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Latest revision as of 15:14, 29 June 2021

Curiosity Cat
Date of Scene: 30 April 2021
Location: Old Gotham - Founders Island
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Selina Kyle, Selene Corvinus

Selina Kyle has posed:
    The Gotham Museum of Antiquities is an unassuming building if one considers the old neighborhood it is in - the oldest of Gotham's neighborhoods, in fact. The medieval-looking building sits on a grassy hill, a former manor home donated by one of the city's old and established families so it could be turned into a place to display antiques from all eras. An ideal haunt for thieves if ever there was one, even though there haven't been any successful thefts here in some time. Not when tall, dark, and pointy has a say in it.

    The RideShare car (the deluxe version, of course) pulls to a stop on Netherlands Avenue and a woman emerges from within. She wears a summery dress of breezy linen with a floral print, dark hair drawn up beneath a wide-brimmed hat and a pair of bug-eyed sunglasses that cover much of her face. These are not the tones nor aesthetic of Gotham City, but Selina Kyle is one who tends to enjoy blending in by standing out.

    Not long after she is inside the museum, looking in a glass case marked 'Ancient Mesopotamia'. Displayed at the forefront is a golden, jewel-inlaid medallion depicting some ancient Sumerian deity. But the practiced onlooker will note that Selina's eye seems to be drawn by a discrete, grey ring in the back that looks almost humdrum by comparison. She lifts her smartphone with a yawn, and under the guise of texting she covertly compares it to a photograph on the screen.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene wasn't really much of a day time traveler, for obvious reasons, but she'd had to make trips to places to meet people in the day from time to time.

The museum was one of these locations as todays he needed to meet a contact who worked there and who'd witnessed some odd things the night before, odd things related to the sort of stuff she was... interested in.

Selene had taken one of the company cars to get to the building today and entered the building with a hooded jacket on, wrapped up in black leather clothes, a black leather jacket and a simple white shirt on beneath the jacket.

She's not far from where Selina is now, her hood down over her shoulders now, revealing her long dark hair and pale skinned face. She fits right in with Gotham's usuals, but her appearance does make her stand out from the rest.

She's tall, she's attractive, and she just looks like one of the rebellous wealthy types.

Her eyes are roaming around as she'd made her contact and was now waiting, for the sun to go down... lots of time to turn, so to speak.

Selina Kyle has posed:
    Selina leans in close to the glass, surreptitiously glancing at the security countermeasures hidden just beyond. Sensors on the glass, she notes, and probably a weight-sensitive plate in the base. But that depends how much the chief curator is skimming off the top and skimping on security. Behind the dark glasses she wears, her eyes shift to the security cameras. Old model. Probably feeding into a VHS recorder somewhere. If that doesn't spell Gotham, she doesn't know what does.

    It's that last glance that causes her gaze to land on Selene. Dark, painted lips curve into a brief half-smile before she gathers her composure and makes a bee-line for the other woman. When she speaks, it's with an affected transatlantic accent and an inimitable purr that has become her calling card.
    "Oh, are you staff?" she asks with the aristocratic tenor of someone who sees the whole world outside her innermost circle as 'the help', "Could I trouble you to tell me what these are?"

    She gestures with a flourish at another case full of Japanese artefacts.

    "I simply must have that fan for the drawing room. It's beautiful. What do the characters mean?"

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene is turning in Selina's direction when the woman approaches her and speaks. It draws Selene's eyes to her but then they avert to look at the decorative fan in the case.

Selene stares upon it for a moment before she looks back to Selina. "It's a Akomeogi fan." She tells the other woman. "They're very old, beautiful though, yes. That one..." She leans forward a little to read it.

"I believe it says something about honor and pride above all else. But my Japanese is a little rusty."

She straightens up again and looks back to Selina to show her a little grin. She's speaking with a European accent, mostly British but its not entirely London-native, suggesting she's been around Europe a lot. "I don't work here, merely visiting, I've some interest in investing in the place... possibly." She shows a smile.

"I don't think these are for sale though, I'm afraid to say." She tells Selina, apparently amused by her thinking this place is a store of some kind. Rich Gothamites!

Selina Kyle has posed:
    "Hmmm," Selina replies, lifting graceful fingers up to stroke her chin thoughtfully. A playful smile dances across her features and she tilts her head, allowing the dark glasses to slide down the slope of her nose. A pair of jewel-green eyes catch Selene's, and there's none of that idle riché vapidity left. It's almost though she's shrugged off whatever dull housecoat she was wearing and stepped into her dancing shoes.

    "Well, you know what they say. The best things in life are free."

    She peers around, letting her sunglasses stay low enough to keep her eyes on display.

    "An investment? Is there much value in museums?"

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene is looking away again when Selina speaks once more. It draws Selene's brown hued eyes back on to the woman's own.

"Value?" She asks. "Well. That depends on what you consider to be a profit." She shows the hints of a little smile. Her eyes glance to the fan again before back to Selina. "I recently moved here to the United States from Hungary. I come from a family that has a... long history there. I've a number of items in my personal collection that date back many centuries, and I was hoping to find a place for some of them here in the museum. My investment would be profited in the form of pride of my homeland being displayed here in this fine place."

She glances around again before smiling lightly again at Selina. "No fans though, I'm afraid my collection is more war in nature. Armor. Weapons. Medieval glory, that sort of thing."

Selina Kyle has posed:
    "Let me guess, a husband who never had the stomach for actual battle so he bought trinkets to make like he was a nouveau Genghis Khan? I've seen it before. Shiny swords that men used to hack and chop at each other with sitting up on a shelf like a talking point over cigars and brandy. Boys and their toys."

    Selina takes a step towards the glass case, practically leaning across Selene to peer inside. She tilts her head to the side, lets out an airy sigh, and straightens up once more.

    "You'd be better off hanging onto them. The security leaves something to be desired."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene's ghostly smile turns in to the same sort of grin at the woman's words about her imagined husband. She shakes her head to it and watches the other woman lean in and over to get a good look again at the items in the case.

"Father, actually." Selene replies. "But otherwise pretty close to true." She raises her hands up and slides them in to her leather jacket's pockets as she watches the woman straighten up again."Is that so?" She asks. "Are you in the security business then, Miss?" She then asks, before she pulls a hand out and offers it to her. "Selene. Corvinus." She offers, even though that's not really her last name. But what are either of them being honest about here and now?

Selina Kyle has posed:
    "Oh, a father? Well, that makes sense, too."

    When the hand is offered, Selina regards it for a second before reaching up to clasp it. Her hand is mostly unadorned save for a prohibitively-expensive looking diamond bracelet around a slender wrist. She runs a thumb momentarily over the back of Selene's hand, glancing up to meet her eyes. Measuring ... something.

    "Oooh, I like that name. Selina," she finally releases Selene's hand, though not before letting the grasp linger for several moments, "Selina Kyle."