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Latest revision as of 22:43, 26 June 2021

To End N.O.W.H.E.R.E. (you know what I mean!)
Date of Scene: 20 June 2021
Location: Pym Labs, Bludhaven
Synopsis: Conner and Hope visit GIRL's HQ to talk about N.O.W.H.E.R.E. with Nadia and Viv
Cast of Characters: Nadia Pym-van Dyne, Conner Kent, Hope Summers, Vivian Vision

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
On the scenic well landscaped campus of Pym Technologies, one building stands somewhat apart from the rest. A newer construction several stories tall, the building's purpose is kind of hard to miss with the giant GIRL logo across the front of the building above the entrance. Genius In action Research Laboratories is hardly a secret hideout.

Arrangements have been made for the evenings guests to be admitted through security, which is surprisingly ironclad, and escorted up to where Nadia and Vivian are waiting.

The meeting room is dominated by a large roundtable emblazoned with the pink and purple GIRL logo, they seem to really like that logo. There is a holographic projection system built into the center of the table along with workstations to interface with it built into each of the seats. The periphery of the room is also lined with computer and communications equipment and various sorts of display screens, very much a space for plannings and briefings. It is here that Nadia and Vivian await the arrival of the evening's guests.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner arrives flying, landing near the entrance of the GIRL building. He is right in time. It might be the first time Hope sees him arriving in time, which must mean he is taking this very seriously.

It could also be random chance.

"I like the logo," he comments to the redhead with a smirk. "Shall we?" He adds, inviting Hope go first. "I bet they upgraded security after the attack. I remember STAR labs did that... after every crazy super-villain attack. By now the place must be safer than Fort Knox." He will go through the controls with a long-suffering expression, though. Which he loses upon seeing Nadia and Viv.

"Hey, good afternoon," he greets, "I hope you got the email. Impulse gave us the address."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers arrives moments after Conner, peering at the lab thoughtfully, and nods to him. "Soo this is the place, huh. I like it. Nice logo." she grins and nods in approval, stepping in first once offered. Of course the technology is impressive for this time period and she nods to Nadia and Vivian as they arrive. "Hey there. I'm Hope. Nice to meet you."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Of course Viv picks up Conner and Hope long before they physically get close. The GIRL lab has all kinds of sensors and security and the synthezoid teenager can tap into all of them. Their profiles being compared against all the data points available to give as much confirmation they are indeed who they claim to be.

She even checks news and social media reports to make sure there isn't a story about any Kryptonians who match Conners description saving people in another city. It's not paranoia when your Great Aunt is literally being hunted by two international evil groups...

"Good day to you both," she offers. Clearly non-human. With reddish skin, green hair and glowing yellow eyes. "Should we relocate to a meeting room where we can talk in comfort?" And of course where the buildings anti-surveillance technology can prevent unwanted snooping.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
When Conner and Hope arrive, Nadia already has the 3D holographic display running. Perhaps she has been rewatching the events to refresh herself before the meeting, but in truth she seems to be primarily focused on one specific instance that she practically has on loop. Floating above the table in front of her are the figures of herself, Vivian, Dr. Templar, and Fuji with Bright Eyes already unconcious on the ground. In the moment she seems so keenly interested in Nadia fires her strange looking beams from her gauntlets at Dr. Templar and Fuji only to have them achieve no visible effect and then get chided by Dr. Templar about their advanced future understanding of her technologies and tricks.

For a moment after they enter it is unclear if she has even noticed the presence of others before she finally shakes her head as if shaking off the some hyperfocused reverie and gives the new arrivals a bright smile. "I did! Hello! Welcome to GIRL! I'm Nadia, it also means Hope in Russian! I designed the logo myself!" She seems very proud of this fact and very excitable in general, it's a lot.

Conner Kent has posed:
"And I am Superboy, Conner for friends," since he is fairly famous, those sensor identified him quickly. Otherwise he registers as human, which is very strange since Kryptonian biology is actually fairly different. But somehow no sensor has ever picked up Clark Kent as an alien.

If they have mutant detectors among the sensors, well, Hope probably reads as one.

"Well, we can talk anywhere you want," replies the young man to the greenette synthezoid. "But it was that what we came to talk about," Conner points to the hologram. "That creep is Doctor Templar. Red Robin had a fight with him last September."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers smiles and nods to Nadia, although she arches a brow at that, "Ohh really? I had no idea! That's pretty cool, actually. It's an honour to meet you, Nadia.." annd..Then there's the other..Person in the room. She pauses for a moment as her gaze sweeps over Vivian, and for a moment her eyes narrow warily upon her, reaching for her gun. "What the heck?! You brought a Sentinel here!?" Hope doesn't fire just yet, but she's gripping that gun tightly, raising it slowly as she just watches Vivian with guarded scrutiny..And a bit of confusion..

Vivian Vision has posed:
Once everyone is inside Viv makes to fetch a tray of hot and cold drinks and home made cookies. Setting them down on the table and making a 'help yourself' gesture. If she's a Sentinel she's clearly the first one to have ever worked on cutesy heart shaped sugar cookies...

"No-one brought me anywhere. I go where I wish to go," she points out with a roll of her eyes. "I am Vivian Vision. My father is the Avenger known as Vision. You might have heard of him? Anyway please could you put your weapon down. It wouldn't be able to harm me anyway." She is of course ready to shift out of phase in the event Hope does not see reason.

"And it would cause no end of hassle with building security." The threat of violence seems less of a hostile act to her than it does a faux pas. Like Hope walked in and put muddy boots on the furniture.

She glances at Nadia and shakes her head. "Do I really look like a Sentinel? I am not certain but I think that might be the rudest thing anyone has ever said to me."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Sentinel? OH! I remember those, are they still in use? I thought they were all decomissioned following the problems with Genosha and Brainiac's invasion? Viv is definitely not a Sentinel." Nadia agrees with her mechanical companion, "She's a synthezoid! Very different." Maybe not so different from Hope's perspective. "Let's not draw weapons in here please. It would make Natasha really upset." The way Nadia says it isn't like a threat, it's more /she's/ concerned for Hope about what her zealous head of security might do.

"Hi Conner! Nice to meet you. Yeah, that guy? I'm really not sure what to make of him other than I don't like him and he has Tech that I've never seen before and I've seen most things. Getting kind of tired of evil super science organizations trying to forcibly recruit me. Why can't they just accept no?" She makes a shrugging gesture and sighs, reaching for her coffee. "So Bart gave you our files about the incident right? What did you want to talk about?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"Woah, woah, wait," Conner reaches for Hope's gun before she shoots someone. She did shoot Batman once, so he is not taking it lightly. "She is too short to be a Sentinel," he offers. Nadia gives a better explanation, but maybe that is what a Sentinel would say.

"Yeah, er... about N.O.W.H.E.R.E. we know a bit," he glances back at Hope to have the reassurance she is not shooting Viv anytime soon. "Because they kidnap kids. Kids that have powers, or that are super-criminals or super-heroes, even if they don't have powers. They have been doing it for five or six years." Beat, "they also create clones. Like, well, me."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers arches a wary brow at Nadia and Vivian, shaking her head slowly. "Sentinel, Synthoid, same diff, they're all robots.." which in her mind makes them dangerous. But fortunately she trusts Conner, enough to lower her gun and put it away entirely. "Right..Sorry."

She apologizes but it seems aimed more at Connor than the..Robot thingy. "Hmm, so it'd be nice to know more abput his attack style, his weaponry and technology...Any sort of weaknesses you could decipher." she's all business, not so strong on table manners.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision puts her hands on her hips. "I'm as far from a robot as you are from a baboon," she states matter-of-factly. "Doctor Templar seems to have some kind of shadow based power. He attempted to attack me with these snapping lamprey like maws that grew from his body. However they weren't able to piece my clothing or skin. I can provide you with a rough level of force they can exert. He also had access to devices which could subvert most security systems."

She motions for everyone to sit and help themselves to the snacks. Perhaps a soothing mug of tea will help calm everyone down!

"One of his associates, Brighteyes I think her name was, only seemed capable of generating pulses of light. We did not see the full extent of her abilities as my Great Aunt beat her up fairly quckly. The other member of the group was some sort of energy form inside a huge and powerful mechanical containment suit. He also seemed to be a gifted hacker and... his personality did not /seem/ overtly evil."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia noda her head slowly listening to Conner explanation, though she keeps an eye on Hope. The last thing she needs is one of the former Black Widow cadets who help out with security jumping the gun and calling Natasha, not that she doesn't adore Natasha but that sort of situation would just be a headache she really doesn't want to deal with at the moment. "Kidnap children with powers? Seems about right. The one he called Bright Eyes was pretty young and inexperienced. I mean that's basically the pitch me made me, come work with them and develop both my science and metahuman abilities with their tech for this big war they say is coming. Then when I refused well, they tried the whole kidnapping bit." She says leaning against the edge of the table with her coffee.

"His attack style was... well he shot blank tentacles out of his chest. It wasn't really what I would call sophisticated battle strategy. Like I said bright eyes was inexperienced and Fuji seemed ...oddly sweet? I'm not sure how they are manipulating their recruits but some of them sure seem to think they are doing the right thing. As for their technology, it's definitely advanced well ahead of Earth mainstream. I've never encountered anything that negated Pym Particles like that before and I'm a Pym." She adds in response to Hope's questions.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner frowns. "We had actually... well, there are these mercenary guys that teleport, they called themselves a 'freelances' and work for N.O.W.H.E.R.E. But they are not that young," he offers. "The other superhumans we have met, besides Templar, were masked or too weird to know their ages. They also employ some armoured soldiers with cybernetics. But the only one we caught, he kind of... self-destroyed."

They have analyzed the remains they got, but there is not much to add. Or at least Conner didn't think so, but he is not a scientist. "Maybe we can send you the lab reports on the remains later," he offers.

"Also, it all fits with the idea they might be building an army," adds Conner. "I mean, cloning Kryptonian hybrids is not done for humanitarian reasons. And they have kidnapped a lot of kids. Many hundreds if Red Robin's estimations are correct."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Is it possible for the original samples to be sent over?" Vivian wonders, already assigning a portion of her mind to search all available electronic records for cases where powered individuals have gone missing. "I do not doubt your lab did the best work possible but here at GIRL we have resources most places could only dream of and some of the best minds in the universe."

Which might be a slight exaggeration but Hope's belligerent introduction has killed any desire to seem modest.

"Could you also send me the datasets Red Robin used to make his estimations? I would be able to run some checks of my own to help produce a more specific figure." She shrugs. "If Red Robin is anything like Robin from the Titans I am sure he is very capable. But Humans still struggling when trying to process vast volumes of information at the same time. While I can compare profiles for each suspected case while also checking for tangentally related anomalies."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia snappoints at Vivian when she asks about the original samples but is a bit more diplomatic about it. "The original samples would be far more helpful than reports. With reports there's a small chance of finding some overlooked data discrepency but anything that wasn't found the first time won't be in the reports. So while I would welcome the reports, I would really like to see the original samples and draw our own conclusions."

She glances over in Vivian's direction, the look on her face wishing everyone could just get along maybe. She frowns though when Conner mentions the prospect of hundreds of missing teenagers. "We have to help them." She states simply. Maybe it's sympathy from her own upbringing but there is no hesitancy at all there, she seems fully prepared to go to war with NOWHERE and rescue these metahuman kids.

Conner Kent has posed:
"I'll ask Red. I mean, I think the samples ended up in Batman's lab," explains Conner. Which also makes him a bit sceptic about the chances of Nadia and her buddies finding anything new, Tim is methodical to the point of maniacal. But it cannot hurt.

He nods about the kidnapped kids. With a side of worry about having to confront hundreds of brainwashed metahumans. But... he thinks they can do it. He also has Superman's phone number in his speed-dial just in case.

"Well, we already keep the League up to date about all this," he adds, thoughtful, "I guess we can also tell you if we make some breakthrough. Actually, we are following a lead right now, we might have news soon. Meanwhile, I'll see about those remains, okay?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"The more information you can share the more useful we can be," Vivian states solemnly. "And if your associates concerns have you in any way suspicious of myself in particular please feel free to watch the media coverage from when Genosha was restored to full size. I was accompanying my Great Aunt and Doctor Pym. If there was any concern at all I might be a Sentinel it was not shared by any of the mutants who were providing security for the occasion."

A list that includes various members of the Brotherhood and X-men.

"The problem with groups like the Justice League or the Avengers is they don't concern themselves unless an event is over a certain threshold. Criminal groups and spies do not really seem to warrant their involvement unless they are actively trying to destroy a city."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Batman? He's kind of scary." Nadia concedes. Apparently there is someone in this world other than Janet who gives her pause. "Superman invited me to do SCIENCE! up on the space station... Watch Tower? Yeah, that's it, before. Oh and I'm at least half an Avenger, maybe three quarters, so I can probably drag them along if the situation calls for it." She beams.

Vivian would know this expression, it's the Nadia has set her mind on something expression and these kids will be helped, come hell or high water.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Yeah, the Watchtower," confirms Conner. He nods to Nadia, giving a glance to the grumpy Hope. He is pretty sure the redhead is taking mental notes of everything.

He also sights at what Viv said about the big teams. "Yeah. I know. I guet they don't have time for a bunch of creeps that kidnaps maybe a kid or two every month when Hydra tries to take over the world every other week. But the Outsiders do have the time and we are definitely going to end N.O.W.H.E.R.E." Beat. "You know what I mean."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"There is a significant chance this group has influence in Federal law enforcement or above. To hide that many abductions you would need to be threatening or bribing the people who should investigate. Simply killing everyone who might ask questions is too messy for them to have remained as under the radar as they are," Vivian muses as her mental subdivisions begin to investigate. It doesn't take much work to find social media accounts set up by the friends or family of powered individuals who have gone missing.

Of course working out which have gone missing due to N.O.W.H.E.R.E, which have probably been attacked by other groups and which have simply run away is the tough part. Sadly there is a near limitless number of evil groups interested in those with unique skills and abilities.

"It may also be wise to check the financial records of people working in customs positions in cities confirmed abductions have occurred. There must be traces indicating where they have gone or who they paid off to leave without official notice."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia shakes her head, "I don't think so Viv, Dad tried investigating NOWHERE and even with Avengers and SHIELD resources wasn't able to find much. I doubt normal investigators would find much at all, if anything. They're likely all cold cases or pending investigations with no leads. Nevermind the other groups that like to do similar things, it would be all too east for NOWHERE to get lost in the shuffle. Which is all the more reason we have to stop them. But we need too find them first... That's the real challenge."

She looks back to Conner, "I will mobilize everyone available from GIRL to help and if you like I can ask the Titans and Avengers, too." She smiles. "I am sure lots of people will want to help if it is properly explained to them. Sometimes things slip through the cracks because they seem like just a few cases here or there in isolation, but when it adds up to hundreds of missing meta-kids, when its put that way I think a lot of people will jump at the chance to help shut this down." She is ever the optimist.

Conner Kent has posed:
"The Outsiders have some of the best detectives in the world, trained by Batman, not just normal investigators," points out Conner. Although he tends to agree N.O.W.H.E.R.E. seems to have fallen through the cracks. And maybe they also did some bribing of the powers that be using their super-tech. "But yeah, more science might do the trick. We have, hmm..." nope, engineers? Yes, scientists? No. But most of the team is in college, so what can they do? "You know? Can I call you tomorrow?" He stands up, "oh, this is a secure line," he scribbles some numbers in a blank card, and an email address. "Thanks for your time, this visit was far more interesting that I expected," he grins.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision tilts her head at her Great Aunt. "Great Aunt Nadia since when have we let something being impossible for others stop us from trying ourselves?" she muses. "The Avengers as a group was never intended to look for missing persons cases. And SHIELD barely has a fraction of the capabilities the organisation used to have."

A shrug.

"If there is a chance of finding something I will look. After all you did just say you'd mobilize GIRL to help..." She smiles. "Quite frankly no organic mind can process data quite like a synthezoid can. And worst case I will have devoted a lot of time to trying to resolve unsolved missing persons cases. Which is a worthy use of my time anyway."