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Big Belly's House of Eats
Date of Scene: 26 February 2020
Location: Big Belly Burger's
Synopsis: Samuel Morgan and Cabochon meet Dr. Fairchild in town before school starts
Cast of Characters: Caitlin Fairchild, Sebastian Winters, Samuel Morgan

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Big Belly is a popular place for a lot of reasons. It's conveniently located near the schools and downtown; the food is plentiful and affordable. There's a lot of comfort in those old greasy spoons, for kids stealing a quick bite between classes and teachers stopping by for a late-evening meal.

It's well after six PM, so most of the student population is either studying or out causing youthful shenanigans. For the teaching staff, work continues unabated, especially those who are preparing for the oncoming semester.

Big Belly is not packed but it's got a mid-sized crowd. The door jangles and a tall redhead eases inside. Grey yoga pants and a well-worn pink hoodie with 'Columbia' on it go with matching athletic shoes. She's definitely not one of the students, or if she is, she's a secret weapon for the volleyball team.

"Hi, can I get four double quarter pounders, two fries, and a milkshake? For here," she requests, and Caitlin offers a credit card to the cashier.

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Cabochon is new to town. Very new... he's barely got his stuff set up in his apartment. Well his alternate identity has anyway. Now he is going around in his more casual form for his, to him, god-like alter-ego Cabochon. Wearing a t-shirt and jeans with a button down shirt tied loosely at his waist he is sporting his golden wristbands and the crown-like circlet openly as he sits lounging back in one of the booths enjoying a little fast food repast.

It takes time to settle in but he seems to be taking everything in stride with an extra side of confidence served up with his fries. It is obvious he is a student at HHHS but noone there has yet to meet him, though he has an induction meeting in the coming days.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's food is served up in short order, piled high. The clerk's brows go up when it appears Caitlin's dining alone, but no comment is made. Happy Harbor seems used to strange things, it seems. The redhead gathers her tray and walks a few paces, looking for a place to sit.

"It's... Sebastian, right?" She looks down and flashes a smile. You're one of the new transfers. I'm Ca-- I'm Dr. Fairchild," she tells him. "I'm in the sciences department. Mind another?" she inquires, and nods at the empty seat. "Not a lot of places to sit and eat. This place is super popular," she remarks.

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Cabochon looks up over his own pile of doubledouble orders and grins, "Sure, So... you're teaching?" (She doesn't look much older than the seniors)Oo. he thinks to himself. He makes room by shoving his tray to the back edge of the table against the wall. "I haven't had my entrence interview yet with what'shername. I'm pretty sure I'll get in tho considering...." he says making a broad sweeping gesture.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin blinks twice, automatically unwrapping a burger. "Er... yeah. Chemistry, biology, maybe some engineering. Whatever's needed," she explains. The redhead takes a few bites that are monstrous but still on the edge of mannerly. She effectively demolishes half the first burger and washes it down with a few gulps of the pink strawberry-scented slurry.

"I'm sorry, you lost me. Considering what?" she inquires with a confused expression. "Is there something about the exams I'm not aware of?"

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Cabochon 's voice has an accent that is hard to place at first, mostly because he's been so thuroughly americanized that he's lost much of it. But there is definitely a hint of something English to his words. Something above and beyond what is occasionally heard in this part of 'new england'. There is also something else... but it is easy to miss next to the real thing. Something 'god'-like to his demeanor and bearing. The alterations of his artifacts bring about the enhancement of his inner self to a higher level than most people. Cabochon is not yet aware of this though and still acts like his real self except for the influence on his personality to have more confidence in himself among other things. "No I am new to this area. Just got in town infact. Ms.MacIntre has set up an apointment to get me formally into the school rolls I should start classes soon. I'm an AP student and have an archaeology internship outside of school."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin looks politely nonplussed by the aura Cabochon exudes, though one could only speculate as to why. "I hope your interview goes well, then," she tells him diplomatically. Fries are dragged through the milkshake and noshed upon. "An internship is a lot of work," she advises him, wryly. "My first one was right out of my undergrad degree. I was the human forklift, carrying and hauling everything heavy. Schlepping supplies across the labs. Oh, and going into town for coffee. I hope you have more fun with it than I did," she says with an earnest and sincere smile. "At least you can get out and get your hands dirty from time to time, right?" she jokes. "Or at least see some of the countryside. New England has some spectacular First Nations remnants scattered around. Barrows, I think they're called?" she hazards.

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Cabochon grins, "Call me a shovel cause thats what I've done a lot of, digging in dirt moving dirt, sifting dirt, sorting dirt, cataloguing dirt." he laughs. "I've been an intern for two years now and my parents had me doing the same work as a kid just without the fancy title." He then nods, "Yeah I haven't done a lot of digging here in the states. Mostly over in Europe... its where these..." he raises his wrist showing off the gold band, "Found me and changed everything. Still it does wonders for your homework when you dont have to sleep."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"It's a dirty job," Caitlin quips at Cabo, but in a friendly way. The restaurant's growing increasingly crowded as people start coming in for more food and claim the other unoccupied table spaces. "So if you're coming from overseas, did they assign you a grade equivalency yet? Or is that part of the interview with Dr. Macintyre?" she inquires of the young teen. Caitlin doesn't look much older than some of the seniors, but she certainly has a relaxed and comparatively mature manner about herself compared to the awkward balls of adolescence shoehorned into the school arena. The Columbia University sweater she has on also suggests that she's not just wandered off from a senior skip day class.

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Cabochon gestures, "It's part of the interview process. I think I'm probably going to be a senior, but held in school mostly because I'm sixteen. Besides HHHS is supposed to offer a lot of AP and I'm going to wring everything I can out of it before I have to start paying for University." He pauses and adds, "Unless something else changes, like my finding a place on some hero team or something. One never knows."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It is a busy place. Very busy. Crowd size busy. And when the door opens again, a dog walks in. A German Shepherd, to be exact, whose collar proclaims him to be Bear, whose hi-visibility vest proclaims him to be a service animal, and whose red neckerchief proclaims him to be stylish. In his wake follows a human, most bland, dressed in a grey hoodie, grey trousers and black combat boots polished to an almost unnatural gleam.

    Together, the pair make their way to the counter to make an order, the Shepherd leading.

    For those teachers who have been briefed, the two would stand out a bit. Sam came 'recommended' by 'a certain agency' and only Dr. Morrigan appears to have the full details, although it is generally known that this particular student struggles with certain anxiety issues.

    For a moment it seems as if Bear is going to order for the pair, somehow, but at the last moment Sam seems to find his voice. "Two bacon doubledecker cheese burgers, make that a large meal."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Oh, so that's what you want to do?" Caitlin inquires, amicably. She sips more milkshake and then takes a few bites from her third burger in under five minutes. The redhead's appetite for food must be prodigious.

Her eyes follow everyone else's to the service animal (one can almost hear a collective 'Puppers!') from the crowd, but Caitlin is apparently self-disciplined enough not to bother the dog. She in fact stops someone with a polite smile but firm wave of her hand as a teen girl goes to rub the dog's ears. "Don't rub his ears," she reminds the girl, and points at the vest. "He's a working dog. He's not for petting-- you'll distract him."

She looks at Sam and mouths an apologetic 'sorry' for intervening, then focuses back on Cabochon.

"For what it's worth," she says, in a quiet, diffident voice, "you've only got a year or two of high school. I'd focus on my grades if I were you. Getting your GED is one thing if you've come out of a rough situation, like some of my friends did. Someone with your ... hm. Status," she says, delicately, "is going to have a hard time making a pitch as a hero if you can't even get a high school diploma sorted properly." Strong shoulders rise and fall in a muted apology and she noshes more fries. "But that's just my thoughts on it."

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Cabochon 's eyes of course are drawn to the youth and his service dog. He thinks to himself .oO(Not blind, perhaps something else.) He shrugs and unwraps burger number four taking a bite out of it before his fingers dive back into the once epic pile of fries before him. "Oh I'll get my degree allright. Probably, the only thing I will have trouble getting used to..." he says in passing to his possibly future teacher. "Is that I will be someone special in a school where everyone else is too." he then says thoughtfully, "But thats the whole point of it, isn't it? Putting us all in one place together so that we can keep our feet on the ground? I mean there's a lot of AP students there at my level after all. I'd be in University now if my parents didn't insist I stay grounded in regular school with people my age." He takes another bite of his burger with some gusto and washes it down with his large soda. "That and they're going to make me work and pay for University like they did."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Crisis averted. Honestly, it seems that Bear is used to this reaction by now, and remains stoically by his human's side. No play now. Must work. Play later. Ball ball in park, yes. So many smells... he looks up at Sam when the teenager gives the girl who approaches without permission what can only be described as 'a look'. It's not an inviting one. But he also catches the intervention, how could he not, of the older student... no, teacher? ... He catches Caitlyn's intervention and gives an appreciative nod in return.

    It should therefore come as no surprise that when his order is ready and he starts to look for a free table (such optimism!), he instead opts to approach the table from which the rescue originated. "Excuse me, may I take this seat?"

    His voice is typical for somewhere slightly further west, and the delivery is almost as if the line was studied rather than being entirely sincere. At either rate, he waits patiently for the response.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Us? I'm sure I don't know what you mean," Caitlin informs Cabo with a confused expression. At that moment, Sam & Co enter, and she smiles at the duo in a polite way.

"As crowded as it is? Sure thing," Caitlin bids Sam, and scoots obligingly aside (as much as she can, anyway). Proportioned as she is, Caitlin takes up a deceptive amount of room.

"It's..." Caitlin's eyes narrow and flicker as if she's reading something in front of her. "Sam. Morgan, right? I've got all my flash cards of student names and I'm working on them," she explains. The timbre of her voice certainly sets her apart from the students milling awkwardly about, unsure of their own space. "I'm Dr. Fairchild, I'm in the sciences department. This is Sebastian," she tells Sam. "But I don't know your dog's name! Boy or girl?" she asks, and when the dog sniffs, she rests her knuckles near enough to it that it can get her scent.

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Cabochon smiles, "Hi there, yeah join us. Name's Sebastian. Like she said." he pronounces it 'cab-oh-shawn' like something French. "Pleased to meet you." he says in a slightly accented voice as Samuel joins in at the table.

He takes another bite of his burger before grabbing a napkin and wiping his hands clean before offering one to Samuel in a welcoming gesture. He smiles at the dog also giving the animal a nod but being careful not to stare at him and addressing Samuel directly.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Thank you, Doctor Fairchild. You have a very good memory in that case." Although Sam had been holding the tray with both hands, he moves his left underneath, balances the whole tray on one hand with ease, and extends his right hand in greeting even as he starts to sit. "I'm sure we'll be seeing each other. I'm hoping to start taking physics and chemistry. Among other things, of course."

    Across the table, he also shakes Cabochon's hand, with a smile that... well, not quite gets all the way to his eyes. "Bonjour. Comment allez-vous? Veuillez m'excuser si je parle entièrement en Anglais, mais il est peut-être plus poli dans ces environs."

    Once the greetings are out of the way, he confirms the name of the attentive Shepherd that has come to sit outside of the booth, at perfect and polite attention. "His name is Bear."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"I do all right," Caitlin says, quite modestly, and shakes Sam's hand. There is zero force applied, which is a good thing; Caitlin's hand feels like gripping a marble statue. "I'm looking forward to having people in class. I haven't done any formal teaching since grad school," she admits to the two young men. "But I remember hating lectures. So I'm thinking more time spent building and burning things in the lab, less time listening to me lecture via powerpoint."

She finishes her last bites, and lifts a finger. "Not that English and history aren't important, but few things are as fun as learning how to make thermite out of household goods," she says, slyly.

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Cabochon grins and nods, "I am fine thank you." he says to Sam. "And yes, English is preferred. I'm actually American, well half of me is. I'm a duo citizen of England as well and have family from all over Europe. I've just spent so much time abroad that I'm not sure where I am from half the time."

Cabochon looks at his dwindling pile of fries and decides it is almost time for him to go. He laughs at Doctor Fairchild's quip, "That is very true! Thats the fun part of chemistry class, making things burn or blow up." He grins digging into the remaining pile of wrappers and other debre for what few fries are left over.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Sam's own hand is... peculiar. The teenager looks not very unlike anyone else his age, but the baggy clothes may be hiding a build that not too many of his peers could match. Except here, of course, although that's not immediately obvious to him. What is very tangible to both Caitlin and Cabochon, however, is that the teenager's hands are quite calloused, like someone used to hard work. And with his cheap looking clothes, his obvious desire to be friendly and his slight anxiety at his surroundings, Sam has 'scholarship' written all over him.

    "I'm ehmm... I wasn't aware that was part of the normal curriculum." People learn to make explosives in high school? That was a shock.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin gets to her feet, her meal demolished, and grins at Sam. "Don't worry. Safety first. Goggles and gloves for everyone," she says, reassuringly, and gives his shoulder a maternal pat of reassurance.

"Well it was really nice to meet both of you. I hope I have you in class this session," Caitlin advises them. "Make sure you get all your entry paperwork done and don't miss the interview with Dr. Macintyre," she adds. "She's got the final say-so on enrolees." One last check of her sweater pockets for a keychain and silvery billfold ,and then with a wave Caitlin heads out the door!

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Cabochon grins, "Well thermite is more of an accelerant. It burns hot and fast. Perfect for slicing through steel or using it to heat fracture rock like we do sometimes at archeological digs. In some countries its hard to obtain legally so we have to make due... so that course would be perfect for my taking...."

Cabochon is interrupted by the ringing of his phone. He digs it out of his pocket and mutes the ringing after looking at who it is from. "I'm sorry but I have to run. And yeah I'll have that paperwork done before thursday, Doctor Fairchild. Thank you for reminding me!" He begins gathering any stray wrappers to his tray ready to take it to a trash recepticle. He carefully eases himself out of the booth careful not to break the table in his passage and makes his way out of the restaurant.