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Zoom Scouts M
Date of Scene: 17 June 2021
Location: New York Metropolitan Area
Synopsis: Immediately after an urban picnic Zoom follows M in order to test her. After a brief interaction in the Catskills, he finds her lacking (for now at the very least) and they part company.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Harrison Wells

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Having left the urban mini-picnic at the still-under-construction Jamii Homeless Shelter, Monet slipped into the alley and, after a glance around to make sure there's nobody around to see, rockets up into the air. Once she hits what she feels is an acceptable altitude - a few hundred feet up into the air - she transitions into a path heading toward Westchester at a leisurely few hundred miles per hour.

Harrison Wells has posed:
As Monet moves along, a red lightning trail streaks past below her, going over rooftops as if they were a highway. It goes at the exact same speed as she is... and along the same path.

Whoever or whatever it is, they have no problems with keeping up with her.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet's senses are excellent. And as the red lightning is anything but subtle she has no problem at all picking out the signs of ... something following her path. She tries accelerating but when it matches her speed easily she changes tactics and makes a series of sharp turns in random directions watching to see what happens.

Does she consider calling for help? Well, there's no sign of it so either she decided against it or never even considered the option.

Harrison Wells has posed:
Random directions? Even if she goes for taller buildings, the whatever-it-is follows her, briefly going FAR FASTER than she is to get up the sides of the building and catch up to her... before it slows down to match her.

Monet has clear evidence of both intent to follow AND that whatever-it-is is fast enough to maintain distance with her.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet nods to herself once its confirmed that this effect has the ability, intent and intelligence to follow her. She barrel rolls as she changes direction again, this time heading northwest of New York City, towards the Catskills and continuing to stay subsonic... no reason to give out information that isn't required after all expecially as observation and deductive reasoning have lead her to the conclusion that what or who ever is following her can easily outpace her maximum flying speed. Catskill State Park takes over the terrain sometime after the actual urban sprawl is left behind and it is clear that her destination appears to be Table Mountain.

Harrison Wells has posed:
Wherever she goes, that whatever-it-is follows, no matter where it is. it has the skill and speed to bypass any obstable, it seems.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
As she passes over the top of Table Mountain, with the strange red lightning following her, Monet does another quick barrel roll as she reverses course and hits MACH 3 as she tries to intercept the tail she picked up in the Big Apple.

Harrison Wells has posed:
As she changes course abruptly, the Reverse-Flash simply... stops. As Monet gets closer, she can see a man in a yellow suit, red lightning coursing over him in fits and bursts. He makes no effort to hide, his red glowing eyes watching her.

If Monet has seen the Flash, his suit is an exact opposite of his friction suit, right down to the way he trails red lightning instead of yellow.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
When the Referse-Flash... basically materializes out of the red lightning... Monet stops her headlong rush a few dozen yards from the notorious villain. While she's confident and arrogant she still seems concerned at facing this... man?

"You've been away, why do I have the honour rather then the Flash?" she asks pointedly, hovering a few yards up in the air. The Reverse-Flash cannot fly after all... right?

Harrison Wells has posed:
He stands there. Not moving. The only real signs he's even alive is the red lightning flitting over his body... those red eyes, and his obvious breathing. He doesn't speak for a solid few seconds.

Then, suddenly... he's right below her. It's a bit disorienting. There wasn't even a trail of lightning, only a barely remember flash of something, and then he was... there. Not going from there to under her. Just there. Nothing in between.

Then, he looks up to her, "Why do you ask? Are you a fan?" He asks, mockingly, that distorted voice still carrying the tone.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"No," Monet answers bluntly as she slowly drifts upwards another couple of yards. "That would imply that I admire you," she says... obvously using admiratrice as the translation of the streesed word in his question in her mind... "I do not admire you. I am aware of you, however, so perhaps that is something?"

As she speaks she pulls out her iPhone Pro Max and turns on the video recording app before trying to point it in the direction of the supervillain. Not that she's trying very hard, almost as if she's expecting him to move out of the camera's line of sight faster than she can point it at him.

Harrison Wells has posed:
He just... sits there, as she takes out her phone, and he watches her. "I was referring to the Flash, not me." He chuckles, "I'm his reverse. No one knows me as well as he does."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet softly ohs and says, "I know more about him then you but a fan... not really," as she pulls back a couple of feet so that she's not immediately above the Reverse-Flash and then orbits his position, keeping her eyes and her camera lens facing him as she moves around his position. "Sounds like you're his biggest fan then yourself," she says with the faintest of smiles as she finishes her orbit so that they are facing each other again, at a diagonal distance of about seventeen or eighteen feet from her position fifteen feet up from the surface of the mountain.

Harrison Wells has posed:
"Think what you like, your type always does. You think you know better, but you don't." The man tells her. Then, he brings up both hands, and suddenly his arms disappear as a vortex of incredible power starts to try to suck Monet into it. Like a vacuum... only it's from the Reverse-Flash himself, pulling Monet towards him.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
A lesser being would let go of the phone and lose it. However, due to her surprise in her attempt to not lose it she grips the phone too strongly and crushes it, ending the recording. Luckily she was recording to a cloud server so despite the destruction of the microships and casing the video is preserved.

As the vortexes begin to pull her toward the xanthous villain Monet growls under her breath and begins to fly at an angle to the direction of suction. It takes an extreme effort of will but she manages to evade Zoom's attempt to drag her in but she's going to end up needing to sleep this off having nearly exhausted her reserves. His digging words are left unanswered because she just doesn't have it in her to both escape and address the villain's assumptions.

Harrison Wells has posed:
He can see the exhaustion.. which means she's a lot less powerful than his initial calculations and assumptions considered. Not even remotely a useful tool if manipulated. Maybe if there's nothing else available.

He'll have to find her another day to do more testing, for now... the Reverse-Flash disappears in a trail of red lightning, heading back to the city in a flash.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's exhaustion and there's total exhaustion. Monet's not at the latter until she reaches the school and her bed. She takes the time to make sure she's not followed... as well as she can. At the very least she's sure that she doesn't see any signs of a trail of red lightning following anymore.

The crushed phone its set on the dresser as she disrobes. A nightgown is slipped on before she climbs into bed and then, having laid down, she says, "Lexia. Next day delivery of a new iPhone Pro Max and lights out."

The LexCorp device beeps and, speaking in Monet's own voice, says, "Order placed," right before the lights go off.