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Another Day In Happy Harbor
Date of Scene: 08 March 2020
Location: Exterior - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Mel and Heidi show up at Alex's school while he's talking to Christine and hassle him.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Christine Lake, Melissa Gold, Heidi Ingerdottir

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    For some local kids in the area, Winter never is truly over until one condition is met. It's not when there's no more snow on the ground, and the forecast seems unlikely there to be more. It's not when there's no more ice in the river. Nor is it when the pile of snow in the parking lot is completely melted, though all of those connections have been met. It's usually when school lets out, and there's still a brilliant sun in the sky, and a good few hours left of the day. And today, after the time change, after classes, and with the sun bright and warm with the temperature almost high enough for shorts...
    It's a lovely day.
    And Alexander Aaron, at the crack of 3:30 is out there settled on one of the benches that grant a place of rest and repose for visitors to the school. Sure around the side of the building the great yellow behemoth buses are getting loaded and ready to carry off the students. But the young Olympian? He's got a leg drawn up and resting a book on his knee, his sweatshirt still on but his hoodie is off to the side, since it's actually fairly warm. Now and again he'll look up, glancing around, but then he'll try and power his way through more of the thick book, grumbling the while.

Christine Lake has posed:
With the day over, Christine is all ready to go back to her apartment. She has a dark purple backpack that match the school colors; useful for when she wears her cheerleader uniform. But today, she's dressed in a powder blue shirt with an unbottoned white linen long sleeve shirt over it, and a black skirt that comes down a few inches above her knees. It's a very retro 80's look, accentuated with a wice belt decorated with stainless steel rings, and a pair of white boots with fringes. As she passes through the common area, she sees the reclining Alexander and waves, changing course towards him. "Hey there," she says to him, looking cheerfull and chipper. "How's it going?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    For a moment Christine's shadow falls over Alexander there as she strolls up. Sitting up and shielding his eyes with one hand, it takes Alexander a moment to catch on as to the person, but then he smiles easily enough. "Heya, Christine." He lowers that book from his knee and closes it mostly, just using an index finger to keep his place as he smiles a little.
    A glance is spared or her backpack, while Alex's is a flat ESU black, but his eyebrows lift with consideration. "They're selling Happy Harbor merch now?" He tilts his head to the side, "I may have to get one when I get a chance. Hnh."
    That said he uncurls a hand, "But ehn, going ok. Killing time before I need to go head to the train. Have a seat if you're inclined."

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine sits down next to Alex, giving him a thankful nod. "Well, before I came here, I ordered a backpack close to the school colors. Not sure if there's 'official' mechandise here yet. I mean, everything about this school is brand new." She shrugs off the backpack and sets it to the side. "So, you don't live around here? Where do you ride in from? And, is that a normal thing around here, taking the train daily to school? I think maybe a couple of kids did that at my old school, but mostly those that lived away took the bus or got rides from their parents."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The tow-headed kid sort of grins a bit and looks off in the direction of Manhattan, the skyline rather strong and dominating in the distance. He gestures with one hand, "In the city, sorta have an apartment near ESU for when I transfer there next semester." He lowers his leg and sits up, opening his book to the back and pulling out a slip of paper. Perhaps a glance at it will show that it's a receipt of some kind, but he uses it as a bookmark, slipping it into the place where his index finger was.
    Once the book's closed he starts fiddling with his backpack to open it, "My dad works in the city, construction. Don't see him that often, so I'm mostly on my own." Which, in some ways, is an understatement.
    "I suppose I could get home faster if I took the bus and did a transfer at 34th. But meh. I sorta like having the time to just sit and wait, and read. Or reflect."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Did someone just start up a soundtrack? It sure feels like someone SHOULD given the figure that's approaching the waiting area benches. Compact and muscular and clad in tight leathers below, leather strapping above, all black, of course, except for the chains and loops and studs in chrome.
    Cue George Thorogood!
    Ignoring the stares that people are throwing her way--some admiring, some fearful, some in mere distaste--Melissa powers her way through the walk, sparing no wasted effort on grace, projecting instead a personality and a manner of pure force. The only thing about her not black or silver is the golden lightning bolt emblazoned on the back of her black jeans jacket, and the similar golden lightning bolt on her wide chrome belt buckle. The belt that serves no function beyond decorative.
    "Hey, babe," she says to Alexander as she reaches earshot. "Thought I'd surprise you and pick you up today. Surprised?"
    Green eyes rake over Christine's face and form twice. Once appraisingly. The second time dismissively.
    "Didn't have work today, so spent the day workin' out and thinkin' of you.

Christine Lake has posed:
"You know I have absolutely no idea what those directions mean, right?" Christine asks with a laugh. She's clearly in better spirits than the last time she and Alex talked. "My dad's busy alot too," she says. "Genetic research. he puts in aot of time at the lab. So, I kind of know the feeling." She gives Alex a sympathetic look, nodding with understanding. "How about your mom? What does she do?"

Then, enter the leather-clad, obvious girlfriend. Christine is still smiling, but she conciously scoots over, away from Alex, making room for the new arrival to sit in between. "Hi, she says with a smile. "I'm Christine. And you're obviously the girlfriend that Alex hasn't had a chance to talk about."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    At first perhaps Alexander doesn't have any hint of Melissa's approach with his casual manner and laid back body language. He's chatting cheerfully with Christine and gesturing with one hand to the side. "Genetic research?" There's a pause after he says that, eyebrows lifting. And perhaps a curious set of words for Mel to walk up on. "But ah, yeah. My mom passed when I was born." He offers that, though that is the instant he'll catch Christine's subtle body language shift.
    Turning to the side, Alexander gets a wry grin, then his eyes take Melissa in and his smile slips a little wry. "Hey, Mel." He holds up a hand, and gestures to the side, "This is Christine, the gal I told you about last night?" Oh he apparently told /her/, that jerk.
    "Christine, this is Melissa. We're..." He takes a moment to look at Melissa and scooches over a little so she can take a seat too, "Paramours? Boyfriend girlfriend?" Though when he says this there's a twinkle in his eyes.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Lovers. Fuckbuddies. Friends with oh-so-many benefits. Sparring partners." Melissa spares no punches, though she's doing it with an easy grin as if she's playing, not being mean. She plants herself next to Alex, casually hooking a thigh over his and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "And yeah, I remember you talking about Christine. Nice ta meet ya." She sticks out a jeans-clad arm to offer a handshake. "I'm Mel. I lift boxes."
    "Oh, and I bounce at the Blue Oyster." A notorious leather bar in the LGBTQ scene.
    "A few other odd jobs here and there," she adds. "I'm pretty versatile. If it involves liftin', shovin', or punchin' I'm all over it."

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine shakes the offered hand...arm...whatever. She may look and dress like a preppy princess, but Christine doesn't show any shock or discomfort with Melissa. Even if she doesn't know what the Blue Oyster is. "Nice to meet you as well." She looks between Mel and Alex, smiling at them. "So, how did you two meet? You both seem...different from the other. But, opposites attract, and all that."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It is a rare thing to see Alexander blush. And in this moment, he actually sorta does, just that rich bright color on his cheeks and the tips of his ears. One hand lifting to the back of his neck as he sort of looks sidelong over toward Christine with an almost apologetic look. But it's a look that's entwined with affection for the larger than life woman that's now sprawled with him as he rests an arm around her shoulders. Perhaps she has gained more insight in this brief moment into her schoolmate than he has likely ever given to anyone. In history.
    But he takes a deep breath, holds it, lets it go with a hint of a sigh. "So you see, Christine. In that conversation we had last time we talked. You never really know what's going on with a person. Do ya?" He says that last as he gives a wide-eyed /glare/ at Melissa as he shakes his head a little.
    But then Christine asks for the story of their meeting and he holds up a hand to Melissa, "I got this." Though he's reasonably certain that she'll interject at points.
    Back to Christine he says, "I sort of train a lot. Work out. My dad is this... sort of big time prepper. Always gotta prepare for the worst. So like..." He looks to the side, "I've been to a bunch of gyms and dojos and training halls. I went to this one in Little Odessa." There's a pause as he looks to her and says, "Nevinsky's? Levinsky's?" As if to get her to verify his memory. "And I'm there, taking a look around the place to see what's going on. And in walks trouble."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Yeah, Levinsky's. It's a dump, but it's my dump. Always feel comfortable goin' there." She pauses, then looks at Alexander. "Wait, I don't remember any trouble. I came in after you, didn't I?"
    "Oh, I see. *I* am the trouble." Paging Captain Obvious. Your services have been supplanted.
    "Yeah, I went in to pump and there was this teen guy who actually looked at me without quickly looking away." She gently punches Alex in the shoulder. "Most guys there are afraid of me, so this guy annoyed me. I had him in my sight from the moment I walked in."

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine listens to the story, and giggles a bit; they do make a cute couple, she admits. "It's like Romeo & Juliet," she says. "Set to thrash metal. Seriously, though.That's awesome. But speaking of stories...." Christine looks over to Alex, smiling devilishly at him. "Did he tell you about cheerleading tryouts? He made quite the impression..."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It's then Alex's turn to defend himself as he says, "I /glanced/ at her. I was working a heavy bag I think? Or something. But then I noticed that she was putting a good amount of weight on her bar and I'm like..." He waggles a hand back and forth, "Sort of like, ok maybe she knows what she's doing, but that seemed like an awful lot of weight. So I offered to spot her..."
    But then he draws up short and points at Mel, even as he interrupts her own story. "I did tell her about that. But she didn't believe me." He nods toward Christine as he settles in and rests his arm behind Melissa's back, squeezing her shoulder gently.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Yeah, he mentioned. I told him I'd dump 'im if he took the offer 'cause I don't date people who wear miniskirts."
    This is delivered deadpan and Melissa's not leaving any clues as to whether she's joking or not.
    "But yeah, he offered to spot. 'Cause where you stand when spotting's a real good place to get an eyeful o' this."
    Melissa sweeps her free arm down her form. "You know how teenage guys are, desperate for any chance to peek, right?"
    Alex's shoulder gets an affectionate squeeze. "But I figured, hey, if I'm gonna make someone's day, why not a kid who can look back at you instead of being afraid?"

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine smiles and nods. "He's definately unique..." Then, she stage whispers to Alex, "Your cheer uniform is going to be ready by Tuesday. You might want to shave your legs first before you wear it for her..." She giggles, then rolls her shoulders, relaxing. "Well, that's good that Alex is going to be at ESU in a couple months, right? Less time commuting, more time in the city to spend together."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Feigning secrecy, Alexander nods nods and gives Christine a big /WINK/.
    A small cough comes from Alex and then he, ever so subtly blurs past most of what happened by saying the old cliched, "Long story short..." He gestures with one hand uncurling, "We got into a fight, and sort of realized that we kinda liked each other. And..." Alex tilts his head to the side and looks across the way, then back towards Melissa, "And started dating."
    There's a small shrug, "Anyways." His lip twists a little as he looks back toward Christine. "But yah, going to be more in the city. But hey. You seem in a much happier mood of late, Christine. Had some good news or just more at ease about things?"
    He takes a moment to reach down and grab his backpack off the ground, setting it on the side of the bench behind him so it's in line of sight. Then he turns his attention back to the two young women.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    When Alex says "dating" Melissa, apparently waiting on that word--she's not as stupid as she acts it appears--mouths 'fucking' Christine's way, winking. Carefully keeping it out of Alex's sight so he doesn't catch on.
    "Yeah, he's a lot of fun, really," she says at the end of Alex's story. "And really it's not just about the sex. Which is strenuous and plentiful. He gets me. He really does. He's even willing to play ..." She pauses, and flicks an amused glance Alex's way. "... dress-up with me. No other guy has done that for me."

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine starts laughing and shakes her head. "Okay...no more...I can't go any further without making jokes that I'd feel bad about later." She sits back up, bringing her knees to her chest and hugging them. "Yeah, you two are good for each other. I like seeing people happy, especially my friends." She looks at Melissa and adds, "My completely platonic friends."

Christine take a deep breath, recovering frm her giggle fit, then nods to Alex. "More at ease about things," she answers him. "I think things are going to be okay here. Or, at least, I'm going to be okay here. And that's good enough for me."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A slow... pained... exhaled breath leaves Alexander as he lowers his eyes with fingers digging into his brow. He looks up with one eye scrunched all up, sighing a little and exasperated as he looks toward Christine, and then Melissa, and then back down to the ground. Until finally he announces, "ANYWAYS!"
    He swallows, then /shoves/ Melissa a little with his shoulder as if telling her to 'be good' though likely aware that is a physical impossibility. He grins and returns his gaze to Christine, "Well I'm glad, I know I can be kinda a jerk sometimes. But I was... just trying to help. If that makes sense." When he told her about not telling folks. He looks over at Melissa as if making sure this particular topic change is going to take, but he nods, "Happy Harbor seems like a good place. Part of me wishes it was around a few years ago. Woulda been nice to be here through High School."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "I wish I'd gone to high school," Mel contributes. "Not for the schoolin'. Life schooled me more than enough. Big time. But more for things like ... friends. Normal friends. Normal people." She shrugs. "An' maybe for the schoolin' too 'cause it's hard to get a decent job without it. Liftin' boxes ain't a career, especially casual labour. Bouncin's better. Lots more fun. But it's not exactly a full-time job. Keeps me in beer mostly."
    She peers at Christine. "You keep usin' that word. Platypus or somethin'. What's that mean?"

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine smiles at Melissa;friendly-like, not condissendingly. "It means we're just friends. And that I don't want to jump his bones."

A bit of giggling, then Christine continues. "Well, you can always get your GED, Melissa. Lots of people do that; go back and take classes to complete their high school diploma. There's lots of programs to help you do it, too. They might even have one here." She looks at Alex, "You should go talk to MacIntyre about it, if Melissa is interested."

"You weren't a jerk," she tells Alex. "Things were...what they were. No harm done. I made a mistake, you were totally within your rights. So no, you were fine."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Never too late to make more friends, or a GED really." Alexander says sidelong toward Melissa with a small shrug even as inside his pocket there's a faint /brrrrzzzt/ that draws his attention. He reaches to his back pocket and pulls out a slender cellphone with a black case, thumbing it to life with a swipe of his thumb, Alex peers at it as the display flickers to life, and if one is inclined they'll likely see that it's a text from a username 'GoodyTwoShoes' and displays a few brief lines of text.
    One eyebrow lifts as he ponders what it says, then blinks a few times, then just shakes his head as he smirks a little lifting his eyes upwards, then back down. "Well..." He slips back into the conversation as he pockets the cell. "I coulda been nicer." Which, he probably could have been.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "You don't?" Melissa stares at Christine as if she's grown a third eyeball all of a sudden. She looks over at Alexander. Looks back at Christine. "What's wrong? Not your type? Was he a jerk to you?" She seems genuinely confused at someone not wanting to 'jump his bones'. "Or ... do you walk the other side of the street?"
    She rearranges herself on the bench to be less in full display. "I mean if you are, I'm not against that," she adds, nervousness entering her voice. "Your life, your body, your tastes. None of my business. But just to be clear, that's not the side I walk. I work at Blue Oyster. I don't live the lifestyle."
    She shifts uncomfortably against Alex, and the arm slung over his shoulder tightens its grip, trying to draw him closer in.

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine laughs and shakes her head at Mel. "No, I'm not gay. Or bi or anything else." She shrugs. "I just have different tastes in guys than you do, that's all. Nothing wrong with that. Plus, I've only known Alex for, like...a week? I'm just not interested in getting into that intense of a relationship with a guy I just met, even if he is cute. And there's nothing wrong with deciding that you want to get down to fucking right off the bat, either. Your life, your body, your choice. It looks like you've got something good going on, so enjoy it."

"Probably," Christine says to Alex. "But I did sort of ambush you. So, let's just call it a wash and move on, right?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As the two young women talk, Alexander rests a hand against the phone in his pocket, brow scrunching a bit with a hint of consternation, though it's coupled with a warm mirth since in some ways he can't help but find the humor. Bright hazel eyes lift to scan the sky, seeking something or other though he manages to keep a hand in the conversation as he murmurs sidelong, "Mel, not everyone has to like, want to boink everyone or whatever, I'm not exactly everyone's type." His gift for conversation faltering a little as he apparently misses Christine's foray into the philosophy of relationships.
    But then he does turn his head to the side to Mel and smiles, giving her shoulder a warm squeeze and holding her close. He takes a deep breath, "Though umm, I think we're about to have another visitor." He turns his head to the side back to Mel, "So you remember those two people who helped me out the other night I told you about..."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Mel visibly relaxes as it's clear she's not the target of Christine's hormones either. "Cool," she says. "Like I said, not your type. I get that. We all got our types. I'm not every guy's type." To put it mildly.
    Alexander's bringing up a visitor and an oblique reference to helpers, has her change mental gears. She frowns in thought and then brightens. "Oh, those ass guards you were talking 'bout? One of them is coming?"

Christine Lake has posed:
"Ass guards?" Christine blinks in confusion at Mel's reference. She has absolutely no idea what's being refered to. "Okay...ummm...so, excuse the question but...is an Ass-guard like...some kind of sex thing? Like 'bear' or 'bull' or..." Christine holds up her hands and shakes her head. "Never mind. I guess I'll find out..."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Perfect timing. There's a motion in the sky, but with the clouds and the sun it's hard to see what, exactly is up there. But there's definite non-cloud movement. It goes one direction, then another, and soon enough it begins to descend to the ground on the front lawn, using it like a landing strip. It's, plain and simple, a pegasus. Upon it, is the flaxen haired Asgardian Heidi. Dressed in fairly normal clothes, to be honest. No armor, she's just in jeans and a comfortable looking flowy blouse.

"Hail! I have discovered the school!"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander has time enough just to murmur, "Asgardians." He corrects, which might tweak Christine's Christy-sense for she was there for the diatribe the Olympian youth gave against the many perceived failings and annoyances that come along with the presence of Asgardians...
    Annoyances that manifest now in the flesh. Though also buoyed by a warm if rueful smile held by the young man as he leans over to kiss Mel on the cheek and murmurs, "Excuse me for a moment." That said he pushes himself to his feet, disentangling from his significant other and then rising to his feet fully to advance upon the now landed pegasus and its rider.
    "Hail and well-met, Ingerdottir." And is that Alexander's voice? So formal? So precise? "Had I known of your desire to meet once again I would have found a place suitable with due honor as well as drink to be shared." He steps back and gestures with one hand to the others.
    "May I present to you these two fine worthies whom I have tricked into finding me their friend?" His lip twists at the last. "Melissa Gold, a strong warrior and my true paramour." His features actually colour a touch, but he maintains the manner due. "And this is Christine Lake, a good friend and compatriot here at mine school."
    He turns to them, "My good friends, may I present to you a comrade both well and true, Heidi Ingerdottir."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    At the mention of drink, Melissa straightens up and holds up one finger, not saying anything as she slings her canvas bag around and starts rooting around inside it. There's a brief sound of something electronic firing up like the backpacks in Ghostbusters, followed by a short curse, and the sound fading. Finally she pulls out a six-pack of beer, the cans held together by plastic rings.
    "If drinks are wanted, I got enough for four, I figure," she says, holding up the six tallboys. She rips one off the ring and cracks it open, guzzling half its contents.
    In public.
    On school grounds.
    Without even trying to hide what she's drinking.
    "Anybody else want one? I'm assuming you do, blondie?"
    She gets up, leaving behind her kit bag and carrying the six-pack by its empty ring, offering it to Heidi. "I'm Mel. Pleased ta meetcha."

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine does pick up on the word 'Asgardian', but she's still not prepared for who arrives. As the pegasus lands and the warrior woman approaches, Christine waves to her. "Heidi!" She then looks over to Alex. She doesn't say anything. No 'A-Ha!' moment or expression. She just shrugs. "So, remember lunch on my first day? And I talked about how I had seen an Asgardian in action, lifting a delivery truck back upright. And you had so many...compliments...about Asgardians?" She gestures to Heidi. She looks back at the steed, eyes sparkling in admiration. "Oh, my God! He's so beautiful! It must be *amazing* to fly him around... It's great to see you again."

She waves her hand and passess on the offer of the beer. Definately not on the school grounds.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Young Alexander," Heidi says, probably always going to use that nickname now. "It is good to see you, however I was taking Eira out to make sure she was more familiar with Midgard and I recalled mention of a school. It was fortunate timing indeed that you were here." She moves to dismount from the pegasus, giving Eira a little space back from the others in case she feels a bit skittish.

Heidi looks at the six pack for a moment. "I have not found Midgardian alcohol to my liking yet. But, I am honored for the offer and therefore will try one." She reaches forward, plucking one of the beers off the rings. "However, it would only be fair if I offered you the same for such a kindness." She reaches into her coat, fishing around for a moment until she finds a flask. She offers it towards Mel with a warning. "One sip."

Seeing Christine, Heidi raises a hand towards her. "Hail! It is good to see you again. Haven't been in too much trouble, I assume?" Seems the Asgardian has certainly been meeting quite a collection of people.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Yeah yeah, I ate my words," He grumbles at Christine and hrmfs a little, shaking his head.
    Then, clearing his throat, Alexander says to Melissa, "That... might not be a good idea here, Mel." He grins a little and shifts his weight to the other foot, uncurling a hand as he adds, "S'why I said maybe somewhere else? And still, myself and Christine are sorta underage. Though I think Christine is super under age. She's a freshman I think." That jerk.
    But then his attention rounds back to Heidi and when she produces that flask he's abruptly a bit wide-eyed as he likely recognizes it. "No hey, wait Mel. That's Asgardian alcohol..." He shoots a glance at Heidi as if to make sure then he says, "Even me, I'd be schnockered out the..."
    Likely by that time it's too late.

Christine Lake has posed:
So, Christine isn't a prude; far from it. But, she does realize that there's a time and place for everything. And passing around drinks, especially Asgardian stuff...that's not going to go over well with the teachers. She's not going to narc, but she doesn't want to be caught there, either. "Well, I should get back home and get started on my homework," she says as she gets up. Her backpack is retrieved and she has waves for everyone. "Alex, see you in class. Mel, really nice to meet you, and I hope to hang with you again, sometime. And Heidi, good seeing you again as well; hope we run into each other again." She waves, then starts heading for her apartment.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Blondie's OK. Takes the beer, offers something in return. That's right civil of her! Mel takes the flask and holds it up in silent salute, ready to pull a large gulp from it.
    She did say sip. Maybe it's expensive hooch. It didn't feel right guzzling expensive stuff from someone who looks like she's so much fun. I mean she's got a flying horse!
    And then there's the vague thing of Alex nattering away, most of which is, to be honest, background noise. When he went all formal he got briefly put in the 'meaningless drivel' box.
    But ... the whole 'even me' thing stabbed a warning deep into her brain. Urged caution. And for once she paid attention to it.
    A little.
    Instead of guzzling a large mouthful, she takes a small one. No bigger than a single at the bar. That's a sip, right? I mean this is ... what the fuck is this actually? Tastes like ... almost but not quite completely unlike beer. Not unpleasant. Just weird. Probably best to just take a shot-sized sip, right?
    "Well," she says lowering the flask, blinking in surprise. "That's a weird one. What you call it?"
    She half-turns to Alex. Well, half-turns and then keeps turning, her feet tangling up under her as her balance fails her utterly. She falls straight to the ground--she does have, however, the decency to hold the flask upright as she falls--cracking her head against the pavement with a loud coconut-like sound.
    "Ow! And wow!"
    "A little help?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Ah, well, I was afraid of that," Heidi does sound concerned. "She seemed hardy and I did mention a sip." It isn't her fault Mel felt a sip was a bit too little. She moves over to retrieve the flask, closing the top and tucking it away before looking towards Alexander. "It seems she should probably get somewhere a little safer. Is there a place nearby?"

The Asgardian looks towards Eira for a moment, then back at Alex, then at Mel herself. "That's Asgardian mead," she offers down at the fallen Mel.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A breath exhaled tinged with consternation, Alexander shakes his head and then tries to catch her before she falls... only for her to just collapse with a whumpf to the ground. He does slip his arms around her, gently helping her back to her feet and likely then supporting her for the next few hours with his luck. His lip twists as he shakes his head then he looks at Heidi with a narrowed gaze, pointing at her with one hand that he's using to hold Mel up under her arm. As if to tell her, 'I'll deal with you later.'
    But he can't help but laugh a little as he murmurs, "Not necessarily nearby, but can get her to my place. Just will..." He looks around and murmurs, "I'll call an uber or whatever." That said he starts to dig in his pocket for his phone while still holding Melissa up with his free hand.
    Over his shoulder and to the side he asks Heidi, "Mind grabbing my backpack?"

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Hoo boy that packs a wallop!" Mel says, grinning. "Tastes interestin' but I'm gonna feel this tomorrow, ain't I?"
    She starts laughing stupidly as the world spins around her. "This feels like a whole night's bender in a single sip!" She then points skyward. Resolutely skyward. "Could someone take my kit bag too? It's got my wings in it."
    Oh no. Drunk Mel is a talkative Mel without the secrecy inhibitions most smart people would have. Who aren't drunk.
    "I got a few safe spaces around town. Rooftops. May be a bit tricky with a horse, but there's at least one rooftop garden that has a patch big enough for the horse I'm sure."
    Yep. Babbling mode. ON.
    "Hey, blondie, you're alright. If guarding people's asses makes someone cool as you, I'm all for it!"
    And, for that last bit of horror. She laughs at her own joke.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
If secrets are being given away, Heidi is not aware of them. "Ah, Eira is strong but I am afraid she will not be able to handle three of us, most likely. I have not tried testing an Asgardian horse's weight for more than two. I can send her somewhere safe. They're very intelligent." That's good, at least. But she is curious... "What is an 'uber'?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The answer to Heidi's question is given in due time. For lo it is revealed unto her the state of what an Uber is. Apparently it is a vehicle called and with a too nice driver who has a lot of questions about the trio as they get into his SUV. And, of course, during the trip there is likely no small number of little faux pas shared between the three of them, likely urged on by the evil devil/s on Melissa's shoulders while she still deals with the effects of the Asgardian mead.
    At some point along the drive, Alexander just sort of smiles, perhaps realizing what sort of story this will make. And that right now he's living his life. So he shoots a look over at Heidi and tells her with faux annoyance, "I hope you're happy." But then he kisses Melissa's cheek even as they reach their destination and then start the process of conveying a Mel up the stairwell of that old brownstone where he lives.
    Three stories up helping her up the steps a few at a time, pausing, waiting, then continuing on. Getting into that hallway. Finagling the keys, holding her upright while she almost sliiiiiides down the wall. Then once the door is unlocked they go inside which reveals Alexander's Apartment!
    Which might well be anti-climactic which, to be fair it is fairly dull. For there are few decorations, few hints as to the person who lives there. There's a coat rack near, an end table with a place for keys. Then it's into the living room, and the large sofa that is where Melissa is deposited even as Alexander says over his shoulder, "I'll get some water for you." As he passes to the kitchen, which is right there next to the living room.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Welcome," Melissa slurs, "to Alexander's home." She beams proudly. "I think we've used every flat surface in this place except the ceiling." She peers up, lurching backward a bit. "Logistics for that are hard," she muses. "But I'll work out something. Maybe gotta bring Wolf Spider over to put sticky things up there."
    She shakes her head. This proves a mistake. A mistake she's made many, many, many times on their way over.
    "Anyway, te casa, mi casa. Mi casa, su casa. So treat it like your home, Blondie." Beat. "God, this stuff's gonna kill me, but boy will I die happy!"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
While Heidi may not understand everything about Midgard, she's not stupid. 'Used every surface' is certainly something she understands the meaning of. "Thank you for informing me, I will be cautious in touching flat surfaces." She looks around a bit, glancing towards Melissa for the moment. "I am glad you have enjoyed it. It was probably a mistake on my part to do it, but to see it being enjoyed makes me glad I did after all."

See, Melissa's happy, so everyone should be happy. Heidi didn't really /intend/ for her to get drunk. She doesn't look guilty, but she does feel bad that Alexander was giving her the stink eye.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    One can hear that soft sigh in the kitchen moments before the sink is turned on as Alexander starts to gather appropriate water for Melissa. Though at first it's not tap water, he just uses that to clean the glass quickly. Then he pulls open the fridge and digs around inside for one of the plastic bottles of water that he twists open and pours, adding a few bits of ice from the icemaker in the door.
    A glance around the room and it is... well and truly austere. A sofa, two overstuffed chairs, an entertainment center. Most of it seems like it's barely used. There's a gym bag that's thrown almost casually down near the main bay window that looks out from the apartment and onto the small park that's across the street, with ESU beyond.
    No hints of artwork, no posters. On the coffee table there's a remote and a small stand up card that says simply, 'Thank You for Using Dial-A-Maid!' with a small receipt underneath it. But beyond that... not much more to say.
    Emerging from the kitchen, Alexander's features are definitely flushed, the tips of his ears, earlobes, his cheeks. He gives a pained smile to Heidi as he draws near and says, "Here, Mel. Drink this. K?" And he'll offer to hold it for her while she sips.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Oh, we're careful!" Melissa says. "We clean everything up right." Beat. "Well, they do." She gestures to the stand-up card. Misjudges the distance. Sends it flying across the room.
    Alexander comes back in with the water and laughably suggests sipping it. It's water. She can guzzle that. Which she does. Only she gets the timing a little off and about a third of the glass spills over her and the sofa. She sets the glass down while Alexander beats a hasty retreat to the kitchen to tidy something up.
    "Your horse and I have something in common, Blondie," she "whispers" so loudly the susseration echoes from the far wall. "We both got wings." She nods, winks, tries to touch her nose, but misses, and leans back in the couch, half-sliding off. Then in a more normal tone she asks, "So what is it you do? Winged horses must cost a pretty penny. Looks like yours? Ima guess you're a body-building model? Didn't think that paid so well. You just invest lucky?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I am sure your wings are just as majestic as Eira's," Heidi says, not terribly surprised about the suggestion that Melissa has wings. She's seen plenty of things on Midgard, someone with wings isn't unexpected. She moves to make sure that Melissa doesn't fall entirely off the couch, sitting down nearby. "Eira is not purchased and doesn't technically belong to me as of yet. I am training her for when I am a Valkyrie. Those are women warriors of the highest calibur who ride these horses through the sky into battle."

She grins. "I train them. Teach them how to understand their rider's commands, how to overcome fear," she nods. "Many things." As for her looks? "I do not think I am exceptionally pretty. You should see Lady Sif. She is already a Valkyrie and far more impressive."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Bodybuilding models don't have to be pretty. They have to be hot, but of a certain kind." Melissa reaches across to squeeze Heidi's biceps. She misses. "You're poppin' a lot o' guns there. You qualify. Loads of sculpting. And yer tall."
    There's a tinge of maudlin bitterness in her voice. "I was too short to model, or I'd have totally had that gig. So I got into pro shoot-wrestling instead. Which ... well, it pays OK, but you blow it all on travel expenses. Great times, don't get me wrong, but not really moneymakin'."
    It's like all the talk of Valkyries and such went so far over her head she didn't even register it.
    Yes. 'Like.'

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
The attempted reach for her biceps ends up with Melissa's arm not even really getting anywhere close to Heidi's arm. Depth perception is off a bit there. "I am not sure I would be any good at modeling for art. I can't hold a position for long enough. To hard to just hold still." She clearly doesn't quite understand the type of modeling Melissa means. "I take it then you are having difficulty earning money here?"

Heidi was never rich, but she always had enough to get by. Even here, she manages to find money just fine. "If you want to model, don't let anyone stop you for going for your dreams. I am of the opinion that you can have anything you want if you try hard enough for it."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "I got enough to live on. Ain't great, but who has time for a nice place anyway when you're doin' three jobs and just added a fourth?" Melissa seem perversely happy at having just announced she's got four jobs she holds down to make ends meet. "But I don't understand why you have to stand still for long. Usually the photographers are getting you to move around like crazy, one pose after the other, taking dozens of pics to find the one that's right."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Back into the room with a replacement cup, but this time he's managed to find a straw, Alexander looks to the two of them and asks. "How's it going?" Even as he steps close enough to trade out Melissa's depleted drink with this new one that's hopefully a little more stable for her, ice cubes and all.
    In transition he had picked up bits and pieces of their discussion and tells Melissa, "Heidi is a Valkyrie in training, Melissa. She's one of Thor's people." He then pushes a hand through her hair and frowns a little. "And you're both very beautiful."
    He shoots an apologetic smile towards Heidi and then shrugs a little as he then translates to her. "On Midgard there are some that take photos at high speed to capture many images, and many individuals with..." He tilts his head a little and smiles, "Your physique make a living selling their likeness in those images."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I've seen photos before, I just didn't know people /paid/ for them," Heidi certainly seems surprised. It does seem an easy way to make money. Move around a little and people pay you for it? "Surely not..." She does take a moment to check on how Melissa is. "Still doing alright there?" She's not quite as overly jubilant as she usually is. Maybe she /does/ feel a little guilty.

"Your apartment is not very well decorated. Do you not like it here?"

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Oh, I'm doin' fine, Blondie," Mel says. "That's great stuff you gave me there. Like an entire weekend bender in a small flash. But I been drunker than this. I'll get through it fine."
    And the thing is, maybe Heidi feels guilty, but Mel seems entirely happy with herself at the moment. Like an enormous set of weights has been racked and she can almost float by comparison. "Ya know, Alex told me about meeting you guys and I thought you'd be all prissy and stuff, but you're a real mensch, Heidi."
    Wait. Not Blondie? Is her alcohol stream being tainted by more blood now?
    "I don't feel like you're stuck up or prissy or anything. You're a real down-to-earth kinda gal with your head screwed on straight. I can see why Alex likes you."
    Not that there's room for misinterpretation THERE in the slightest!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Still kneeling beside where they've stowed Melissa on the couch, Alexander turns his head and he smiles a little sidelong toward Heidi, "Would you like to decorate it?" His smile is wry as he looks back toward Melissa and brushes his thumb along the curve of her cheek, just gently being there. Though he does murmur over his shoulder, "I like it fine. But... it only sorta feels sometimes like a home." As he says that last he lets his gaze return to Melissa as his smile slips a little lop-sided.
    But in her ramblings she does impart some small bits of information, revelatory or otherwise. A small laugh slips from him as he shrugs a little at Heidi and murmurs, "I mean, sure she's not entirely completely horrible." In regards to 'liking' her. But he then leans over toward Heidi and rests a hand on her shoulder for a moment, just giving a small squeeze.
    Voice lowered so perhaps Melissa can't hear it quite as easily, though not exactly being mister covert here, he tells the Valkyrie in Training. "Thanks," He looks over at Melissa, then back to Heidi. "I mean, I know this has been kinda a hassle. But Mel's been having a tough time lately. And I think this kinda has helped."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I appreciate your approval, Mel. I would not want to be seen as stuck up. I've never been one to look down on others. Taking joy in people around me is something I have always valued," Heidi says, but then she smiles even more broadly. "What else did young Alexander say about me?" It is an amused, teasing tone. One Alex has certainly heard before.

She does glance at Alex for a moment. "Home is often not a place. Or it's maybe a place you don't expect." She smiles. "You need a tapestry or something." She gestures towards a wall. He's offered a smile when he lowers his tone. "This is no hassle and you have no need to thank me. If I have helped a friend in a rough time, then it is worth a hassle... which this still was not."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Melissa strains her brain as she's asked what else Alexander said. "Honestly," she says, scratching her head, "I think he only mentioned you and some lady or other in passing helping out in somethin'." She presses her lips together into a duckface as she ponders. "He said something about not really liking ass guards before, and talking to someone about that."
    She groans and shakes her head. Which makes her groan even more as the world spins up a notch.
    "God this stuff is makin' thinkin' hard. And I'm not known for thinkin' at the best of times."
    Something about this is making her laugh at herself. IT'S A TOTALLY FUNNY JOKE GUYS! WHY AREN'T YOU LAUGHING!
    There's enough of a pause here to give Heidi a chance to throw a stink-eye or ten at Alex while she ponders.
    "Oh, I remember!" she crows at the end of that. "He said when he actually met you guys he was wrong and that you were actually maybe a bit weird but loads of fun and that I'd like you!"
    Melissa turns to regard Heidi. Her body tilts slowly, ever so slowly to the right as she talks. "I don't see it, personally. The first part I mean. You're not weird at all, and you're definitely loads of fun. 10/10. Would go drinking with again." She then turns to face Alexander, tilting steadily to the left instead. "And Alex, if you wanna, I'm givin' you permission. She's great."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Heidi and Melissa both get that same smirk as he settles on the floor at the side of the sofa, and waves Heidi over to one of the over-stuffed black leather chairs that is nearby. He shakes his head and lifts his eyes upwards, "I'm getting it in stereo now." From the two of them, the teasing, the sass. So much sass. But Alex does hold Melissa's hand for now, just fingers interlaced as he reclines there then asks. "So umm, how long does this stuff take to wear off you think?"
    Of course that's the moment when Melissa, in her lovely state, and Alex lets his eyes lower with that exasperation as she starts out. She mentions the negativity and he looks up, offering a quieter voice to lend his editorial notes to her depiction of him. "That is true, I did mention I had problems with Asgardians."
    Then she continues and he scrunches up one eye looking away as she says that horrible news about him actually liking her and he gives a sort of shrug with a grudging look to his face, then waggles his hands a little as he says, "Ehn, you guys are ok. I guess." But his smile gives it away.
    Only then she does the most Melissa thing she's done to date. She offers permission and for a person that's /damned/ hard to embarrass, no one has /ever/ seen Alexander turn so red as he laughs, a little nervously, lowers his eyes and pats Melissa's hand. "Gee, thanks Mel. Appreciate it." He glances at Heidi with wide eyes that likely offers some level of apology there.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Well, I'm honored to have been mentioned at all," Heidi says, looking between Alexander and Melissa. "And I'm certainly glad he changed his mind about Asgardians. I would be saddened to have lost out on a friend due to some past injustice." It's an honest statement, much like nearly everything Heidi says is. It's followed up by another grin though. "I'm honored you think I am fun. I will certainly take you up on that drinking offer when you're able to."

She looks between the two of them. "It is merely stronger. It should take about as long as it would take her ordinarily. I imagine she'll be fine tomorrow."

The last bit that Melissa says, though, causes Heidi to slowly turn to look at Alexander with a raised eyebrow. Is that because she understands or /doesn't/ understand? It's terrifyingly hard to tell. /Terrifying/.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Oh, you're hella fun, Blondie," Mel says with a wide grin. "If I weren't so drunk I'd think of more fun things to do. I get that you're some kind of warrior type so maybe some sparring. With or without my rig. Maybe go flyin' with your horse. Who knows? I think better when I'm not plastered."
    Ah. Some self-reflection is returning. She's aware of how drunk she is. Maybe she'll be undrunk before bedtime. (Probably still buzzed, though.)
    What she's not aware of, however, is the awkwardness she just generated. She sees Alexander red. This gives her pause as she tries to work out why ... and fails. Then she looks over at Heidi. Sees that enigmatic expression on her face and blinks stupidly.
    "I'm sorry, I'm drunk. Did I miss something obvious here? You two are actin' really freaky."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A small rumbling harumph from Alexander is drawn forth as he gives Heidi a look, perhaps expecting or imagining a rather giggly laugh to emerge at any instant. He continues to hold Melissa's hand however as he tells them both with such casual aplomb. "Melissa, Heidi. My family is known in some ways for their wild manners. And in some of those ways I am no different."
    He draws a knee up and rests his chin on it, watching Heidi as he tells her without hesitation. "There was a time when certainly I would have found Heidi staggeringly beautiful, and I could have seen losing long nights in her company." There's no break in eye contact, no hesitation in those words given, as if he had thought about this before.
    And then he looks over at Melissa and touches a fingertip under her chin to hold her gaze, "But I do have a particular wild songbird in my heart, and I would not care to do anything to hurt her." Then he tilts his head to the side to look at them both, "I could only imagine it if we all shared such feelings with each other."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi is chalking it up to weird Midgardians. Melissa is drunk, she has an excuse. Alexander is... Alexander. Which is no excuse. "It would be an honor to spar sometime. I am indeed a warrior and I indeed like the practice and the thrill of challenging someone. We will have to see. When you are not drunk, of course." Drunk wrestling would be problematic. She knows from experience. It's fun though, if you can stand the bruises.

When Alexander looks at her, not breaking eye contact, Heidi effortlessly looks back. She takes it in stride, not seeming to be flustered by the compliment or suggestion. The straight face, however, doesn't last long. "Somehow I do not think your honeyed words work so well on her. She does not seem like the type to sway from such. I believe she is more of the straight forward type. Honest. Blunt."

She folds her arms across her chest. "And me? Well, you'd have to do better than that."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    The rest of the world vanishes as Alexander speaks. Melissa stares at him, eyes wide, face softening, body symbolically, if not physiologically melting. This is the rom-com moment where the lead actress fall eternally in love with the lead. Only Melissa isn't a typical rom-com nonentity, carefully designed to have no personality so the chiefly female audience can project themselves into the scene.
    "That," she says, "is SUCH a load of horseshit!" She laughs raucously. "Don't get me wrong, Alex, it was lovely. Hell, it put a tingle where tingles feel good. But c'mon! There was a time? Give me a break. She's fuckin' gorgeous. You think she's hot right now. You're just enough in love with me to wanna be exclusive."
    She leans forward to boop Alex on the nose with her forefinger, missing his face entirely and pitching face-first into his lap.
    "That didn't work out right," her muffled voice says.
    Slowly, clumsily, she turns herself over on the couch, lying down, using Alex's leg as a pillow and staring up until the world stops spinning again.
    "You're a goofball, 'Lex, but a loveable one. An' you're the only one who gets me anymore. So thanks for that."
    She glances Heidi's way and does a bad pantomime face thing with rolling eyes and little head gestures toward Alex. She struggles to free an arm so she can do the circular motion with her forefinger at her temple.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Curiously this doesn't seem to embarrass Alexander, he gives a nod toward Heidi as he says lightly, calmly. "I'm not using any honey, just..." His lip twists as his features remain flushed, then chew on his lower lip as he murmurs, "Trying to navigate an awkward situation while being as honest as I can be, without getting my butt kicked by two crazy women in my apartment."
    At that last his lips twist up, surrendering to the desire to /finally/ tease back as he just looks at them both. Though he does lean over and kiss Melissa's brow affectionately, then tells her with all the casual aplomb of a man used to herding a giant overpowered kitty cat through a China shop filled with catnip. "Yes, dear."
    But he looks between them, "I'm perhaps more just saying, that I would not at this point in my life enjoy being intimate with someone, unless you were there too, Mel."
    Then to Heidi he says quietly, "Forgive me for my... rudeness." He offers, trying a small smile as he's embarrassed perhaps. But also trying to not be /tooo/ much of a jerk.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"First of all, /young/ Alexander," Heidi's still not being mean about the nickname... it's simply being used to make a point. "Sometimes it is better to go for the straightforward. If you have to hide your words behind something, perhaps that is telling you that there is something wrong in your words." She looks between Alexander and Melissa carefully. "Secondly, it wouldn't be two crazy women. Crazy usually suggests that there is no motive. I am certain, in this case, there would be something justified were such a thing to happen."

She somehow looks both amused and serious at the same time. "Thirdly, this topic is a /terrible/ thing to bring up while your lover is drunk."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "He's talking about three way!" Melissa stage-whispers to Heidi. Calling Captain Obvious! Then, to hammer the point home, she points to Heidi, then to herself, then to Alexander, then to one of the three doors down the hall. "Every guy dreams of that kinda shit!"
    The horse is no longer just dead. It's beginning to bloat from decomposition gases building up.
    "An' drunk people are more honest than sober people by far, anyway," Melissa says, missing the point with such spectacular precision she must have been aiming at Pluto while throwing the ping-pong ball into the beer pong game.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Exasperation lights Alexander's eyes as he sort of just points at Melissa, then at Heidi, then at Melissa again. He bites back a few words and crinkles his nose before he pushes himself to his feet and tells them both sidelong as he starts back to the kitchen, "I. Am going to get Melissa some water. You infuriating women. The both of you." He points at them condemningly again, but can't hide the smile entirely.
    Within there though he calls out, "Heidi can I get you something to drink?" But then after a brief moment the ramifications of that possibly in the context of their conversation occurs to him as he then adds, "Something non-alcoholic!" Another grumble is heard.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi doesn't seem annoyed by Melissa's drunken ramblings. She's less jovial, a little more toned down in this situation, but she's still perpetually amused by things. She's taking enjoyment out of this. "I am very aware of what he is suggesting," she says with an agreeable nod towards Mel. "But as someone who has spent hundreds of years with Asgardian mead, while you may be more honest, it is best not to make any deals until you're rested. You use the knowledge you gained the prior night, and then proceed forth from there. Navigating a stupor properly is important."

She winks at Mel. "And I will agree, regardless of the realm that is something many men dream of." Her gaze drifts back to Alexander. "Infuriating? I must say, I have been called a great many things in my life, but I'm not sure 'infuriating' has ever been almong them. Congratulations for being the first, young Alexander." She pauses. "I suppose some water cannot hurt."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "He's the god of fear," Mel says conversationally. "But he gets flustered so often I'm wondering if he shouldn't do a ladder-all shift in his job and take up the post of god of frustration or something."
    She suddenly stops. An idea enters her head. Lost, alone, and afraid in this unfamiliar wasteland it dies out, leaving behind only its corpse and a wraith.
    "Pizza!" she suddenly says. "That's what's missing here! We got friends! We got good times! We got me makin' 'Lex turn red in embarrassment at my antics! Now we need pizza. And I'm really fuckin' hungry. I missed lunch today 'cause of some gang activity in my neighbourhood. Hadda introduce a bunch of tough guys to the new cock of the block. Hen? Hen of the block. No, that don't sound right either. You know."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "You realize," Alexander says as he returns to the room with a pair of cups with ice water in them, one extended to Heidi and then swapping out Melissa's. "That when she sobers up she's going to probably wanna fight." His eyebrows lift as he settles back into his spot, leaning against the couch that supports Melissa's little exhibition of pure Songbirdness. "Either me or you, so you might wanna run off before she does so."
    He glances sidelong towards Melissa, taking a deep breath, then exhaling it slowly.
    "But sure. Pizza." Alexander says as he looks at either of them, "One pepperoni, one anchovy. Heidi do you have a preference?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"When I sober up I usually want to fight too. There's nothing more refreshing, especially if it's a good challenge. I wouldn't mind seeing the two of you fight, though. I'm deeply curious as to how the both of you fare." Heidi is uncertain of Melissa's skills, but she knows a small taste of Alexander's.

There is a bit of something that drunken Melissa said that caught her attention. God of fear. She doesn't comment on it, but there's a curious stare sent in Alex's direction, but nothing more. Perhaps she doesn't want to pry. She stretches a bit, but then her gaze is directed between the two of them.

"What's pizza?"

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Ooh! Never had a pizza? Oh boy do I envy you, Sister!" Mel says, grinning like an idiot. "I remember the first time I tasted pizza. After I scraped the little bits of gravel and the cigarette butt from it, it tasted divine! Best damn thing I'd ever had in my mouth at that point."
    Alex then gets an amused glance. She's sobering up enough now, however, not to blurt out what she otherwise would have.
    She doesn't have to mind. She's still very, very, very transparent.
    "So you mind if I stare at you closely when you eat your first piece? I wanna relive that first taste again, only without the ash and grit."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Sidelong to Mel, Alexander says, "She uh, doesn't know what pizza is." He says that almost conversationally, as if it wasn't perhaps the most monumental thing to have /ever/ happened to find someone who has never had pizza. He turns back to look at Heidi. "Ah, then you're in for a treat."
    But then he adds, "And yeah, dunno if that's a good idea." Watching them fight, considering that that was what attracted them to each other in the first place. Alexander chews on his inner cheek thoughtfully as he looks toward Melissa, and then back to Heidi. "It's a long story."
    Though, chances are, that as soon as he says that Melissa will announce exactly why and how and how long and what all happened. For such is Alexander's burden now at the mercy of the Fates as they cackle at their wheel enjoying just how crazy Alex's life has become. "Three pizzas coming up." He pushes himself back to his feet. Dutifully doing what he must to endure the torments inflicted upon him by Heidi and Melissa.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I am not certain why you are so excited about this particular food, but if you are so interested, I don't see why not," Heidi isn't weirded out by the prospect of being watched while she's eating. It's not as if it's embarrassing. "Midgardian food has been all delicious, so far. All of it so different." She does look between them, sensing /something/ but being unsure what it is.

"In any case, this has been enjoyable and I am looking forward to pizza."