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Latest revision as of 16:19, 23 June 2021

The Search for Ectoplasm...
Date of Scene: 21 June 2021
Location: Mootant Town Milkshakes
Synopsis: Conversation and milk shakes, Lydia's on board for ecotplasmic experimentation
Cast of Characters: Lydia Dietrich, Raven Darkholme, Clarice Ferguson, Lorna Dane

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Mootant Town Milkshakes has become a favorite place for Lydia to go to to escape the heat of the city. The milkshakes here are to just die for. Today the glowing green mutant is dressed for warm weather, in another light colored sun dress, sandals and her big floppy hat to keep the sun off her face. As always is a cross body purse that's big enough to hold her journal and a couple of books if need be, as well as other kinds of detritus that accumulates in purses.

She's ordered a chocolate cherry milkshake, which has real chocolate and cherry chunks that you can chew on after taking a sip. It's like boba tea, but decadent. Having gotten her shake she makes her way outside to sit at one of the many chairs that have been set up out there to enjoy the sun.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
For once Mystique is actually dressed, and not just in her white body suit. Today she is wearing what looks like actual clothing, a white tank top, BDUs in black and white camo, and a pair of black combat boots. She is in fact blue however, that part does not change when she can be herself amongst other mutants. Whether her clothing is a part of her or not is unknown, not does it really matter.

Today the heat is impressive, a heat wave making it's way through New York, so a milkshake sounds like a good idea. No patrol, no need for combat, but still ready, Mystique makes her way to Mootant Milkshakes.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice strolls at Mystique's side - hands hanging loose and open at her side, her gaze moving casually up and down the street as the pair enter the milkshake shop. "I tried the cherry mix-in they have recently - it's actually pretty good. Only I wish I'd put it in chocolate, instead of vanilla," she's just remarking - coincidentally. "Maybe I could add brownie pieces too..." she muses in a thoughtful voice. Her gaze goes to the menu - paying special attention to the section where they write in seasonal offerings.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia watches as the pair of mutants stroll by her and into the shop. Hunh. That's not something she had expected to see today. Still they look like they're trying to beat the heat just like everybody else and there's nothing wrong with that.

She opens up her bag, and pulls out her journal, opening it up to where she left off, and pulls out a pen, starting to write down some scene ideas for her novel. She's got a few already outlined in her journal, but she needs some connective tissue to tie them all together.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique is a very basic mutant. She wants chocolate, lots of chocolate, with strawberries added in and blended. She places her order, eyes looking back out the way she came and settling on Lydia. "I think there my a be a God after all, Clarice," she comments to the purple hair mutant, and nod in Lydia's direction.

"I've been looking to speak to her for a while now."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "If there is - he's a fickle bastard," Clarice remarks. She decides to place her own order - as stated. Chocolate, with the sour cherry mix-in, and brownie bits. There's an almost //eager// expression on her features as she waits for the treat. "...what about, though? She wasn't too thrilled with you last time," she recalls.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Hmmmm, she thinks. Lydia needs to draw out the foreplay a little bit longer. Not literal foreplay, mind you. That comes later. No, she needs to pad things out a bit, make this relationship between her main character, Cat Shephard and the sexy vampire Vanity St. Croix, burn a bit before they really get into it.

She hums in thought, tapping her pen to her lips, and occasionally taking a sip of her own milkshake, and writes down an idea. Perhaps she could have Vanity take Cat out to a private concert? Woo her with a little culture? That sounds like an idea, so she writes that down, with a few notes about what kind of concert, where, and a few snippets of dialogue that could happen.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique takes her milkshake when it is ready, merely holding it. "Look at the substance around her Clarice, that is ectoplasm. I would know it any where, just from the look off it. She may be able to help Nicolai, those times when he loses it like blood, that is... if she will listen and not instantly hate me."

"Perhaps you should try talking to her." she sighs, looking at the shake for a moment, losing interest in it. "I have no idea if the idea is sound or not, or how ectoplasm truly works, I was just thinking of Nicolai and remembered seeing her... and I don't know, I think he left, but it's worth a shot, right?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    At the mere mention of Nicolai - Clarice's gaze fixes onto the milkshake that's offered to her, and stays there as she retrieves a spoon, and jams it into the top. Hopefully //this// tasty dessert won't end up on the wall like the last one. "...it's worth a shot," she agrees. "Whether he's left us or not." She stirs with her spoon for a moment, then takes a small scoop of the frozen treat to regather her thoughts. She clears her throat before adding, "If you think it's better coming from me, I'll certainly try. But it's not like she's unaware of our association."
    She starts to move back towards the door of the shop as she gets a smile back onto her features.

Lorna Dane has posed:
The lure of icecream had pulled her back to this place which is precisely why Lorna heads inside. Just in time to push the door open when Clarice and Mystique are there causing her to pause with a blink in surprise. "Oh. I wasn't aware we were having a party," she jokes lightly by means of greeting. There's not much else to say for the moment, so she just clears her throat awkwardly.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Yes. A concert sounds good. In an open air amphitheater, and a four string quartet. Lydia muses on the what kind of music would be considered romantic and pulls out her phone to do a quick google search. She finds a few entries in there, and plays a sampling of each on the little tinny speaker of her phone. She grunts, and puts the phone away, making note in her journal to look this up for when she gets home and can listen to this on some headphones.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique looks outside again. "I know she knows, but I think she would accept it better from you than me. Nicolai may not have chosen to stay with us, but he is still a mutant, he still need our help." She sighs again, then shoves it all down, deep down, locking it away again as she always does and heads outside with shake in hand.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    There's momentary surprise on Clarice's features as well, as Lorna enters - followed by a more genuine smile. "Hey Lorna," she greets her Queen. "I'll be just outside, alright?" She adds, giving a nod of her head by way of invitation. "The cherries are good!" she adds in a call over her shoulder - just before she steps back out into the heat.
    She makes her way to Lydia's table then - dropping into a chair without preamble of invitation, she offering a smile before she takes another spoonful of the shake. "You've been doing great on the patrols. I really can't thank you enough - for stepping up like that. As a member of the community," she offers the other woman.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nearly jumps out of her skin when Clarice just plops down right next to her. She was so absorbed in her writing that the sudden movement next to her scared her half to death. "Goodness!" she exclaims, placing a hand over her heart. She swallows to get her hart back down where it should be and looks up at Clarice.

"Thank you," she says. "I enjoy giving back to the community when I can. It's better than sitting at home wondering what I'm going to do next."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane raises her eyebrows just a bit as she watches Clarice and Mystique step outside. Through the glass she watches them thoughtfully as Clarice joins Lydia, an unfamiliar face to her. A little shake of her head comes along with a sigh as she turns back to the icecream counter. First things first after all: It was hot and she wanted icecream. She would try to see what was going on after that. "Mint chocolate chip," she requests of the clerk while trying to keep an eye on the occurances outside.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique steps outside and takes a few steps toward the table, but she does not sit down. She knows exactly how Lydia feels about her and doesn't blame her one bit, but for a fellow mutant, she was willing to take the risk of more verbal abuse thrown her way. "Afternoon," she offers to Lydia, including a smile, a real smile, but she leaves it at that. She'd like to be able to talk to the woman, but this is far more important than her own desires. Nicolai needed this.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I didn't mean to startle you," Clarice offers - with both apology and amusement in her voice. She takes another spoonful from her dessert, savoring the flavor for a moment, and seemingly in no rush this afternoon. "I wish there were more who shared that attitude," she offers.
    After another nibble she remarks, "Your glow - your ability. It's related to ectoplasm?" she asks, her gaze studying the other woman, judging her reaction to her words. Whatever her feelings about Nicolai, they have no place in this conversation. This was her duty - to help out one of her fellows, if possible.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia's head bobs in agreement. "It is," she confirms. She, then tilts her head curiously? "How did you know?" Mystique gets a scowl but that's about all the disapproval that she gets. It seems that going on patrol and seeing all the good that she's been doing has softened Lydia on the other woman.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique accepts the scowl before saying, "I told her. You aren't the first to make use of ectoplasm, you're merely the most creative I have seen." Was it too much? Should she have kept her mouth shut? Probably. She'll leave the rest to Clarice and see what happens.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Jingle-Jangle. The door does it's thing heralding Lorna stepping outside again. With a minty, chocolately concoction in hand that was perhaps a bit heavy handed on the chocolate sprinkles ontop (not that she minded), she pauses to regard the pair talking with Mystique watching so ominously. A testing sip of her drink is taken finding it suitably cooling. "So. How have the patrols been going?" She asks curiously of Mystique trying not to butt into the conversation with Clarice and Lydia for now. "I'm afraid I've been a bit out of touch with the situation."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We've become aware of another mutant with a unique physiology," Clarice remarks, after acknowledging Mystique's words with a quick bob of her head towards the other woman. "This individual doesn't seem to have blood at all - their veins run with ectoplasm, which create a unique set of challenges when offering medical treatment, as you can imagine. And they insist on getting involved in dangerous situations to help their fellow mutants.
    "Should there ever be a need - would you be willing to participate in an attempt to offer them an ectoplasm transfusion?" Her eyes flick up towards Lorna for a moment, but seeing the other woman's gaze directed at Mystique, she redirects her attention back to Lydia once more to gauge her reaction.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia's eyebrows shoot up in curiosity. "Ectoplasm for blood?" She shakes her head. "How curious. I think the best thing for him is to keep him out of those dangerous situations in the first place." She's joking of course. She knows that some people are just the kind of person who runs headlong into trouble instead of staying out of it.

"An... ectoplasm transfusion." She echoes thoughtfully, considering this for a while. "Honestly, I don't know if it'll work. My ectoplasm seems to evaporate fairly quickly in the air if I'm not concentrating on it or if it's too far away." She scowls as she thinks about this some more. "Don't get me wrong. I'd be willing to try, I just don't know how we'd work this."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique is grateful that Lydia showed interest, "Just as the way to store blood has been developed, if you are willing, we can develop ways to store the ectoplasm. It might not be an easy task, but I hope it's obtainable. Nicolai may have decided to move on, but all mutants deserve proper healthcare."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane rolls her eyes skyward a moment. Patience, Lorna, patience. At least she had the distraction of her milkshake at hand to ease her annoyance. More important was the conversation she was overhearing as it was. "Yes, I'm sure we could devise something that will work. We've many a great mind at our disposal. Even a few who are now allies in a way." Of course she meant Dr. McCoy but she doesn't name names. Even the Brotherhood had scientists.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique glances toward Lorna, the only one of the Genoshian royalty, aside from Erik, that she actually some what, a little, around the edges, perhaps... liked. "There are many great minds that could perhaps be asked to help with this, because it is about perhaps saving a mutant's life. He may not value his life, or consider himself worth 'the hassle' of medical care, but I do." She turns alittle more toward Lorna. "Suddenly interested 'majesty', or was the eye roll merely boredom?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Or if storage of ectoplasm remains problematic when a need arises, we could get the both of you together in a room with our medical staff," Clarice replies. "If you're willing to at least try it - we have you contact information from the Watch sign-up. I can use that to contact you should the matter ever comes up?" she suggests. "And then I, or one of our other teleporters, can pick you up."
    Her attention shifts towards Lorna and Mystique - a moment of annoyance crossing her features as Lorna's question is seemingly ignored. She supresses it quickly. "The patrols have been going well. There've been a little bickering between some of the Brotherhood and X-Men, but it hasn't been anything we couldn't smooth over." Because Clarice keeps the stronger tempers amongst the Brotherhood back home. "And I think it's been having a positive result in the neighborhood. It's a bit early to really tell, though. No hard data yet."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Majesty," mouths Lydia eyebrows furrowing in confusion, and then takes a good long look at Lorna. That's when recognition sets in. You don't normally see royalty running around in civvies visiting milkshake shops so it took a while for her to recognize the mutant. "Oh! Your Majesty!" she says, and is suddenly at a loss of whether she should bow or not. She's never met a Queen before. "I didn't recognize you."

Clarice and Mystique grabs her attention though. "Hopefully it doesn't come up, but I think this is something we should try to figure out /before/ the need arises. I don't want to be experimenting with this while some poor guy is bleeding... or whatever he does... out."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Brain freeze," Lorna replies smoothly toward Mystique not at all missing step in the jab pointed her way. "I do apologize for my lack of attentiveness. I've been busy on Genosha. Clarice has helped to set the ground work for many needed repairs." For now though she didn't want to worry about Genosha even if it was always somewhere in her mind. This was a bit interesting as well, and she was lacking in details due to overworking just a bit. As more details are filled in thanks to Clarice she dips her head toward her friend with a grin. "That's to be expected. I'm glad to hear things are going well though, overall. It's a good sign." Lydia's sudden response as well earns a rather soft smile from the green haired mutant who had inexplicably become a Queen. "It's quite all right," she assures softly chuckling. "I'm as 'off duty' as it gets for me right now. It's a pleasure to meet you. Just call me Lorna."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique studies Lorna for the longest time, then looks back to Lydia. She knew even the Queen did not believe the cobalt mutant was trying to change, no one did. She didn't blame them, but it was starting to wear on her, starting to break through the masks, and walls, and shields she kept herself hidden behind. Also known as, it was getting old. If this was how it was going to be for the long haul, it might be worth considering retiring to the moon or something.

"That was my thought," she offers Lydia. "Try to work this out now before it's an emergency."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "She loathes being 'Your Majesty'd,'" Clarice confides in Lydia. "You should see the looks she gives me when I start with it." There's something both fond - but also almost reverential in Clarice's tone and voice on this particular subject matter. She believes, ardently, in the sanctity of the Genoshan Royal Family and their throne.
    She smiles towards Lorna as she adds, "I did tell you that I've been put in charge of organizing and running the whole thing - didn't I?" she asks. Because Clarice didn't pile enough on her plate already, without that responsibility added to it. But she was quite proud of that fact.
    Glancing to Lydia once more she adds, "Well - now that we know you're willing - we'll have our medical people arrange for an opportunity to experiment a little. We really appreciate it - I can't express that enough."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods and offers Lorna a pleasant smile. "Lorna it is, then. I'm Lydia." Then, trying to be sociable, "What flavor did you pick? I've got a cherry chocolate vanilla shake. It's got chocolate and cherry chunks in it. It's delectable."

She nods to Mystique. As much as she has disapproved of the mutant's actions in the past, this whole proposition has somewhat softened Lydia up with her opinion of her. "Good, good. Give me a call sometime and we'll work out a when." She glances between Mystique and Clarice and adds, "And probably a where. I doubt it's going to be here in Bushwick."

She gives Clarice a small nod. "I'm happy to help. Maybe we'll learn something about the nature of my powers. I've been looking into the mystical side of things to see if I can understand how it all works, but maybe your science people can offer some more insight."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Reaching into the pocket of her pants, Mystique removes what looks like a burner phone then steps over and places it on the table by Lydia. "A direct connection to myself, and Clarice," she comments before stepping back several steps, so she isn't all up in Lydia's space. "It will also allow us to contact you, to see if you are available. This is on your time, your schedule, your level of trust." Then she does silent again and looks at Lorna, at the moment she wants to smack her but that is partly being so tired of fighting everything, literally everything. Humans, other mutants who want to hurt mutants, herself, media, the changes, everything. So she decides it's best /not/ to hit Lorna, or anyone, just stay out of Lydia's way and hopefully, just maybe, Nicolai will get the help he needs.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane holds her own up in salute at Lydia by way of greeting and air toasting with the milkshake. "A pleasure, Lydia. My thanks to you as well for offering to help Nicolai. He's a good man." At least so far as she had seen. She really had been scattered all over the place as of late. Which is why she ends up frowning thoughtfully down at her drink while flexing the tip of the straw with a fingertip. It's only a breif expression, one of worry at not having been helping enough. It's soon replaced with a grin as she looks up again. "Ah, mint chocolate chip. I do tend to like green things but I honestly do like mint and chocolate as well."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah, he's a good man," Clarice agrees - her voice dropping a little in volume. She looks down at her own shake for a moment, then scoops up more of the chocolatey concoction to take another nibble of the contents.
    Trying to force a little cheer back into her voice she adds, "This has been an unexpectedly productive afternoon."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia looks at the burner curiously. She isn't entirely sure she understands why they'd use this phone and not just, you know, call her on her own phone. She looks up and sees the weariness in Mystiques eyes and decides to not ask and just accept it. "Thank you," she says, and takes the phone and deposits it in her purse.

Lorna gets a grin. "A classic!" she says. "That's my second favorite too and, as you can see, I have a penchant for green myself," she says, and waves a hand through her ectoplasmic mists, sending eddies and whorls in its wake.

Clarice gets a curious look, her lips pursing into a moue. "Yes, it seems like it has."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique leans against the side of the building, taking a drink of her milkshake. "That phone may look like a burner, but it's not. It can reach Clarice or I no matter where we are, where as normal phone can't." She says, answering the unspoken question before looking to Clarice.

"Call him and talk to him already," she states just way too bluntly. "I'm sure it's me he's pissed at and not you, because it's always me Clarice. Something I said, something I did, but whatever it is that makes you react like that every time his name is mentioned, it needs to stop. So call him, or I will."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane smiles again, though a bit tired now that she was finding herself in a situation where she could relax a bit. More than a bit tired actually she realizes as she blinks rapidly several times. "Ah." The single syllable is let out as she looks between Clarice and Mystique catching on to what was said. SOMETHING was amiss and she was completely missing it. "That... sounds like an excellent idea, Clarice." She has to admit with a nod of agreement to what Mystique said. "Talking can always help clear up any issues so long as you're willing to take the steps to do so." A bit naive, she knew, but in this case she hoped it would be right. To Lydia she offers another nod. "An oldie but a goodie. I'm glad this afternoon has turned out well." Here she pauses, eyes narrowing again against another blink. "I think I ought to be on my way though. I just realized I don't know what day it is at this point."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice gets that deer-in-headlights look on her features for a moment, when Mystique calls her out on her shit - and Lorna promptly backs her up on it. That's a pretty powerful one-two combination for poor Clarice. After a moment frozen, though, she adds a hasty shake of her head. "He said he needed time," she insists hastily. That's all. She's not avoiding the situation because lf how uneasy it makes her at all. Clearly. "We should give him a couple more days."
    As Lorna prepares to leave Clarice is hasty to offer, "You don't need a lift?" Doubtlessly Lorna's car is parked nearby, but that doesn't mean she couldn't short-cut the woman back home, regardless.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique snorts, "Yeah, time away from the us, not /you/ Clarice, fucking call him." She tosses the remainder of her shake in the garbage, no longer interested. Looking to Lydia she says, "Thank you." That's it, but the words are filled with sincerity.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia looks rather surprised that Mystique picked up on her unspoken question. "That's.... neat." she says, looking the phone with newfound appreciation. Mystique's self-doubt gets an unwitting scowl of sympathy, however. Nobody should be that down on themselves, and it's not something she expected out of her.

Looking from Clarice, to Mystique and Lorna, she watches the conversation silently. She knows there's something going on here, and she doesn't quite know what, but it's only polite to stay out of it.

She nods to Mystique. "You're quite welcome."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane opens her mouth at the suggestion only to click her teeth shut silently. A single nod is given. "If you would Clarice, I'm afraid I'm far more tired than I first realized when I came out. It was just nice to be back in New York." She barely manages to stifle a yawn before she nods to the others again. "Have a pleasant afternoon, everyone." And then she's happily off through one of those portals to her room.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice sends her Queen home, then glances towards Mystique. She offers no response to the woman's words, just looks back down at her shake uncomfortably, stirring at its contents. Sure, there's part of her that knows Mystique is absolutely correct. But the thought of such a confrontation just curdles her inside. She'd rather run into battle than have to confront such an awkward conversation.
    But knowing that some sort of response is expected from her, she offers a quiet, "Yeah." It hardly constitutes a promise, though.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique rolls her eyes. It was like herding cats. Everything lately had been like herding thirty cats into the same crate, and we all know the Mythbuster's proved that was impossible... and they only had five cats.

"Whatever Clarice," she sighs then and to Lydia adds, "Feel free to call any time, ask any questions you might have, but I have to walk away now."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Watches the interplay between Clarice and Mystique silently, sipping on her milk shake, and then chewing on the bits she sucked up. She nods at Mystique, again, feeling unwanted sympathy for the ex-assassin. "I will do so. I hope you have a pleasant rest of your day."

She gives Clarice a look and just shakes her head, but remains silent.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    If Clarice hadn't already been staring at her milkshake with fixed discomfort - those two words alone would have done it right there. 'Whatever Clarice.' The withering disdain and disappointment from her mentor elicits a visible wince from her, and she doesn't look up, even when the woman begins to walk away.
    She's acting like a child, and she knows it. She's supposed to be //better// than this.
    And she hates that she's not.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
She had just started to step away when she saw Clarice's wince from the corner of her eye and stopped. For a moment Mystique closes her eyes, she takes a deep breath, then she turns and lays her hand on Clarice's shoulder.

"I push too hard, I know I do. I just want what's best for you, and for you to be happy Clarice," she explains, the words true and even she doesn't fully understand why. She had no idea what it was about Clarice that made her want to be... nice, or what it was that made her want the best for the younger mutant, but she did. "Forgive my temper? I'm a bitch, remember?" She offers Clarice one of those half smiles that indicates she's joking mostly, a little serious, but definitely sorry.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia very deliberately turns her head away from the other two mutants and pulls out her notebook again. She has no idea what she's going to write as this drama goes on around her, but she should at the very least be a decent person and give them their space.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice stiffens as the hand lands on her shoulder - but at Mystique's tone, and her words, the tension slowly begins to ease out of the young mutant's form. She takes a deep breath in, and out again, before she looks up towards her mentor with a tight smile. "I know," she confirms. "I know you do. I'm not angry with you." And that, at least, seems to be completely true. If she's angry with anyone, it's herself. "But I can't- I don't know how to..." She flounders for the words, not sure how to explain it.
    Finally she tries, "I don't think you'd expect Mister Creed to deal with something like this so easily. We're really not as different as some people like to think."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique sits herself in the chair beside Clarice for a moment, more perching really. "Listen, Victor couldn't handle a situation like this because he doesn't have the desire to do so. He's lived long enough that he can look at life and flip it off, and does. You however, you have a lot of life a head of you, and slowly you need to learn how to deal with all the shit that's going to get thrown at you."

She glances to Lydia a moment, then looks back to Clarice. "Let it go for now. If he hasn't called by Tuesday, I'll call him and deal with it, but next time... we do it together, alright?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia doesn't realize that she's nodding along with Mystique as she's studiously staring at the page in front of her. She's trying so hard not to listen into the private conversation, but since it's happening right around her it's hard not to.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I know I do," Clarice confirms in a quiet voice, her expression making it clear how little she relishes that prospect.
    And for a moment there's relief at the offer from Mystique to call the man on Tuesday. But then- what if that only drive him further away? What if //that// somehow seals Nicolai's the decision? He could be very valuable to the Brotherhood. "I'll... I'll call him. On Tuesday," she promises - feeling her stomach tighten at the prospect.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique lifts a brow, head canting slightly. "Alright, but I'll be there in the room with you, alright?" She looks back to Lydia.

"Sorry about that. I'm a bitch, heartless, cruel, lose my temper, you know how it is." She stands herself back up, not intending to invade on Lydia's space any longer that needed, then steps away from the table again.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "If you'd like," Clarice confirms - her voice just a little softer than her usual speaking volume. Yes, of //course// the prospect of speaking to Nicolai still makes her uneasy. But she's determined to do it. "...and you aren't heartless," she adds. "So stop telling yourself that lie."
    She doesn't deny the rest of it, though, as she spoons more of shake into her mouth.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia takes a long draw of her milkshake, making loud slurping sounds as she has gotten to the bottom. "Excuse me," she says, with a little blush. She stands and nods to the two women. "I'll keep in touch." A green pseudopod forms from inside the mists and curls around the empty cup, snakes out and deposits it into the trash can on the other side of the door. Once it's done its job, she lets it dissipate back into mists, and turns away, packing up her journal.

She doesn't go far when she stops at The Toaster, a little silver Vespa, and secures her floppy hat and purse into the front cage, and unlocks an open face motorcycle helmet which she crams on her head, making her curly brown hair stick out all over the place from underneath. Then, without further ado, she putters off.