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Legal Consultation
Date of Scene: 19 June 2021
Location: Nelson and Murdock
Synopsis: Bruce Banner stops to discuss his legal situation with lawyer Matt Murdock, given the change of status of SHIELD
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Bruce Banner

Matthew Murdock has posed:
When you're a lawyer who's hung his own shingle the work is never done, evenings and weekends are as fair game for work as week days from 9-5, this Saturday was no different they had fifteen cases on the go right now including the big civil rights suit for the Mutant Town 12, but that didn't mean they closed their doors to new business, especially consultations. Those could just be a single sit down or the door to a new case there was only one way to find out, and that was have the meeting, so, at the appointed time Dr. Banner had set to visit, Matt clears his law suit work off his desk and reminds Karen to show the doctor right in, while he goes and pours a couple of cups of coffee and sits back down to wait.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce Banner arrives in a nondescript car from the Avenger's garage. After circling the block he finds a parking space that isn't too far away, pulling on a baseball cap and a windbreaker as he leaves the car and makes the walk to the modest law offices. Bruce's hands are stuffed in his pockets as he walks along, glancing out from under the brim of the cap, but avoiding eye contact with people until he's arrived.

The pleasant young receptionist takes him into Matt's office, where Bruce pulls his cap off, revealing the slightly unruly dark hair that somehow seems appropriate for one of a scientific bent. "Mr. Murdock?" Bruce says. "Bruce Banner. Thank you for seeing me," the man says as he steps further inside and Karen closes the door.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt rises from his desk when Karen shows the doctor in, "It's my pleasure Doctor Banner," he says extending a hand in the direction of the man. "I'm glad to help in whatever way we can," he says with an easy going smile. "There's some coffee if you'd like some and some creamers and sugar packets over there, he gestures vaguely to a corner of his desk where those are kept before he sits down. "So, how can Nelson and Murdock be of help today, Doctor?" he asks.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce holds his hat in both hands in front of him, letting go of it only to reach out and shake Matt's hand as it is offered. He hasn't shown any signs of realizing Matt is blind. "Ah, thanks," he says, glancing to the coffee. "I don't suppose it's decaf?" he asks.

A hand moves up to Bruce's slightly hair, finger combing through it. "I don't know if you're familiar with me already?" Bruce says slowly. "I normally would take these kind of questions to my cousin, but I don't want to put her into a potentially awkward situation," Bruce says. Though of course he's going to ask Jennifer her thoughts on the matter, it wouldn't hurt to get an opinion from someone not actually affiliated with SHIELD either to see what an outside perspective is. "I was wondering about some legal matters, relating to the situation with SHIELD, and the US government's actions with them," Bruce says.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt grimaces. "No it's not, decaf is a dirty word around here, but given your situation, I can see if Karen will run down to the stand on the corner for you," he offers warmly. Which might answer if he'd heard of the man before.

Then it was on to business, he nods, "Well as you can guess I have heard of you and I'm also a friend of your cousin Jen, I promise not to rib her too hard about you coming to me, I can understand your reasons given Jen's affiliation with SHIELD. How is she doing by the way? I haven't heard anything recently. As for my own association, I do know several members of SHIELD socially, and did have someone post fliers a few months ago saying we were recommended by them, without our knowledge or request, but it has gotten some attention by the anti-SHIELD task force, but so far all they've done is ask questions, anyhow, I have no problem working with you on this matter but just wanted to be above board with what's going on on my end in case any of that would impact your choice of who you seek advice from."

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce's expression shows he does indeed realize Matt knows who he is. "Oh, thanks, but she doesn't need to go to that trouble, I'm good," Bruce says as he moves to take the seat then.

He listens, nodding, still not aware that Matt won't be able to see it. "Ah, you know Jen. Good. Yes, I just didn't want to put her into a delicate situation. Though I was planning to talk to her in a less formal way. She's, you know, handling things well I suppose," Bruce says, and realizing in that moment just how long it's been since he talked to her last.

"Yes, so my question is around my situation. The Justice Department remanded my situation to SHIELD, who agreed to me being with the Avengers. And I'm just wondering, does the military have a hand in matters now? Or is that back up to the Justice Department at whatever time they might consider it?" Bruce asks. He hesitates and then says, "I've had some issues, with the US military in the past." A slight understatement perhaps.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"No problem and if you change your mind about the coffee just let me know," Matt says before turning his attention to what Bruce has to say, nodding with understanding. "So the DoJ handed you over to SHIELD and SHIELD put you with the Avengers? Were you ever a member of SHIELD? Or were you just under their supervision?" he asks before considering the next part. "From what I know the Army is involved in the anti-SHIELD task force but any sort of domestic operations should be handled through DoJ or Homeland Security, if you like I could make some discreet inquiries about your case, try to get ahead of things, but as I understand the situation with SHIELD right now they won't have grounds to arrest you unless you are a member of SHIELD."

Bruce Banner has posed:
The hat is back in both of Bruce's hands, held in his lap where he fidgets with it. "Discreet would be best," he agrees quietly. "I'm mainly worried about whether certain... elements in the military would have the ability to revoke the situation with the Avengers," he says.

Bruce draws a soft, frazzled breath. "There are some there who would love to try to figure out ways to... enhance people in a manner like happened to me. They've had to be hands off since SHIELD had authority in the matter. And, well my understanding is that was given to them by the Attorney General. So I didn't know that it would transfer to the military just because they are intervening in other ways. But it's a worry of mine, not knowing."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt nods committing all the details to memory since he can't write them down. "Did the government ever charge you with a crime for what you did as the Hulk?" he asks. "That might open you up to some provisions of the Metahuman Felon relocation act, but otherwise despite your abilities and despite the desire of certain elements of the military you're still protected under the constitution and can't be arrested or detained without cause," he takes a moment to think things over. "Even so I think the way to go is be proactive about this make those inquiries and see what comes back, in the meantime I'd try to make yourself visible as an Avenger, go to some of their charity functions, I have some friends in the press that can give you positive coverage, the more people get to know Dr. Banner, the less room the government is going to have to try and lock you up, the military isn't elected but the people who pull their strings are and they're not going to want to lock up a hero."

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce's embarrassment and reluctance could be noticed easily by someone sighted or blind, even without Matt's particularly potent other senses. "There are definitely charges that were filed by they set them aside and went with this arrangement after I helped against Loki," Bruce Banner replies to Matt Murdock. "Whether I'd be held accountable for things the... the other guy does, would probably be a point of contention in a trial. Or so I understand. Not that I want to take my chances on going through that," Bruce says.

He nods slowly. "If you could quietly find out what the situation is, without... I really don't want to draw attention to my situation if I can help it. I've been trying to lay low, even when it comes to Avengers missions that don't necessarily need... ah... need me," he says, searching for words at the end but finally just seeming to settle rather than finding the best ones. "How much are your rates for something like this?" he asks.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
More mental notes are take given the thoughtful inward expression Matt gives. "Well let me pull the files on those initial charges and see what their status is as part of my inquiry, that'll give me more of an idea what the government might be able to pull and give us some ammo of our own in case we have to fight this in court," he explains before adding sensing the man's discomfort. "Which is something we'll try to avoid needing. So I'll make a general inquiry about the situation of you and some of my friends in similar situations all at once to try not to raise your profile with the government and we can put aside any PR type moves until we're sure we're going to need them. Though you may want to make a list of people who'd be willing to speak for you in case you need it, especially any of your colleagues in the Avengers, but hopefully the government isn't taking aim at you and that info can just sit on a shelf."

As for costs, Matt smiles, "My law partner will murder me for saying this, but I'll handle what we discussed here pro-bono. You've helped protect this city and the world Dr. Banner, I can't do what you do, but I can do this for you and make your life a little easier."

Bruce Banner has posed:
After Matt mentions he'll look into the charges that could have been brought, the mild-mannered doctor of physics says, "There's a kind of extensive list of things that have been... smashed." Matt may not be able to see the way his eyes avert themselves from the lawyer, but he can likely hear it in his voice to sense the man's emotions there.

Bruce sits up a little straighter in his chair. "Thank you, Mr. Murdock. I really appreciate that. If there's anything you need from me, of course, just let me know," he says. He reaches into his back pocket, fishing around and finally pulling out a card. "Here's my number and email. And, you have permission to discuss this with Jennifer if you think any of it would be of help," he says.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"I understand, Dr. Banner, and I understand that it wasn't technically you who smashed them, and if if comes to that I'll make sure people understand the distinction. He can hear that change in tone and even can sense the slight turning of his head. Bruce's feelings are clearly read and Matt's face does not change from being warm and welcoming.

Matt takes the card and offers one of his own. "I'll definitely let you know and I'll be in touch once I've got a better idea of the situation and we can discuss what we want to do next, though my hope is that there'll be nothing to do but carry on as normal because they're going to leave you alone. And thank you, was going to ask about looping Jen into things, you made the right call coming to me for these questions given your family ties and Jen's ties to SHIELD but she'd be a big help in whatever we might have to do to manage this situation."

Bruce Banner has posed:
"She's a good person. And a brilliant mind," Bruce Banner says, not trying to hide the bit of pride in his cousin at making that statement. "But yes, I figured, she probably is already on loose ground enough with her SHIELD connections she had. It seems like the government isn't going after people like Steve and Clint like they are the fulltime agents. But still I don't want to make anything worse for her," he finishes.

Bruce slowly stands up then. "Thank you again for taking this on, Mr. Murdock. I'll keep doing my best to lay low," he says, the tone conveying awkward emotions. "The place on the corner you mentioned, they have good decaf? Maybe I'll get a cup on my way out," he says.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Jen is great, brilliant lawyer, fun at parties,must be nice to have her as part of your family," Matt says earnestly. "I'll give her a heads up about what's going on today, see if she's got any insights that might help with the inquiry, I suspect she's done some looking into this stuff already asked to or not," he says. "And I'll take care not to get her involved to the point any trouble comes down on her."

There's a nod about the other Avengers. "Seems like they're hands off when it comes to Avengers, I don't think the powers that be like President Luthor want to see Avengers in handcuffs on the front page of the Bugle. He's already gotten enough flack for his take on Superman, I am sure he doesn't want to be seen as the president who locks up heroes."

He rises as Bruce gets ready to leave, "That's what I hear," he says about the place on the corner. "Great danishes too if you're hungry," adds. Clearly a favourite spot for the lawyers at Nelson and Murdock. "It's good to meet you Dr. Banner, and I'll be in touch soon with an update."