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Latest revision as of 22:42, 26 June 2021

Not Even a Fair Fight
Date of Scene: 26 June 2021
Location: Bronx
Synopsis: Wonderwoman helps Cliff fight off a totally unmatched Beureau of Normalcy task force trying to abduct him and is routed. Under her lasso, one of her officers gets Cliff some incriminating evidence against them.
Cast of Characters: Cliff Steele, Diana Prince

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele tried to be reasonable. The doofuses he was speaking to from the Bureau of Normalcy were goofs he had run into before. "I dont know where any of those people are." Technically speaking, Robotman wasnt REALLY weird enough to meet their crusades but several of his friends were and now that Cliff was back ont he radar they assumed he would be able to point them out, "but even if I did, I wouldnt tell you fucking assholes."

There were over forty of them on military vehicles right there in the open street. They were confident in their brazenness since they could cover up a lot of atrocities. Cliff could clobber a lot of them, but decided to be a bit unfair and dialed the phone. "Yeah, Diana? I have some people from an illegal government agency harassing me, I was wondering if you wanted to stop by?"

The agent inquiring him laughed, "You expect me to believe that you have friends in the JUSTICE LEAUGE Cliff? We know about your ties in the Titans, but that's a bit much." Several of the men laughed.

Diana Prince has posed:
As it so happens, Diana hadn't been terribly far from where Cliff was today, it's one of the reasons he knew he could call her and feasibly get the assistance he was after here and now. She acquired a few details from him over the phone, but it was likely that the soldiers he was facing off against would think he was just talking to himself, or a dial tone on the other end of the line, which would further aid their laughter.

The trick is, how does Cliff stall these guys before she CAN arrive?

In the mean time, Diana is boarding her alien-tech-powered invisible jet, via the ramp in the back and walking up inside it. The Jet closes up and rushes the leaves of the trees around where it was as it propelled itself toward the given location, a quiet hum of its propulsion systems is the only way it can be tracked in the moment....

Cliff Steele has posed:
"Now Cliff, we know you can resist our bullets, but we have an EMP generator here in the truck and several of these" three of the men brought out infantry mounted heavy machine guns,"and these WILL hurt you, so why not just be smart about this?"

Several people ont he street began to film the incident on their phones. The Bureau agents smiled and waved, knowing illegal hacks would let them wipe man of them later. That, of course, assumed that none of them were uploading to the deepnet, which two or three were.

Cliff crossed his arms, and said, "I'm not going with you and I'm not telling you anything. Hell, I wanna see a badge."

The nearest agent chuckled, as if they needed to provide one of those. Per Bureua regulations, abnormals were not human beings. The truth was, the Bureau legally didnt exist. They were officially now a paramilitary organization ever since it had been obvious that if they were on the books, the public would not tolerate their antics, but one over eager agent shot at Cliff w hich caused the bullet to bounce off his armor, "that fucking titled." The men looked nervous and finally Friely (the field agent in charge) "Let's fire up that EMP device, we dont want anyone messing with us while we round him up."

Diana Prince has posed:
As the man gives the order to fire up the EMP Device, it's only a second later that something happens. There comes the sudden roaring whine of engiens that are waked by a rush of wind across all of the soldiers here to face off against Cliff. It feels so close, and sounds so near, that it will likely make many of the soldiers duck and cover, look up in to the sky only to see... nothing.

What was it? Where did that noise and wake of wind come from?

As Cliff stands there in front of the armed soldiers, something appears behind him...

The invisible jet suddenly phases in to visibility. A silvery-white craft that is so elegantly crafted it looks purely alien, with its long curves and artistically cloudl-like shape...

Beneath it, a ramp lowers silently and from within it the long armored legs of Diana Prince, Wonder Woman, step down from within the vessel. In her red, gold and blue armor, the tall Amazon Princess emerges and walks at a casual pace toward where Cliff's back is facing her. She ends up on his right side, and glances to him, then toward the men, and she simply... lowers her chin.

And stares.

Cliff Steele has posed:
"Aw shit!"

"He WASNT lying"


"FIRE!" Which is, of course, patently insane but two of the infantry mounted machine guns fire at Cliff and one is even stupid enough to fire at Diana. You know, there is always that one guy, the one who shoots at superman and then tosses the gun at him as if somehow that would work when its empty of ammo. But over half the men just flat out run.

Cliff grahs a manhole after several bullets slam through him and uses it as an impromtu shield, "Thanks for coming!" he shouts, "I didnt expect them to do full on fucking stupid, that's not how you get the awards

Diana Prince has posed:
It didn't really surprise Diana that the soldiers were firing, or at least some of them. A lot of the time these kind of people get so amped up for a fight that they have already pre-determined themselves to cause one, whether the odds are stacked against them or not. It was in their nature, as soldiers who trained for this kind of thing... even if this 'kind of thing' wasn't at all what they were trained for.

Diana's arms come up quickly and her bracers begin to block away the shots that were aimed soundly for her body. She doesn't stay there long however as she lunges in to the air at tremendous speeds, and rushes forward directly toward the gun emplacement!

Her sword is drawn out of the leather sheath on her back and she slams it right at the weapon's central body! Sparks fly as her sword cuts the gun in to halves, her armored feet landing upon the base where the gun had been staioned. She tips herself to the left and sends her armored right boot out toward the gunner's chest to kick him back and away from the now broken weapon!

Cliff Steele has posed:
Needless to say, the gunner is dispatched as easily as the gun. This causes even more of the soldiers to run away and a few to shout "Scatter!" since they dont want to be rounded up though many are now being filmed. "Retreat!" sounds more and moe but several are still firing on both Cliff and Diana sneering with contempt.

Cliff doesnt have QUITE the speed of Diana but he advances slowly, methodically with the manhole cover deflecting a lot of the bullet until he grabs the machine gun firing on him and pretzles it. "Just fucking stop OK?" But as he does this the second hits him and knocks him lat, causing several bullets to pierce his armor as well, rousing a cheer from the soldiers.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana doesn't skip a beat, this is a dance for her, a dance she'd performed many times before. Her bracers block the bullets from the small arms fire, while her advanced agility lets her move between the bulk of the shots coming her way.

She's down toward the ground now, her body lower and her legs propelling her forward to sweep out the feet of two of the soldiers that had aimed their weapons at her!

She drops them on the hard deck, lunges back to her feet and draws her lasso up and out to uncoil it, the long golden rope uncurling and flashing a bright brilliant sun-like yellow as she lashes it outward toward the shooters that knocked Cliff to the ground!

The lasso's aim is on the weapons of the men firing, one end going to one gun and the other going to the other. Diana's mastery of the art of the lasso is so proficent that she can control the entire length of rope from its center, allowing both ends to be used as independent tools connected to where her half-gloved hands yank back on the glowing godly twine!

She pulls the guns from the shooter's hands and calls the lasso back to her body to let it lace in circular swirls around her own body. Her bracers come up, her eyes peering over them for any one else who dares fire on her next.

Cliff Steele has posed:
The men are agape at this feet from the lasso and about half those remaining flee, but there is still a dedicated hardcofre remnant who quickly reload and open fire despite their bullets bouncing. Maybe THIS time...You know, the definition of insanity...

Cliff might be down, but he's not out and picks up the truck nearest to him and lifts it up under his head, "Do I need to toss this?" That finally causes most of them to drop their guns and run away.

The leader snarls, "You havent heard the last of this!" Shaking his fist.

Diana Prince has posed:
The ones who flee are allowed to do so, the ones who stay and fire upon Diana further are dealt with in a blur. Those in the Bronx that are watching this situation unfold are barely able to see Wonder Woman's form as she rushes from one attacker to the next. It's quite a sight, something most people only get to see on the internet, or ancient television sets...

Naturally there's quite a lot of cheering for this whole situation, no matter the danger that was here for bystandes. People eat up this kind of stuff in this world of heroics and villainy after all.

The Leader of this soldier unit, doesn't seem to be one of the ones running, yet, and because of this... because he chose to give a 'you'll rue the day' shout, Diana's lasso suddenly entangles around his ankles and snaps his legs together. A second after he looks down, he's pulled down on to his stomach and dragged several feet back until he's at the very feet of the armored Amazon herself.

She kneels down on to his back and literally 'hog ties' the man on to the pavement.

"This." Diana speaks down to him, her long dark hair flowing around her otherwise bare shoulders. "Is the end of your career... whatever it is you do, and whomever it is you work for."

Cliff Steele has posed:
The man chuckles, "You have no idea how many abnormals say that to me, and yet I end up working again."

Cliff gets up, dusts himself off and smiles. Well, he smiles verbally. "Dude, she's fucking justice league, you think you can just sweep this shit under the rug?"

Sirens are heard in the distance. Automatic weapons fire does generate a swift response.

"You have no idea what you're dealing with, either of you."

Diana Prince has posed:
As the soldier leader makes his lovely response, Diana looks up to Cliff before she kneels down beside the man on her armored boot that rests on the pavement now. "You are bound by the lasso of Hestia." She says in her naturally husky hued voice. "You are sworn to tell me the truth now so long as the rope is around your body. What I ask you, you must answer with the truth as you know it, or you will suffer the pain of the rope's displeasure."

She lays it out for the man, so he'll know what is about to come. "I would suggest not fighting it either, or the pain will grow worse..."

A glance is given up to Cliff before Diana nods to him. "Ask what you would like to know of him, before we must turn him over to the authorities." She will always work alongside the local Police, as she has a good relationship with the officers in and around Manhattan.

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele chuckles, "Wow, this is fucking great," he grins, "Alright I am sure a thug like you has increminating evidence against the Beurea somewhere in case you need to blackmail your way out of a situation...where are you hiding it?"

He struggles as the rope 'burns' him, "I....I...that's not fair!"

"nope, but where is it?"

"It's in a bus locker in Central Park Subway station. Locker number 4567."

"This is fucking great. What abnormal thing about you are you secretly terrified about the world knowing?"

"I love pringles."

"What? laaaame"

"No, really, I'm in love with pringles, romantically speaking, they're the best, so round and"


"salty and those fantastic cans that are just amazing,"

"Uh, right....that's fucking awkward...."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes are down on the man as he admits the location of his people's super secret base. She llistened to the rest too... and just glances up at Cliff, raising her dark eyebrows up at the man's odd revelation about his potato chip fetish.

"Well then--" Diana begins to untie the man after the Police cars arrive on scene and she lifts him up by his wrists and allows an officer to come over and put cuffs on him.

Diana looks to Cliff then and nods once. "Thank you for calling me. This ... may have gone worse, for this whole area, if you had not."

She's turning the Soldier Commander over to the cops now and offers a smile to Cliff. "What will you do with that info he gave you? Who are these people?" She asks then.

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele says, "Bureau of Normality, used to be something Niles Caulder founded called the Bureau of Odditities. It started out good and turned into something evil. They've really fucked up members of the Doom Patrol. I dont know if they're government or not, but I intend to find that evidence and put it all over the internet so they can't just hide who they are anymore. They're really evil people. And glad to call you. This was fun." He puts some duct tape over one of the bullet holes in his arm.

The cops take the extremely confused soldier commander who is muttering, "and his mustache, so waxy and hot..."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes note the robot man applying the tape to his'injury' and it makes her have to conceal a smile/smirk or some amused expression before she nods once to him and refocuses her eyes upon him.

"I would be happy to help with that, should you need it." She tells him. "If something like..." Her eyes roam around the vehicles and broken weapons still laying around. "This happens again... please do call me for aid."

She smiles again at him, more openly this time. "I will help the Police a bit more before I need to head back to my patrol." She's always on patrol! Not relaly, but she does patrol a lot, and is always needed somewhere!