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Latest revision as of 14:06, 14 June 2021

The Framework: Questioning the Interloper
Date of Scene: 14 June 2021
Location: 2C -
Synopsis: Making good on her threat, Bobbi tracks down Lance and greets him with a blood test and rope. She drills him for information but only manages to get details on The Sphere. The rest, she decides, she can get through torture. Lance does his best to get through to Bobbi.. planting the idea of a happy life in her mind, but she doesn't believe it's anything more than a lovely fairy tale.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter
Tinyplot: The Framework

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi warned him she would hunt him down.. and kill him. Well, the first part she did. Sitting on the kitchen counter with an ICER in her hand, watching him quietly. There's a briefcase next to her and a computer in it is blinking a light. The sound of a motor as the blood sample she took from him is being analysed.

    A bandaid has been administered on Lancer's arm. A caring touch, she's not quite sure what to do with him yet. But his apartment - she never thought she'd be back here.

    Lance is currently tied to a chair, unarmed, and the dendrotoxin gas she released in to the room has since dissipated, the effects of being "ICERed' wearing off.

    Bobbi glances over to him as she hears his breather change, her messed up eye falling upon the body of the man she once killed in cold blood to prove her loyalties and strength to her commander - John Garrett. But for the moment, she remains silent.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Dry mouth, pounding headache, all the signs of having been ICERed, he really wished he'd just stayed in the real world. The real world had beer, and football, oh and a lack of psychotic blondes who were likely trying to murder him. Or maybe not, Bobs could have killed him while he was out but instead he was tied up and even bandaged. Before raising his head he tests his bonds, slowly, carefully, seeing just how screwed he was before he gave more obvious signs he's awake. Though it's not like he hasn't done the same thing before around Bobbi so there's still a good chance she'll know he's playing possum while he susses out his situation.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The very first question on Bobbi's mind.. is this an Inhuman she sees before her? Because if it is one, then it's shape-shifted in to her long dead boyfriend just to mess with her. Presumably as retaliation for executing Jiaying. The machine stops whirring and the sample is complete.

    A quick glance at the results. Negative for Inhuman genome. She shuts the brief case and says, "This machine just saved your life... for now." Her eyes glance over him in a mixture of confusion and hope and anger.

    She slides off the counter and on to her feet. Her right hand holding the ICER. "Not so fun when the shoe is on the other foot hm? You invade my home. I invade yours. So why don't we start from the top and you tell me who you really are..."

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Neat," Hunter says glancing up at the device that saved him. "Lemme guess you guys like to shoot people sober and my blood alcohol was too high," he says about how it managed to save him. Snarking, testing her responses, the usual Hunter game.

"I told you before Bobs, I'm Lance Hunter, the /real/ Lance Hunter not the one all made up of ones and zeroes you shot," he says.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The eyebrow, cut in two with scar, raises at his joke. "Hmm. This machine tests a blood sample to see if you are Inhuman or not. Congratulations, you're human," she says with a small smirk. But then he starts talking about ones and zeroes and she rolls her eyes.

    Exasperated, she holds her tongue for a moment not allowing herself to be drawn in to an argument just yet. "Let's say, for the moment, that I will humor you that you believe you are Lance Hunter," she says and slowly walks around behind the chair.

    "Tell me where you came from and what your mission is here," she says. It's a question but it's stated as an order. This is a step up at least, she's listening this time. Possibly because she's in control. She hasn't ruled out necromancy yet.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Course I'm bloody human Bobs," Hunter says. "I'm the one without the super powers remember?" he asks her, knowing he's treading on dangerous ground with this version of Bobbi. "And I come from the real world Bobs, where you and I fight HYDRA and I'm here to bring you and some others back with me, you don't belong in this place Bobs, you belong back home with me," he says looking up and trying to meet her eyes.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    She furrows her brow and stares at him from behind for a moment. Slowly she walks back around in front of him. Bobbi is a legendary interrogator back in the real world. She doesn't have that same finesse here. Not as a loyal HYDRA goon used to using violence to get answers.

    She nods slowly, "I see." She points the gun at him, "You want me to believe I don't belong in this world, that I'm an infiltrator so deep undercover I've forgotten it myself? Please, what kind of a fool do you take me for?"

    Her hand begins to shake just a little as her index finger moves to the trigger, "Convince me. Who else are you here to abduct?"

Lance Hunter has posed:
"No not an infiltrator, you and the others were on a recon mission there was an underground HYDRA base, it had automated defenses and they locked you and the others up in some sort of pods, wired you into this simulation for some bloody reason. All of this Bobs," he gestures with his head at their surroundings, "Isn't real, it's all a simulation not that I expect you to believe me, but it's true, and I'm going to find a way to prove it to you," he tells her. "And not going to tell you who the others are Bobs. Can't trust you here, and simulation or not I'm pretty sure if you die here you die for real."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Seeing he's not going to give her names, her hand begins to shake even harder.. was she really going to pull the trigger? she holsters her weapon and folds her arms. "You won't trust me, that's not the same as can't trust me. Very well.. tell me about this.. underground HYDRA base. Where is it?"

She's going to get answers one way or another but he is a _really_ convincing Lance Hunter. Old feelings are coming back to her. That sensation of simply being around him. Making him squirm - albeit back then was in a friendly teasing way. This Bobbi has grown hard and calloused.

"If not names then how many hm? why try to sell me on this simulation nonsense? It's not a good angle. On this other Earth, who is in charge and how many Inhumans are there?"

Lance Hunter has posed:
She's still Bobs and it's hard to hold things back from her. "A few," he says of how many. "Like I said you were all part of a recon team, a SHIELD recon team," he says making that last part clear. "His eyes notice the shaking but he doesn't comment, he just keeps on talking. "And Fury's in charge where I come from and I've got no clue how many Inhumans there are, lots, I'm guessing, we helped them drive off HYDRA when they came after Afterlife, and got them out somewhere safe."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    She turns her back to the man and rests her hands on the counter top. She's playing him for information, but darned if this wasn't the second hardest things she's ever had to do. The first was killing him. "I see," she says. She takes a knife out of a pouch on her belt and asks, "And us?"

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter looks at Bobbi studying her as she goes for that knife. "We had our problems, but we worked them out, we work together, then come home and watch Marbles or Cuthroat Kitchen together, and make drinking games out of them. We used to have a great TV to watch it on too until it got stolen by the army," a beat. "Long story, any of this ringing a bell Bobs? We've got a good life back there and I'd really like the both of us to get back there."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    She turns back around and the knife flicks open. "You're acting under the impression that I am someone you know when it should be obvious to you by now that I am not. You're confused.. I am willing to believe you're from another world. You and your fellow invaders need to go home."

    She approaches ... why can't she shoot him? he's not.. real? is he? She steps behind him and pats a firm hand on his shoulder. Like the kind of touch she remembers. He feels so real. She doesn't feel like a super soldier either.

    The knife cuts cleanly through the rope and she says, "Don't do anything stupid." A warning, but a small reprieve, "Now - where is this underground hydra base. I wish to see it with my own eyes."

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter shakes his hands when they're cut free but quickly puts them into view away from him and Bobbi both. "I'll have to show you," he says of the base. "If they even made a copy of it in this crazy place."

He looks up at her again, "And I /do/ know you Bobs, we've been together for too long for it to be otherwise."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    She smirks, "It's a good story. You, me, living happily together doing missions together. I like it." She lifts her chin, "But I need you to be straight with me. If you really think I'm the victim of some .. simulation. Who else? I harm people on a daily basis." She's gotten savvy, "You wouldn't want me to harm someone who is supposed to be my friend would you?"

    Her expression briefly softens as she looks at the man before her. It _is_ a good story. Intoxicatingly good. Wouldn't it be nice if it were true? may be they should go conquer this other world so she can keep him all to herself.

    "You can't leave this apartment, you will need to give me detailed directions. I need to know who of you are in this world and who it is you're trying to find... or else mistakes will be made. I don't think you quite understand the position you've put me in. When I killed you, I did so to prove my strength and loyalty to my commander. At the time I thought it was SHIELD I was loyal to, but when SHIELD demonstrated its weakness, I understand it was HYDRA all along who could save this world."

    She motions up and down at him, "And now you are here. Walking around and talking. People will think I lied. People will think I'm not loyal. People will _suspect_ me of being a traitor."

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Sorry Bobs, I can't give you that information, not about the other people from my world, I'll just have to take my chances that they're going to be good enough to take care of themselves," he says. "But something tells me telling you right now will pretty much sign their death warrants," he says. "And that's not going to happen. As for the base," he pauses a moment and rattles off the location of the sphere at least where it's located in his world.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    She shuts the knife and slides it back in to her pouch. "Well," she says dusting her hands together, her postures straightening, "That is at least something. I'm sure we'll get the rest of the information out of you with more.. violent persuasion techniques."

    She smiles darkly and shuts her eyes and blocks her ears. The door to the room bursts open and a flash bang goes off. Four HYDRA shock troopers enter the room with weapons drawn and lights pointed at Hunter.

    The ring in her ears is intense and she says, "Fairy tales won't win me over ...Hunter." She peers at him and says, "You may think this world isn't real but I assure you, the pain you are about to experience is very... very... real."

    She picks up her phone and makes a call, "Director.. priority one emergency.. I have captured a person from a parallel world. There are many more but I have yet to determine how many and who. I'll be bringing this.. interloper.. in for more -intimate- questioning."

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter doesn't expect the stun grenade and he takes the full brunt of the blast, leaving him dazes as the troops come and take hold of him, his ears ringing he only barely makes out Bobbi's words. "Blood fucking hell Bobs, you don't want to do this," he says as he struggle in the grip of the shock troops, and makes a grab for Bobbi's ICER. "Tell Team Jackboot to let me go, or I swear Bobbi, you're going to regret this," he doesn't sound like he's swearing vengence, but rather begging her not to do something that will do /her/ harm.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    As Lance grabs the ICER from her holster she raises an eyebrow. The gun has a little LED on it that suddenly turns red when he fails to pass the finger print or id chip test. She hmphs, "Just what I thought you'd do." She steps up to him and sucker punches him in the gut.

    "You're wrong Hunter. I very much want to do this. Your world may not have the stomach to do what's necessary.. but we do," she says. Now it's clear she thinks HYDRA will be able to find a way back to Lance's Earth and defeat the Inhumans there too.

    She nods to the HYDRA troops. "Take him to the Triskelion. I'll be right behind you," she orders. The ones not holding Lance double-arm salute and say "Hail HYDRA!" Bobbi smirks at Lance and says calmly to the men under her command, "Hail HYDRA."