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When the roller derby comes to you.
Date of Scene: 27 April 2021
Location: Derby Queens
Synopsis: Harley gets Ivy to join her for a game of roller derby! Go Brooklyn Queens!
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley

Harley Quinn has posed:
<<Come to Brooklyn!>> <<It will be fun!>> <<How good is your shoulder block?>> and <<Can you bring me some chocolate?>>

It's all very sus.

But those were the messages greeting Pam this morning. Early morning too! Which probably means Harley has pulled an all nighter or woke up way early. Hyped up with something? Still, a few more messages were sent. Some just straight-up silly, others telling her the place and time to come (Derby Queens, 7pm!), along with a few more requests. Because what are friends for if not to bring chocolate to one another?

At the aforementioned hour the place seems to be getting a bit of a crowd, some people already sitting up, chatty as all heck. On the outside there's a big board, announcing a game: The Brooklyn Queens vs The Hell's Devils.

Inside Harley is walking around nervously. "Wheah is she?!" she asks, pacing around and sending a few more messages that Ivy will undoubtedly be receiving on her phone.

<<Are you arriving soon?>> <<Are you here yet?>> rinse repeat.

Pamela Isley has posed:
<<Calm down. Almost there.>>

That is all the message reads from Ivy. No acknowledgement of where Pamela is actually going to be, no confirmation of time, and certainly no confirmation of chocolate being brought, which is probably the most important thing. Just 4 words.

To be honest, Pamela did see the texts early...and didn't respond in kind. It was a test...to see if Harley kept her attention on whatever it is she wanted Pam to do. And....Harley passed. If the list of text messages on Pam's phone is any indication.

<<Alright. Here.>>

The text alert no sooner sounds off for Harley as Pamela walks into the warehouse proper. Her skin a rather light green tonight (didn't want to scare the straights) with her typical black jacket and black jeans. About the only thing that truly stands out is that vibrant red hair of hers.

And yes, as she walks in, there is a bag in her hand. Ask for chocolates and you shall receive...

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Calm down? CALM DOWN?!" Yes, Harley's voice can be heard when Pam is arriving. "How can I be calm when theah's a game ta play and we missin' a ..." a pause when she sees that second message, "Ahah!" triumphant little whoop with a fist and she twirling on a feet to be face to face with her green bestie.

"Pam!" There is perhaps a little roam of those blue eyes as if searching for ... Ah yes, the bag of goodies! A wide grin receives Ivy as Harley tosses herself over to give her friend a hug. Yes, she is one of those hugger types. With a grip of iron! No escaping those clutches ...

"My savior!" She exhaling in relief, one hand slipping into the bug to steal a chocolate bar from inside. She's already unwrapping it and starting on the chomp when she nods towards the warehouse. "Sooooo, glad ya could make it today..."

Wait, what's Harley dressed as? Certainly not her usual. In fact it's more of a roller derby outfit, shoulders padded, lycra shorts.. Just missing the helmet and the roller skates apparently.

"We awhe missin' a player today, today o' all days! One of the most important games of the season." A shake of her fist. "Those Hell's Kitchen bitches need their due. We weah sorta destroyed by them last season." apparently there are seasons of this.
And yes, she is totally doing a recruitment pitch right before the game starts. Typical Harley.

Pamela Isley has posed:
The hugging was expected. After all, this was Harley...and Pamela had plenty of experience with hugging Harley. "Yeah, yeah. Cut it out, Harl. It isn't like it's that good of chocolate." But, hey. Chocolate is chocolate...and always good when you don't have to pay for it.

The roller derby outfit doesn't even surprise Ivy, either. There is little that Harley does that would, to be honest. The green eyes give the outfit a once over, with a sardonic grin. "Nice outfit."

However...what comes out of Harley next? That surprises Pamela. "Wait...what? You expect me to get skates on and short shorts and go out there with you? I don't even have the slightest clue how to play this." Not to mention the fact that Ivy probably hasn't roller skated before. But still... "You can't possibly expect me to go out there..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
On hindsight, perhaps Harley could had asked if Pam had skated before. Details are for losers though! Harley just steams ahead with a big grin, "Ya like it?" She twirls in place to let Pam get a good look, even wiggling her hips a little for show, arms to the sides. "White and pink. Which are totally Brooklyn's colors! Unlike those bitches who wear yellow ..." hmph. Clearly there is quite the rivalry between those two teams!

She takes another bite from the chocolate before continuing, "And of course I expect ya ta come out. Nothin' to know about it. Basically ya go around the rink, we push people out.." she starts explaining in a very Harley way. "Then we have one o' ouuh players who needs ta run ahead ta score, the ace, while the others kick the ass out of the other girls. Simple!"

Clearly there must be more to it. But hey!

"And I got an outfit foh ya. I know ya measures after all!" So, Harley had time to get an outfit with Pam's measures, but not the time to explain the game or ask her earlier about playing. Typical! "And ya gotta help us, Pamela Isley, you awhe our only hope!" quoting Star Wars is cheating!

Pamela Isley has posed:
Those green eyes roll as Pamela tilts her head upwards. "Harley, Harley, Harley...if you already knew you was going to need me, then why didn't you ask earlier?" Well, Pamela knew completely why not. Because, if given enough warning, she would have said no. This is typical Harley Quinn right here. Get Pam on the ropes by asking at the last second.

And...since Pamela doesn't have many friends that are not plant based....like...at all...

There is a sigh as Ivy just shakes her head. "You know this isn't fair. Not for anyone involved." Fairness is so arbitrary, though. And, speaking of fairness, Ivy focuses her gaze on Harley. "I assume no powers, then? Because it would be so easy otherwise."

Well...that wasn't a no...and...maybe with enough coersion, it will be a yes. Maybe..

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Because, because ...." Harley throws her hands up in the air, chocolate bar held firmly between fingertips. Well, in fact Harley is quite the psychologist, and she knows Pam. She knows she'd refuse with enough time to think on things. Besides, she also knows her friend needs to come out more, socialize. Even if it involves roller derby, shorty shorts and roller blades! "Why ya makin' all those difficult questions now?! We have a game ta get ready to!" diverting the subject already!

"And this ain't about fairness..." Chocolate bar now finally disappears inside her mouth, she smacking one fist against an open palm. "It's about destroyin' those Hell's Kitchen wannabes. So...! Does that mean ya in? Say yeeees...." she leans in towards her friend with those little doe eyes of a deep blue that can melt hearts.

"And no powahs... Or well, it's not as if I can push down on my strength, mmm!?" a wink.

And if there are no no's heard it means yes. So she goes to pick up the outfit for Pam. And indeed it has her measures! "I even got it down ta shoe size, so those roller blades will fit like a glove!"

Pamela Isley has posed:
Oh, no fair! The doe eyes! At least Harley didn't have to resort to the nuclear option...which would have involved tears. If there is one thing that will get Pamela...it's those tears. "Alright, alright!! Damn it....I'll do it. But we are going to have words afterwards, Miss Quinzel. Just you wait." The outfit is snatched away from Harley, blades and all, as those green orbs shift from Harley to the outfit now in Ivy's possession. "Really. Pink and white. Did you want me to dial up the green, just for intimidation factor?"

She may not be a psychologist, but Ivy knows the value of a good reputation. And...the fact of seeing Poison Ivy out on the roller derby floor? That has got to cause some people pause.

"Alright. No powers. But don't expect me to actually be any good out there. It isn't like I had any time to prepare." Yes...getting that dig in. It pays to ask in advanced! Researchers need to research!

Harley Quinn has posed:
No, those tears are left for very specific circumstances. Like when Ivy threatens to destroy the world kind of circumstances! Can't abuse that card too much. Harley beams up when Pam relents and accepts. "Damn right we will have words afterwards." She tells the other, winking again, "We will get wasted at a club ta celebrate the win!" see? Already thinking ahead of the fun there will be had!

"And oh please, you'll be great. Just remembah ta kick ass. Just no blows to the head." a beat, "If the ref is watchin..." clearly there are some unspoken rules on this game...

But Harley lets Pam get ready, going over to her own locker to get her own roller blades on. Some of the other players have gathered up and are chatting up with Harley a bit, then peeking at Pam. They aren't perhaps as phased as they could be in knowing Ivy is on their team tonight. Because then again they regularly play with Harley. It was bound to happen!

Pamela Isley has posed:
With a sigh and a wave of her hand, Pamela wanders off to go change. Off comes the black jacket and jeans. On goes the lycra shorts... "...now I know how Nightwing feels...". The commentary is off the cuff and mostly to herself. But, it leaves no doubt that yes, that is Poison Ivy wriggling her ass into a pair of pink and white shorts. The shoulder pads are given a once over, with a smirk, before Ivy works those on, too. Getting herself all set to go. The red hair flows down her back as the green tinge in Pam's flesh shifts to a more certain green color. It isn't like she can hide in that skimpy outfit anyways...might as well turn it up.

The skates...are another matter. Ivy puts them on...and tests hers balance. After a couple moments....she is up and rather steady. "ah....like vine riding. I can do this." It does look like she is rather adept at balance, at the very least. Maybe this is a new calling for her.

Then again, maybe not.

The helmet is latched on, and then Ivy turns around to regard Harley fully. "So, just hit them and keep their...ace, was it?...from getting by? I think I can do that."

Harley Quinn has posed:
When Pam is finally done getting into those shorty shorts and gets ready to ruuummbbbleeeee there's a whistle out of Harley. "Damn, lookin' good." she comments, eyeing her green friend up and down, hands on her hips and nodding approvingly. "You awhe gonna smash it. The crowd is gonna love it." she tells her with confidence. As for Harley, she is into her roller blades already, along with the helmet. And indeed she appears to be quite adept in moving about in those, all grace and balance.

"And yep, you got it right! Hit 'em and send 'em to the sides of the rink. The harder the bettah so they don't recover quickly!" Some of the players are seen already swinging by to the entrance, talking between themselves. As for Harley, she nears Pam, giving her a small nudge on the side.

"Let's go. Unless ya wanna be the ace. We can accomodate too. No need ta have it be a fixed player." She explains. But then she is leading them out to the entrance to the rink, the roar of the crowd louder as they call for both teams. Clearly this appears to be a sport of passion for some!

When the doors open it's heard a lot louder, the place having filled up, all lit up on the rink as they move through a corridor with crowd on each side. "Kitchen versus Brooklyn, always gets crowded! Big rivalry!" She almost has to yell back to be heard.

Pamela Isley has posed:
While Pamela herself isn't advertising her arrival in super tight shorty shorts, it seems that the crowd certainly has noticed, especially when the technicolor locks of Harley's signature hairstyle, visible underneath that helmet, line up besides the green-hued one. There are *a lot* of people present...and even through the cheering and the screams there are those that are stunned. Is that really Poison Ivy, lined up with the The Mistress of Mayhem?

Yes, yes it is, folks. Take it in.

As the team rolls out, Ivy shakes her head towards Harley, while her own voice is barely heard over the din. "No way. I don't want to be the center of attention..." There is a pause before Ivy adds a single word.


Still, hit the other team to the side...and hard enough to cause them a delay in getting back, without taking off heads or paralyzing the opposing team or anything too fun? Okay....Ivy can do that. Still...all the people is certainly a shock to the normally introverted one.

"Great. Come out and help me, she says. It will be fun, she says. Don't lose or it will be a mob, she should have said..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is enjoying all the attention, for while one may be an introvert the other is all about having attention on her and being as extrovert as she gets. At least out here. The truth isn't exactly that. Yet it works for their friendship! And she certainly waves that technicolor hair as she looks here and there, sending waves and kisses to the crowd, "But you willlll beeee.." she promises the other with a wink.

The other team is already in the rink. And it might be noticeable on why the rivalry. And why Harley isn't sure about beating them. Because they appear to have come out of Monsters Inc magazine, big, broad, tough, menacing. Yea, they are here to hurt people tonight!

"It's okay, Ives! We lost last year and the place didn't get wrecked that much.." just a little bit. But then again what is a little bit for the clownette? We are talking about someone who wanders about with explosives in her purse...

They finally get in the rink, another wave from Harley to the crowd and then she joins in with the rest of them. "Alright..." she calls the players close in. "Lacey, you are the ace on this run!" Lacey, a scrawny looking girl, but at least she looks fast. She nods a couple of times, gulping, then Harley looking at Ivy. "And we gonna run interception. Just stick close ta me. And we'll show'em how it's done." evil grin on her lips.

The ref comes by and starts gesturing for the players to get in place. Harley says as an aside, "Remembah what I told you about the ref.."

Pamela Isley has posed:
"Yes, I remember. Not when the referee is looking." Pamela is a quick learner, after all.

The big bruisers on the other team do catch Ivy's eye. And she slowly turns from them to Harley. "You never said they were behemoths." Yeah....that little detail may have slipped Harley's mind. "You could have mentioned that." The size causes Pam to change her tactics. What...Stay with Harley?

Yeah, Ivy can do that.

With that, she lines up next to Harley. "Okay....here we go..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Behemoths..?" Harley lifts her shoulders as if that was nothing! "What's a little detail like that between friends, eh?" and it may very well be why they need some heavyweights on their side too! It was time for some payback against those Kitchen bitches. She taps her hands a couple of times on the sides of her helmet. Leans herself down a little. Wiggles her hips just so for the crowd... Ok, that last one may just be to get the crowed rooaring...

The ref gets the game going and then they are on!

Rules are simple. Protect the ace player, kick ass, make sure you aren't thrown to the outside of the rink. And look cool as heck while doing this. They got it, right?! Harley gives Pam a grin. "Lets do this." and off they go.

And if anyone didn't expect brutal.., Well, players start clashing all about while their small ace tries to escape assault, Harley moving in to cover and calling on Pam. "We need ta protect her so she can do the lap ovah..!" she says over her shoulder.

Of course that may prove to be difficult with the two incoming behemoths... Which Harley isn't seeing because she is busy talking to Pam!

Pamela Isley has posed:
It only takes a little bit for Pammy to find her rhythm on the derby rink. It speaks to her innate athleticism, as well as her adaptability...one of the traits she gets a lot of practice with when around Harley. Which speaks for itself, really.

And, while Harley is talking to Pamela, Pammy is watching ahead...and cannot help but see the two brick walls that threaten to take out the little wisp of an ace that is the charge of the two (reformed? ex?) criminals on the floor. And Ivy is not going to be intimidated.

"Heads up, Harl". That is all that Ivy says before she starts to move. And...she moves quickly. She ducks low, sliding towards the right side, sliding right under one of the massive arms of a bruiser. Then, with a shift, a shoulder block comes up and out...connecting to just under the shoulder and shoving the skater off-balanced...and hopefully out to the edge of the rink. Maybe even beyond...

Harley Quinn has posed:
The move works, specially because Pammy isn't paying attention to something else! So when the block of stone slides in, large arms trying to wrap Pam into a little 'embrace of love' but without the love she gets instead a shoulder to the chest. Talk about unrequited love! And then she is sent spinning off with a light yelp. It's more heard than seen the sound that the woman does when crashing to the side. One down apparently!

As for Harley, she looks ahead with a 'eh?', almost as if she forgot she is in the rink!

Eyes go wide and she lets out a "Ahhhhh!", then jumps up in that natural athleticism of hers! One hand catches the large woman's shoulder and she flips over. A laugh comes from her. "Ahahahah! You can't catch me..!"

She gets caught on the side by another player, careening out of the way along with the other woman as they struggle. It tells on why they may not win alot of games if Harley isn't focused!

But that leaves Pam alone with the Ace, who is fast, but is getting approached fast by a couple of big gals!

Pamela Isley has posed:
There may be a roll of the eyes as Pamela catches just what happens to Harley. May be. It isn't all that unexpected, but it does at least bring a smile to Pam's face. Same old Harley Quinn, on the rink or in the streets. Clearly, the team needs a planner. Or, at least a wrangler.

So...that's why Pamela is here.

That analytical mind of Isley's starts processing. One ace and her. Okay. Two big girls trying to stop their process. Oh, that's fun. But....there is a possibility. An avenue that can be taken. Especially since the two brutes seem to be all upper body and Lacey, the ace, is nothing but skin and bones. Ivy's voice cuts through the crowd, speaking directly towards Lacey. "Go low. I will whip you. Aim for the left leg of the one on the right, just below the knee. That should knock her off while you break free. I will take care of the other." Lacey's eyes grow wide as she realizes that Ivy is essentially asking her to become a human cannonball...but nods with affirmation. After all, who is she to say no to Poison Freaking Ivy?

Ivy extends her hand...and Lacey takes it with both of her own. A good thing, too, because Ivy may be lithe, but there is strength hidden within her. And, as Ivy winds up to send Lacey careening down the rink, it is apparent why Ivy went with the plan. The right girl is the weaker skater of the two...and slower to respond. Which means more of a chance for the ace to bust her way through with that one than the other.

And...as for the other...Pamela skates immediately for her. The long red hair trails behind her, as certain of a calling card as the green-hued skin. There is intimidation afoot, most certainly, those emerald eyes focused upon their prey. Let's see if Kitchen girls scary easily...

Harley Quinn has posed:
Poor Lacey. The girl should had never accepted this gig about playing on this team! But then again .., Harley is a convincing clownette. If not looking for the safety of their players! And neither is Ivy apparently.

The girl only has time to swallow dry, nod and there she goes! Because indeed she can't really say no to Ivy! The girl gets tossed around and then curls in a 'ball' as she flies. Literal cannonball really and sorta aimed to that left leg. The plan does seem to work. The low center of gravity helping as she knocks past even if losing some of her balance and slowing down ...

If Ivy was expecting intimidation out of the kitchen girls it seems in the rink there's none of that! They are here to play, and get some casualties in apparently. So the woman narrows her eyes while approaching, lowering herself down to ramming speed. Almost as if it was a charging bull!

Really, what do they feed to these girls on Hell's Kitchen?!

As Lacey tries to continue on the other girl she hit pivots, reaching over to try and catch her ankle. But that's when Harley comes from the side, having apparently gotten rid of her opponent and jumping towards the Kitchen girl!

"Striiikkkeeeeee...!" she shouts as they both get thrown and sprawl to the side, leaving Lacey clear to go on.

Pamela Isley has posed:
Not intimidated? No problem. Well, maybe a problem. But...not a huge problem. Hopefully.

As the bullish striker lowers her horns at Ivy, it leaves Ivy to improvise. And...in this case, improvisation looks a hell of a lot like suicide, as Ivy doesn't back down...heading directly to the bull. A classic game of chicken, it would seem. Though, for Ivy, it is more a Spanish bullfight and she is the matador. As the Kitchen girl charges, Ivy shifts at the last instant, planting her right foot just on the outside of the path of the oncoming bull and spinning to attempt to avoid. And....avoid she *almost* succeeded.

If it wasn't for that outstretched arm, lashing out to catch the pirouetting redhead dead in the stomach. There is a definite deflating sound as Ivy loses her breath, though no one hears it with the roar of the crowd.

But...judging from the look in those eyes, Ivy is far from out...