Caitlin Fairchild
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Caitlin Fairchild (Scenesys ID: 552) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Caitlin Fairchild | ||
Superalias: | None | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Metahmuan | ||
Occupation: | Scientist | ||
Citizenship: | American | ||
Residence: | New York | ||
Education: | Columbia, PhD | ||
Theme: | DC (FC) | ||
Groups: | Happy Harbor | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 25 | Actual Age: | 11 |
Date of Birth | 01 January 2012 | Played By | Deborah Ann Woll |
Height: | 6'4" | Weight: | 350lbs |
Hair Color: | Red | Eye Color: | Green |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: | "Holding out for a Hero", RainXeed ( |
Character Info
Caitlin is a well-established superheroine and a charter member of the original Titans. She's regarded as polite, friendly, and a genuinely kind heart. Lest anyone mistake her gentle heart for weakness, she is a well-known physical powerhouse even among other heavy-hitters. She is also a brilliant and talented researcher and engineer in her own right.
2008: The CAIT project is initiated by a splitner group of CADMUS. 'Caitlin' is lab-grown using genetic material harvested from Alexander Fairchild and presented as his daughter. Alex is not aware of his memories being altered to accomodate multiple iterations of Caitlin clones.
2010: Alex Fairchild and his friends raid the CADMUS labs to liberate the clones. The team takes heavy fatalities. A tank-grown Caitlin and several young metahumans are liberated.
2010: Caitlin Fairchild enrolls in Midtown High as a transfer student.
2012: Caitlin enrolls in Columbia University's engineering program. She is attacked by a CADMUS provocateur her Freshman year and this triggers her metegene transformation.
2012: Caitlin intervenes in several incidents regarding the Invasion. She's approached by the Titans as an early recruit.
2016: Caitlin completes MS degrees in Electrical Engineering and Biology. She is hired to work on what she believes to be a classified government genetics program, unaware that she is in fact working for an unethical private organization called N.O.W.H.E.R.E.
2017: Caitlin submits parts of her research to Columbia University to begin their doctoral track program. She discovers that N.O.W.H.E.R.E. is trying to develop Kryptonian super-soldiers and sabotages the project. She is able to flee but the labs disappear before she can return, leaving her with many questions and few answers about what transpired.
2017: Caitlin is greivously wounded in the fight against Doomsday. Following Superman's funeral she goes to Themyscira with Donna Troy for approximately six months.
2017: Caitlin returns to the United States and enrolls formally in Columbia University's Doctoral program.
2018: Caitlin is hired as a junior engineer at Stark Industries.
2019: Caitlin's groundbreaking work at NOWHERE is accepted as a thesis defense and she is awarded a dual PhD in Cellular Biology and Engineering Physics. She is promoted to a position at Stark Industries in the Skunkworks.
2020: Titans re-form. Caitlin takes adjunct position at Happy Harbor High.
IC Journal
All-American Sweetheart:
In a word, Caitlin is: Nice.
She doesn't drink, curse, or lose her temper. She's also humble, modest, chaste, and nurturing. Atop this she is not just a gorgeous face; Caitlin is a highly talented engineer and scientist and a well-liked member of the superhuman community. She bakes like Betty Crocker and attends Catholic services every Sunday. As one of the earliest Titans Caitlin quickly stepped into the 'team mom' role to nurture and support her friends.
There is some lingering, adolescent uncertainty about where she fits into the world. Body dysmorphia and the knowledge she's a clone designed for combat operations has a negative impact on her self-esteem. But she makes up for it by being totally devoted to her friends and holding herself to a high moral standard even when tempted otherwise.
Character Sheet
Enhanced Senses:
Caitlin's senses are unusually acute. She can make out fine details almost twice as far as most people and can identify scarce and subtle scents quite readily (though not identify people by odor alone). Her hearing is quite good, but her sense of touch is no better than anyone else's.
Caitlin is the sort of genius often called 'prodigy'. Part of it is superior genetics; part of it is discipline, motivation, and ample use of VR training. Her facility for science and math is remarkably adept and she has substantial post-collegiate education to reinforce her analytic and intuitive engineering skills.
Super Makeover:
Caitlin's transformation triggered something deep in her psyche. She turned into what she had dreamed of as her 'ideal' self. By most contemporary standards Caitlin could be considered extremely attractive.
When Caitlin's powers triggered, she exploded up and out, gaining a bevy of superhuman physical gifts.
Superstrength: Caitlin can lift over 100 tons under peak conditions. Intense physical training has continued to raise this limit over time, up from a meager 5 tons when she first started out. She can achieve a 150m standing vertical leap and launch herself nearly a quarter of a kilometer with a running start.
Durability: Caitlin is phenomenally tough. She can resist fire from conventional military firearms, survive falls from great heights, and endure blows from superhumans. Targeted anti-tank rounds and high-energy weapons are the lower threshold of 'danger' for her.
Agility: Nimble and fast, particularly for her size, she has excellent balance, coordination, and reflexes. Her enhanced physiology makes her capable of some improbable acrobatic feats like standing triple backflips or sprinting over broken terrain. Her throwing arm is like a cannon, very accurate and hard-hitting. Caitlin's sustained run speed is some 150kph and can sprint up to a kilometer at 50 m/s. The fact she trips over her own toes as often as not might be more psychological than anything else.
Stamina: Caitlin has truly superhuman endurance, proportional to her strength and effort. She can be temporarily exhausted by trying to lift beyond her maximum weight. After sprinting at her top speed for over a kilometer she'll need at least a few minutes to recover. A comparatively mild jogging speed can be maintained for hours at a time, even a few days in a pinch. Sleep is more a psychological requirement than a physiological one for the heroine.
Fast Healing: Cait won't survive bleeding out but if she doesn't die immediately, odds are good she'll pull through. With gene therapy, missing eyes and limbs can be grown and attached. If there's a disease, fungus, or virus that can get her sick, she hasn't met it. She still gets hay fever, though.
Caitlin will push through pain, exhaustion, fatigue, and stress to get the mission done. She never gives up, never quits, and never leaves an ally behind. And when all else fails, she falls back on her faith in her God and her family. Despite her insecurities and flaws and uncertainties in life, one would be hard pressed to find someone with a bigger heart than Caitlin Fairchild.
Caitlin is a competent pilot and rated on a handful of light cargo and transport craft, including those in use by several heroic and military organizations.
Doctor Fairchild:
Caitlin has a host of academic salutations. She is a certified Professional Engineer for both Electrical and Mechanical engineering. Caitlin also possesses minor degrees in Psychology and Criminal Justice and a PhD in genetic and cellular biology. She is currently midway through her residency with Columbia University, studying her MD with an emphasis in trauma care.
Field Medic:
Caitlin's studied emergency aid techniques by Amazon physicians and modern medical experts. She can stabilize most serious wounds and traumatic injuries in the field, long enough to get someone to proper medical aid.
Caitlin is an aspiring cello player and has some growing proficiency with that instrument.
Super Beatdown:
Caitlin is an extremely proficient fighter. Raw brute force has been, over time, supplemented by dynamic and varied martial arts training from many sources. Coaching, training, sparring with superhumans, demigods, and aliens alike has help Caitlin capitalize on her immense strength and weight rather than solely relying on them.
Tactical Leadership:
Caitlin's got those intangible qualities many people like to see in a field leader. She's rarely ruffled by danger and always cool under fire. Assertive and intelligent, she has a gift for leveraging her allies assets to best use in a battle situation, even while swinging her fists. Her tactical acumen is one of her most useful skills.
Adopted Brother:
Another one of the 'children of Team 7', Alexander Wintergreen has the same familial ties to that unit as Caitlin herself despite not being gen-active. Older and more mature by several years, Alex not only helped program Caitlin's behavioural software, he also protected her 'big secret' until she was ready to learn the truth about herself and her origins. He's a bit of a black sheep, being a notorious arms dealer and gun for hire. Despite this-- and now outweighing him by a hundred plus pounds-- she still looks up to her adoptive 'big brother'.
Caitlin has strong connections to many groups and individuals in the heroic community, including the Titans, Asgardians, Amazons, and members of the JLA. Due to her work with CADMUS she has more than a passing understanding of Kryptonian biology.
Caitlin is a fully initiated Amazon of Themyscira. She can come and go from the island as she pleases. She can call upon the Amazons to aid her, and she is obligated to aid them in return. The Amazons gifted her with a set of the iconic Aegis bracers and Amazon battle armor built around her preferred fighting style. Donna Troy gifted her a heavy two-handed hammer forged in the Amazon smithery. It is not magical but it is so well made that it can withstand Caitlin's tremendous strength.
Asgardian Ally:
Caitlin is a welcome visitor in Asgard. She can visit whenever she wishes (provided someone opens the Bifrost for her) and has her run of non-military locations. She could ask for reasonable assistance and receive it in exchange for her promise of future service to Asgard.
Caitlin was a thrifty and cautious investor. Combined with the revenues from a few patents she holds, she was able to purchase a rather nice condominium in New York.
Caitlin's public presence has proven to be a morale booster for many young metahumans, mutants, and Gen-Actives. She's conducted clandestine raids and operations with some of the bolder ones to liberate kidnapped children and test subjects. Many look up to her and will answer a call from her for aid.
Internet Famous:
Caitlin ran a famous Instagram account, 'Capespotted', long before she started her heroics. She amassed an archive of thousands of photos on social media and has tremendous reach with that page. Others mostly handle the day to day pull on that, but Caitlin posts regularly of her own exploits and encounters with other supers.
Caitlin generally has steady employment anytime she wishes it, courted by major tech firms all over the world. Her income is high enough she can easily afford a decent penthouse in Brooklyn as well as cover her personal travel and miscellaneous expenses.
Team 7:
Metahumans gotta stick together. Her father was one of the most effective and fearsome soldiers in the world and his allies were some of the best and most competent soldiers imaginable. Though Team 7 is largely defunct, Caitlin knows some names that can be called upon in a sincere emergency.
Trust Fund:
Caitlin has a very modest trust fund set aside by Team 7's former members. It provides a minimal stipend, enough for basics of rent and lodging and food, and covered her college education costs.
The shadowy government agency behind Team 7 and the Gen13 program, CADMUS has been a thorn in the Fairchild family side for decades. Caitlin represents both the culmination of years of research and a significant inherent dollar value. Certain elements in CADMUS have never given up on trying to reacquire her. Should an opportunity present itself, ambitious project leaders would jump at the chance to capture Caitlin and reactivate the clone soldier program.
Caitlin suffers from some mild body dysmorphia. Her self-esteem issues relate to her appearance. In her mind, she often perceives herself as a gawky, giant redhead with a disproportional everything. She forgets where her toes and elbows are in a crowd, and sometimes despairingly thinks she was better off as a mousy, unremarkable nerd.
Head and Shoulders:
Caitlin doesn't use a codename. As the only Amazonian giant graduating college who was both underage AND ahead of schedule, she attracted no small amount of media attention. She's spent several prominent years as a superhero as well, in a public setting. At 6'5" and over 350 pounds, she definitely stands out in any setting. Googling her name often yields a lot of hits of her shredding out of her clothes when she first emerged with her powers, much to her chagrin.
Hungry Hungry Hero:
Caitlin needs to consume roughly 10,000 calories a day just to maintain body mass. Vigorous exercise can easily double that. If she goes more than a few hours without eating, she'll start to get cranky and irritable. More than a few days, and her body will start consuming muscle mass to keep her moving. She can survive several weeks without food, but will be badly weakened as malnourishment sets in.
Not a Real Girl:
Caitlin has excellent documentation and identification, but a deep enough background check would confirm that she is closer to being 11 rather than being in her late 20s. Her identity is a forged one provided by the DEO. This is not due to any particular kindness on the DEO's part, but rather because the alternative would require admitting that Caitlin is a clone soldier produced by CADMUS.
Psychic Malware:
Caitlin's education and development were a forced learning process designed for the next state of super-soldier.
Conditioning triggers are buried deep in her subconscious. The extent of these triggers is not known to Caitlin, nor are the command words. Certain phrases or events, such as telepathic intrusion, can provoke a mindless hyper-aggressive state where Caitlin attacks the nearest immediate threat to herself with no awareness of her actions. This may have dire consequences for enemies and allies alike.
Caitlin is extremely loathe to do serious physical injury to humans, particularly injuries that cause severe haemhorraging wounds. She pulls her punches and disdains the use of guns or edged weapons in a fight.
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Caitlin Fairchild has
341 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Date Night pt. 2! | May 2nd, 2024 | Wally walks Caitlin home after their date. They learn brand new things about each other. |
Date Night! | April 27th, 2024 | Wally and Caitlin go on their first date together. They're both very awkward and very adorable. |
Reconnecting | April 18th, 2024 | Caitlin and Wally finally take a leap of faith. |
Easter Sunday at the Embassy | April 1st, 2024 | No description |
Quick snacks and Quick Chats. | March 29th, 2024 | Viv makes some treats for the Titans. The Titans then get into a chat about AI rights, goings on in space, and a philosophical discussion on how everyone experiences sensations in a different way. |
HUNGER: Pirates! The Trojan Horse | March 8th, 2024 | The Trojan Horse is boarded by space pirates, who are unfortunate to find that it contains Greeks. And Kryptonians, Akiar, Assassins, Space Knights and Green Lanterns. It's a bad day to be a pirate -- though as it turns out, these pirates are not a part of the eyepatch brigade after all. |
Fairchild-West Family Reunion | March 3rd, 2024 | Wally calls for a family meeting. It goes quite well! Caitlin and Wally prove to be better parents than they think, Irie is their semi-spoiled princess, and it's confirmed that the three of them really put 'all you can eat' to the ultimate test. |
Paper Cuts and Glue | February 14th, 2024 | Caitlin tends to Clara after the Danger Room incident. Wally joins in and everyone (even Caitlin!) agree to get out of the tower and have some fun. |
i defteri irioki epochi | February 13th, 2024 | Queen Antiope of Themyscira returns from the dead inexplicably. She journeys back home to find her niece Diana can fly and thousands of new Amazons live on the island, including one called Troia and another called Aikaterine. The Lasso of Hestia confirms she is who she believes she is. The Queen has returned. |
The Dragon of St. George (pt 1) | February 9th, 2024 | Patience Alperen reports to the New York Diocese and is introduced to Caitlin Fairchild. Their first objective: retrieve the Sword of St. George! |
A Truly Dangerous Room | February 1st, 2024 | Caitlin and Wally have to save Clara from a danger room session far above her capabilities. |
Hello, Paper | January 12th, 2024 | Clara meets with three of the OG Titans and gets a warm welcome and cookies. Caitlin, Wally and Donna get a demonstration of papercraft in exchange. |
Mother-Daughter night: Themyscira Embassy 1 | January 11th, 2024 | Irie visits the Themysciran Embassy with Caitlin as a continuation of their 'mother-daughter' bonding time. |
Amazon Training: Wally West | January 10th, 2024 | Wally stops by the Themysciran Embassy to do some training. Kara and Caitlin pick up on his sour disposition, but can't figure out the reason behind it. |
Titans Tower Pizza Party! | January 8th, 2024 | Irie throws a pizza party to have the titans (and their plus ones) meet her boyfriend. All goes well! |
Omni-Man: The Big Broadcast of 2024 | December 31st, 2023 | A team of heroes moves to thwart Omni-Man's plans to contact the Viltrum Empire. Mark gets more than his heart broke. Hostages saved, Maulers defeated... but was it a real win? |
A Greener Kind of Grass | December 28th, 2023 | 15 years in the future, society has never had it better with their great alliance with the P'On, an alien species eager to share. But not all is asa it seems. |
Upgrading (Breaking | December 9th, 2023 | Wally tries to fix up the T-Sub and Caitlin tries to offer some help. They start talking and Wally gets frustrated with just how skilled Caitlin is. |
Mysteries In The Desert Part Two | December 5th, 2023 | No description |
Titans 3023: Healing Time | December 4th, 2023 | You need a degree in temporal engineering to understand this scene fully. Let's just say that there was a thing. A whole thing. And then it turned out to be a whole other thing in disguise. There were shenanigans upon shenanigans, and if you thought time travel doesn't suck, you were wrong. Everyone was confused, some people decided they didn't like their future selves and other people decided they turned out pretty well all things considered, then Vorpal hit someone over the head with a Flamingo and they all went home. |
Themyscira: On What Wings Dare he Aspire | December 3rd, 2023 | The Amazons investigate what has been spooking the (flying) horses, and find out that it's a flying metal horse responsible. There's something very wrong with the automaton, but fortunately it doesn't explode. There are questions to answer, and it's possible a trip to visit Hephaestus may be the only way to get answers! |
Jane Roe Surgical Recovery | November 28th, 2023 | After Jane Roe's successful brain surgery, Caitlin Fairchild stops in for a post-op examination. |
Titans 3023: Consequentials | November 27th, 2023 | A distraught future Caitlin eavesdrops on a tricksy future Lucky who is keeping the TVA at bay even as she set in motion just enough discord to give their younger selves a better life than they had. She hopes. Caitlin and Lucky have a heart to heart. |
Titans 3023: Of Future Parentship, and Current Friendships | November 26th, 2023 | Irie gets to have a chat with present-Caitlin about the state of affairs with the fact that she's future-Cait's daughter. They realize that they're more alike than they thought and agreements are made. |
Titans3023: Well This is Complicated. | November 22nd, 2023 | Caitlin and Donna talk to Caitlin and Donna. Caitlin forgives Donna for things Caitlin hasn't forgiven Donna for, while Donna tries to protect Caitlin from Caitlin. Time travel is fucking bullshit. |
Mysteries In The Desert | November 21st, 2023 | The Titans, along with several allies, head to Egypt to begin searching for answers to what caused the explosion and where Crush's friend Mari might be. |
3023: We Need to Talk (Again) | November 21st, 2023 | Wally tracks down Caitlin aboard the Time ship and they have a much-needed heart to heart. |
Titans 3023: Mother and Daughter, Reunited | November 14th, 2023 | Future Caitlin escorts Irie to her quarters so mother and daughter can catch up. They talk, laugh, cry, and hug, and Irie's disappearance in the timeline is finally explained. |
Titans 3023: Donna comforts Caitlin | November 14th, 2023 | Caitlin and Donna rally after the explosive revelation that Caitlin is Irie's mother. The two retreat and reassure one another that all is well-- but after meeting Future Troia, neither are wholly convinced. |
The Secret of the Secret Sauce | November 13th, 2023 | Caitlin and Damian team up to find the antidote for Pyg's serum. Now if they could find a cure for their crippling social awkwardness. |
Titans 3023: Titans 2023 | November 13th, 2023 | The Titans foil a bank robbery, but the job isn't over yet. In fact it won't be for another thousand years. The revelations have only just started, but they start with a doozy. |
How about a Schwimmity-Swim | November 3rd, 2023 | No description |
Science Lab, Titans style | November 1st, 2023 | No description |
You've got a Hive in your Mind | October 29th, 2023 | Jane Roe and Jinx come to Caitlin for help getting the implant out of Jane's skull. |
Themy-Scare-Ya | October 23rd, 2023 | We did the mash. We did the monster mash. |
Another Day in Titan's Tower | October 18th, 2023 | Jon and Damian wanted to play a game. But it needed an update, so they have dinner and guests! |
Titans 3023: Wally and Cait Interlude on the Time Ship | October 18th, 2023 | Wally 2714 approaches Caitlin 3023 in the Time Sphere to try and understand her mixed reaction to his presence. He gets a lot of disappointment, and even worse: no answers. |
Titans 3023: Titans 2714! | October 16th, 2023 | The voyage of the future Titans stops off en route to the present to pick up another future Titan -- a nomad in time, Wally West, the Forever Hero. |
Taking Cir-El on a Tour of the Embassy | October 10th, 2023 | Things happened with older Caitlin player and older Cir-El Player. |
Cozumel Search and Rescue Relief | October 10th, 2023 | In the aftermath of the tsunami that struck Cozumel, a group of heroes work rescue and relief under the harsh eye of the press! |
Fast and the Furious | October 4th, 2023 | Wally and Caitlin try out the danger room at the highest setting. Cait gets injured. |
Faking Humanity=lame | September 22nd, 2023 | Kara comes to visit Caitlin during boring book reading time to talk about super important Kara stuff because she's self centered and doesn't care about other peoples personal time. |
Titans 3023:The Fate of Worlds | September 10th, 2023 | The Titans of 3023 continue to gather - this time it's Raven's turn to be recruited, and everyone is studiously polite to everyone else, unless they're innocent bystanders. |
Kandor: The Last of Krypton | September 3rd, 2023 | The planet New Krypton is founded, the bottled city of Kandor is restored to some form of its splendor. But then the Oans make their move, sending a force of Lanterns and battle spheres to destroy the Kryptonians once and for all. The heroes of Earth clue by four the Lanterns in to the reality of the situation and the tide of the battle is turned... but at what cost? |
Working (Breaking | August 31st, 2023 | Wally and Caitlin finally talk candidly about feelings while working on the T-Jet. |
A Rope Is Not A Hammer | August 27th, 2023 | Caitlin's getting better at the lasso, but it turns out the Amazons may have more of a call for her engineering skills than her rope work. |
Cooking For Dummies | August 26th, 2023 | Wally tries to cook for the Titans. It doesn't really work out. Thankfully, Caitlin saves the day! Feat. Vivian Vision and Golden Eagle. |
GO. HAVE. FUN! | August 24th, 2023 | Wally gets Caitlin out of the lab! Things take a rather stunning turn! |
Titans 3023: Lucky For Some | August 21st, 2023 | If you're going to wander through empty passages of deep space in a rusting old escape pod with a tree growing out of it, you'll have to be very Lucky to be rescued by a couple of old friends who just happened to be passing through. |
Brand New Exhibit | August 20th, 2023 | Alura and Caitlin are whisked away from Earth by a 'Collector' who thinks he's just hit paydirt by capturing a Kryptonian. |
Titans 3023: Part One | August 19th, 2023 | In 3023, Caitlin Fairchild travels across the universe to retrieve Troia from her travels. A problem is unravelling on Earth that only the Titans can fix. |
Thinking with Kryptonian Portals | August 18th, 2023 | Preparations for the settlement of New Krypton are well underway. Caitlin and Monet are the first humans to set foot on the planet. |
Kandor: City of Hope | July 30th, 2023 | The House of El and their allies head back in to the Bottle of Kandor to find out what really happened. But their hearts ache doing nothing and instead take matters in to their own hands... |
Lets Soar | July 27th, 2023 | No description |
Titans: Prospecting Golden Eagle | July 25th, 2023 | Golden Eagle stops by Titan's Tower, and is welcomed with a Guest Pass by Caitlin Farchild. |
The Four Treasures: The Lotus-Eaters | July 24th, 2023 | The three Titans who were tricked by Fae partygoers into falling into a Fae Sleep dream that they are the comic book creators behind the successful Titans comic. The Titans go into their dream to show them just how crazy the notion that the Titans are just a bunch of comic book characters really is. OR the three creators of the Titans comic book got ensorcelled to believe that the stories in their comic book are real and they're members of the fictional super team the Titans. Take your pick. |
This is how the Flaxans have their pic-nic | July 8th, 2023 | Douglas, Caitlin, Mark and Nettie stop a Flaxan incursion! |
Those White Sandy Beaches | July 7th, 2023 | Caitlin takes Kara to visit Themyscira. |
Caitlin's Day Off | June 28th, 2023 | Wally tries to help Caitlin...and she ends up helping him. |
Kandor: The Future of Krypton | June 25th, 2023 | A meeting of minds to discuss the future of Krypton when a future Kryptonian drops in unannounced. |
Queens in the Park | June 23rd, 2023 | Caitlin and Mary Jane get an invite from Frigga to the Midsummer feast at the Asgardian Embassy in return for stories. |
The Four Treasures: Consequential Rules | June 22nd, 2023 | In the wake of the fairy ball Jinx, Caitlin, and Terry talk failures and support. |
Work Hard, Play Hard | June 20th, 2023 | Caitlin beats Wally at Video games. Donna, Bart, and Kian come down to say hello and the group eventually decides to run a Danger Room training. |
Training Titan Tanks | June 16th, 2023 | Hank Hall joins Caitlin Fairchild for a little team tactics in the Danger Room. |
Around the Tower In Five Seconds Flat | June 16th, 2023 | Wally comes bearing gifts. Caitlin Fairchild, Donna Troy, and Jinx scare the life out of him before it's beer o'clock! |
Tuning the WonderBow | June 14th, 2023 | While doing some maintenance on her bow, Kate confides in Caitlin her concerns about her father's shady past. |
The Return of Wally West | June 11th, 2023 | Wally West returns to Titans Tower! He flirts with Caitlin (much to her irritation) and manages to convince Nadia to teach him martial arts. There's also COOKIES! |
The Four Treasures: A Quest | May 28th, 2023 | The Titans have a shared dream, and the two seneschals of the Seelie and Unseelie courts, who may or may not be the same person, visit the Tower to explain it to them and give them a quest. |
Captain of Everywhere: The Galactic Protector | May 18th, 2023 | Bart, Cait, and Jinx watch the crappy movie that stars a rip off of Jinx. No royalties were ever paid. But the movie is even worse than they imagined it to be. Apparently there's dozens of sequels in the future! |
So, Hit It Already! | May 14th, 2023 | No description |
Lost and Frowned | May 10th, 2023 | Jinx, Colette, and Cait go to fetch Jinx's piece of the occulus infinitum but run in to trouble when they encounter some HIVE drones there first. HIVE gets away with Jinx's stored piece. |
Themyscira: Hunting a Different Unicorn | May 5th, 2023 | Caitlin and Donna slay a mythical unicorn known as a kartozonos. |
Ready Player --- | April 25th, 2023 | Caitlin, Terry and Gar spend some downtime beating each other up and then having pizza. It makes sense in context, I swear! |
Future Speedsters and Emotional Support Amazons | April 24th, 2023 | Irie is sad because Maddie's returning to California. Bart, Caitlin and Donna cheer her up with ice cream and reminders she's not alone. |
Four-Legged Arrival | April 6th, 2023 | Cosmo the Space Dog comes to Earth in search of a Bad Man. |
You Can't Hide Your Birthday Forever, Cat | March 28th, 2023 | It started as a birthday party and ended in a proposal. Nothing ever goes quite as you expect it around here! |
Tuning it up under the hood | March 27th, 2023 | Nadia, Shuri, Valeria and Caitlin get together in Titan's Tower to solve a safety problem in the Tereshkova. |
HYDRA and the Fall of New York | March 26th, 2023 | HYDRA attacks New York City with giant teleporting super sentinel robots. The heroes are ready and they respond in kind. |
Coffee In the Afternoon | March 26th, 2023 | Cait needs coffee, Bart has fruit, Donna hates time travel, Terry found that there is such a thing as too much glitter, and Raven has a new ringtone. |
Lazy Titan Day | March 25th, 2023 | Several Titans enjoy a little social time with each other in the Tower. |
Astra's Final Solution - Peace | March 24th, 2023 | The Superfriends travel to Revolution Day, an important event in Kryptonian history when the Hegemony was toppled and the future of the planet was decided. It is here they find Astra about to change history for the worst; and also who was really behind it all - a god named Vohc. |
Boardwalk and Talk | March 11th, 2023 | In which luck is discussed and the Condiment King wisely backs away. |
Astra's Final Solution - Project P718 | March 11th, 2023 | The Superfriends travel back farther in to Krypton's past than they intended and find themselves locked in to a fixed point in time, the birth moment of Brainiac. They calibrate their time travel instruments and move on and totally didn't stop a nuclear apocalypse at all. Ssssh. |
Astra's Final Solution - The Time Machine | February 25th, 2023 | When Astra In-Ze turns up in a scout ship declaring she's |
Titans: Touring Columbia University | February 20th, 2023 | Wanting to learn more about university life, Crush takes Caitlin Fairchild up on her offer of a tour of Columbia University. |
Don't Tell Kian | February 18th, 2023 | Kían's away so it's wing day. Except Kían came back early, discovered the Titans eating wings, and had to be placated with psychoactive Korean hot sauce. |
A Worker Bee in the Wild | January 31st, 2023 | Jinx takes some Titans on a field trip to prove to them how insideous HIVE truly are |
Patron of the Arts | January 14th, 2023 | Jinx wants to scope out Donna's photography exhibit so she can steal the goods later. She takes Harley because why not combine two good things in one. It goes badly for Jinx, however, as she realises she's walked in to a den of Titans and Wonder Woman. Eventually one of the Titan's who knows her face walks in and the shirt hits the fan. Captured, Jinx gives the best reason she can why she shouldn't be sent back to jail... HIVE. |
Billy Kaplan's Terrible No Good Bad Just Awful Day | January 12th, 2023 | Caitlin and Kían try to rescue Billy, who isn't having a great day. Little do they know— |
The End(less) | December 30th, 2022 | Vic and Cait set up an experiment to figure out why Irie keeps aging. The experiment goes terribly wrong, yet also very right. Irie witnesses the last day of Earth's history alongside the Endless, gets to discuss the future of Wonderland with Dream, and comes home all better. (Note: this is a backscene set shortly before |
A Titan's Christmas 2023 (pt 1) | December 27th, 2022 | Donna, Gar, Wally and Caitlin meet to swap gifts and enjoy some Christmas baking, courtesy of Caitlin. |
bezhgam vo Themyscira! | December 9th, 2022 | Alura is welcomed to Themyscira by Donna, Diana, Hippolyta and Monet. She seems more concerned with the revelations about showers and horses than those about superpowers. |
Space Lex 17: Destination Moon | December 6th, 2022 | The Titans return to the moon to recover the satellite launched from Space Lex 17, and run into some alien scavengers. They get a hint of why it went wrong, and convince the aliens to change to different line of business. |
Phantom In-Ze | December 4th, 2022 | Alura makes a desperate attempt to escape the Phantom Zone. Thankfully family and friends turned up and helped out, taking a leap of faith. Welcome to ,Rth, Alura In-Ze. |
Space Lex 17: A Story Full of Holes part 2. | November 27th, 2022 | The Titans Team Science! does what they do best, SCIENCE!ing the data from the mystery satellite from the Space LeX 17 mission. The conclusion: Lex Luthor's story is false, it probably /is/ a space weapon, it's remarkably dangerous, and a day trip to the Moon sounds like fun. |
A Baker's Pair | November 8th, 2022 | Dawn Granger catches Caitlin in the kitchen and they talk about how Hank has changed, thanks to Dawn's influence. |
The Midnight Carnival | October 22nd, 2022 | Some Titans and friends go to visit the Midnight Carnival. For those who enter the red tent, the finale is distinctly on the spooky side. |
GIRL: Double Jeopardy | October 18th, 2022 | Our intrepid adventurers go before the Ranagar High Council and it appears there is more behind the problems on Rann than anyone thought. So, Nadia is placed under house arrest while Ranagar figures out if her story about an evil clone is true. |
A Mouse's Tale - An Explanation | October 17th, 2022 | Kaida shares a lot about herself and a bit of what she knows about a new threat. |
Themysciran Embassy Dinner | October 16th, 2022 | Diana invites a few people over for dinner and drinks, and chit chat! |
Hawk Surprise - Tastes Like Chicken | October 13th, 2022 | Cooking shows, sturdy clothes, and dating woes. |
It Finally Dawned on her | October 12th, 2022 | Dawn corners Caitlin in the gym to ask some tough questions about Hank and Don. |
Two Red Menaces Meet for Coffee | October 6th, 2022 | Betty Ross reaches out to her old colleague Caitlin Fairchild, knowing the Titan is one of the few people aware of her 'death' and resurrection. |
Green Day: Age Me Up When September Ends | October 4th, 2022 | The Titans gather to surprise Gar and celebrate his 21st birthday, and he's reminded of differences between the family you end up a part of and the family you create and grow with others. |
Glitter And Be --- | September 28th, 2022 | A little glitter, a little coffee, a little Freddie and the nightmares that Donna will give him. And the legend of Terry O'Neil, Galactic Mule. |
Goddess of Hammers | September 23rd, 2022 | Thor Girl and Caitlin Fairchild stop a monster. |
A Themysciran Visit to Wakanda | September 20th, 2022 | The Amazons visit Wakanda, and King T'Challa shares plans with them that will change the world. |
GIRL: Nefarious AIMs | September 17th, 2022 | AIM's presence on Rann is confirmed in a sky battle with war zeppelins and the city of Ranagar is revealed to have come under recent siege. |
A Procedure for Moving Through Labyrinths | September 13th, 2022 | Caitlin and Donna explore a labyrinth on Themyscira, where they meet an ancient man who is much less than he seems. |
Pure Research | September 10th, 2022 | Cait has some biological facts that Kían wasn't ready for. |
Resonants: Nidavellir Pt. 2 | September 7th, 2022 | The delegation and the dwarfs discuss the form of the artifact to take and make plans for the crafting of it. |
Myth Apprehensions | September 7th, 2022 | Diplomacy is complicated. And some people have no sense of fashion. |
Resonants: Jotunheim Part 2 | September 6th, 2022 | The finale! Who will will the Tug OF WAR! |
My World and Welcome To It. | August 31st, 2022 | Birdworld is visited. One more visitor than was planned on shows up. And all moms all over the universe are embarrassing to their kids. |
Job Fair! | August 29th, 2022 | With tens of thousands in attendance, the only hiccup was taken care of by a little robot that should feel pretty good about himself. |
Resonants: Alfheim Pt. 3 | August 26th, 2022 | The heroes enjoy their time in Alfheim and emerge with the boon of a queen and the artifact so needed. |
Welcome to Paradise | August 25th, 2022 | The visitors to the island arrive via the Jet and are given a honored reception! |
Kora the Explora | August 24th, 2022 | Diana, Donna, and Caitlin approach Kora to tell her that she gets to reenact 'Coming to America' but as a Themysciran! - This is set 2 months ago ICly. |
Resonants: Sneaking Svartalfheim | August 19th, 2022 | Svartalfheim artifact is retrieved. And probably a war between Asgard/Midgard and the Dark Elves Maaaay have been started. |
Resonants: Alfheim pt. 2 | August 12th, 2022 | The heroes participate in the hunt and acquire a trophy as well as the favor of the Queen! |
An Education | August 7th, 2022 | Closing scene from previous player |
A Tool for Peace | August 1st, 2022 | Madison has proven herself in the field without a weapon of her own, so Vic determined to build her a lightsaber-- as befits a Jedi! Now she must still her mind and focus on her powers to bring the tool for peace into precise alignment. |
Sometimes bombs explode, sometimes they squeak | July 27th, 2022 | No description |
Resonants: And an Archaeologist! | July 25th, 2022 | Lara Croft Get! |
Resonants: We Need Another Mage! | July 24th, 2022 | Thor, Sif, and Caitlin travel to speak with Zatanna about her aid in their effort to gather suitable artifacts. |
Resonants: Vanaheim | July 21st, 2022 | The Vanaheim artifact is secured but not until after a few challenges must be overcome! |
Dream a Little Dream for Me | July 13th, 2022 | Raven's plan to free Vorpal from forever dreaming Wonderland takes her and Donna to the heart of all dreams, but there are other interested parties to consider. |
Innerspace! | July 12th, 2022 | The Titans save the day! The nasty microdart is removed, and Kara will be able to start recovering. |
The Prodigal Daughter Returns | July 8th, 2022 | No description |
Wonderland: If I had a world of my own | July 3rd, 2022 | The Titans save wonderland, but manage to misplace a cat in the process. |
Resonants: So Here's the Thing | July 2nd, 2022 | Thor has a gathering of worthies and sets matters in motion! |
The Diplomatic Approach | June 28th, 2022 | Gladys and Madison are invited to the Themysciran Embassy, where they meet with Donna, Caitlin, and Diana to talk about Madison's involvement with the Titans. Gladys reluctantly gives her approval of Madison's future as a super hero. |
Wonderland: It's The Wonders That I'm After | June 20th, 2022 | The Titans find Uffish, but learn that you can't even trust your own shadow nowadays. What is the world coming to? |
So... what's new | June 20th, 2022 | Donna confesses a whole bunch of doubts, and Caitlin comforts. It's a bit of an inversion of their normal relationship, but only a bit. |
GIRL: Return to Rann | June 12th, 2022 | The Rannian Rescue Team gets knocked out of Hyperspace, finds a graveyard of wrecked ships, meets genuine SPACE PIRATES, almost gets absorbed by a two dimensional void creature, and then Irie saves the day in spectacular style! (Also ages 10 years /again/. Seriously no more Speed Force or you're grounded!) |
The Last Titan: Last No More | June 8th, 2022 | The Titans present evidence to Troia that she isn't actually real. She takes it quite well, all things considered. |
The Last Titan:New Kronos | May 30th, 2022 | A mission of GIRLS and TITANS heads to Alpha Draconis to find out if the New Kronos that appears to have been blended with the tower is the real thing or not. The ship is damaged by an ancient defense system and forced to land on a planet that has twice suffered vast wars, and the team is landed in the middle of a much smaller one. With the help of a group of Titans who were dragged to Alpha Draconis by the Titans of Myth, they end the war and bring a chance of peace to the battled word. It becomes clear that the New Kronos at Titans Tower, and the Troia who inhabits it, are just a bad dream. But how can the sleeper be awakened? |
Asgardian Gathering | May 25th, 2022 | A small gathering was held for the Asgardians and company for after the incident in Trollheim. |
The Last Titan: A visit from mom. | May 24th, 2022 | Caitlin and Diana bring Hippolyta to meet Troia, who clearly is not the woman that Donna is. She does however promise to do whatever is in her power to help the three of them, even if she does not believe that getting their version of Troia back is even a thing. |
Trollheim or Bust | May 21st, 2022 | Korek is faced. Ulik is back on the throne. Caitlin punches a dragon. |
The Problem With Getting Into Trollheim | May 18th, 2022 | The team of heroes invesigate Trollheim and find out much of interest. |
You're Gonna Be Cool, Right | May 11th, 2022 | Thor and Jane seek Loki and find a Vintridr and Caitlin as well. Plans are discussed on what to do with the current troll situation. |
Wonderland: Who Are You | May 10th, 2022 | In which our intrepid Titans tumble into the fungal forest and stumble into a slugfest in search of answers. And someone's stash. |
The Last Titan: Training Montage | May 8th, 2022 | Caitlin tries to connect with Troia, but just leaves angry. |
Don't Mind the Mustard! | May 5th, 2022 | Titans talk about Titans in the freshly appearing Kitchen. |
Themyscira: The Truth About Donna | May 1st, 2022 | Caitlin and Diana fly to Themyscira for an emergency meeting with Megala and Hippolyta. Their objective: to learn the truth about Donna's origins, once and for all. |
Origin Story | April 29th, 2022 | The Archivist drops by Titans Tower and brings donuts. Irie blurts out the truth, but nobody seems to want to listen. Also, there are hugs. So many hugs. |
Time to Wake up and Smell the Trouble | April 29th, 2022 | The Titans check in on Crush, find her mostly recovered. Conversation leads toward the half-Czarnian planning to hang out at the Tower, learn to fight with a team, and other entertaining things... oh, and apparently she's going to learn how to paint miniatures... thanks Maddie. |
The Last Titan: It's super-confusing | April 12th, 2022 | Kara and Caitlin visit Troia in the throne room at New Kronos, and learn a history of the /other/ Titans. The question is: how closely does that history resemble reality? |
The Last Titan: Are you SURE you are who you are | April 9th, 2022 | The Titans try to persuade Troia she's someone called Donna, while Madison is more concerned in ensuring that the last scion of an ancient pantheon should get the chance to see Star Wars. |
The Looking Glass: The Last Titan | April 3rd, 2022 | Look, honestly it's all very confusing. Donna isn't Donna any more and the tower is a MESS. On the other hand, there's a way into Wonderland available now. |
Path of Glory: Closing the Circle | March 21st, 2022 | Donna initiates project 'Smooth Things Out Between Caitlin And Jon Sims'. Her secret weapons: shutting up occasionally, and Korean food. |
Metroplwasn't: Debrief | March 18th, 2022 | The Titans and their allies meet to plan on what to do about Wonderland. And everything will go down smoothly. |
Depths of Deviancy | March 6th, 2022 | Kids have gone missing. A group of heroes come in to look into things and help, and find out there's something far worse behind it. And they have to start down the path of those that have fallen into the hard times.. Of Deviancy. |
Metropolisn't: Alice Well That Ends Well | March 1st, 2022 | The Titans and their allies go to take the fight to The Alice Who Isn't An Alice. Things get weird. And then they get weirder still. |
Path of Glory: The Twelve Hours of Night (Part II) | February 28th, 2022 | Jon makes his way through the rebirth process of the Duat with the assistance of Caitlin, Lady Death, and Cael. |
Path of Glory: To Its Setting | February 26th, 2022 | The Gate of Blood is conquered with the timely re-emergence of Lady Death. The Travellers reunite with Jon in the Hall of Judgement and, after awakening him to his former life, move to take on the Devourer of Souls, Ammit in hopes that they can right what is wrong with the cyclic nature of life and death. |
Path of Glory: The Rising of the Sun | February 26th, 2022 | Lydia leads the majority of those who are needed into the Duat where they meet three of the guardians of the common man. Passing the gates of fire and ice were simple enough, but the guardian of the gate of blood is an altogether different matter. |
Path of Glory: The Road to Duat | February 22nd, 2022 | No description |
Talking about the Times | February 21st, 2022 | Sarah Rainmaker meets Caitlin Fairchild after Caitlin is freed from Michael's influence. Sarah realizes that Caitlin has to figure out where she stands on her own. And Sarah neglects to bring up something important that she promised. |
Path of Glory: Deliver Us From Evil | February 19th, 2022 | The final Wellspring, the Wellspring of Death, is protected from the forces of Heaven. But considering the cost, the lives of Lady Death and Jonathan Sims was it truly worth it? |
Path of Glory: At A Loss | February 9th, 2022 | After Caitlin's disasterous fall from grace, Donna finds her holed up at her brother's house and offers words of comfort. |
So, About Jon... | February 7th, 2022 | Cael meets with Caitlin to inform her of the plan to rescue Jon from the underworld. |
Path of Glory: His Name Shall Endure | February 5th, 2022 | Another decisive victory is had by the Resistance at the Wellspring of Earth (the Ginko at Isham Park.) But while Michael is sealed away by Lydia & Co. at Central Park, Metatron takes control of the forces of Heaven, threatneing to lay waste to everything as he is not part of the game agreed upon by Michael, Gaea, and the Unknown third player. |
Path of Glory: Witness Against the Witch(blade) | February 3rd, 2022 | The confrontation at the Wellspring of Air at the Non-Violence Statue in front of UN headquarters ends in another victory for the Resistance. But one of the heavy hitters for the Resistance, Sara Pezinni, comes out of the battle in dire straits after suffering the wrath of Barachiel. |
Path of Glory: He Shall Have Dominion | January 22nd, 2022 | The Reistance scores yet another decisive victory over the angelic hosts. The Champions face off and find themselves rather equally matched. In the end, the divisive strike from Lady Death turns the tide and the Hell Lord pays with her body once more even as she throttles the advantage of Michael's demise. |
Path of Glory: Champion versus Rider | January 10th, 2022 | The titanic clash between Caitlin Fairchild and the Ghost Rider is cut short by the sudden arrival of Jon Sims and Donna Troy. |
Some Good Catholic Guilt | January 8th, 2022 | Terry comes to St. Patrick's to try and dissuade Caitlin from the path of righteous fury. |
The Word of Batman | January 8th, 2022 | In an effort to dissuade her from joining Michael, Batman tries to break Caitlin Fairchild's resolve. She proves to be more resilient than expected. |
Path of Glory: All Kings Shall Fall | January 6th, 2022 | The Battle with the Vanguard of the Hosts and Michael's champion almost ends in victory but a rebolstering of the enemy at the final moments pushes the defense force to retreat. |
An Intervention Crisis of Faith | January 5th, 2022 | On New Year's Day, Donna Troy makes one last effort to reach out to Caitlin Fairchild and caution her about the upcoming Judgement of the Heavenly Host. Her efforts earn only a painful rebuke. |
Gen13 Flashback: Rainmaker's Post-Rescue | January 5th, 2022 | Flashback to 2019: Caitlin helps Sarah Rainmaker get settled into her new life in New York shortly after being rescued. |
Jonathan Sims: Criminal Mastermind | December 30th, 2021 | Cael seeks out Caitlin, to try to explain just who the young Titan is working for. Neither of them convinces the other. |
Experiencing Themysciran's Embassy | December 28th, 2021 | Monet St. Croix visits the Themysciran Embassy and meets Caitlin and Donna. |
Seeking a sense of the miraculous | December 27th, 2021 | Johnny Blaze turns up to pray at St. Patrick's Cathedral-- and to warn Caitlin that Michael is not the ally he pretends to be. |
Spying on the Enemy | December 26th, 2021 | Jon visits St. Patrick's again, and runs across Caitlin Fairchild--who's had a bit of a change recently. They have a discussion about religion, and Jon delivers a warning. Caitlin's going to pray for him, for whatever good that will do. |
Path of Glory: Calling the Faithful | December 21st, 2021 | The Archangel Michael senses a useful servant in Caitlin Fairchild and visits her dreams to urge her to join his cause. |
Do Not Cross The Tape | December 19th, 2021 | The JLD returns to the Laughing Magician to ward it and close it up so no one will mess with the place. Some other people show up too--the Black Knight and Caitlin Fairchild. Minions of Lucifer cause trouble, Cael retreats when Caitlin calls on Michael, and there's potential trouble brewing between the JLD and Titans... |
Metropolisn't: The Anomaly Garden | December 7th, 2021 | The heroes enter the Anomaly Garden to find a missing Navy base. Wonderland has truly come to Metropolis. |
Splash 2: The Return | December 7th, 2021 | Garth comes back to the tower after a long absence, to find nothing has changed at all. Yyyeaah... right. |
Birds in the Tower | December 5th, 2021 | Kían's family meets more of the team, and aren't scared off. |
Don't Call Me Xena | November 21st, 2021 | Caitlin and Donna take Hank to visit the Themysciran embassy and learn a bit about the Amazons they are both a part of. Hank likes the statues, and likes the fact that he's back with friends he can talk about serious issues with once more. |
Another Piece of the Puzzle Back In Place | November 19th, 2021 | Cait and Hank catch up and Hank's return to the Titans is all but formalized. |
An Old Bird Returns to the Nest | November 12th, 2021 | Hank Hall returns to Titans Tower after four years absences. Tensions rise but, for the moment, everything seems to not be too destructive. Rough waters but not beyond hope. |
Readjustment Period | November 12th, 2021 | More of Hank's return 'party.' The tension is palpable, but Vorpal and The (Other) Flash are there to bring things back down to Earth. In a way. |
A dose of culture | November 9th, 2021 | No description |
Guess Who's Back, Back Again. Gar is Back, Tell A Friend. | November 8th, 2021 | Gar returns from business on the West Coast to find things around the Tower involving Roombas and glitter haven't changed very much. |
Bringing best friends to the Tower! | November 7th, 2021 | Irie brings her best friend Madison out to tour the Tower. Instead she finds a bunch of Titans there and they all get introduced. Eventually everything comes back to Star Wars and they end their evening watching some Empire. |
For Whom the Curry Tolls | November 4th, 2021 | And Benadryl is your friend, even to Amazons. |
Looking for advice on changes. | October 27th, 2021 | And the Ottoman revolution begins. |
Green as a gooseberry. | October 19th, 2021 | The Titans celebrate Damian and Gar's birthdays. There is sugar. There is a /lot/ of sugar.
So much sugar. |
Titan Memories 2012: In the Beginning | October 17th, 2021 | It's 2012 and the Alien Alliance invasion is in full swing. While the adult superheroes plan their way of dealing with things, a Khund assault team in Metropolis discovers that there are a few younger heroes left behind who have no intention of sitting this one out. Heroics are performed, the first real step to the founding of the Titans is taken, and it all ends with a BOOYAH! |
Maiden Voyage: Welcome to Rann | October 3rd, 2021 | Our intrepid explorers help Sarnath test his Zeta Beam technology allowing Cyborg and Vivian Vision to join them on Rann. Then an alien feast is enjoyed and plans are laid to go see the 'unicorn kitties'! |
Cultural Flexing on Themyscira | September 27th, 2021 | Diana, Caitlin and Donna torment Terry and Gar on Themyscira. Terry torments Gar, too. Gar flees. |
GIRL: Maiden Voyage | September 27th, 2021 | An intrepid band of GIRLs set out on the maiden voyage of their spaceship and arrive at the planet Rann. What adventures await them there?! Tune in next time and find out! |
Titans Tower: September Meal | September 24th, 2021 | Caitlin feeds the Titans, and she gets a nervous breakdown for her troubles (Good Job, Terry) |
Shi'ar: Primordial Forces | September 22nd, 2021 | In search of answers, John Stewart visits the Guardians of the Galaxy for information about the mysterious Phoenix and the object known as the M'kraan Crystal. |
Experimental Data | September 1st, 2021 | Kara and Caitlin spend some time catching up in the labs. |
Themyscira: It's Raining Men | August 28th, 2021 | Caitlin and Donna report to the council on Themyscira, where a war of words breaks out and shift in ancient political balances take place. |
In Themyscira | August 26th, 2021 | On Themyscira, Titans talk of swords and size and lights leading the way. |
Erebos: Themysciran Epilogue | August 17th, 2021 | After enduring the steps of Erebos and the battle on the island, Cait and Donna reflect on their trip up the steps and what it means for their path going forward. |
In Erebos: Catching Caitlin | August 15th, 2021 | Caitlin falls, Donna flies. They almost fight, but end up hugging instead. Nadia joins them, and the three go Up. |
In Erebos: The Gates of Doom | August 13th, 2021 | The Titans in Tartarus reach the top of the stairs just minutes ahead of the army of undead centaurs, but fortunately Diana has already sent word home to be on the alert, and brought extra Titans as reinforcements. The army of Themyscira and the Titans join together in an epic battle for the defense of Paradise Island, and a law that has stood for two thousand years is set aside - for the first time since the rise of Rome, men step foot on Themysciran soil, in recognition of the service they have done the Amazons. |
Heartbeats and Airwaves | August 7th, 2021 | Kara scans other dimensions with a magic rock. Caitlin, Bart, and Donna have questions. |
In Erebos: The Ascent | July 16th, 2021 | Some of the Titans climb a staircase. |
In Erebos: The Decision | July 16th, 2021 | The Titans travelling through Tartarus are standing on the threshhold of the way out when they decide to take the long way around to the Bronze Gate instead, in the hope of saving Themyscira. Except for Raven, who opts for the Iron Gate in the hope of saving reality. |
In Erebos: Tartarus Awaits | June 28th, 2021 | The Titans travel through Tartarus, and it's a surprisingly peaceful journey. They charm a three headed dog and almost get in trouble for having picked the wrong name, but finally get to the Gates of Iron - where a mysterious woman tells them they're at the wrong gate. |
The Overdue Fees Will be Huge! | June 21st, 2021 | Caitlin Fairchild reunites with the Asgardian Kelda Stormrider, recently returned to Midgard. |
A Clone Comes Calling | June 19th, 2021 | Ben Reilly approaches Caitlin Fairchild for some medical advice. He ends up getting invited to stay in the Titan's guest quarters. |
Scenes From An Italian Restaurant (Trap Remix) | June 17th, 2021 | Toni's birthday party is a reasonable success. Gift bags are given out. Linguistics are raised. A warm vibe is established, and much delicious food is had. NEXT ISSUE - A TITAN *DIES* |
GIRLs and Their Secrets | June 15th, 2021 | A wild car ride and a spaceship viewing later, Caitlin Joins the Party! |
Titan Memories 2015: The Tower. | June 12th, 2021 | Caitlin, Dick and Donna get to visit the finished Titans Tower for the first time. |
In Erebos: Pandora's Box | June 5th, 2021 | The Titans bust an underground sale of magical artifacts, and some of them get eaten by a box that sends them straight to hell. Or to be more accurate, Tartarus. |
Themysciran Arts | May 26th, 2021 | The Themysciran Arts Center debuts its offerings to the public. The Center will be a bastion of immersing the public of the mortal world in all things related to paradise island. Caitlin Fairchild is welcomed in to the Amazon ranks, and a squirrel eats a hot dog that is bigger than its own body. |
On the Trail of Spooky Shadows | May 17th, 2021 | Sif comes to Earth looking for SHIELD, and answers. Caitlin Fairchild brings her to Bobbi Morse. Friendships and loyalties are affirmed. |
Titan Memories 2012: Donna and Caitlin Meet Again | May 16th, 2021 | Back in 2012, Donna and Caitlin meet in less stressful circumstances. This time Caitlin manages not to tear her hair out, and Donna manages to wrangle a discount. |
No, You Can't Keep a Megalodon. | April 30th, 2021 | Donna and Cait introduce Nadia and Vivian to the delights of Amazon SCIENCE! There are giant sharks, superblacksmiths, steam engines and the distant descendents of the Antikythera mechanism |
Forged in Fire | April 9th, 2021 | Themyscira: Caitlin and Donna discuss their voyage to the heart of the Amazon's sacred island, and Caitlin is presented her first set of personal armor. |
Welcome Home, Amazons | March 29th, 2021 | The Amazons return to the Tower |
A Wonderful Birthday | March 26th, 2021 | The Amazons and Titans celebrate Diana's birthday on Themyscira, and it becomes a double celebration when Caitlin returns succesfully from her quest, an Amazon. |
To Be an Amazon | March 21st, 2021 | It is time, at last. Diana and Donna accompany Caitlin to the edge of the Enchanted Forest of Themyscira, to see her off on a journey of self-discovery from which she will return a true Amazon. |
Themysciran Vacation: The Second Day | March 14th, 2021 | Where the visitors to Themyscira learn that a traditional Themysciran breakfast involves swords and hammers, but not plankton. |
Themyscira Vacation: Welcome to the Island | March 5th, 2021 | The ladies of the Titans ride the Invisible Plane to Themyscira, paradise home of the Amazons. They are met by Diana and Hippolyta, mount beasts, and ride on to the great city where feasting and celebration awaits! |
DoppelGang: A Den of Thieves | March 2nd, 2021 | A friendly doppelganger gives the Titans a lead on an undercover DoppelMission to do... something. Portal technology is involved. An Italian mutant who thinks he's the Pope is involved. DoppelPrisoners are taken for questioing, and DoppelTech is taken for sciencing. |
A Star(kid) is Born | February 28th, 2021 | No description |
Healing Diana | February 28th, 2021 | Cassie, Caitlin, Donna and Toni accompany Phoebe to Diana's bedside to see if Phoebe's healing magic can wake Diana from her coma. |
Bad Cassie: Finale | February 26th, 2021 | The Titans confront Cassie's extradimensional doppleganger in Cambodia. A prisoner exchange is attempted, with treachery on... both sides? Mooks are routed, or destroyed, depending on their degree of human-ness. The Silent Armor reacts violently to Raven's presence, launching a (very 1-sided) vendetta, but is met by Donna Troy. Terry spirits Helena Sandsmark to safety, among assorted hijinx. Toni shows her heroism, but learns the risks, with a timely save from Viv. And finally, as Diana Prince returns, healed from her injuries and with her true sidekick at her side, Raven is able to cleave the armor from its wearer, where it is bound, hammered down by Caitlin's strength, and ultimately banished. Bassie (the BAD Cassie) ends up bound and subdued, and bound for imprisonment in her own universe's Themyscira. |
Memento: A Moment of Calm | February 10th, 2021 | Mori celebrates her belated birthday with some pretty cool friends, like a normal person! |
Another You: Let The Fur Fly | February 9th, 2021 | Gar vs. Gar. May the best Beast Boy win! Hint: it helps to have a team backing you up. Plus, a strange observer gets involved. |
Themyscira: Vigil for Diana | February 8th, 2021 | Donna, Caitlin, Terry, and Gar meet at Diana's bedside to discuss options for the Titans' next move. |
One night at the gym | February 2nd, 2021 | Training and Meetup at Titans Tower |
Bad Cassie, Part II | January 29th, 2021 | Caitlin and Donna rush to investigate the Invisible Jet's distress call, and locate an unconscious Diana. Cassie is discovered tied up in the trunk of her car. After verifying her identity, they scramble to take Diana for treatment, locate Helena Sandsmark, and gather whatever they need to fight her Silent Armor-powered doppleganger. |
Another You: The Incredibly Shrinking Micronauts | January 19th, 2021 | In order for Gar to have more time to heal, Nadia takes the boys to a world... of pure imagination (and science.) |
It Came from the Deep: Into the Abyss | January 17th, 2021 | A city is saved, a Simulacrum put to rest, and an Ancient Evil unleashed. Also Meggan is secretly a sparkly bright shining glitter princess. |
TJ Phone Home | January 14th, 2021 | Pizza Party with X-men and Titans to hand off a Ragamuffin Waif Stray to them |
It's A Stone Cold World | January 11th, 2021 | Iason runs afoul of the law, but fortunately the Titans and Outsiders come to set him straight. The Themysciran Embassy is about to get a new statue, for now. |
Another You: Scars Without and Within | January 11th, 2021 | Caitlin and Gar discuss avenues towards his recovery. |
Must be Monday | January 5th, 2021 | Caitlin and Kate mull ove the Dopple Problem |
The Fairest Child | January 2nd, 2021 | No description |
Titans New Years Special | December 31st, 2020 | The Titans have their own New-Years party, with blackjack and plakous... and sbiten. |
=The Amazon Conspiracy | December 26th, 2020 | No description |
Titans Holiday Party - The Wintering | December 23rd, 2020 | The Titans Holiday party, where there was much merryment, good cheer.... and glitter. And drunk raccoons. |
ZZGU: Themyscira | December 21st, 2020 | A new name, a new home, a new future. The fallen Kara Zor-El of another Earth has been granted the mercy of the Amazons. Zosime will learn to be a new person, one better suited to her name, one that honors the House of El instead of desecrates it. Themyscira on another world learns that the future of their entire world is in their hands. |
Service Long Overdue | December 14th, 2020 | Caitlin brings Terry to Mass, just before Christmas. |
ZZGU: Stronger Together | December 13th, 2020 | The Justice League, The Titans, SHIELD, and the DEO enter another Earth to fight a space horror named Zhed'Zhud'Ger'Uth before it can launch a full on assault against our Earth. One niggling detail, there's another Kara Zor-El and she's a bit insane in the membrane. The heroes fight on both fronts and win the day. For some measure of win. (kaboom x many) |
Close Encounters of the Guardian Kind | December 4th, 2020 | Ship repairs begin on the Milano and the Space Cops show up. Also there was pizza. |
Return of the Titans, with a Guardians assist | December 2nd, 2020 | Titans and Guardians work out how to get the former home. The Universal Church of Truth has other plans. All escape. All narrowly avert disaster. The Titans return, with visitors from outer space. |
Titans and Guardians. | November 30th, 2020 | The Guardians of the Galaxy meet the Titans, who seem to be really *angry* at pirates. Rocket seems to be really *angry* about everything. |
The Unseen Labyrinth | November 29th, 2020 | The four lost Titans visit Endovar's final base and find the White Hole. Gatekeeper's gifts carry them through the rough ride back to Hyperspace, and the psychic beacon sent by the Titans left on Earth guides them back to the wormhole, and the way home. The four Titans know they have returned to normality at last when they are insulted by an angry raccoon. |
Gombar and Gombar | November 20th, 2020 | The wreck of Endovar's ship The Beating Heart is located, and the descendants of the original navigators are charmed, bulldozer style, into helping access its navigation logs. Endovar's secret base - and the way home - has been found. |
War Without End | November 14th, 2020 | The Titans visit a world of eternal warfare and decide to test out the age-old adage that it's hard to hate your enemy when you feel sorry for them. And yourself. |
The Secret of Nim | November 1st, 2020 | The Titans get into the business of rigging elections. |
Caminask | October 14th, 2020 | The Titans visit a world where social rank is a daily lottery. ALL HAIL QUEEN CAITLIN THE FIRST! |
Echon II | October 2nd, 2020 | How do you deal with a society that judges you by the standards of something called 'fisk'? Keep it simple but logical and sensible? Try to be the princessier-than-thou? Try to show that they may be able to talk the hind legs off a donkey but you can talk the front legs off too? No, apparently you just Caitlin Smash. |
Flashback: A Less Formal Theymsciran Greeting | September 28th, 2020 | This one time, at bandcamp... |
(Intermezzo) When in Rome | September 27th, 2020 | Donna comes clean to Terry and Caitlin about the problems of having a girlfriend who was designed to break reality. |
Echon I | September 22nd, 2020 | The four lost Titans arrive on Echon, a world where everyone wants to distil their own essences or something. It's weird. They're weird. Someone ought to punch them. |
What Dreams May Come | September 21st, 2020 | A conspiracy of Corvidae leads to a meeting in the Dreaming, and the Dreamlord takes a Raven to meet an Amazon in Fiddler's Green. |
(Intermezzo) Putting It Together | September 20th, 2020 | Terry and Cait have a moment to catch up. |
Look Upon My Works | September 11th, 2020 | The four stranded Titans make first contact with the society of the Seven Worlds, and it's remarkably friendly. They even get gifts. |
(Intermezzo) Water, water, everywhere | September 9th, 2020 | Aboard the wrecked dreadnought and far away, Donna and Caitlin discuss priorities and supplies. Donna Donnas, Caitlin Caitlins. |
The Farthest Shore | September 7th, 2020 | The missing Titans wake up aboard the trashed wreck of the Warzoon dreadnought and find themselves VERY far from home. |
It's Playtime!! | September 5th, 2020 | The Titan's bare witness to Toyman's return to America, and to crime. |
War of the Worlds Finale: Meanwhile, In Orbit | September 5th, 2020 | The Titans (and friends) implement the other half of the plan to deal with the Warzoon invasion. While forces battle the invaders on earth, a desperate plan goes into effect to force War World itself to retreat. The great battle station is infiltrated and Brainiac technology used to undermine it, while a fight takes place on the surface of War World itself to take out the shield generators. The mission is a success and War World flees - but not all the Titans return. |
Monitoring Mori | August 31st, 2020 | Mori visits the Titan's Labs and Nadia and Caitlin investigate her powers. Caitlin thinks it's biological. Nadia thinks it's Aliens. |
Titan Memories 2012: Donna and Caitlin Meet | August 29th, 2020 | Donna Troy and Caitlin Fairchild meet for the first time! |
Memory: Themysciran Healing VIII | August 25th, 2020 | Yes, the flashback is STILL GOING. In this week's episode, Donna tells Caitlin the secrets of how to become an Amazon, and explains why she'd make a terrible Disney princess. |
A New Dove Dawns | August 22nd, 2020 | Dawn Granger makes her first visit to the Titan's Tower. She confronts a destiny; the Titans confront a memory. |
Taco Tuesday: Friday Edition | August 22nd, 2020 | Some of the Titans talk about the implications of a new 'Dove' rejoining them. |
Ashes to Ashes | August 16th, 2020 | Rising from the ashes is hard, but Mori finds some help from new friends. |
Flashback: Cassie in WONDERland. | August 14th, 2020 | 2019: Just after learning she is Zeus' daughter, Cassie and Helen Sandsmark are taken to Themysicra by Diana. She meets with Queen Hippolyta and a pair of ex-Titans, Troia and Caitlin, who seem to be in residence. Cassie accepts the queen's offer to train and her mother reluctantly agrees - for now. |
The Titans Take A Time Out | August 7th, 2020 | America comes back to the tower. Nadia comes back to the tower, and brings Hank. Kyle visits the tower. Everyone's at the tower! Supergirl and Nightwing geek out at lego. Mary geeks out at RPGs. Donna makes kerbals explode. Caitlin bakes the world's best pie, and they all lived happily ever after. |
A Melody atop a mello T | August 6th, 2020 | Caitlin and Siobhan share an impromptu jam session on the roof and Kian gets a taste of Earth music. |
On Krypton, it is a High Crime | August 5th, 2020 | Kara and Caitlin hug it out. Clones are a difficult topic. |
A Screamin' Good Time | August 2nd, 2020 | Siobhan brings forth the Banshee in the training room of Titan's Tower, but confides to Caitlin her fears of 'cutting loose' with the spectral force. |
The Torch | August 2nd, 2020 | A group of Titans gather to discuss leadership and flick peanuts. |
Oh Some Sunny Day | August 2nd, 2020 | People were on the roof, having food, and talkin' about things and also stuff. |
When a Banshee cries for help | August 1st, 2020 | Siobhan moves into the Titan's guest lodging while they try to help get a handle on her mysterious spiritual 'else'. |
Flashback: Superman Returns, Titan's Tower. | July 29th, 2020 | Shortly after his return to 'life', Caitlin Fairchild informs Superman of the existence of Conner-- the 'Lost Son' of Krypton. |
Burnt jackets must be replaced! | July 28th, 2020 | Siobhan runs into Caitlin and Nadia, they discuss the future. |
In everything, balance | July 28th, 2020 | Pepper and Caitlin speak, and could solve the world's problems if given the chance. |
Benefit for Bushwick | July 27th, 2020 | The benefit is a success. Funds raised, and everyone who shook Senator Kelly's hand should wash it immediately. |
Memory: Themysciran Healing VII | July 26th, 2020 | Donna and Diana take Caitlin to a 'dive bar' on Themyscira. Caitlin tries wine for the first time and decides she doesn't hate it, and the two younger women talk more about the path of their lives-- the past, and the future. |
The Bird is Not the Word | July 25th, 2020 | Kían's loquaciousness fades, to his dismay. |
Genosha Burns: Science Time | July 24th, 2020 | Various teams meet to discuss the process of sizing up the shrunken cities. |
Amazons Assemble! | July 23rd, 2020 | An assortment of Amazons descend on the embassy to plot the downfall of America. Not really. Actually they just take Diana out to a cool new Asian-Latin fusion place, but a Themysciran can dream... |
A New Product Wrecked! | July 20th, 2020 | The Wrecking Crew tries a theft but they are stopped by Arsenal and Caitlin...though another mysterious being helps. |
Black Sun: In A New York Minute | July 20th, 2020 | Margarethe Werner survives, the memorial for Operation Valkyrie burns, and SS Invicta loses a battle. But what of the war? |
Memory: Themysciran Healing VI | July 18th, 2020 | After Caitlin's VIOLENT and SAVAGE assault on Donna, the pair spend some quiet time in the Halls of Healing together, wondering whether it's time to grow up , and if so how to do it. |
Titans: Well-Earned Rest | July 16th, 2020 | The Titans have a family meal. |
Bowyer of Paradise | July 13th, 2020 | The Titans make progress on building Kate a replacement weapon: the WonderBow! |
Return to Base | July 12th, 2020 | Nobody told Nadia not to get into a stranger's jet, but luckily the strangers were the Titans. She comes to the tower to find the Titans gathering together after victory over Brainiac. Once the adrenaline come-down passes, the Titans start to party. |
Memory: Themysciran Healing V | July 12th, 2020 | Caitlin is watching over a injured Donna; Diana offers some reassurances. |
Memory: Themysciran Healing IV | July 10th, 2020 | Caitlin STABS Donna. Stabbily. She's sooo violent like that. Mean, BLOODTHIRSTY Caitlin. Donna almost DIES! (note: this precis utterly belies the tone of this scene because after a scene like that you need a giggle). |
Amateur Bowyer | July 8th, 2020 | Kian teaches Caitlin a bit about his customs and culture. |
Titans: The Brute Squad | July 8th, 2020 | Donna and Caitlin drag Kara into the Danger Room for a session of Brainiac Drone combat training with the difficulty level turned up. Kara accidentally wrecks the danger room. Everyone point at her and laugh. |
Memory: Themysciran Healing III | July 7th, 2020 | The further Retro-Adventures of Caitlin, Diana and Donna on Themyscira. Caitlin finds herself bullied by the sisters into trading her bruiser's ways for the finer arts of Amazonian combat. |
Court of Owls: Lincoln March Re-Election Fundraiser | July 6th, 2020 | Mayor Lincoln March unveils a bold new vision for Gotham's future at his first Re-election fundraiser, and faces some tough questions. |
A small gig at a small cafe | July 5th, 2020 | Siobhan, Ella, and Caitlin have a short chat and music is played. |
Epicenter: Humanis Supremus | July 4th, 2020 | Bobbi Morse and Cecily Winters consult with Caitlin Fairchild on the strange blended powers evolving. |
Memories: Themysciran Healing II | July 1st, 2020 | Caitlin and Donna on Themyscira! The retro scene continues as Caitlin and Donna struggle to find words to express their feelings in the wake of the loss of two team-mates. |
Vic, You're So OLD! | June 30th, 2020 | Even when the end of the world is looming, the Titans do not forget to celebrate birthdays. There are gifts, an amazing cake, illicit drinks and puzzled Robins. |
Zen and the Art of Killing Brainiac Drones. | June 29th, 2020 | Kate's Danger Room program is ready to show the Titans what they are facing with the Brainiac drones. It's not all doom and gloom, just mostly. |
Met Gala: Mandate of Heaven | June 22nd, 2020 | The Met Gala brings together the city and unleashes medieval artifacts far and wide! |
Titans Tower: Frisbee Drones and BBQ | June 5th, 2020 | Kori and Kyani hang out with Caitlin atop the roof of Titan's Tower. |
Memory: Themysciran Healing. | June 3rd, 2020 | Flasback: Donna brings Caitlin to Themyscira to meet Diana and Queen Hippolyta, and to help her heal from her injuries after fighting Doomsday. |
War of the Worlds - Part 2a | May 31st, 2020 | While the battle rages in Metropolis beyond, the Titans take the battle to the enemy, boarding one of the attacking Dreadnoughts and capturing it. |
Titans Memorial Day barbecue and pool party | May 26th, 2020 | New faces and old friends alike meet on the Titans rooftop for summer fun and hero talk. |
One Step at a Time | May 21st, 2020 | Dr. Fairchild is brought in to speak to Peggy Carter about her medical issues, and offers Captain Rogers a little comforting reassurance as well. |
A bird. A plane. You know the drill. | May 15th, 2020 | Raven's Coffe Brings All The Supers To The Tower |
Softly the Petals Fall | May 5th, 2020 | No description |
All The Wonders That They Do | May 4th, 2020 | The interview finally goes down. Terry manages not to faint this time. |
Hot Fresh Cookies in Titan Tower | May 3rd, 2020 | The younger Titans spend more time getting to know one another. |
One Day the Birb will English Good. That Day is Not Today. | May 3rd, 2020 | Colette visits the tower for Kian's latest English lessons, while Gar actually refuses food and isn't entirely overwhelmed, Naomi learns that you don't get detention for saving the world, Terry attempts to induct an alien into the Cult of Carol Channing, and best of all Caitlin bakes EXCELLENT cookies. |
Titans: Mary and Kara have joined the party! | May 1st, 2020 | Kara and Mary Bromfield get a tour of the Titans Tower, and get to meet Victor as well. |
Titans: From Old to New | April 28th, 2020 | Caitlin and Donna take Terry aside to see how things stand for him as a new Titan. |
sThorytime | April 27th, 2020 | It is a lovely little after party at the Themysciran Embassy. Let your soul glo. |
Animals Amok in Time | April 25th, 2020 | Mary Bromfield and Kyani are present when Sauron mutates break loose from a prison transport! Caitlin and Naomi rush over from Titan's Tower to intervene as well. |
A Friendly Word | April 24th, 2020 | Colette and Caitlin compare notes about Sam Morgan following his 'visit' to Titan Tower. |
Candygramm | April 23rd, 2020 | Kate invites Gwen over to meet Vorapl, Donna, and Caitlin. Sam party crashes the tower. Tensions ensue. Kate has pizza. Vorpal is nuts. |
Include the Weird Kid | April 18th, 2020 | Diana has told the Titans that they should let the wierd kid play. Miss America Chavez comes to the tower! |
Stark Expo Opening Ceremonies | April 18th, 2020 | Stark Expo opens with a (good) bang. The wheels of social discourse turn. |
A Slow Cuppa Joe at The Coffee Bean | April 16th, 2020 | Coffee was had, people met and introductions made |
Raiders of the Lost Reliquarium | April 15th, 2020 | Caitlin encounters Elektra stealing a relic from a church, and engages in hot pursuit. |
Stark Industries: The Birth of a Brain | April 14th, 2020 | Caitlin presents her AI project to Tony Stark. |
Birth of an AI | April 12th, 2020 | Caitlin and Riri successfully generate a new AI. |
Do you Know What We Did Last Evening | April 12th, 2020 | Titans + Rooftop = Unexepected Happenings. Amazons, Empaths and Aliens, oh my! |
First-Day Jitters | April 12th, 2020 | Peter and Aunt May arrive at Stark Tower for orientation. |
Mirror Mirror, Nevermore. | April 11th, 2020 | Old wounds heal. New wounds are opened—and some of those heal too. People start shipping unbidden, and that's probably going to the the worst part. |
Operation: Reach Out and Text Someone | April 10th, 2020 | Gar finally visits Caitlin Fairchild, and reminds her of what the Titans meant to the survivors. |
Knockout gone missing | April 6th, 2020 | Thor drops in to visit Fairchild. |
Talking with the Tallest of Titans | April 3rd, 2020 | Colette bumps into Caitlin in the teacher's lounge at HH and they talk Titans. Caitlin agreed to visit what remians of her old team. |
Gnori: Birds of a Feather | March 30th, 2020 | Sif brings Caitlin to meet the King of the Eagles on Asgard's mountains. |
Preschool for Pre-sentients | March 27th, 2020 | Stark and Riri stumble on Caitlin's underground lair-- lab, and discuss the possibility of a new kind of AI being developed. |
Flying High | March 21st, 2020 | Caitlin's flying experiment crashes and burns, but Heidi swoops in to save an experiment gone wrong. |
Cait and Heidi Meet | March 8th, 2020 | Heidi and Sif meet Caitlin at the stables in Asgard |
An Equal and Opposite Reaction | March 6th, 2020 | A gigantic monster surfaces in the bay, endangering ferrygoers and everyone else nearby. Fortunately, some heroes are on hand to set things right! |
Titan Tales: Rediscovering Caitlin | March 2nd, 2020 | Dick and Caitlin reconnect on shared histories. |
My Special Robot Pal | March 1st, 2020 | Caitlin and Tony discuss robots and AI design. Is Caitlin offered a job? Or is she being told to stay in her lane? |
Star Power | February 29th, 2020 | Fairchild meets America Chavez |
Big Belly's House of Eats | February 26th, 2020 | Samuel Morgan and Cabochon meet Dr. Fairchild in town before school starts |
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