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New Information On Dumas
Date of Scene: 15 June 2021
Location: Morrigan's Office
Synopsis: James comes to Morrigan with new information on Dumbass and things are far worse than they thought.
Cast of Characters: James Barnes, Morrigan MacIntyre

James Barnes has posed:
    This is the last place that Bucky wants to be. Well, not the last, but it's on the list of places he least wants to be? But he has information so he's here. Before he decides to turn around and leave, he just shoves on through the office door. He's holding a manilla envelope in one hand. Is Morrigan right there or does he need to deal with a secretary?

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's sitting at her desk, her assistant is gone for the day already and she's pulling extra hours...even when she's not really needing to. When the door to her office opens and in pushes James Barnes the woman stands up fast enough that her knee cracks the underneath of her desk. She looks up to the ceiling, "Really God?" she mutters as she rubs her knee before she straightens. Then she looks to the man, "Sergeant Barnes, how can I help you?" she asks as she keeps her hands on the top of the desk. She's still calm and composed at least.

James Barnes has posed:
    "We're taking a Quinjet tomorrow night," is where he starts, there's no debating that, none. "...and the team needs to follow my lead." Bucky tosses the envelope down on the table. "British Intelligence wants that kid dead and there's a really good chance they'll be bouncing in on our heads while we're there, if they don't beat us there." His expression is stern, no-nonsense, almost challenging her to challenge him on this.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Have you ever seen an Irish woman get irrationally angry at the words that come out of a mans mouth, "Now listen here..." she starts, flames, flames at the side of her face. But he's continuing and he said that some intelligence agency wants her former student dead. She doesn't continue her protesting. She picks up the folder and opens it, looking through the paperwork. "Jesus Christ." she breathes out. "I'm guessing there will be a few people that have issues with following orders, but...if it gets Tyler back safely then they can suck it up." she admits.

    Then she pauses to look at him, "Wait...I thought you were not going?" she looks confused.

James Barnes has posed:
    "Yeah, well, that fucking Martian is persuasive," Bucky grouses. "You need to tell that Mike gent to keep his distance though." Yeah, he's still a little paranoid there. "Anyone that doesn't want to follow orders should stay behind. We're likely to be dealing with two 'enemy' elements here. With any luck, we may be able to get in, get the kid, and be gone before they know we're there. That's the optimal outcome. If the Brit's show making noise, it might be to our advantage." Ding ding...
    "...in fact, it might be to our advantage to wait until they do to make our move..." His voice is distant, distracted, thinking out loud.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"His name is J'onn and yes, he's one of best teachers here. He tends to keep people from biting each others heads off." Morrigan admits. "I'll send him a text. Not really going to see anyone before I head to Valetta." she nods. "We'll do a final talk through of things tomorrow. If folks don't want to agree to be adult and mature, then I'll open them a portal home." she shrugs at that. But her eyes keep going to the pages in the folder.

    "Will it put Tyler in more danger if we stall?" she asks him. Like he might know the answer.

James Barnes has posed:
    "Maybe not," Bucky murmurs as he pulls four beads from his pocket. "I don't think so... not if I can get a bead on him before they get there." He rolls the beads around a bit in the palm of his gloved hand before shoving them back into his pocket. He seems to come out of his thoughtful haze and focuses his attention on Morrigan again.
    "If we know where he is before they arrive and wait for their arrival to snatch him out, we could use their chaos as cover and then let them be the ones left dealing with cleaning up the mess that is this fake Dumbass order."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look over the beads, "Rosary? Or something else Sergeant Barnes?" she asks him seriously. She wasn't mocking him or anything. "I don't know if he'll let anyone get near him if he's in the state I think he is." she frowns. "But if you want to try it I certainly trust that you'll not hurt him." she tells him. There's a certain uneasiness at the idea, but finally she nods.

"You're the professional in these things. I'll follow your lead." she states finally. "Could I maybe borrow a bead in case I get to him and you can't?" she asks. "I'm not sure who he'll trust, who he'll attack or anything else at this point." she frowns.

James Barnes has posed:
    "Sorry," and he genuinely means that. "These are my responsibility. They won't allow us to travel to him, just... know which room he's in before we go in." It's clear, there's something here, whoever is holding him responsible for those beads is someone that's very important to him.
    "I'm a good shot, Morrigan, even if that shot is with a tranq gun." No one says the kid has to be *awake* when he carries him out, right?

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan smiles to that, "You don't have to apologize. Telling someone no is something you're allowed to do." she tells him in a quiet tone. "And I completely understanding holding onto something that's been loaned." she adds. Then she chuckles, "I have no doubts on your markmanship abilities, Sergeant Barnes." she tells him. There's a moment of silence before she talks again, "Thank you for reconsidering and coming back to help. I appreciate it. And I know that Tyler will...once we get him back to his old self."

James Barnes has posed:
    His hand is still in his pocket, the clankclank of those beads rolling around in his hand obviously. "Look, I dunno..." A breath sucked in and let out again. "Just... tell that kid it's not smart to just go around offerin' that kinda shit."
    Bucky reaches up to rub the back of his neck with his other hand. "I don't like people fucking with my head or even threatening too." Good thing he doesn't know that J'onn was reading his mind all night at that meeting, right?
    "My name's James, Sergeant Barnes was a long time ago." He doesn't tell her to call him Bucky, no, that honor is reserved for a number of people he can count on one hand, but James is a start.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a bit of a chuckle, "I told him when we were talking after that he shouldn't have done that and so have others. We try to teach people here to use the mundane first and foremost." she comments. "Mike's his own person. I think it'll work itself out. I don't have any hard feelings." she admits. "So we'll make sure that no one tries to use any mind stuff on you while you're here on Happy Harbor grounds or on the mission." she tells him.

Then there's a look to him and a bit of a smile, "Sorry, force of habit, James." she muses. "Obviously I'm Morrigan or Mo if folks like." she offers. "I'll make sure people are ready to go when we need to be." she adds after a moment.

James Barnes has posed:
    "Just make sure you can control Big Red (Hellboy) and Big Mouth (Robin)." Bucky mutters. "They're both the type that get people killed. They think they got it no matter what, like there's no way they can possibly lose."
    It's so obvious that he has reservations about this whole thing, it's so obvious that he thinks the 'team' isn't ... up to par. It's certainly not what he's used to working with. But...
    "If either one of them leads to that kid's death, they'll answer to me." His tone is fierce. ...and it's likely obvious to anyone familiar with his history that Tyler's situation is hitting him really close to home.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan quirks an eyebrow at him, "James, Hellboy is not one to be controlled, not even by me. Robin? That was my first time meeting him. Maybe he just wanted you to know he knew who you were? Hellboy hasn't ever allowed a child to be hurt. I doubt he'd start now. And I mean...Robin is a kid?" she offers with a look to him. "I can't really tell them to do much. I'm not their mom...or their supervisor, but I will attempt to keep everyone civil and follow your lead. I don't want anyone hurt due to in fighting." she tells him with a nod.

"So, if we had better options would that make you feel better? Hopefully if this ever happens again we'll be able to call in SHIELD folks, right now we can't really risk getting anyone caught by the government so...we make do. Adapting is a super power sometimes." she states thoughtfully. "We'll bring Tyler home in one piece and hopefully we can start on deprogramming or whatever else has been done to him." she looks like she doesn't know where to start with that.

James Barnes has posed:
    He doesn't argue about Red, but... "You're wrong about Robin, that kid was issuing a challenge. I've seen it before, more times than I care to count. He saw a potential notch on his belt and that's a dangerous way to think." He lets that bit drop, hoping his warning is heeded about that kid, his attitude will get someone killed one day, an ally.
    "I'll be bringing a few tactical field agents and I may have a man or two in mind. We may be temporarily down, but we're not completely out."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I might be wrong about Robin, yes." Morrigan nods to that. "I don't know the ins and out of assassin life and there's a code there I'm not versed at all in." she points out. "I always suggest talking to another if there's tension or a problem. Some people don't want to do that though." she shrugs.

Then he says he's bringing more people and there's a squint, "Alright...if they are SHIELD I trust them. Kind of have to." she muses. "Anything else that we can be expecting or will there be surprises?" she asks him as she leans on her desk. Apparently James wasn't going to murder her. She could relax.

For now!

James Barnes has posed:
    "It's not an assassin's code," he replies along with a humorless chuckle. "It's an 'I'm young and stupid and think I need to prove myself' code."
    Bucky does something then that he rarely ever does. "Ward, if he'll agree to come into his shitstorm of a mess, is one of the best we have. I'll be able to concentrate more on what I need to do if I know he's got my back."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Well, I was just guessing." Morrigan tries not to laugh. Did she look like she knew anything about assassins?! Nope. Not a wit. She lets the comment about being young and stupid pass for the moment. "I don't know Ward. But...if you trust him. That's good. I'd say we try to bring Falcon in, but, no idea where he currently is." she states. "Cap's probably busy. Druid's off somewhere. So most of our SHIELD and Avenger linked teachers are not available. So...you get a Master Sorceror and a sprinkle of super heroes." she states.

James Barnes has posed:
    "A master sorcerer who can't master because theirs is bigger," Bucky points out. He's not trying to insult, he's really not. He's just stating facts. "I can see if I can pull Steve." If he pouts enough, it might happen. "I trust Ward..." As much as he trusts anyone that isn't Steve, Peggy or Shuri... and sometimes Sharon. "Honestly, the two of us could probably do this alone." He raises his hands to stave off any grumbling response. "But I'm guessing it's not what you want..."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
There's a flash in Morrigan's eyes when she looks to him, "No, I'm just not willing to sell my soul to a higher bidder to power my magic." she states. "There's always something bigger out there. No offense taken though." she smiles to that. "And no, I don't want people to do this for us. Or by themselves. I want to help. Tyler trusted me to protect him. And he's being brainwashed by fucking psychopaths. So I'm definitely NOT sitting this out." she points out.

James Barnes has posed:
    There he was, doing pretty well. It's that last bit though that causes Bucky to pale a little. ...brainwashed by fucking psychopaths. Those blue eyes of his go a little unfocused, kind of distant, he's staring at a spot over Morrigan's shoulders. He's gone somewhere in his mind. He even breaks out in a little bit of a cold sweat before he finally shakes it off and comes back to the 'now'. It's just a blip in time, but it might seem longer to someone watching from the outside. "Yeah, I get it. Anyway, I need to get on getting this shit all put together, not much time left..."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan sees that look as it settles in and she kicks herself mentally, "I..." she shuts her mouth. Because she didn't want to make anything worse for him. She waits for him to come back to the now. She doesn't try to touch him or shake him, because she valued her hands being in one piece. "I think the two of you will make quick friends, if you'd like to." she tells him with the ghost of a smile. Tyler did have a lot in common so far with the super soldier.

"Yeah, going to be a long next few days." she nods in understanding. "If you think of anything that you guys need and I can provide just call or text. I'll be up all night as it is." she admits. "And again...thank you for all of the help." she tells him.

James Barnes has posed:
    "Ward likes donuts," is all he offers before he turns to head out. The file Bucky brought is left behind for her to read through further at her leisure. Morrigan mght want to mental note a thank you moment for J'onn. Had the Big Old Gentle Green alien not followed Bucky out of the meeting? The lot of them might have been going into a situation that they thought was just bad when it was actually Really Bad.