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Two Janes on the loose
Date of Scene: 18 June 2021
Location: Vault C - Playground
Synopsis: On a break from dealing with the Framework Jemma and Daisy return to the Playground to discover Jane's bracelet is missing! Tracking it they find it in ..., England? And with the King of the Inhumans?!
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Jemma Simmons, Daisy Johnson

Jane Foster has posed:
The world moves on. Troubles beset the unsuspecting and the suspecting both. Earthquakes rumble in Haiti where a riot burns. The Yucatan remains cut off. Most of America simply doesn't care, and even in Delaware, other matters convulse the hidden face of SHIELD. HYDRA has spread its tentacles far and wide, silencing supporters, claiming bodies and souls as their due.

None of it quite matters among the files and the scientific debris, swept out during the evacuation of the Triskelion. Yellowing bankers boxes contain documents irrelevant, likely, to a fight within the Framework. Other items in storage aren't the key for dealing with turned agents, spy games a far cry from any concern of theirs.

But two matters might be important. Or not.

The first, an app once used to register potent objects of a certain high level puissance might register one less of them as of Tuesday afternoon around 3.

The second, Jane Foster sleeps in an icy prison. Subtle deviations and dips have trained with the same time as point one. Slower heart rate. More demanding drag on the cryo systems to maintain stasis.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
The world certainly does move on. For some, much too quickly. After a marathon session of mapping, coding, and plotting at one location, solely for the purpose of liberating friends from a digital prison, Jemma Simmons returns back to what she considers home for the moment, the Playground. But, not to rest. She needs to check on another friend, in a wholly other prison. That of immobile flesh and ice that, unfortunately, was part of Jemma's own doing.

And that meant a trip to the vaults, using security clearances that are set up for only a select few, to check on the cryogenic setup that Jemma was able to sneak out of the Triskelion before they had to abandon it. The good doctor yawns. It has been quite a long day, indeed...but she owes it to Jane to check on her.

As Jemma approaches the cryo-station, she produces her tablet, placing it on the table she has set up as a temporary workstation. The app in question, a specific energy signature tracker, has not been opened for a while. On a lark, Jemma taps the icon and opens it, but does not look at the results quite yet. No, first she needs to start the reanimation/dethawing sequence, so she can check on Jane properly. The slight deviations are not registered immediately. Could it be from exhaustion, or simply because Jemma is on auto-pilot? Yes, perhaps. To both.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy was a little bundle of too much red bull, anxiousness, lack of sleep and anger towards certain rogue AIs that deserve a good ass-kickin'... Really, whoever decided AIs were a good idea? Does noone see movies anymore? Skynet? War Games? Yet she also knew when she needed a break from too many hours spent by the Framework terminals.. It was mostly waiting for the algorithms to do their job..., and McLaren would let her know when things shaped up..

Which meant she was also free to follow up on a visit to the vault with Jemma, mirroring that yawn. Because they are infectious. "Don't do that too much or we will get in a loop..." she tells Jemma. About yawn loops..

She lets out a brief sigh, resting her hand on the cryo station above where Jane is resting. It's an hello of sorts before she goes on to check on a few alerts she hadn't been looking on while working at the framework.. And look at that, an alert of a missing item?

"Heh, this is weird. Got an alert here about a missing object..." she now uses both hands to dig into the app to check on what exactly is going on. Two hands? Means serious business!

Jane Foster has posed:
Ass-kicking AIs are a terrible idea. Just ask any civilian brought low by their own coding, that'll show you! Them! Everyone, actually, since it's a terrible idea all around to try and integrate technology that thinks for itself in a society it never created. All it takes is a single rogue entity for the whole system to be brought to its knees, particularly if the flaw perpetuates itself.

Not that these ladies would know anything about that. Not at all.

The cryogenic setup works reasonably well. It's doing what it has to, locking a body in cold storage. If it worked for Bucky Barnes on three batteries and a random hamster wheel, it should for a bog-standard mortal. Mind she doesn't benefit from a flawed serum now does she? Nor was Peggy Carter, infused by infinity version 1.2, without that kind of benefit. It should hum along just fine.

Jane is just as she was before, maybe sans a few ice crystals from the last flash. Vitals have bounced and dipped a little more than they did for the previous quarter, but after six months and some, variations ought to be expected. Right? The ice is supposed to keep her not moving and not needing much but... what? Hope? Breathing isn't even supposed to be that necessary, is it?

But the big deviation isn't going to be one that Jemma or Daisy can miss, since that vibrant bloom of steady energy of a quasi-cosmic origin -- certainly a celestial one -- isn't there. Its perfect duplicate is, probably on the Avengers Mansion grounds or hanging around a given embassy. But Mjolnir 2.0 is missing.

No bracelet on that wrist.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Now...Jemma may be tired. But, she isn't so tired to see that the previously immovable gold bracelet has completely vanished. And, considering the cryostatis chamber does not seem damaged at the least, then that produces a hell of a lot of questions that Jemma's mind just cannot seem to process right now, resulting in the single word response uttered by the scientist.


That singular word, full of emotion. Shock, surprise, concern and perhaps just a touch of frustrated anger. A veritable cornucopia of feelings all released at once.

What that did, though, was also wake up the good doctor. All concerns of tiredness are now gone. "Daisy, the bracelet is gone!" Just in case Daisy quite hasn't found the missing object alert. Vital signs are taken, immediately. "The energy signature tracker app. It's open on my tablet. Is there any signs of it at all?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Nor is Daisy tired for that ... Specially as she is getting that double confirmation from her app. So her eyes aren't doing tricks on her. That bracer is gone?! "Errr, what the...." she taptaps on the app. "This happened on Tuesday. Around 3..." a frown. Damn right she will get to the bottom of this.

While walking towards Jemma's tablet she starts fiddling with the app, checking the exact hour, then saying. "I am going to pull on footage of this chamber. See what may have happened..." getting that going on her own tablet before she looks at Jemma's.

Some tap tap on it. "I am not finding it around here..." she says about the energy tracking. "Let me broaden the search..."

"We are going to have to vent all this anger soon, Jemms. It's getting to be too much..." AIDA. Then their dear friend being commatose. And now without that supposedly bracer that protected her?! "Must have been that Loki ..." she never trusted him...

Jane Foster has posed:
The woman hasn't changed, pale and fair, eyes shut and dark hair arranged around her like a modern Ophelia cast into the Arctic seas. Upon an icy shore, anyhow. Make of that how they will, no signs of distress or terrible deeds affect Jane. She sleeps.

Of course she sleeps, because this is cryostasis and there is nothing else she can do. The body cares naught for higher concerns.

Three PM, give or take a few minutes, the app reveals the endless still dot against brighter dots for Mjolnir and others scattered around New York in its vicinity. Maybe a couple others; the Ebony Sword surely might be nearby. It simply winks out. No traces.

Broaden the search, widen the field. It takes more than the continent to find that self-same signature. Thor, wherever he is, remains static to one. Another behaviour sparks in the field of whatever she stretches out to find, Daisy's efforts sifting past empty space, great spans of water and empty static.

One dot. A hemisphere away, dancing around the City of London.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Jemma continues to perform her due diligence, check on Jane's physical welfare. And, from all appearances there, everything is copasetic.

But really, Jemma would love to get Jane out of cryostasis. If they can just rejoin her spirit to her body. A lot of good these blasted Asgardians are for that sort of thing. Oh, she might have thoughts on their overall usefulness...but she also has the sensibilities to not vocalize them.

Instead, she turns to Daisy as Jemma finishes up her examination. "Do we know where it might have gone? I know we have to consider Mjolnir as a false positive, but even so, there has always been the second signature. It can't have just disappeared."

But of course it could have. Blasted Asgardian magic.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Give me a sec..." Furrowing her brows Daisy taptaps a bit more on the tablet, expanding and ...., "Ahah! I had a signature here in NYC, I am guessing the actual Mjolnir but ..." and she turns the tablet towards Jemma where *another* signature is on.


"Unless our dear God of Thunder is teleporting around ..." entirely possible... ".. We may just have the place where the bracelet is.." she brings the tablet closer to Jemma. "This is more your turf as you come from the other side of the pond." and England! "Looks like it's in London.." a look to Jemma.

"Should we go there? By quinnjet it wouldn't take long..."

Jane Foster has posed:
Alive. Drawn into the limited, finite resources, Jane carries on at the most mundane of levels. There is no indication of any distress because she suffers none, locked in her frozen little world about seven or eight feet long and particularly narrow. Jemma and Daisy buzzing about would normally draw a smile, but there is no smile on the cusp of death.

There might be a pegasus glowering at an alternate Jemma, somewhere, though. It wouldn't show up unless he stole one of the Mjolnirim.

Slowly that bright spark moves. The south bank of the Thames, the highlighted map is just lit by a blob if tinkered with. It slides in slow motion, venturing southwest on a very slow track. Nothing that sings "I am Thor, riding high above Britain! Bwahahah!"

Because Thor doesn't cackle.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Blink. Jemma leaves Jane as is, for now, with the chamber open and the chill perhaps starting to leave. The fingertips of the doctor left little warm oases in the otherwise chilled skin, pockets of warmth that threaten to be engulfed once more within the cold embrace of ice. Perhaps the warmer air of the vault will win the day. Perhaps not.

Jemma walks over to look at the tablet closer. Another blink. "Why would it be over at the Thames? Judging by how it is moving, it is moving against the current." Meaning, someone had to be walking, considering the Thames flows to the east. "I mean, even if we did take a quinjet, we are in no condition to just fly out to London. It would still be a couple of hours at best. No telling if it will be there when we arrive or not

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"That's a good point." Daisy says about Jemma detecting it's moving against the current. "Someone ..., carrying it? And I mean, why London of all places..?" she is rather confused as Jemma, hand behind her neck and rubbing at it. "You know..." and she looks around conspiratorily. "We should had kept the number of Mr. Horse. I am sure it could get us there in no time.."

If that horse can just appear at SHIELD headquarters she is sure it could just appear near the Thames too!

"And oh, speaking of, did I get to tell you on how Mr. Horse helped save you..?" she comments. But soon enough her attention is back on the problem at hand. How to tackle this?

"Do we have any agents in England at the moment...?" It's sort of a long shot. "We could have someone check it out, but how stretched thin we are at the moment it feels we won't get anyone available.." she does start to taptap on her tablet to see if she can find any Agent flagged to be there.

Jane Foster has posed:
Then one popsicle in stasis remains, though she isn't functioning at any sort of high-level capacity that would warrant interest. No singing of the anthems or moaning about general problems, no groggy commentary on death or life and the life cycles of stars.

Lying there wet and frosty then!

Why London indeed? The answer isn't immediately forthcoming. But the little dot with its energy signature halts for a few minutes, or moves along a steady track after that. The pace of the latter stays steady with momentary pauses, none lasting more than a minute. Then off to the races, sliding sidelong, halting again.

And off again. Doo doo doo. The steady curve sweeps along, venturing sharply north.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"I really do not know. I unfortunately am not privy to that information." Jemma sighs softly. What to do, what to do?

"Well, let us see where that little spark might be going, shall we?" Taking the tablet from Daisy, Jemma does a couple quick taps and a twist, producing a street level view of London, in sync with the coordinates of the floating little dot on her tracker app. In addition, she set the tracker app to leave a trail, thereby allowing the little dot of theirs to draw on the aerial view, while below is the view of the area as if they themselves were walking. "Maybe this will give us a little clue. Not quite as good as being there, but unless you know any teleporters, I doubt we will get there any quicker than those few hours."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Tracking the object it is. Not that Daisy *looks* happy. She is a woman of action! Watching it happen? It takes willpower for her. But at least Jemma is there to balance it out. She has always been the more levelled of them. So she moves to follow that little dot moving on the app, looking at it and then the aerial view of the place...

"What if ..." and then she appears to get an idea. "I can try and get into the traffic cameras ..., do they even have cameras that may look at that area?" maybe doubtful. But it's something to pursue...

So she brings up her laptop, opens it, starts typing and bringing a small software of her own making to breach into city traffic cameras. The little hackerette has her ways. "Maybe we can see what or who is carrying it?" she imagines it must be a person. She still suspects Loki!

Jane Foster has posed:
What to do indeed?

The spark keeps up its steady trace. It takes half an hour to finally come to a much, much slower stop. After gliding across streets in a way no car could possibly intersect, perpendicular and just soaring over the Thames, the spot moves on. Jemma is correct: it could be floating in the river. Definitely not skipping through Holborn unless the whole neighbourhood abruptly flooded, though, and wiping out half of Soho and Fitzrovia with it. When the dot stops again, the app gives a pleasant overlay of the A40. Those great streets are thick with landmarks, but the map tells her whatever she wants.

Daisy can easily be bound into figuring out where the spot goes. Moving, slower by far then it did before, tiptoeing further. Further along yet, until coming to Great Russell Street, and a blocks-long plaza. It only looks like that on a map.

Surely Jemma recognizes The British Museum.

Which means CCTV cameras are thick on the ground, though hacking into the Met's police syste is going to be awfully time-consuming. Though if she does, there will eventually be an image.

Loki riding a flaming serpent that spits acid!

No. Just a perfect facsimile of the woman asleep in the hatched cryopod, except in a short-sleeved shirt, walking straight for the long queue (and not even jumping!). With her is a man, signing rapidy at her.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Damnable bloody Asgardian magic!

The thought is almost shouted. Daisy might actually hear. But Jemma doesn't utter a sound. Instead, she takes that frustration and shoves it deep down, into the little music box within her mindscape. Yeah, she doesn't understand in any more than before. And, this is surely not going to win her respect with the magic front. But...there is Jane, actually walking around, talking, from the image that Daisy was able to pull up.

A glance is cast towards the shell that the two other Furiae have been so diligently maintaining. Keeping the home fires burning (or on ice, in this case) for the eventual return of the owner. And...finally, Jemma just sinks into a nearby chair. "Do you have any bloody idea what the hell is going on? Because I am at a complete loss for words." And, for Jemma? That is saying something.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It takes time, sure. Work as well. But Daisy is tenacious, and this is Jane they are talking about. So no expense is spared, no effort is too much. So as they finally reach that final destination, near the British museum, she gets to work hard on breaking through their police system...

"I wonder if she's somehow going after deaths again ...?" she looking at Jemma and then to the computer screen. "Oo, I got a camera working! Come...!" she gestures excitedly for Jemma to join her by the computer until it ..., Jane?

"Hol' up.." She looks at the sleeping beauty on the cryo-pod, then to the screen. It's when she notes the other man.

Or should she say King of the Inhumans?

It has the merit of making her curse. "What the frack?!" ok, a nerd kind of cursing. "I .., do." well, in a way.

"I hadn't told you of him but .., this is Blackagar Boltagon. I met him a few weeks back in Afterlife, or what's left of it. He is .., well, he calls himself the King of the Inhumans. They have a community elsewhere and ..., ok. I have no idea why Jane is with him."

Jane Foster has posed:
Damnation, tarnation. The CCTV stills aren't perfect. The live feeds still capture the grainy resolution of an afternoon stroll, the popular attraction always brimming with people.

Including dead ones.

Mind Tutenkhamun and his friends would complain about anyone displacing their presence at any museum. Corpses and statues galore rest in the ransacked pallisade of learning, two million years and counting worth of time covered there.

Blackagar Boltagon is, by all intents and purposes, not dead. He even has a slate, not used. The swift signing is captured there, the pair of them casually dressed. No huge teleporting dog anywhere to be seen, nor an irate redhead, either. All then might be well. He'd make a hell of a banshee, though.

They have a community elsewhere, aptly said. The King of the Inhumans and the astrophysicist who flung the doors open on alien life. Well, you know, maybe he wants home decorating tips.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Unfortunately, neither do I. Or do I understand how Jane could possibly be there, in London, in seemingly full view of everyone when her terrestrial form is literally 5 feet away from us. Are you sure we are not still within that infernal virtual simulation?" Maybe they are seeing things. It is entirely possible. Or, maybe this is a dream within a dream. Maybe it is virtual Jemma dreaming while asleep in the VR space and somehow 'real' Jemma is picking up the images.

What is even real anymore?! Maybe Jemma shouldn't watch Inception and the Matrix in the same night in one sitting.

"Well...I suppose we have an avenue that we can follow. Though, you really think that this...king...of yours is going to tell us anything? I mean, this is all sorts of twisted and confusing and I am starting to doubt what is real and what is not."

Yes...good thing no one can see into Jemma's mind right now. The poor thing is frazzled, to say the least.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No Jemma." Daisy tells her friend. Sternly! "This is not Inception!" She refuses to believe so. There must be an explanation. "We are SHIELD, Jemms. And you are the smartest person I know, we will find a reason for this. Besides, we are used to finding the unexplainable. And *then* explaining it." Is she perhaps trying to pull on Jemma's pride about always being able to explain magic? Yes.

"That movie marathon was too much for you..." Daisy says, "I broke you..." introducing Jemma to all her sci-fi movies!

"Well, he can't talk, but we can communicate. I .., will reach for him." she tells Jemma, reaching to place her hand on her friend's shoulder. "If she is there means she is one step closer to returning to us." she tries to be comforting but Jemma will know she is confused as well.

"Blackagar is a good man though, he will help us."

And now it was time to reach for him.