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Revision as of 02:45, 14 June 2021

Catching Up or Decompressing
Date of Scene: 14 June 2021
Location: Seaside Victorian House
Synopsis: The aftermath of the run in with The Winter Soldier. Mike got choked, Mo's fine, Hank's going to find him...
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Michael Hannigan, Hank Pym

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan was over the initial adrenaline kick from guns, growls and pale blue eyes. She felt like someone else should go after Sergeant Barnes. Maybe she could call someone? She shunts that idea out of her head as she pulls the challenger into the garage and slams the door after she's out. Into the house she goes. Going to unlock the front door for Mike who was either in the car or about to land in his bird form. Either way would get him into the house.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The car door slams shut. It appears after the events from earlier, the rocker wasn't really in the mood to go flying about or leaving Morrigan alone in the car. Sure the Barnes guy can be paranoid but that doesn't mean Mike can't be either.

As he comes up the path, he gently rubs at faint markings starting to show up on the side of his neck. It's not an overall print but four dots to one side and one to the other is sufficient enought to provide a bit of narrative for what the hell happened.

Hank Pym has posed:
No calls going through to Mike, or Morrigan. He meant to see Mike but hadn't since he'd returned from the tour. He did see Morrigan in passing but hadn't talked. After calling one then the other with no response he began making an ant-nalysis and hey yeah there was a lady with really long ginger hair and a bird not bird. They left together.

A team up? What the hell? Noting they were returning to Happy Harbor he fired up the Tesla, threw discretion to the wind and ably demonstrated that SHIELD was not the only source of flying car stories.

There is a whine of thrusters and the glare of headlights, in the sky as Hank lands right behind Mike.

"He has a car? It's like I don't know them anymore! The Hell!" He hurries up the path.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Hello Hank. It's mine." Morrigan states as she hits the key fob and locks the car up. "Come on inside if you like. Anyone want whiskey?" she asks as she heads for the kitchen. Because she wasn't going for water. "Mike, you want some ice for your neck? I don't think I can do much else for it at the moment." she frowns as she digs in the freezer for the ice trays and comes back up with them.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The combination of lights and landing noises is enough for Mike to turn around to look. Hand still pressed at the neck as he looks to the scientist coming up the path. "Hey Hank."

At the mention of ice, the ponytailed musician looks back to Morrigan. "Uh yeah. Kind of hoping to keep signs down to a minimum."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym follows them in sure. "No thank you. No whiskey. I just took my meds. What in hell happened? Let me see your neck, Michael." he makes a grab for the musician, intending to manipulate the man for a good look via his head.

"Was this gang related because I can find them. Is this... bullying? I mean call the twelve foot tall friend to watch your backs. You could have been God only knows... stabbed, shot."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gets Mike a bag of ice and wraps it in a dish towel before she hands it to him, "Yeah, just need to keep it iced. Thankfully it wasn't any worse." she admits. There's a shake of her head to Hank, "No, no gangs or bullys. Just ran into a very out of sorts, very highly trained and VERY distrusting former assassin that was in distress out in a wooded area where I go when I need to think. I'm probably finding a new spot." she admits.

"There were some things suggested...and he sort of thought Mike was a Hydra, whatever the hell that is, agent." she frowns.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Not seeing the incoming hand, Mike ends up getting turned. The side not covered by his hand reveals a solitary dotting of a bruise. At the request, and honestly Hank could probably pry the hand off anyways, Mike gives a sigh and lifts his hand, showing the other four dots.

He turns to look back to Morrigan "Some multi-headed snake or dragon in greek legend." Mike pauses, "Get the feeling he doesn't follow my music so I doubt it was a play on the stage name. Guy could move though."

He accepts the bag of ice and towel. "Thanks."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym says, "Hydra. What did this guy look like? What was he wearing, what sort of gear if anything did he have? Tell me exactly what happened." Then he can tell the ants who find and break out the bullet and army ants for this guy?

Hank Pym, over react? Nonsense.

"Was he a normal human, Mutant, other?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan sips at her whiskey as Mike and Hank talk, "It's no problem. You were out there due to me...otherwise everything would be alright." she states. Then she gives a look to Hank, "He's a super soldier. His name is James Barnes. Around six foot tall, long brown hair, pale blue eyes..." she trails off as she looks down to her whiskey. Then she looks up, "Unless Mike is feeling like he wants retribution...I say we leave him be. He was in a lot of pain, probably thinks were some sort of group out to get him or something." she explains.

"And he could have killed both of us and he didn't." she adds quietly.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Being he got pulled within arms length and was looking right at him YEAH, a description would be easy but Morrigan does well enough. "Shoulder length. Guessing the dog was of the service variety." Mike adds in about the hair, bringing the cloth to his neck. "...I don't want retribution. But the guy clearly needs help. He had the look of a man who hasn't slept decently in ages."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym releases Mike, giving him a pat on the arm. He is silent for a few moments. "It sounds like James. All right, I have to contact the rest of the Avengers, and we have to bring him back and help him. He can't be allowed to hurt himself and others. He needs treatment. I know how that feels. I'm sorry I was abrupt. I got worried. And he certainly could have hurt you both severely or worse. Like I said I got worried. I mean... you're what 40% of my friends here?" Small smile, he reaches a hand out for Mo's hand.

"I can't really tell you a lot about him, other than what I did. Let me call the team and we'll handle this." James Barnes. Bucky. Winter Soldier. As capable as Cap with guns and a lot less qualms about using them. More to the point who does he know who went off the deep end, didn't sleep and attacked the wrong people. there's no swearing of revenge. If his face shows anything it's concern and compassion.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"We forgot the metal arm...but yes, that's the guy." Morrigan nods to this. "And yes, he needs help. But we need to understand that offering to magic things away is...not always the first answer. I just think it wigged him out a little and he was already in a vulnerable spot." she states. "Like I tell the kids, mundane first, powers as a last resort. Unless it's got teeth and is like twenty feet tall. Then we magic first, ask questions later." she muses.

There's a look to Hank, "Yeah, it'll be alright just...I don't know." she flattens her hands on the table. "Maybe see if Druid or someone can talk to him?" she offers.

"He doesn't need more stress. I'm afraid whatever he's going through he's already breaking and a man with that much rage and pain is....explosive I'm guessing." she admits. Then she stands, "If you guys want to crash here there are guest rooms. Otherwise I'll lock up after folks are gone. I need some air and just a few minutes alone." she smiles to them. "Again...I'm sorry Mike. Hank, it was good to see you." she states as she pats his shoulder on the way by.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike rolls his eyes up at the lecture. "Yeah I think I got that message loud and clear when he started choking me."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym's expression goes deadpan. "I don't... what did you think I was going to do? Hit him? I'm going to approach him in a calm manner and talk to him. Hopefully we can find Druid but if we can't, or if I find him before the rest, I'll treat him like a fellow sufferer pf mental illness. I'm not crashing. I'm going out to find the guy. Armor's in my car trunk. I may be compassionate. I'm not stupid. I'll let you know how I make out. Mike, you want to take my car home you can. I'm going to fly and talk to the little friends."