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M and Superboy Assist the NYPD
Date of Scene: 25 June 2021
Location: Greenwich Village
Synopsis: On her way to a pampering at a spa, Monet meets Superboy. They exchange pleasantries, she gives him her phone number and the two of them help the NYPD thwart a jewelry heist turned high speed chase.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Conner Kent

Monet St. Croix has posed:
What do you do when you're from old money, living at a school about an hour's drive from New York City and have some spare time due to it being a non-academic Summer session at your school? Spa day comes to mind.

What do you do if you're a mutant who can fly at speeds reaching into the super sonic and you have an appointment at a spa about an hour's drive from your school? Waiting until its close to the appointment time and flying comes to mind.

Monet has made these decisions. An appointment was made earlier in the week for early afternoon on Friday. She had lunch at Xavier's and then took to the air on her own to fly to the city.

Her intent...? She plans on landing in a nearby alley and walking from there to the spa in Greenwich Village. She's taking her time, maintaining a speed around six hundred miles per hour significantly below the speed of sound.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner has been living in New York for a while and has learned to stay well under the speed of sound. Because sonic booms? No. Because pigeons. He has hyperfast reflexes, but those birds are evil. And suicidal. Ask any New Yorker.

So, he is flying at a more leisure pace, because it is a lazy Friday afternoon and schoolwork is light, but it is still too early to hit the Roost. Most Outsiders will be doing Outsi... actually, pretty normal human things. Or sleeping. Because some are Bats. So, Conner is flying, catching some sunlight, and watching for crime or trouble. Which abounds in New York, really. So many super-criminals and heroes by square inch it is a wonder the city is still standing.

And that is why he catches Monet flying around. He is paying attention, for once. It also helps she is worth a second look. And Conner speeds off to intercept. "Hey, hello there, fellow flying person," he flashes a smile. "Nice day, right? You aren't on the way to rob a bank or something, right? Just checking."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Slowing or speeding up to better match the speed of the young flying man, Monet acknowledges him with a nod.

Pidgeons, yes, they're an issue. Sonic booms and the amount of glass in the Big Apple though... yeah, that's a bigger issue as it affects others, not just herself.

"Bonjour," is Monet's first response, 'Good day' in French as most people in the world will recognize. Switching to her accented English she continues with, "Would you believe its a personal spa trip?" quite honestly but also with a hint of incredulity at the sudden acquisition from the obviously uncooth powered teen.

Conner Kent has posed:
"For sure," replies Conner, folding his arms and smirking. "Most bad guys when I ask just punch me right away or bolt with a 'you will never catch me, Superboy'. Trip to the spa is something I had never heard. Chances are good it is true."

He doesn't seem to be taking the possibility Monet was a super-criminal very seriously. It is probably just an excuse to talk with a good looking girl. "But I actually live in the neighbourhood, so it helps to be sure. As well as meeting interesting people, y'know? Are you visiting or living around here?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
When the recognizable (at least partially if not fully) name is mentioned, Monet's expression changes showing interest in Superboy obviously as more than the appealing physique.

"My home is in Europe but I am currently living just a bit upstate from here, Superboy," she says, sounding like she's feeling out the use of the name for a person she's actually interested in.

As her intended destination is in sight... and then past... she asks, "Care to join me?" as the extra cost for a guest that wasn't part of the appointment isn't a concern for her.

Conner Kent has posed:
'Upstate' in New York being a larger area than most European nations means Conner is unlikely going to be seeing Monet much. Ah well. And then she invites him over? To a spa? Maybe just coffee. Does it matter?

"Er... sure, why not?" Well, because nowadays he has a secret identity and stuff. But look, Superboy is not famous for deep thinking. Or caring about his secret identity. "And before you ask," because he noticed her change of expression. "Yes, I am related to Superman. And no, I am not going to explain it. Sorry."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Muttering to herself, Monet says "Jolie mais presomptueuse," (<<Pretty but presumptuous>>) in French but even at speed Superhearing would allow it to be heard even if not fully understood unless properly educated (although the last word having come to English from Latin also it is likely able to be understood via deductive reasoning).

Changing her direction and pushing close to Mach 1 without going supersonic, she calls out, "Catch me if you can, Superboy!" in a playful fashion.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner laughs, "I can understand French, too. And a few other languages!" Oh, she can fly faster? Well, so can him. Pigeons better stay out of the way today. "Me pareces muy guapa," he tries, "tabdin jamilatan jidana?" That accent is not great, but he rarely gets to practice the languages he got implanted in his brain years ago. "Do I get a prize if I catch you?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet is intentionally not going supersonic but if Conner chooses to do so breifly to catch her it probably won't shatter too much glass in the neighborhood (hopefully none?). She isn't going to beat him with the self-imposed imiation she is working under so as they touch down he's at least a beat or two ahead of her. She laughs... at his butchering of French or his first comment? Who's really to say.

"Merci," she replies in French and then, "Hal tataeamad munadati bialeajuza?" (<<Are you intentionally calling me an old man?>>) in Arabic after he referred to her as <<grandfather>>. "And I'm treating you to a spa visit," she says switching to English. "What more would you ask of me, Superboy?" she asks as a follow up.

Conner Kent has posed:
"How about your phone number?" Since she asked. "Spa visit is... ah, you know... I am supposed to keep my civilian identity a secret," not that he wouldn't risk it for a good cause.

He shrugs. "Alright, I am Conner, by the way. And I think you have not told me your name yet." He looks curiously to the spa. Probably he has never been inside one of those places.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"Monet," she says with a gentle toss of her head to flip her hair back over her shoulder. She seems to find the request for her number acceptable and rattles off the ten-digit number before saying, "I'll keep your secret for you. I'm good at keeping secrets." She holds out her arm for him and then, as if a second thought, suggests, "Perhaps the gloves should be removed? The shirt could just be merch but the entire combination might be overly conspicious."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner can imagine Tim flailing at him about not leaving fingerprints anywhere. But there is also something about people seeing only what they want to see. And a Kryptonian doesn't walk into a spa. Also, he suspect Monet is going to draw most eyes. "Monet, nice name," he comments, removing his gloves at pocketing them. "Do you come to this spa often?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
A slight frown develops on Monet's feautres as she lowers her arm, obviously she feels that the young man has declined the invitation implied by her having held it out. "Its my first spa visit in the Americas actually, Conner," she explains.

As Monet heads toward the end of the alley in the direction of the spa sirens are heard moments before the squeel of tires predicate the high speed chase barrelling down the street towards the pair of currently land bound superbeings. A pair of civilian cars are at the fore of the sequence of vehicles followed by another pair of police cruisers with their lights flashing and their sirents blaring. *BANG* *BANG* Shooting starts from the trailing civilian car directed at the cops.

They call the Big Apple the city that never sleeps. But midday that's not even a true factor. There are people walking the street. Businessmen and women, couples of a multitude of combinations, even a young mother or few with their infants and toddlers. At the sound of the first shot another noice rises. Panic! Cries of fear. Cries for help as the panic causes the expected results. Movement, chaos, the inevitable risk of injury of the members of the newly birthed mob at their own hands (or feet) let alone the approaching vehicular masses and the gun play being exchanged by the occupants of the cars.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner was being distracted by the sounds of what might have been some idiot driving too fast, but as he glances back, he sees for what it is. And shooting at noon? That is rude even for New York. Maybe they are visiting Gothamites.

"I am going to need a minute," he offers to Monet, looking apologetic. Briefly, because there is a serious risk of a toddler being run over, so he rushes forward to pick up the child and jump out of the way, put the kid back on the ground. Then fly up and towards the lead car.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
**M in situtations like these,** Conner hears in his head. Monet's mental voice doesn't sound like her speaking voice... it has no true sound after all... but it it distinctive and clearly her in its touch.

Seeing that the toddler has been rescued and that the lead car is being addressed M flies inches above the ground at the second car as it swerves towards the populated sidewalk in front of the spa and catches it by its bumper. Lifting it off the ground by its frame until it is a foot up she then carries it into the air, rear wheels spinning freely in the air, so that its a good two yards above the ground.

The civilians in the neghborhood continue to run, seeking refuge in the stores or by getting around the corner clearing out the block. The cops, seeing two supers intervening, slow and take up positions to cordon off that end of the block while another pair of police cruisers take up a similar position at the other end of the block. The officers take up protected stances behind their cars incase the criminals need to be stopped in a more mundane fashion.

Conner Kent has posed:
Superboy uhs at the mental voice. But one of his team-mates is a telepath, so it is not a huge surprise. "Are you a martian?" He wonders when he sees Monet lifting the car. Conner himself just lands on the top of the lead one, and it seems to fly up a few yards, slowing down.

One of the thugs inside pulls his upper body out of the vehicle to shoot at him, but the young man just smirks. Then the whole car comes apart. Pulled into its component parts by his telekinesis. The criminals inside fall to the ground among a shower of metal plates, screws, plastic and rubber. "And that," he explains, "is what tactile telekinesis does," he kicks the gun out of the thug's hand before he can recover.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Having shifted her grip a few times, Monet is standing directly beneath the center of the car now, effectively using it to block its occupants ability to fire at her. From this position she glance in Conner's direction and projects **No, I'm Monacan,** into his mind to answer his question.

Turning her gaze towards the nearest cops, M calls out to them, "Ready for me to set this down?" after the gunfire from the vehicle ceases. Speaking toward Conner, she asks, "How about you come disable this vehicle also?" as the occupants of the former vehicle he had stopped are taken into custody by the uniformed officers of the NYPD.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Well, of course," Conner only takes a few seconds to make sure the occupants of the first vehicle are not going to cause more trouble. Then flies towards the one Monet, or M, is lifting. "M is an odd codename, what does it stand for?"

Yeah, but he is called 'Superboy' so he really shouldn't be talking about silly codenames. He was (looked like) fifteen when he was called Superboy.

The second car is handled with some more care than the first because he has more time to show off and because he doesn't want Monet end up covered in motor oil. But it ends up crumpled into junk and the occupants are going to need help to get out of it. Which should also take away any interest on using their guns on the way out.

Hopefully those weren't stolen cars. Insurance companies tend to get annoyed when he does this to stolen property. "Well, that was fun. It had been a slow week," he tells Monet with a grin.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Cocking her head at Superboy, M seems a bit disappointed in the question as she hovers inches above the ground while surrendering the load of the car to the Outsider. Laughing lightly as she lets her feet touch the ground again, she says, "You should be able to figure that out, n'est-ce pas?" Then, with a glance at the spa and all the witnesses who saw them, she says, "So much for the pampering," with some open regret at the loss that is obviously much less than the satisfaction of the apprehension of the criminals.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Mysterious?" Conner wild-guesses. Well, not very mysterious since she is not even wearing a mask and gave him her real name. And phone number. But now she is being elusive.

"Oh yeah, we are going to be attacked by selfie-takers if we hang around. But I really should talk to the cops, if only for a minute." Because that is what Superman would do, see? "But there is always tomorrow. I am I pretty sure about two hundred spas in a twenty mile radius." He is also putting back his gloves, it is a question of style.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"There sure are," Monet says about the preponderance of spas in the neighborhood. And sure enough, almost as if he had the power of premonition, the onlookers are starting to line up at the edge of the police lines encircling the area and some of them are already attempting to get shots of them with their upraised cellphones.

"I think I'll accompany you," Monet says. As she and Superboy approach the police, the officer-in-charge says, "Thank you both for your assistance," in a gruf but actually appreciative tone of voice.

Conner Kent has posed:
"No problem officer, glad to be of assistance," replies Conner with a polite nod. "What happened here? Gangsters doing this kind of stunt on broad daylight is odd. Unless we are in Gotham, of course." Poking fun at Gotham is a hobby.

Sunglasses, that supposedly makes one harder to recognize, and he always have a pair in his jacket side-pocket.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The dig at Gothem's expense actually elicits a frown from the officer.

**Bet he has a relative on the force there,** M projects into Conner's mind. She supresses a snerk as the officer says, "I'll make sure to extend your opinion of Gotham to my cousin who's a member of the GPD," with a faint smile to show that he's not personally offended. Continuing, the officer says, "Jewelry heist. They were fleeing the scene of the crime as we got there which lead to the chase." He pauses and says, "Glad you two were here, Superboy and...?"

"M," Monet answers the question without continuing.

"Yes, thanks for helping out. It seems like some of the citizens could have gotten injured without your heip," the officer finishes.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner shrugs. "Hey, Red Robin is practically my brother," he notes. Which is part of the reason he keeps poking fun about Gotham. "Robbery in the middle of the day in the city with more super-powered people of the world. Genius. Well, I am happy no one got hurt. If you need me to give an official statement I can drop by the precinct later in the afternoon. I really would like to get out of the way before the press gets here, y'know?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"Understood and thank you, Superboy," the officer replies. Turning his attention to the attractive young mutant with the Kryptonian, he asks Monet, "And you miss, can we reach out to you also?"

Monet smiles kindly to the uniformed man as she says, "He knows how to contact me," indicating Conner with a slight tilt of her head. "However," she continues, "I think he'd make a better witness than I would in this situation." No sirs here from her. She's not disrespectful but she's also not differential in any way. After all, these are no Gendarmeries after all. Speaking to Conner, Monet says, "I think I'll depart and let you finish up here," as she shoots up into the air with a woosh. After reaching a decent altitude Monet shoots out to the east toward the Atlantic.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner glances at Monet, looking a bit disappointed. "Sure, see you..." whoosh, she is gone. "I'll call you," he shrugs. "She seems nice," he offers the police officer. Er... right?. "Say, I'll go to the precinct at six?" He shakes the policeman's hand and flies away. Although not far, since he lives just a few blocks away.