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Heads Up!
Date of Scene: 23 June 2021
Location: Chelsea Piers
Synopsis: Selene and Elektra continue their wild night of having fun together on the town. There is rain and thunder, and lots of gol balls flying around!
Cast of Characters: Selene Corvinus, Elektra Natchios

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The thunderstorm had come and gone within a half hour. It left the two women fleeing the Central Park zoo though and making their way eastward in the city. By the time they got out of the rain they were both soaked through however, and were near to an exclusive golf club within the Chelsea neihborhood. It was late, but there was a high society-type party going on within the club. Three stories of party all setup for the club's golfers.

As the two water soaked women made their way through the front of the club's street-side area, Selene had asked if they could come inside to dry off and one of the attendants had turned them away rudely. Even going so far as to say that they didn't allow 'street workers' inside their club.

Selene had quickly come to give Ele a look, her black hair still dripping with rain water, and a smile crossed her lips. They peacefully parted from the front of the establishment and before entirely leaving, Selene motioned toward an alleyway between the place and the next building north of it.

Soon, they were working their way through the alley. Selene approaching a padlocked gate that she glanced around as she gripped the lock. A look given to Ele and the vampire just squeezes and yanks the lock off of the gate, then slowly opens it and offers Elektra the first passing-through. "I've seen this palce before. In so far as to say that I've been inside it before. I'm terribly insulted that man didn't recognize me, even in our nearly drowned state of being." She says with another little grin.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
A thunderstorm. So of course that Elektra blames a specific someone when it's over. Specially when they get soaked through. "Fucking Thor..." she mutters, dark hair plastered to her skull. But there's an amused little smirk to her lips while they make way through the zoo and the park to reach the eastern part of the city. True to her word though she had left the carriage with a nice tip for the poor man that had ran after them during it. Never say Elektra is heartless!

"I have come here on business before." She notes of the high-end club. Not that she explains what kind of business it was! Were there even any news of someone being killed here in the past?

Street workers though? It's only Selene's look that has not respond to that. Instead she simply smiles. A rather dangerous smile. But Selene seemed to have a plan so she follows, over to that alley. "I see we are of a like mind." she murmurs and then as Selene gestures for her to go first a brief laugh comes out of her. "Why thank you, m'lady." she even puts in her posh accent. But then gets through to the other side. It's dark, but not so dark that the light from outside and their more honed senses don't allow to see inside somewhat. "What shall we do to remind them that they should not insult us so?" she asks, a glance over her shoulder then back in, sliding close to a wall in that natural stealthy manner of hers.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Once Ele has gone through the fence, Selene follows her and closes the gate behind them, tossing the lock on the ground beside itt int to a rain puddle that splashes gently on the alley floor.

She turns then and starts to walk alognside the other woman. "Well." She starts to speak. "As it so happens, I came down this very alley... and--" As they reach a particular junction in the alleyway, the woman in black leans over a short brick wall and dips her arm back behind it in to a bush. "Lets see if... ah yes."

She lifts up a handful of golf clubs, three of them in total. One of them is badly broken though, but all three are covred in blood. Selene exhales a little laugh at that and tosses the broken one back behind the wall with a sound of rustling bush leaves as it tumbles away.

"Don't mind the blood. It's mostly down near the end." She offers it to Elektra with a grin.

She turns then and starts to walk further down the alley, the driving range eventually showing up on their right side, behind two layers of fence to keep people off of the grass. As they get further out there, the sounds of the party can be heard o nthe multi-story levels of driving locations. Along with the sounds of people whacking balls out over the grass.

"We're just going to have to spend a bit of time, making them run inside like we did in the rain." She looks back to the other woman she's with and bumps shoulders with her affectionately.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
There is some curiosity as Elektra watches Selene making her way through as if she knows the place. Which she does! A brow is arching rather slowly the more she talks... and when she reaches behind a certain brick wall to fetch those clubs? "Well, well... Skeletons in the closet is it?" the corner of her mouth curling up in amusement. "Should I ask the story behind this?" one hand reaches to take one of the clubs, twisting it about deftly between fingertips before resting it against a shoulder.

The plan though? When she realizes what Selene means she lets out a loud laugh. "And help clean the grass as well?"

"I do like the way you think." returning the bump on the shoulder and reaching to rest her forehead to the woman's. "Should we keep our own score?" she suggests. "Head 3 points, body 2, limbs 1?" a glance to the other woman before stepping to the grass.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The entrance on to the range is unlocked, used as an employee access area, and as the two women walk near to one another toward it, Selene is laughing softly at the other's scoring system. "That works for me." She replies to her. "As for the story, well... there was a lot of growling, howling, snarling. You know how it goes." She says with a grin on her lips as she moves the door open once more for the other.

She joins her on the lawn, which is scattered over by little white balls. It's fairly dark out here and since they're both dressed in black, no one from the well-lit balconies has noticed them as of yet.

Selene crouches and picks up three balls that were on the ground in a triangle together. She offers one to Elektra and then looks over at her. She nods PAST her at the range and the golfers upon it. "Look at them, wearing tuxedos even. It's like they dressed up for us to ruin their evening." She takes a few more steps before she takes off her jacket and drops it on to the wet grass.

It's only a moment later that she's dropping one of the balls on the ground and lining up for a shot. "I'm aiming for the portley one."

Which one? There's several!

*WHACK* Selene drives a ball right for the 3rd story balcony!

Now they're committed to this! How much time will they have though?

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"What happened to the silly hats and the khaki pants. I am so disappointed..." A wistful sigh leaving her lips, taking the ball in hand and then tossing it to the ground.

A little wiggle of her hips, positioning sideways. Eyes narrowed as she takes in the targets up above. "The portly one, is it..?" a beat, "I will go for the short guy for increased difficulty.." it's a lie because she actually goes for the biggest one she can find!

Hey, they got to pick easy targets first after all!

So she looks over to the targets once again, lets out a breath and lets a ball fly! Does it hit? Well, no. But it goes close. It's dark so it may just have gone unnoticed. No hit on that one!

"First ball doesn't count right?" She smirks, moving to line up a second ball. "I am guessing running from the club security will dry us enough to go home." she laughs. Another shot? Another miss! She lets out a brief grumble.

"I wonder if they will pursue us in those silly little karts.."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The first two shots from Selene and Elektra both slam in to the white painted walls of the building behind the golfers outside o nthe balconies. The bulk of the partyw as going on inside the building though, but as soon as the balls hit the walls people start looking around and acting confused.

It's Elektra's second shot that really starts to cement what's going on because it slams through one of the windows with a loud shattering of glass and women's voices inside of the building screaming in surpris!

Selene's eyes are on the window that was shattered, and when she hears the screaming she just starts to grin. Her stare goes back to Elektra. "Unless we have to jump in to the river." She replies playfully in her husky toned voice. It's true, the range faces the river on this side of Manhattan, but is blocked in by a large series of nets that keep all the golf balls in the yard.

Selene lines up for her second shot and unleashes a good hard swing. "We have a range on our property back in Hungary." She says after hitting the ball that soars down range and clips a man in his leg as he's running away. She winces at the man as he starts to limp. "It has always been a nice way to blow off steam..." She continues her sentence without skipping a beat.

More people are rushing around on the balconies, two of the older men who are the clear 'Alphas' are shouting obscenities out at the women on the far side of the range.

"Oh dear, they've spotted us." Sel says without a care in the world in her voice.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
A click of her tongue shows Elektra is annoyed at missing her two shots. Really, she is losing qualities.. But she blames it on something else. "The club is slippery from the rain." a smirk on her lips but now she looks determined! So she lines up that third shot, perhaps bolstered by the chaos they are producing all over the golf club.

Revelling in chaos and villainy! Sounds like a normal Wednesday for the two of them.

"You have an advantage on me. I am not sure this is a fair contest." She tells the other upon hearing about a range on the Hungary property. "Were you ever on *this* side of the field though?" she questions, an amused brow arching at Selene.

But then there's those two men shouting profanities. Well, they just made themselves targets. So when she lines up that third ball she is sort of aiming to those. She lets it fly and it strikes true! Right on one of the men's nogging! The man disappears from sight, falling but soon enough is sitting up and rubbing his head. Hard head!

"Hmmm, that did shut him up.." there's already the sound of those karts being ready to come out to the course!

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene has another shot lined up, her 4th, having shimmied her hips and backwards walked over one of the balls on the yard. She lines her club up but pauses when she hears Elektra insinuate that the vampire has an advantage of years of possible experience.

She looks mockingly insulted. "I'm not even using my night vision." She says before showing another one of her trademarked ghostly smiles. She watches Ele take that 3rd shot and then follows the ball through the air as it soars toward the balcony with the two shouting men on it. It hits one of them right in the head and Selene's eyes go wide.

She watches him fall, but sit up and look dazed. "My word. Are you sure you're not apart of the LPGA tour?" She asks in a humored tone.

The employees of the club are coming out of the buildin on the ground floor-employee-area and are rushing toward their caged-in carts. They're all dressed up in fancy suits too but they're wearing red jackets so they're fairly easy to see.

Selene pulls her club up and takes a shot at them! The ball soars past them and one of them ducks to avoid it, then glares down the range at the women.

"Oh, he looks angry." Selene says. "You're up. I think there's time for one more before we better scoot along." She states with a big grin for the other woman. "You're winning too, by the way. Talk about advantages here..." She mutters the last bit of course!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I am fairly sure you can't turn *that* off." This about Selene's claim that she wasn't using her night vision to shoot those balls. So many advantages! Elektra just hmphs but seems rather pleased with having a 'headshot' already in. Mighty competitive this Elektra can be at times. With the employees coming out of the club she lets out a sigh. "They even made sure to bring their little red suits ..." the better to disguise the blood!

And indeed she still have time for a shot. She aims one above to the third balcony, not to the poor guards who are just doing their job but to the well-dressed ones that are still running inside. Even the ones that were cursing them from the balcony. The ball soars through the air but doesn't hit anyone even if it certainly hits *something*, the sound of something breaking heard.

The red-shirts are already getting out onto the drive to begin pursuit. "Uh-oh." she says, not exactly too worried. "Want to shoot one more?" it will be dangerous though! might be they just get right near to catching up to them.

"We may need to take a swim to get them off our tails though." a smirk.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene was trained to not interact with the mortal world, it was her desire to end the war that her people had been fighting for generations, then slip in to a place of retirement where she could live peacefully to herself. She fantasized about what that would look like many times throughout her long existence, and that vision has changed as the time on the calendar changed too.

Here and tonight though, she was enjoying interacting with the mortal world, with the person closest to her now.

"They started it." Selene says to Elektra. She grins at her. "If they want to be mad about us firing back, that is on them."

She kneels down to grab another ball and roll it toward her as the men in the red jackets all climb in to their carts to come out the distance of the yard. She lines up another shot and swings!


The golf ball soars across the yard and slams right in to one of the cart's caged fronts as it is pulling out on to the yard. Which makes the driver instinctively duck.

"That was a headshot." She tries to tell Ele as she holds her grin toward the other woman...

With a sigh she drops the club on the ground, it thumping on the soft cultivated grass. "Screw it. Lets go see if we can find a boat." She motions to the place. "One of these posh bastards likely has a yacht in port." She motions to Ele to follow after her.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
For Elektra the notion of dealing with the 'normal', mortal world was like wearing a mask to what she was. Taught to blend in, to disguise her intents in the guise of am ambassador's daughter. But to actually just enjoy herself with someone? That had been a rare occurrence. It had happened once before when she was young with a certain blind lawyer. But now? She was getting that feeling again. Happiness? She does wonder what Stick would say this time, or do. That she was going soft.

But somehow she felt stronger.

She laughs at Selene's talk of hitting the cart being a headshot, "Fine. We will just assume the whole cart is *their* head. Or we just go with you having that guy's ego." big egos, big heads and all that!

Reaching behind her she then tosses the club over in the direction the carts are coming from, even if they are still far. "From carriage robbers to yachts? We are truly going up in life." she jests but seems good about finding that yacht to steal, turning to run off along with Selene in direction of the port.

"You know, I think I'd enjoy a little time out there in the rain with you. So lets make sure to get a good one." yacht that is.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
As it so happens the driving range sits on the edge of the docks, a few layers of fencing and netting go up high to keep the golf balls from going out in to the water, but otherwise it's just a couple gates to get to a railing that overlooks a 30 or 40 foot drop down to the walkway that will go out to the nearest row of piers.

Selene just unceremoniously rips the locked gates open, the metal locks clattering across the ground as they flee the range. The men piling out of their carts and shouting at the two to 'Stop! Come back here!'.

Once at the

She'll help catch the woman and ease the landing if she needs it, before smiling at her

looking up at the men who rush to the railing to watch the women flee. They're not so committed as to jump down after them.

Selene offers a wave and then turns toward one of the piercs and starts to jog toward it with her heeled shoes quietly impacting on the pathway that leads out toward the water. "I'd say they'll think twice before insulting prostitutes again, but probably not." She says with a grin toward Elektra.

After a bit of boat browsing, Selene motions to one. It's very nice, but not overly large, quick and nimble. "That should do." She whips out her phone and flips it on. "Most of these are entirely operated by computers now. But I should be able to hack it. Perk of having very skilled program designers on my team..."

It won't take long at all before the two women are on the river in a pilfered yacht, more lightning and rain coming in from the west.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Show off." This about ripping the locked gates open with sheer strength. Elektra does sound amused though, running after the other woman and watching her just jump down that 40 feet drop. Not something Elektra wants to risk just now, so instead of just jumping down the whole thing she jumps to the netting, holding and letting her weight do the job of lowering herself a bit, swinging and then letting herself fall. Right on Selene's arms!

With Selene helping her ease the landing she grins, looking up at the top of the railing, joining her wave to Selene's and then running after, "They might just starting shooting on sight instead." she says with a sigh.

Now that's surprising. That Selene knows her way around computers? "Good skill to have." she notes, the tone implying it's not something she is very versatile on. Because who has ever heard of a technological ninja?!

As the engine comes to life and they start leaving the port she looks up at the sky. "Don't think we will be able to dodge the rain. But ..., I think we can make it worthwhile, mmm?" finally she starting to relax after all the exertion, eyes glinting in the dark and she looking at Selene. She leans back to sit on the rim of the yacht, outside, beckoning Selene over.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
"Adapt with the times, or become a relic of the past." Selene quips with a playful expression over to Elektra about knowing her way around a computer device. She pilots the boat out to the open waters, having skills with that clearly as well... but she's been around a long time!

The yacht is two levels, top deck and a below deck area that is accessed via a staircase near the center of the aft deck. The upper deck has a single sitting roomattached to the captain's area and the fore deck balcony that looks out over the water to the front of the ship where Elektra ends up.

Once Selene kills the engine she spends a bit of time in that sitting room mucking around, Ele will hear her ruffling some things around before she joins her out on the deck to watch the storm coming in. A nice warm breeze crosses over the yacht and the two women, sending Sel's dark hair flowing around her shoulders as she stands beside Ele now.

She offers her a tall glass of champagne. "Found it in the refrigerator." She states with a little smile beofre leaning forward on the yacht's railing with her shoulder pressed up against Elektra's. "I would say this might be the best date night I've had in a couple centuries--" She looks over to th eother woman and grins. "But I'm not sure I've ever had a date night before, so it might not count for much..." Her glass is raised up to her lips for a drink then.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I can't believe you are calling me a relic while you are the one with a few centuries on your belt." Elektra quips in return to Selene, tone still amused and a lilting jest to it, taking her time out there, feeling the wind in her face and hair, eyes closed and one hand running over her dark hair, loosening it over shoulders, untamed as it dances at the wind's whim. She listens to the 'ruckus' going on inside and shouts out, "I hope you didn't find an intruder in our yacht!" they are the intruders, but that's details!

Her skin is still somewhat flushed when Selene comes back out with those champagne glasses, "And I imagine it's not the cheap stuff either." she taking one and reaching out to tip it against the other woman's.

"None?" She sounds a touch surprised for a moment, shoulder remaining close to Selene's and she taking a brief drink from her glass. "I am not exactly known for my date nights either but I can tell you it's perhaps been the best for me too." a rare grin on her lips, a quick glance up as the sky roars, the rain surely not far now. Not that Elektra makes any motion of wanting to go inside.

"And it's not like the night is done just yet either." Her tone promising, she reaching up to brush fingertips over Selene's cheek, turning her head to hers so she can reach in for a kiss.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene's eyes go out to the storm at first as she closes her eyes for a second to enjoy the wind on her face and through her hair. She opens her eyes again to look at the other woman who shares in her summation of the date night which has her smiling lightly again.

"Peas in a pod. As they say." She softly tells the other before sipping her drink again. She then looks back over her shoulder. "God, we didn't check the lower level. I hope there's not a real prostitute down there... Or worse, a baby or child."

There isn't though, she's rather certain she'd smell them even up here if there was.

She looks back to Ele then to smile at her as the fingers touch the side of her own face. She lowers her glass down and turns to the other dark haired woman to accept the kiss, leaning the small distance in to it to press lips to lips, brushing their noses together as she works them gently over Ele's.

They stay like this for a lingering length of time before parting again and the Vampire grins and does as she does, leaning her forehead against Ele's softly. "A night to remember. Lets just make sure not to stay out here too long, or the sun will come up, and then what will I do?" She grins up close and personal. "Try explaining to a law officer why you can't come out of a dark room some time. It never goes well."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Uff, I am no pea.." Elektra complains but she is still smiling when their lips meet, eyes closing and she letting herself go with it, hand sliding up to the other woman's neck and around it, under Sel's dark hair, keeping them close to one another, the pace of her beating heart heard more noticeably now. When the kiss breaks her eyes re-open, directly on Selene's, watching her.

"The way you are saying that ..." There is a pause, she turning her head up and bumping noses with the other woman, "... is this something that has happened to you in the past? And should I ask for the story?" it did sound somewhat specific!

Yet it's not as if she appears to be in any hurry to leave just yet, for now that they have stolen the yacht Elektra appears keen on using it to full effect. "I can always set an alarm if we want but ..., now that we spent so long running from the rain I feel like I wish to spend some time out here under the rain with you."

The glass of champagne is set aside, one arm wrapped around the other woman and staying close, intimately so, the silence around them only broken from time to time with the thunder and those first drops of rain starting to fall on them.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene spares a moment to look upward as the droplets of rain start to fall down upon them in that tell-tale way of letting you know the skies are about to open up soon.

She brings her gaze back down to Ele's own eas the woman sets her drink aside and gets in a more intimate range from the vampire woman's form. Selene takes one more sip from her glass before she sets it aside as well and moves to take them both toward a seat just beside their knees on the fore deck. She settles down on to it with Ele then and laughs softly.

"There's an Inspector in Budapest who's entire assignment revolves around tracking us down. My people, and the Lycans. I've run in to him a number of times, but he often has green street cops with him who are not ready for what they find. I've had a few run-ins with them in the past, before I moved here. They know we exist, but they're never ready for it when they actually find one of us." She smiles sweetly, which is a bit ominous, but surely she's never killed a cop before! Right?

A heavier guest of wind rushes across them both then as the storm is getting nearer, the thunder rolling across the river as the rain is falling harder now across Manhattan and starting to pick up where they are too.

"Stay up here, or explore the lower deck?" Selene then asks with a slight grin showing once more.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Well, lets not ask Elektra if she has killed cops before. As a target? Or just as collateral? Maybe both? She listens to the tale about that inspector and then lets out a laugh, shaking her head at Selene. "You lost a good opportunity of asking him out on a date. Dancing with the enemy. It can be .., thrilling.." has she done so in the past? The tone implies it!

"It all depends on how afraid we are of a little rain.. Granted, the thunder will most likely ruin it.., and the wind too." The universe surely conspires against them, not letting the duo have a nice outting with just rain and no wind. Alas, one can't have everything.

"We may soon have no choice but to escape the storm under the guise of exploring the lower deck." She quips, even as the rain is starting to drop with more intensity, droplets falling on each of them, making Elektra look up to the sky to have it fully on her face and taking in a deep breath. "I am not scared of a little rain though.." fingertips again up and brushing on Selene's cheek, brushing over some rainwater there, "But at the same time exploring that lower deck is sounding enticing."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The break from the rain had come just before they had reached the golf facility and they'd had about a half hour to dry off some, but now it was rushing back down from the sky to cover them again. It'd been a wild ride of a night though, even through the storms.

What light there is upon them helps show the slight smile Selene shows to her companion. She moves to stand up then and reaches for their glasses to take them before they're claimed by the river.

"Let us explore then." She says as she stands back up, her dark clothing soaked through upon her body as she turns toward the interior part of the upper deck and leads the way back inside where the stairs can be found to go to the lower level.

"I'm starting to enjoy this boating lifestyle. Perhaps I'll start saving for one of these, surely they're not that expensive." She jokes in that dry sense of humor of hers.