trails off and gives the man behind the counter an easy smile as she digs into her pocket for cash to pay with. Glancing towards Jason she asks "So, this is like a haunt for you?"

Jason Todd has posed:
He nods to that and looks to the man behind the counter. "Hey, Lou. Like she said." He fishes into his pocket and pulls out a few crumpled bills, pushing them into the tip jar before he turns away with Amy. He sees her paying, and tugs out some cash, insistent on at least paying for himself. "Sometimes. Not as often as I'd like, I guess."

Amy Winston has posed:
Letting Jason put down some cash as well, Amy shrugs. "I could have gotten it." She tells him before moving aside. She looks back to the pictures again. "I guess I don't blame you. There are so many great options when it comes to food here." Amy murmurs and glances back at Jason. Pausing, she scuffs a boot lightly and then says sheepishly. "So, this is going to sound like-peak asshole but umm, I've been referring to you as Mr. Detective Guy. Like, I'm sure you gave me your name but one hundred percent I've forgotten." She winces a little at him.

Jason Todd has posed:
"Eh. I was raised better then that. My parents might have been walking garbage, but I was at least taught to take care of myself a bit." He adjusts his ballcap. "Gotham is a mixing bowl. Not like New York, maybe, but I'd say second biggest example on the east coast, at least. It means amazing food, if you're wealing to be a bti adventurous." He blinks, then, and laughs. "Jason. I'm Jason Todd."

Amy Winston has posed:
"So sorry. Jason." Amy nods and gives him a warmer smile. "Amy Winston. At least in this dimension." She jokes and slips her hands back into her pockets. "Rough childhood? That's shitty. Kids shouldn't have it rough you know?" Amy shrugs and loops one of her boots behind the other and taps at her ankle idly. "I grew up with just my mom. It was...weird, but not bad I don't think."

Jason Todd has posed:
While waiting for food, the man turns and leads the way over to an empty booth. He slides into it and leans back. "Dad was a piece of work. Mom was a professional victim. Ended up getting adopted as a teen. It...well, it changed a lot of shit." He brushes his fingers over the light stubble on his chin.

Amy Winston has posed:
"And you're so ancient now." Amy says dryly and then pauses. "Wait. You are an adult?" She joins Jason at the booth. "Because otherwise I have /so/ many questions on how teens can run around with guns being detectives in this city." She sits slowly and squints at Jason critically. "Bummer about your Dad. So adoption worked out for you, and as a teen? Damn. Relative? Sorry. I don't need to know." She lifts her hands a bit. "Just nosy. Mother had me learning martial skills and like-horse riding instead of school teams or sports."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
He went...this way. She was certain that something was up, and he didn't even look at her when she passed overhead. Distracted. Something on his mind. She looks in through the window and spots the blonde, and blinks in sudden realization.

Then a smile appears on her face, and she takes a step to the door to walk into the food place where they have these things to eat, she never did figure out the word they use for it. She pushes the door open and walks, right, in.

The average-height asian female leans against the door frame, clearly in sight of both Jason and the new lady, and crosses her arms. She's grinning as if she knows something, but saying nothing. Little does Amy know that this is par for the course, but it probably looks snarky from there.

Jason Todd has posed:
"I'm 19...ish. It's complicated," Jason grunts. "And nah, not a relative. Try billionaire playboy philanthropist." At that point two steaming pastrami sandwiches on rye with heaps of fries are delivered, along with two bottled root beers of a local company. Jason sits up and grins to himselfr, eyeing the food.

"Learned how to take care of myself as a kid, mostly. Then...took some self-defense later, sorta." He spots Cass out of the corner of his eye and he blinks, glancing over. "Huh." He raises a hand to wave to her, squinting a bit.

Amy Winston has posed:
Following Jason's look, Amy takes her time to take Cassandra in. "Man, I could never pull off edgy like that. Girlfriend?" She asks Jason and looks back to Cassandra. She gives her a smile and gestures to Jason. "I didn't give him the shiner. Hi. Amy." She offers and picks up a hot fry to try. Sighing, she rolls her eyes up. "OMG, fried food. You don't even know."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The female catches the looks thrown her way and widens her smile. She has glorious teeth, but seems to want to keep mum on conversation. As she walks over she glances at the food, then leans on the back of Jason's chair. Oddly not in a possessive way, she just seems to want to see Amy's face. She clearly has met Jason before.

When it's mentioned her eyes flicker toward Jason's eye, but she seems to dismiss it as quickly. She shrugs slightly, she glances properly at Jason, then does a small headtilt toward Amy while looking at his face.

Not a word out of her lips. When Amy gives her name she doesn't even blink. However, when she reacts to the food? That makes the young lady look at her with open curiosity, interest, and a slightly raised eyebrow.

Jason Todd has posed:
"Nah," he says in response to dating Cassandra. He doesn't sound disgusted at the idea or anything. He just...isn't dating her. He glances back when she leans on his chair, and he grunts before taking half of his sandwich and holding it up to her. "Cassie, Amy. Amy, Cassie. We....we kinda grew up together. After I was adopted, I mean."

He looks back to Amy as he downs a few fries. "Mn. Fuck, I love this place. Point for Bruce, I guess."

Amy Winston has posed:
"Bruce?" Amy asks and tilts her head a bit before nodding. "Oooooh. Gotcha. You were adopted by him? Wild. I feel ten times less weird." She looks back to Cassie. "Want to join us? I've run into this one a few times new. Somehow trouble doesn't seem like it's often far behind. Is he always like that?" She wonders and pops a couple more fries in her mouth, taking a moment to savor them. "Heaven. You don't even know Mr. Detect-ah, Jason. It's like...paleo, all the time. But like, paleo on Mars or something."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass blinks as food is handed to her, and she frowns. She holds the half of a sandwich, her eyes flicking toward Jason or Amy whenever they speak, but she looks at the sandwich as if uncertain what to do with it. This is not the normal reaction to being handed an artisan sandwich on rye.

She pauses, then sniffs at the thing in her hands. If Jason remembers that her diet consists of fish, rice, and vegetables he apparently has decided to corrupt her a bit tonight.

Still, she seems largely to be ignoring what Jason is saying. Until the moment when he says how much he loves the place, and his body shifts to show emotion. Then when Amy does the same, she keeps giving absolute attention at those, exact, moments.

Then she takes a bite of the sandwich and starts to cough, choking a little bit.

Jason Todd has posed:
"She doesn't talk," he explains. And then Cass is coughing, and he winces. "Oh, shit. Right. Weird-ass diet. Um, sorry." He reaches out to take the remains of the sandwich in her hand and takes a big bite before glancing between the two.

"Trouble usually follows me about as much as it follows you, I figure."

Amy Winston has posed:
"Really? Your poor foster father. He must have his hands full." Amy looks at Cassandra and slides out of her seat. "Oh, arms over your head. I'll grab some water." She puts her arms over her head to show what she means and then trots to the counter to ask for a glass of water. Hopping foot to foot she waits impatiently to run the water back to Cassandra. Once she has, she holds it out to the girl. "I hope the meat isn't dry or something." She asides to Jason.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
For all that she seems as if she's just taken a bite out of a ghost pepper, Cassandra doesn't actually let Jason take all of it back. She fights a little, seeming almost sad (still choking) when he gets it from her. She lifts her arms almost instantly, coughing into her left shoulder as her eyes water.

Then she takes the water, grinning a little bit. She drinks some of it down, but she does not look upset at all! More of a slightly amused embarrasment, her eyes shining and smile there, though she does cough a few more times.

It appears as if she just wasn't prepared for the spices?

Jason Todd has posed:
"Eh, fuck him," he grunts softly. He doesnlt sound like he means it, though. Not entirely, anyways. He sits back and lets Amy take the lead with Cassie. He looks offended at the idea of the meat being dry, and he shakes his head. "Oof. Don't let Lou hear that..."

He turns to watch Cass, then. He chuckles and picks the half up again and holds it out to her. "Still want it?"

Amy Winston has posed:
Sitting down, Amy looks at her own sandwich and picks it up carefully. Taking a bite, she leans back before she nods a bit. "Oh my sweet deep dish. Cow. Mmmn. I needed this." She gestures to the sandwich and looks between Jason and Cassie. "So you're mad at your folks, and your foster parent? Not a big fan of adults in general?" She wonders and looks to Cassie. "Hope you're feeling better. Choking on food is the worst."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass hooks a chair with one foot, then sits on it. For all that she's just sitting down, she does it with an odd fluidity that makes one's warrior senses tingle. She didn't have to look, she knew where the chair was and exactly when to put down her weight. A small thing, but as she leans over to give Jason a fistbump she's all normal again. She doesn't take the sandwich, though she clearly was very curious about the taste!

Turning to glance at Amy, she puts her right fist to her own chest and thumps it once. A thumbs-up comes next; she's fine. If it's ASL it's a bit odd, but at least she seems to be able to make herself understood.

Then she does a small headtilt toward Jason, eyes on Amy, and widens her smile. The eyeroll she tacks on is almost sarcastic!

Jason Todd has posed:
"I can't imagine living without beef," he grunts softly, and eats some more of his food. He looks over when Cass joins them to sit, and he offers her a nod. He returns her fistbump and then chuckles a bit when she gives him that look. "So, um. Amy isn't all secret and shit, so...she's from another dimension, I guess? I wouldn't believe it, but we've seen weird stuff in Gotham. Also, I've seen her use all kinds of weird magic stuff. Fantasy princess, basically?," he explains to Cass.

Amy Winston has posed:
"Glad you're alright." Amy nods to Cassie and gives her a smile back. "So it's all adults huh?" She confirms with her before looking at Jason. Working on her fries before they cool she scrunches her nose a bit. "Well, you don't have to put it like that. Really, I was only candid because I popped out like right in front of you. I mean, those things are hard to control precisely." She tucks a blond lock behind her ear and looks to Cassie. "But, basically yeah. Warrior princess. Like Xena...with less battle...trills. And pants, very important."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The quiet lady looks between the two as they talk. She nods when spoken to, but there's something perfunctory about it. She nods when Jason tells her about the fantasy princess title, then again when Amy talks about Xena. But it never touches her face, she doesn't seem to be really reacting. No, she doesn't seem to be 'getting' it. Rather like she's watching two people talk without context.

She does, however, steal a little bit of someone's sandwich and pops it into her mouth. Without choking.

Jason Todd has posed:
He waves off her annoyance at him outing her, and he works on his food a bit more. "Not really sure how much she gets," he admits to Amy. "But she's amazing at reading body language and she can kick my ass." It sounds as if it almost pains him to say that last bit, but he does.

Amy Winston has posed:
"Is that hard to do?" Amy asks Jason when he mentions getting his ass kicked. "I mean, you seem quick on your feet but like-" She lifts her brows a bit and looks dubious. Reaching for her root beer she sips on it and slumps in her seat some. "This is so good. Oh man. I wonder if I could get them to make something like this back home..." She considers and eyes the soda thoughtfully.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra tilts her head. She pauses, glancing between the two of them at the table, then suddenly picks up a knife. She flips it in the air, then lets it land tip-first between Jason's hands. Fortunately, or unfortunately, it is simply a dull butter knife and not anything actually dangerous. But it was clearly an answer to something that was just said. Because her eyes are on Amy, direct and unwavering.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason sighs softly and reaches out, catching the knife between his hands with...surprising speed. "Cass. Be nice. We're all friends here. Ish." He looks over at Cass and chuckles softly. "You're lucky I don't give a shit about peoples opinions of me, so I don't have anything to prove. Beside, we were fighting weird ooze beasts. Not really my usual."

Amy Winston has posed:
"Do you...make a habit of fighting? That's dangerous for a P.I." Amy looks from the knife to Jason, to Cassandra. "I was just asking. I don't plan on beating up your...friend person? Just idle curiosity. Like I was telling Jason, I've been training with weapons since I was little. He's just got like a bulky...gym bod." She slides the plate with her fries towards Cassie like an offering.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra looks at the knife, at Jason, then she looks away. Her shoulders slump just a slight bit, and she nods to him. Then she turns as Amy speaks, slides food toward her, and she looks up with a clear apology in her expression.

With her lips slightly quirking down, she pauses noticeably, then extends her right hand. Not toward the fries, though they are noted. No she extends them toward Amy, held out as if to clasp.

Jason Todd has posed:
"What can I say?," Jason asks with a small grin. "I have a chip on my shoulder."

He glances between the girls and sits backa bit, giving them some space to work this out. He focuses on his sandwich for now, relishing the amazing pastrami.

Amy Winston has posed:
Leaning over the table a little, Amy reaches out to take the offered clasp. Her hand is calloused and tough, more from holding hilts than giving punches. "No worries." She tells Cassie. "Jason's approach to being a detective is just like something out of an old movie. I didn't mean to imply he can't hold his own." She looks back to Jason and returns the small grin. "A chip? You ran into a monster fight with a pistol. Granted-better than trying to punch those things. Better to avoid them if you can though. You have my number now."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassie holds onto her hand a moment. She gives a squeeze, avoiding the bonebreaking thing that guys do. She lets go, then gives a huge smile that actually crinkles her eyes a lot. Her gaze drifts up and to the left for a moment, thinking, then she nods as if she's figured something out.

A moment later though she stands up, putting her hand onto Jason's shoulder, and leans to steal a french fry. She gives him an upnod, then turns and heads for the door. That fast, and not a word past her lips the entire visit, but it appears that she's leaving them alone?

Jason Todd has posed:
He sits back and chuckles a bit at Cass's response, even if he doesn't really get it. Either way, he raises a hand to her and waves. "Take it easy. See you soon, probably. Tell Dad I say hi." There's a bit of snip in that laste statement for some odd reason. He turns back to Amy, then. "Hey, old-school detectives are cool. You need to watch more noir."

Amy Winston has posed:
"We didn't have a tv." Amy answers and looks after Cassie. "She really doesn't speak at all. That must make giving you a hard time challenging." Considering a moment longer she looks back at Jason. "And there's no movies back home. Theater though. So it's not all bad." She grins a bit and picks up her root beer for another measured sip. "Did umm, so do you have a lot of foster siblings?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The door chimes, and Cassandra Cain exits the story. She does enjoy the french fry, though she is kind of uncertain what she's eating. After the way the two of them reacted to it, she had been certain that it was, you know, good. She supposes it's much like them. Not exactly what you expect, but you could get used to it. You know, over time.

Jason Todd has posed:
"We'll need to fix that," he grunts. "Movies, I mean. Lotsa good ones." He finishes half of his sandwich and slows down, eating slowly as they talk. "Yeah. It's...it's a big adoptive family, I guess. Kinda complicated, you know?" He turns to watch her leave before he turns back to Amy. "Eh, I guess? We're all broken in our own ways, I guess."

Amy Winston has posed:
"I mean, is anyone not?" Amy wonders and picks up a fry before gesturing with it. "Pick your flavor, you know?" She shrugs and pops the fry into her mouth. "We'll need to fix that? If you plan to include more Earth food in that plan I'm super down. I haven't had Chinese take-out since before I-ah, in forever." There's a tighter smile. "My family is complicated too."

Jason Todd has posed:
"Fair." He pops a fry into his mouth. "You ever have a milkshake?," he asks curiously as another customer walks by with a chocolate shake from the counter. "Royal families usually are, right?" He grins and turns back towards her. "Oh, we have a pretty nice Chinatown. Good food," he explains.

Amy Winston has posed:
"Yes, I've had a milkshake. Not in a while, but I mean, I've had one. I think I've been dimension hopping for...three years now? I've had more time recently now that things are handled more or less on my world." Amy explains and pauses. "She said normally. Ugh, run screaming any time. I totally would understand." Shaking her head Amy polishes off her sandwich with a blissful roll of her eyes. "Crazy aunt went on a killing spree fueled by this really messed up other noble brain washing her basically and like, almost wiped out the whole family for our magic. It was a thing." She waves a hand idly, dismissing it all.

Jason Todd has posed:
He nods, then, and turns to face her again. "Oh man. That sucks." How does one respond to something like that? He adjusts his baseball cap and sits forward, popping the last few fries into his mouth. He checks his watch and winces a bit.

Amy Winston has posed:
Looking from Jason to his watch she lifts her brows a bit. "Late for a date?" She wonders and props her chin in her hand. "I mean, like, all the fit guys in my high school when I went always had this person or that." She nibbles on one of her fries. "It's cool if you need to jet."

Jason Todd has posed:
"Nah. I'm in a poly...thing. It's a long story I'll get to sometime, if you're interested. But I do have a place to stakeout." He sighs and offers a small, lopsided grin. "Let's do this again. Make it a date?"

Amy Winston has posed:
"A wha-" Amy sputters and looks very interested in her soda for a second. "I mean yeah. Cool. For sure. Me? Totally. Definitely for sure cool." She nods and sinks down in her seat a little like she has no idea how to answer that smoothly. She resolves to copy Cassie and gives Jason a thumbs up. "Just say when."

Jason Todd has posed:
He rises to his feet and nods to that. "Cool. I try not to plan that far ahead cause the job comes first. So, we'll figure it out. Play it by ear." He glances about the place and raises a hand to Lou. "Take it easy, Princess." With that, Jason Todd makes his way on out!