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Egg On My Face
Date of Scene: 29 June 2021
Location: Liberty State Park, New Jersey
Synopsis: June Connor follows an enemy of The Hand across the river to Liberty State Park, New Jersey. Ms. Marvel is in pursuit but not everything goes according to plan...
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Kamala Khan

June Connor has posed:
    Jersey City. June doesn't drive, so her trip today to get there was through boat. A tug boat, to be exact. It doesn't hurt to flirt with an old sea dog to hitch a free ride, especially when you want it to be one off the books. The tug pulled into the harbor at about 10am, and she made her way to the Park nearby.
    Everett Danielson was not free to leave the city. He had made a deal with the Hand for information in exchange for a good bit of cash. That information led to a disaster, because it was wrong. He was told to stay put until they determined whether he had sold them out, or things had just changed. Pretty generous, really. He didn't stay put, which means he should have run farther than the other side of the bay.
    June's currently platinum dyed hair stands out, along with her rather extreme metal look, a fanny pack on her waist, who wears those anymore? She makes her way across the grass, wearing little enough clothing to get eyes drawn to her, but with a scowl on her face hard enough that most don't dare look too long.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Summer break, is there any better time in a kid's life? Nothing to do but relax and have fun for a couple months! For Kamala Khan, it also means that her Ms. Marvel patrols can happen during the day. She spent much of the morning parading across the downtown ward, giving everyone from Van Leer down to Liberty Harbor a good look at her in her iconic red and blue costume -- a subtle reminder to any would-be criminals that Ms. Marvel is nearby! Eventually, her travels would take her to Bergen-Lafayette and its crown jewel: Liberty State Park. From her vantage point on top of Lady Liberty's crown, Ms. Marvel hungrily bites into the first of two breakfast gyros she picked up along the way.

    With her mouth full of lamb, pita, and onion, Ms. Marvel smiles down at the little specs of activity. "Ah! Ernesto is back at work!" she cheers to herself as she spots the tug boat coming in to dock.

June Connor has posed:
    June finds a tree and leans up against it, standing around idly for a few moments. She spots the costumed teen, and gives her a hard look. She doesn't know this one, and starts making an assessment. Having no ideas about any powers, what she can tell is that the girl isn't all that old, meaning less likely to be adept to stressful situations, or more prone to judgment errors. As if June had room to criticize in that field. She glances down the sidewalk, and the other way. There he is. She turns her back to Ms. Marvel, Everett getting a view of her opposite shoulder. The one that had been facing him has a blood red tattoo of a handprint, so to keep him from seeing the threatening logo, she changes position, pretending to watch some kids playing in the grass.

    As Everett passes, heading back in the direction of the tugboat captain, she starts following him, hands in the pockets of her shredded black denim shorts, skulking along in that 'don't talk to me' aura that surrounds her.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    One doesn't need to be a superhero for that feeling of 'I'm being watched' to tickle to the surface. This feeling draws Ms. Marvel's attention down -- way, way down -- towards that pair of eyes looking up at her. Ms. Marvel squints, still munching on her gyro... three hundred feet in the air. Liberty State Park draws all types, as the Statue is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the country, so the teen hero just goes back to enjoying her breakfast. When June steps off from her tree and back towards the tug boat captain -- and therefore the tug boat itself -- Ms. Marvel squints again. Chew chew chew. Swallow. 'Didn't she just get here?' Ms. Marvel thinks. 'Leaving so soon?'

    Ms. Marvel sets the rest of her gyro down onto Lady Liberty's copper crown and leaps off! With both legs extended, Ms. Marvel slides down, using the folds of the statue's robes as a series of slides towards the ground. After a few moments of that, Ms. Marvel quickly expands her size to about thirty feet tall to make her landing as trivial as possible. Almost in precise synchronization with her feet touching down, Ms. Marvel shrinks back down to a normal size and leans against Lady Liberty's big toe. She's still very, very high in the air, but she should be able to get a closer look from this new spot. Ms. Marvel leans against that copper toe, both arms folded across her chest as she watches and waits.

June Connor has posed:
    June's eyes shift to watch Kamala's antics as she follows Everett, adding it to her mental file on the hero. Better to do this quickly and just get out. She continues to wait for Everett to give her an opportunity, and when he walks toward the entrance of the statue's base, she makes her move. She closes the distance quickly, and delivers a kidney shot to the man. He yelps in pain, and taking a handful of hair, she smashes his face into the stone wall. While June may be out of Kamala's line of sight, she's not out of everyone's. Below on the grass, a handful of people do see it, and their recoil looking at something under the statue is clear. New Yorkers may be immune to such thing, but here at the statue, a lot of these people are tourists.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Ms. Marvel scowls a little, eyes rolling at her luck, as the pair disappear from her sight as they get closer to the wall of the base below. She begins to lean forward to try and improve her vantage -- and then leans, and leans, and leans. Her neck and torso stretch and curl over the edge of the stone base so she can look down at the ground, noodling there like a ribbon. When the New Jerseyians and New Yorkers visiting the park recoil in horror, Ms. Marvel drops down from the base of the statue in one fluid motion. She leaps off of the base and grows until her feet touch the grass below, followed by a fluid shrinking back to normal size.

    Ms. Marvel extends an index finger in June's direction, raising her voice to elevate above the various murmurs and cheers of 'it's Ms. Marvel!' coming from the tourists. "It looks like we found the 'wretched refuse of your teeming shore!'" she quips, quoting the poem on the statue and announcing her intention to put a stop to this.

June Connor has posed:
    "You were supposed to stay put," June tells Everett. "Now y-" She doesn't get any further before Ms. Marvel lands behind her, and she spins, the bloody faced Everett held by the collar, and in the time she was out of view, a small knife, a kunai, has come into her left hand and is at his throat. She gives a fearless, withering glare to Kamala, as if she's the evil doer in the situation. "Fuck off," she says to her. Either she didn't get the quote, or didn't care. Maybe it's both. Her story is quick, though, to put doubt in her opponents mind. "He raped me. This is payback." Is that true? Who knows?
    "No I didn't! I never met-" pressure from the kunai on his neck draws a little blood and he winces, stopping his protest.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    A young(er) Ms. Marvel might have fallen for this, but she's been down this road before -- or, at least, one like it. The thing about taking the law into your own hands is knowing when not to... and knowing WHY not to. Still standing in that heroic pose, she shakes her head. "Well, that's just not how we do things here in Jersey," Ms. Marvel replies. "Vinnie, call the cops," Ms. Marvel instructs, pointing at the nearest hot dog vendor. She knows him by name? Of course! "Tell them that this lady wants to report a crime." No mention of the knife.

    "I think I can take it from here," she adds, her eyebrows raising a little over the edges of her domino mask. From her tone, it sounds like she doesn't believe the 'rape' story and is merely playing along. Stalling, maybe.

June Connor has posed:
    "Kid, you don't want this, June answers, not moving. "You clearly don't know how screwed up the justice system is." Ironically, June doesn't look any older than Kamala. She's a good several inches shorter than the man she's holding hostage.
    "So how about you just go play hero somewhere else." She backs up a little toward the entrance of the statue's museum, giving her a direction to escape. Well, escape immediately at least. Whether her story is true or not, there's one thing that's unmistakeable. The tension between June's teeth is like a firecracker ready to explode.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    "Well, /you're/ going to find out how the health care system is, if you don't let him go!" Ms. Marvel fires back. To illustrate that point, one of her hands curls into a fist as large as a mini refrigerator. "I'm warning you! The cops are coming to handle /him/ but I'll handle /you/ if you don't cooperate. We're not into vigilante justice here in Jersey City!" Except hers, of course!

    By now, that obedient hotdog vendor has dialed 9-1-1 and brought his cellphone up to his ear...

June Connor has posed:
    "Oh is that right?" June asks, "You're the shining example of that I can see. Use your powers to push around other people, make them obey you? Bitch." Apparently she has not read any books about winning friends and influencing people. Here eyes shift to the fist, and shift to the hot dog vendor beyond, and a curl of dissatisfaction comes to her lip. Still watching Kamala, she whispers something into Everett's ear so close that in another context it might look like she was kissing it. She then suddenly kicks her hostage toward Kamala as a distraction, followed by a fling of her kunai out toward Vinnie. It's a long throw, and while her accuracy is pretty good, it isn't perfect, and that's a long way for such an attack. Probably not the best move she could make, and the kunai strikes the side of the cart, missing by about a foot. SHe bursts backward, running into the museum.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    The irony of what she said is not lost on Ms. Marvel and she totally opened herself up to that comeback. Ugh! Through this tension, she manages to keep her cool, though, as though she was doing this hero thing for a little while. But then... action! When Everett is kicked towards her, Ms. Marvel's other hand grows to match the other and they come together to catch him. The knife, though, draws the teen hero's attention away from June -- a quick snap-turn of her head. Relieved that it has missed its mark (or has it?), Ms. Marvel turns back in time to see June taking off towards the museum.

    Ms. Marvel shifts her weight from side to side, unsure of what to do. She'd like to keep this supposed rapist in the grip of her oversized fist... but she'd also like to chase after June. UGH! Suddenly, she opens her hand and gives Everett a giant push towards the hog dog cart. "Vinnie, keep him fed until the cops get here!" she calls out to the startled vendor. With that settled, Ms. Marvel's legs stretch out so she can pursue the ninja -- a long stride goes a long way!

June Connor has posed:
    By the time Kamala looks back, June is on the other side of the heavy wooden doors. She reaches up, flipping the internal lock on top of the museum doors, followed by a smug, "now what?" look on her face. She takes off from there back into the museum. There's a few ways she can get out of this. Of course, there's other ways into the museum. There's the balcony at the feet, there's the emergency exits on the other side of the base. It makes it hard for a normal person to watch them all, though, Kamala of course is not a normal person. Unless of course the doors are breached.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Ms. Marvel makes quick work of the wooden doors. A giant fist swings in and punches them right off their hinges. The teen shrinks down to fit through the doorway and continue forward into the museum. Once inside, she does her best to move quietly with her head on swivel. "Come on, I really don't want to hurt you -- but I totally will if that's what's necessary!" she calls out, turning left and right again, unsure of which direction she should allow her voice to carry. The costumed hero tilts her head towards a security guard currently reading a newspaper. The museum's exhibits stretch into two different corridors. He makes a vaguely disinterested gesture, which Ms. Marvel takes to mean 'she went that way!'

    With a sigh, Ms. Marvel takes the gesture at value and starts to run further into the museum, unsure if she made the right choice or not.

June Connor has posed:
    June is in front of the model of the torch, when the doors come off their hinges, causing everyone to naturally look in her direction at the property damage. She bursts into a run, tossing the tourists behind her to block the path, a mix of "Hey! Watch it!" fills the air as she bursts up the stairs, trying to make her way up. Apparently the balcony is her strategy, though that's a pretty long drop for someone to make.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Ms. Marvel runs swiftly across the tile floor before turning suddenly. Her boots make a slight squealing sound as she slides to a stop like an ice-skater. Unfortunately for June, Ms. Marvel has knowledge that only five school field trips to the Statue of Liberty could give a person: those stairs go to the torch. With a determined look splashed across her features, Ms. Marvel sprints back towards the main entrance and through the missing pair of doors.

    Now outside, Ms. Marvel stretches her hand out to grab hold of one of the grooves in the statue's robes. "Hnmmghhhh!" she grunts as she pulls herself up with a snap! She seems to be trying to climb up to the torch and let June come to her!

June Connor has posed:
    Inside, June is racing, and spending a good deal more energy than Kamala as she rushes up the steps. She doesn't go as high as the torch, though, poopping out on the balcony much nearer to the base. She's walking normally, and spots the hot dog vendor, Vinnie, who is arguing with her target. Apparently, he's not keen on staying put for the cops to arrive. Not knowing that Kamala is all the way up at the torch, June glances around below, moving around the side of the balcony, ready for her pursuer to show on the surface below, or to come out. When she doesn't, she reaches into her bag, grabbing out a scarlet hood. She pulls the face mask off her shozuko, and puts the hood over the blindingly platinum hair. It's short, so none of the hair peeks out, though her clothing is the same, she hopes that it will be enough to disguise her as she starts back down the steps, making her way for the ferry. Only she doesn't have a ticket. She'll worry about that when she gets there.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Up, up, up she goes, by virtue of stretched limbs! Ms. Marvel flings her fists up into the air and swings, much like Spider-Man might do with his web shooters, and doesn't stop until she reaches the torch. She vaults over the railing and takes a readied stance as she looks around for any sign of June. A number of civilians come rushing over, cellphones out, as a murmur of excitement takes hold. It would be a lie to say Ms. Marvel didn't smile a little at this, despite the circumstances. It's not long, however, before she realizes she's been had. She cranes her neck down the stairwell and scowls. No sign of her! UGH.

    Ms. Marvel vaults back over the railing and stretch-yanks herself down the statue's structure until her boots reunite with the ground. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" she mutters to herself as she starts running from the statue. She stops and looks around, realizing that she has no idea which direction to go. The ferry's horn interrupts, thankfully. Of course, the ferry! And, once again, Ms. Marvel takes off running!

June Connor has posed:
    June reaches the ramp, casually heading back onto the cruise. There's no tickets requested on the return voyage, because you had to take the ferry to get there in the first place. The Miss New Jersey is enclosed, and so June heads inside, pulling the hood off once she's entered the air conditioned cabin, and sits down with a sigh on one of the seats, thinking she's in the clear.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    "I can see it now. 'Ms. Marvel fails to stop kid with a knife!'" she mutters to herself as she continues sprinting towards the ferry. Toooot tooot! The ferry signals its intent to set off on its brief journey across the Hudson River. "C'mon, c'mon!" Her legs grow to increase the length of her stride -- anything, anything to catch up to that ferry! "No, no, no!" she shouts as the ferry begins to move from the dock. Ms. Marvel runs down the length of the dock and, once she reaches the end, seems to dive headfirst right off of it!

    Except... Her feet remain on the dock. Her form, instead, arcs forward, stretching and growing until her hands grip the stern of the ship. Ms. Marvel clenches her teeth as she strains to keep the ferry from getting any further. Anyone on the ferry would sense that the forward motion has sloooooowed to a crawl yet the engines have gotten louder and louder as more power is applied.

June Connor has posed:
    June rocks to the right as she feels the change in momentum. Is that supposed to happen? She doesn't speak, but stands back to her feet, and walks nonchalantly to the back of the ferry, and up the stairs amidst the crowd. She is short, so she has trouble seeing what is happening, but most of the tourists seem excited about it, and that's enough confirmation for her.
    "Well, she's persistent," she mutters, and starts making her way to the front of the boat, looking around for any unattended piece of clothing. Of course, people don't really wear jackets in the middle of summer, so finding one of those isn't a likely thing.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Persistent? Oh, yes. Ms. Marvel is in that early stage of her career where she's determined to be taken seriously and, by an extension of that, determined for Jersey City to be taken seriously. Some New Yorker can't just come to her side of the river and start trouble! Certainly not within shouting distance of Lady Liberty! Ms. Marvel would not have it! The teen hero grits her teeth, continuing to strain against the ferry's engines. She tries in earnest to look nice and heroic for the photos being taken by the gaggle of smartphones pointed at her, but... it's no use. Social media begins to flood with stills of Ms. Marvel making goofy, in-motion poses... as is tradition for her.

    "Tell the captain to stop the ferry!" she shouts through her teeth. "The dock can't take much more of this!" The dock? Or HER?!

June Connor has posed:
    There, a baseball cap. The Mets? The things she has to do to stay hidden. But if they are a Mets fan, they deserve to have their hat taken away. She plucks it off the seat, and puts it on her head and heads to the top of the ferry to get a better look. She's still holding it?
    June gauges the situation. What does she have to work with? Um...not much. She surely can't beat a powered superhero in a fight.

    "Look out behind you!" she shouts out to Kamala, then ducks back behind someone else in the crowd quickly. Her only real hope is that it will make her release the ferry. Of course, the other possibility is that Kamala will recognize her voice.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Ms. Marvel dangles above the water, strung out between the ferry and the dock. She's now stretched out to about thirty feet long or so, boots planted firmly against the wooden planks of the dock, and hands turning pale as she continues to hold the railing across the stern of the ship. "Tell the captain to stop the ferry!" she shouts again. More opportunities for her face to appear awkwardly in motion on social media! A moment after the shout to look behind her, the ferry jerks forward with sudden motion. The wooden planks of the dock snap, giving Ms. Marvel's legs nowhere to plant themselves! The ferry continues on course towards Manhattan with Ms. Marvel flapping in the air above the ship's wake.

    After shrinking back down and vaulting over the railing, Ms. Marvel flops onto the deck. She looks exhausted! It takes a lot of effort to keep a ferry in place, even for a superhero.

June Connor has posed:
    Well, that didn't work. "This girl believes in collateral damage," June mutters to herself. "I like the style." She sighs, can she hide for fifteen minutes as the ferry makes its slow chug back to the other shore? Probably. But that's not her biggest problem. Her biggest problem is what to do once it reaches the dock.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    After taking a few breaths, Ms. Marvel sits up and rises to her feet. She shakes out her arms, which briefly flutter in the air like rubber before snapping back into their proper size and rigidity. Totally normal looking, Ms. Marvel steps forward and through the crowd of onlookers. She begins walking down the aisle and gives each seat a good look. Each step brings Ms. Marvel closer to the front of the ship...and the inevitable conclusion that she's rapidly running out of time. "Wait..." she mutters, coming to a stop before rolling her eyes. "Duh!"

    A plan has come together. Ms. Marvel leans against the barrier that keeps people from exiting the ferry while it is in motion, which happens to be where they'll have to exit once it docks. She folds her arms across her chest and, well, waits.

June Connor has posed:
    June watches as the elastic hero makes her way around the ferry, a, rotating skillfully to stay out of the line of sight, the Mets hat pulled down low. She could jump ship...Does she really want to get wet? Not in that water, she'd probably get mutated into an inhuman with all the weird waste found in there.
    Everyone else takes pictures and talks about how cool it is that a superhero is on the boat, or discuss who it is that she must be searching for, or...oh no, are they going to die? Is there going to be an attack? The restless civilians start to become a little stir crazy, suspecting each other of things, calling their families in case something tragic happens to them.

    June? She sits down in a corner. Not in a seat. She sits on the floor, and draws her knees up to her chest, and she waits.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Ms. Marvel watches, wide-eyed, as the ferry erupts into escalating chaos. Her expression turns into one of horror as the passengers start to turn on each other, accusing each other, quarreling about the perception of danger. She takes a deep breath and waves her hands in the air. "No, no, it's fine! Everything's fine!" she tries. "Everyone calm down!" They don't. Wait. She can just...

    Ms. Marvel grows to a size that towers above the crowd, her neck bending a little as the top of her head reaches the ceiling of the ferry's inside cabin. "Everyone! Calm down! Everything's fine!" she shouts. From this new vantage point, Ms. Marvel can now see above the crowd... and notice a single person sitting on the floor. She squints and starts to carefully make her way down the aisle and in that direction.

June Connor has posed:
    June stays in her position, not looking up as most of the people do, huddled on the second level of the boat. When Kamala grows near, she still doesn't look up, but hugs her knees a little tighter. She keeps her face hidden behind the cap, though the clothing is definitely the same extreme look. Her left shoulder has a blood red tatoo of a handprint, and a few other tattoos are scattered across her skin's canvas. She just sits there, as if hoping she could become invisible as the boat blows its horn, indicating that they are almost to the shore.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    A smart phone is pulled from a hidden compartment in one of Ms. Marvel's bangle bracelets. "Hello, it's Ms. Marvel," she says into it while walking forward. "Can you send a --- no, /Ms./ Marvel, not Captain Marvel. No. No, I'm not Carol Danv--- Look, just send an officer to the ferry port in Battery Park." With an eye roll and a sigh, Ms. Marvel hides the phone back in her bangle bracelets. She stops when she reaches June and peers down at her. She blinks a couple of times and reaches up to adjust her domino mask. This is weird. A fist comes up to awkwardly shield her mouth while she clears her throat. After taking a breath, Ms. Marvel shrinks back down to normal size and clears her throat again. "Hey..." she tries, tilting her head to the side.

June Connor has posed:
    For all her bravado earlier, the girl just cries. Now Kamala has done it. "I was just gonna scare him," she says with a rather distinct Bronx accent. "Nobody would listen to me. When you got a record, people don't take your complaints seriously. I don't wanna go to jail again." She doesn't look up, but keeps hugging her knees, and rocks herself back and forth a little.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    A brief glance is given to the bangle bracelets that hide her phone. The one she just used to call the cops just moments ago. There's a slight wince from the Inhuman. "Yeah, well, you /did/ throw a knife at a hot dog vendor -- he had nothing to do with this," Ms. Marvel reminds, her voice softening a bit. Pretty soon the ferry would dock in Manhattan where a police officer may or may not be waiting to pick up someone called in by Not-Carol-Danvers.

    "This isn't really up to me," she tries, lowering herself to a seated position on the floor across from June.

June Connor has posed:
    There's a glare of hurt, as if she's been betrayed on June's face, tears streaking the purple eyeshadow she wears. "I wasn't throwing it AT him," she defends herself. "I was just trying to get you to look away so that I could get away. You went and busted up a dock and the doors, way more damage than a dent in a hot dog cart," she justifies. "Nobody'll care though, it's all about the girl who got hurt and was just trying to get justice when no one would give it. SHE is the bad guy. It's not about the guy who hurt her. HE is the victim. Cuz the system says so. You're the hero, so I gotta be the bad guy."

Kamala Khan has posed:
    "Hey," Ms. Marvel replies with a frown, both hands rising in a 'woah woah woah' sort of gesture. "I was just trying to enjoy my breakfast!" A finger gets pointed. "You didn't even /try/ to call him in. So, you have no idea what would've happened if you did." It looked like Ms. Marvel was ready to follow along with this conversation, but as soon as her involvement was brought into question, she's on the defensive.

    "Besides, what if you missed and hurt him?" Ms. Marvel points out. "Very different from a dock or doors needing to be re-attached."

June Connor has posed:
    "See!" June indicates a hand toward you as if you are the exhibit in her argument. "What do you know about what I've tried? What do you know about me? About how I gotta work fast food just so I can hope to get leftovers for dinner. How I've been shacked up with some gross perv just so I'm not homeless? You know what, there's no point, just turn me over, get your little gold star for catching the bad guy. If it wasn't you, it'd just be somebody else." She stands up.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Ms. Marvel shrugs her shoulders. "Okay, so, you're right. I don't know what you tried," she agrees. "I only know what you did today." When June stands, Ms. Marvel rises to match. She folds her arms across her chest and glances over her shoulder towards the front of the ferry. Just a couple more minutes before the ferry docks in Battery Park. "There are plenty of other fast food employees not coming to my side of the river and holding someone at knife point."

    It's sound logic but... something pulls at Ms. Marvel's convictions here. Is this really fair, she wonders? The ferry toot-toots its horn as it starts to maneuver for docking.

June Connor has posed:
    "Yeah, sure. I guess I'll see you in five to ten," she quips. Maybe it's the heat, but the girl is sweating. She paces for a few seconds, and then looks at the edge of the ship. "I...I think I'm gonna be sick," she says, pushing past people toward the side of the ship. She peels off the hat and grabs the railing, hanging her head over the side. She's shaking violently, and starts to dry heave. Nothing happens really, no gross puke, just an attempt at it. No jump over the side either.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Ms. Marvel empties her lungs and walks towards the exit of the ferry. She'll need to be there to explain the situation to the cops, after all. And, as such, she reaches up and starts to smooth out her hair and adjust her mask. Virtually every photo anyone ever takes of her seems to be of a moment where she's doing something awkward or mid-word or something. Not this time! This time, she would look good.

    When the ferry finally comes in to dock, it toot-toots again to signal the crew to begin tying down the lines and lower the ramp that would allow the passengers to go ashore. Ms. Marvel remains at the exit, ready to introduce the cops to June. A squad car is parked not too far from the dock.

June Connor has posed:
    June glances over to the side, watching Kamala as she readies herself for presentation. There's the mark. Vanity. She reaches into her fanny pack and pulls out...an egg? It's a mestsubushi. A massively potent pepper bomb, essentially. Sand for the long lasting effects. Hot pepper for the burn, flour to make the tears glog and continually water, and just a touch of sesame oil so that the pepper will burn the nose as badly as the eyes. As the passengers exit, June rejoins the crowd, staying to the back of the group so that no one else will see what she's about to do. She readies the egg in her left hand, and a smoke pellet as back up in her right, in case the cops manage to see the move. As silent...well as a ninja, she approaches, and makes a swing with the egg to slap it right against the side of her face, hoping to take her off guard, and hopefully be able to slip out undetected with the crowd.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    The chaotic outcome of June's swing would blow up on social media over the next few hours. Various photos and videos have been popping up, each one serving as a permanent record of this embarrassing morning aboard the Liberty Island Ferry...


    <A selfie taken by a young man with Ms. Marvel. He's flashing the camera a peace sign while she's caught off guard, mid-motion, with her mouth hanging open, her eyes blood-shot, and her nose running. Her hair, predictably, is a mess.>

    TOTALLY JUST GOT A SELFIE WITH MS. MARVEL ON THE FERRY! #MsMarvel #SuperHero #BatteryPark #Blessed


    <A photo of Ms. Marvel all bendy and totally the wrong shape, with her eyes closed tightly and her mouth mid scream.>

    WOAH, MS. MARVEL HAS ALLERGIES? ME TOO! #MsMarvel #AllergyNation #NYC #Ferry


    <A brief video shot in portrait mode, narrated by a teenage girl who was holding the camera, of Ms. Marvel flailing around on the deck of the ferry, arms akimbo, tears and mucus running down her cheeks. She's screaming.>

    "Like, oh my god, do you see Ms. Marvel? How truly tragic for herrrrrr."
