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Latest revision as of 16:22, 4 July 2021

Amazon Same-Day Delivery
Date of Scene: 03 July 2021
Location: Daily Planet Building - New Troy
Synopsis: Spidey meets up with the Amazon princess for a very special update.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Diana Prince

Peter Parker has posed:
Welp, here he is again.

Spider-Man sits on the curve of the ring of the big golden planet on the roof of the DAILY PLANET.

He hadn't expected to get a message from Her Amazon-ness. He figured she was kept busy saving the world, doing her ambassador duties...and okay, maybe feeling hanging out with him might be slumming for the princess. But that was his own rather tattered insecurities waving all the familiar flags.

He took a deep breath, then sent, <Updated the Spider-Comm system. You have to go to Metropolis and Gotham City for it to kick in. I'm at the roof of the DAILY PLANET right now, if you have the time?>

*And aren't currently stopping some ancient warlord or something like that...* he thought, then sighed. Jeez Louise, he was a trainwreck of a superhero.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana was in Metropolis for the holiday weekend. She had a few events to attend today and when she recieved his text she wasn't that far away. Wearing her easily identifiable armor, the Princess just suddenly appears on the western ledge of the building, her armored boots touching down upon the stone that overlooks the balcony level on the roof.

It's only a small distance from that large planet that rests atop the building and shen she looks up upon it she sees the young Spider-man and shows a serenely soft smile at him.

"Hello." Diana calls out as she steps down a couple foot drop off to walk toward where he is, her lasso coiled upon her right hip and her dark hair blowing gently in the summer winds up here atop the tall tower.

"It has been awhile." She says to him once closer. "I am glad to see that you are doing well, seemingly at least." She says, still showing the hint of a smile for him as her tall form walks a little further to close the distance between them.

Peter Parker has posed:
How does she DO that?? She's just...THERE! Well, his Spider-Sense wouldn't have picked her up, but STILL...

He suddenly realized she would actually have to crane her neck up to look at him, and that wasn't very polite. So, he hopped off the ring, landing lightly on the roof. And...well, NOW he had to look up to HER. Was she always this tall? She was, of course. And he HAD been slammed into a wall the last time they met.

Was she smiling? It looked like it. He hoped she was.
*C'mon, say something.*
"Yes, well, I'm like a Timex watch. I take a licking and keep on ticking."
*...Stupid Mouth...*
"Uhm, right! Sorry. I...uhm, you're looking...well, majestic."
Suddenly he felt like he was on a stage and the stagehand below the sight line of the footlights was holding up a sign saying YOU'RE DYING HERE...

"Right. Sorry, just distracted. Uhm, you're probably wondering why I called you here."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is naturally six feet tall even, but her wedge heeled boots has her up somewhere around 6'2 or 6'3. When he jumps down, she is indeed smiling at him now that he is before her on the roof, her long dark hair gently swaying out toward her left bare shoulder as the winds are coming out of the northwest over her right.

"Do they still make those?" She asks of the Timex watches. She shows a grin quickly then and there before she just lowers her chin a little as she looks toward him. "Thank you." She says to his kind compliment, then continues. "An update, you said, to the alert system that you use for your work associates?" She remembers their time together, last year, and still has and uses what he gave her to stay in contact even if they have not needed to for some time.

"It would seem we have not needed one another to help with anything, which is good, I would say. But it is better to be safe, rather than sorry... as they say." She finishes with another smile, her naturally husky voice is clearly in good tone, she seems happy! A good day, on a nice holiday weekend, maybe!

Peter Parker has posed:
Jeez, a guy could fall in love. Not just because of her looks, because those would be enough reason. The woman probably had a thousand fansites.
But it was also that aura around her. Just talking to her, you felt everything was...okay, now that she was here. When she was here, it felt like everything was under control and it was going to be okay.

Spider-Man took a deep breath after she spoke, collecting himself. If he wasn't careful, he'd end up all moon-eyed over her, and they had serious stuff to talk about. A cartoon mouse with an enlarged head said in a serious voice, *Focus, Pinky.*

"Okay. Right. Yes, recently I've noticed that a lot of criminal organizations in New York Cirty are interconnected with other similar groups in Gotham City and in Metropolis. As such, I've been working on expanding the Spider-Comm system to work in those other cities. It was a difficult hack - those WayneTech systems are pretty advanced - but I was able to make it work. You'll need to put on the rig to complete the update, in each city. Part of the issue is that since it's localized, you can only update for the city, while you're in the city limits. Part of the stealth option, to minimize chances of discovery. If you have the rig, we can do it now."

He sounds a little less like a kid talking to a crush and more like a technician explaining a new computer function when he goes into his spiel.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's expression toward the young man in the fancy costume falls toward one of reserved attentive listening. She takes in what he says and then reaches behind her to the pouches on the back of her leather harness that is strapped around her body. She pulls out the container that the Spider-comm lenses came to her in. "I have them here." She says to him as she pushes her left arm forward and presents the box to him in her leather wrapped palm.

"I think it will be fine to update on location, though Gotham I do travel to the least of the three cities." She leans forward ever so slightly and holds back a smile as she speaks softer. "I do not want Batman getting worried that I am taking over his turf." She straightens again and holds a sly grin.

She's joking, of course. Probably. Maybe.

The Princess takes a breath in then as she looks off to the west, the sun in that direction it bathes her face in a orange glow. "Metropolis, on the other hand, I consider my first home in the United States." She looks back to Spidey and smiles more openly to him. "It was the first city I lived in upon moving here many years ago."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey blinks.
Diana...worried about BATMAN. Okay, shut the front door. He didn't think she worried about ANYTHING.

"Uhm..." He's saying that around her too much. He needs to stop. "Uhmm...you'll have to put them in, as well as wear the gloves with the fingertip sensors. You only have to use one for this, though."

He pauses, then adds, "Well, I've lived in New York City all my life. I can't imagine living anywhere else." He looked around. "But Metropolis is so...CLEAN..."

Diana Prince has posed:
"Ah, yes, of course." Diana says as she hears his response of needing to wear the items. She takes a step over to a metal railing on the roof that curves around the base of the large metal planet globe. With Spider-man on her left now, Diana sets the container down on top of the railing strut and opens it up.

She smiles at the bit about how clean Metropolis is compared to Manhattan. "Yes, there's a bit better funding to the city's services here, than in that of New York." The Princess comments as she starts to put the lenses in to her eyes.

"When I moved here, I needed a home base that I could go to whenever possible. Back then I was not a public figure, you see." She says back at him after getting one of the lenses in to place in her left eye. She looks back to get the last ready. "So Metropolis is where my first apartment was located, to be that home base." She gets it in next and then slips on the hand controls. "I still have that aprtment, actually." She smiles as she turns back to him. "Nostalgia is powerful, even to me." She says with another grin.

She looks around the horizon a bit more, her long hair flowing about her bare shoulders. "I believe they are working now." She tells him, her eyelashes fluttering a few times.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods, and then the startup finishes. A new box in orange appears in Diana's vision, hanging in front of her like a perfectly-square balloon.


It is an improvement over the usual message the last time she wore them in Metropolis, where the only box to come up was the blue box with <SPIDER-COMM OFFLINE> in it.

"You should see the box. Tap it with any hand wearing the glove. It may take a minute or two." Spider-Man says quietly, but soberly.

He has his own nostalgia, but his version of Memory Lane is different...different enough to be something he'd rather not share.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana sees the AR window pop up in the world which has her smiling softly at it. She reaches her hand up and taps on it as he instructs, her bare index finger just dotting on the sky in front of her. "I am not sure I will ever not enjoy seeing this kind of technology progress further and further. The simplicity of how it works now, is ... well, it's fun."

She smiles over at him then as her hand goes back down to rest beside her thigh.

"Is this a system that you are looking to expand further?" She asks him then while she waits as he said. "I could see the Justice League being potentially interested in a verison of their own, in some capacity at least. Or at least an interconnectivityy of some manner."

She looks back to the box in the air of the AR system in front of where she stands.

Peter Parker has posed:
The box disappears, and another one appears in the upper-left of her view, with a growing list of files:

...and so forth.

"I heard the Justice League has something like this. Supergirl called it the 'infosphere.' But I think that it would be a bad thing to restrict access. The more people can communicate with each other, the easier it is to coordinate. The bad guys are working together, and we should, too." He pauses. "Well, I dunno how you feel about dealing with garden-variety thugs and such, with all the REAL problems you A-listers have to deal with, but believe me when I say I'd welcome the help. Supergirl helped me last year with an attempted gold heist, and I couldn't have pulled it off without her."

The box goes away, and new menu options appear, the search bar now reading METROPOLIS next to it. Other than that, it can do much of what could be accessed in New York City.

As the eyes pass over Spidey, a text box appears over his head.


Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's gaze is up on the file names that are being displayed to her. "Yes, the Infosphere ie some of the system that we use, but..." She looks away from the window and back to where he is. The note over his head makes her show another soft smile but she doens't comment on it.

"-We are always interested in opening up lines of communication. It was one of the goals of my joining the ranks of the Avengers." Diana steps back over to the container she left on the metal pilon and she picks it up in he rhands and closes it once more with a little snap.

"I am always willing to help anyone, from any threat that would harm them." She says as she turns back to Spidey then and puts her hands behind her back to slip the container back in to the pouch on the small of her back. "I make it a point to try and find time to do so, but if there is a weakness in what I can provie it is... time." She briefly smiles again at him and then nods.

"And thank you for what you continue to do, Mostly Harmless or not." She then grins lightly again.

Peter Parker has posed:
One eyebrow goes up. "...Mostly harmless? Well, I may not be much of a much compared to the Avengers and the Justice League but..."

He pauses, then checks something. "...Crud." Done in by a Douglas Adams reference. He had typed that in himself as a test, but he thought he'd erased it again.

*Peter Parker. You GOOBER.*

"Right...I guess the funniest jokes are the ones you play on yourself." He looked back to Diana. It helped not to look directly into her face. It saved him from the ridiculous hope of romantic entanglements. After Nia and he broke up, he had to keep telling himself that being kind and polite to him was NOT flirting in disguise.

"Anyway, the next time you're in Gotham City, do the same thing there that you did here. I confirmed the hack is working in the cell-phone network there, so you shouldn't have any other problems."

Another pause. "And if Batman shows up and asks about what you're doing, go ahead and tell him about the network. Just...send me a message right after you do, so I'm not TOO surprised when he shows up out of the nearest shadow."

Diana Prince has posed:
That initial bit requiring him to catch up to the joke she was making has her grinning yet still and further before it fades when he starts in on the serious matter of how the system works and what she needs to do to ensure that. To this she takes a moment to bite down on her bottom lip before nodding a single time and then exhaling, releasing the lip again.

AT the bit about Batman she openly laughs, short and sweet, melodic and toned to her huskied hued voice. She looks away to the west and then back to the Spider-one. "I will be most certain to give to you a fair warning of such, should it occur.. But... if he finds it on his own, then I cannot be held responsible for any sudden and potentially unsettling appearances in the dark."

She's well aware of them, clearly!

She smiles to him again and nods once toward him before speaking again in her non-American accented voice. "You are just as capable as almost everyone on either of those two teams too, and have done a lot of good for a lot of innocent people. I hope you know that, and take pride in it." She says that with a clear cut honesty, hoping to bolster some of his ego, even if just a little.

Peter Parker has posed:
Him? Capable as an Avenger or a Leaguer?

He utters a snerk of laughter before he can stop himself. "Sorry...ya hit my funny bone. Diana, I hold no illusions about what I am capable of. But nobody's calling me to stop an alien invasion...and regarding the incursion of an Egyptian death god in Central Park, most of what I did to help was grab some unholy McGuffin and run for my life. And I'm okay with this. Someone's gotta look out for the guy or girl on the street, right? And when it comes to pride, I took a double dose of it early in my life..."

*"...I'm looking out for NUMBER ONE!"* The memory came as if it was loaded and ready to fire. Kinda amazing in its own way.

His breath catches in his throat. "...so when it comes to Pride, I promised I'd never touch the stuff again."

Diana Prince has posed:
The young man inside of the fancy costume says what he says and gets the response of a big grin from the Princess of Themyscira. She levels her chin toward him again and puts one hand upon her left hip. "Modesty is a virtue, Spider-friend."

She then drops her hand from her hip and turns back the way she'd come, back where she'd just appeared out of no where from. "Thank you for the updated communicator, I will be sure to always have it on me again." She raises her hand up and starts to offer a wave. "Do let me know should you come across anything you need help with. I would loathe to see harm come to one of our most humble of heroes." She has a playful sense of humor, that much is very clear!

When she turns to leave, something happens, a question gets answered. OUt of thin air, where ther ewas nothing before, now fades in the form of a silvery-cloud-hued vessel just sitting silently in the air. It's large and has soft rounded curves like something out of a sci-fi movie.

It's the Invisible Jet, suddenly very visible as Diana steps up on to the ledge and walks toward its open entry ramp beneath its central fuselae, the large jet looming over the edge of the Daily Planet...

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man stands there, frozen. He was about to say something when...a hovering jet suddenly shimmers into existence and saves him from saying something stupid.

He realized he was staring, open-mouthed, eye-lenses as wide as his own. If it wasn't for the mask, his lower jaw would be hitting the roof and doing its best to drill into the concrete.

Arms? Slack and dangling.
Body? Hunched forward slightly, stone still.
Stupid Mouth? Might as well be a note that says GONE TO LUNCH, I GOT NOTHIN'.

He just...stands there, watching as Diana just strolls onto the Jet That Wasn't There.