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The Framework: Playing Nice
Date of Scene: 04 July 2021
Location: The Playground, Delaware, in the Framework
Synopsis: Gonzales questions May, Morse, and Hunter about their real intentions before he, grudgingly, lets them loose on his base. They are disappointed to discover the promised 'back door' out of the matrix no longer works.
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter
Tinyplot: The Framework

Melinda May has posed:
When the T-Hawk touched down inside the Playground hangar, it was only because Chief Daniel Sousa was able to convince Director Robert Gonzales that a) yes, he was very much alive and b) the high-profile HYDRA personnel aboard were, strangely enough, on their side. There were several tense moments, when the hatch openned, that involved a bunch of armed resistance fighters aiming weapons at just about everyone, until Daniel's 'discussion' with Robert finally yielded grudging fruit.

In the aftermath of all that, Daniel and his family have been taken to med lab to ensure they're okay -- Jemma Simmons accompanying them because a school teacher really isn't the same threat level *at all* as Sky Commander Morse and STRIKE Commander May. That Hunter got caught up in all that when Morse and May were moved down to Vault D until Gonzales could interview them personally has more to do with the Englishman's unwillingness to be separated from Bobbi than anything else. After all, nobody has any clue what level of threat a dead man (a dead SHIELD agent, no less) really presents.

So, the three of them are left to cool their heels, hoping Daniel can sort things out, until the door up the long staircase finally opens and, cane in hand, Robert Gonzales slowly descends the stairs. At his back are three men, Grant Ward, Antoine Triplett, and Alphonso MacKenzie. It might seem overkill, until you consider who these men think they're coming down to face.

"So," Robert says, his voice weary but his dark eyes sharp as they've ever been. "Daniel says you're on our side, now."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The tense meeting and Daniel's quick work spared them another shoot out. The quiet time in Vault D, Bobbi gently takes Lance's hand and then peers at May. "What a mess huh?" A snide smirk dissolves in to a frown. "This is where Carol Danvers disappeared," she says and looks to Lance. "They might try and kill us - if they know how to kill Captain HYDRA then... not even my fancy shield is going to save us."

    Said shield with eagle on it was confiscated. Her eyes fall upon the four people as they enter the room. Trip is carrying the shield. She rather liked throwing it around and deflecting things with it. That vibranium feels crazy.

    She peers at Gonzales, "Riiight. On your side. I'm on no ones side. I'm sick of being used. I know the truth about this place now, none of this is real anyway. So you can consider that attack on the Triskelion my formal letter of resignation. I'm _done_."

    She tightens her grip on Lance's hand defensively and her jaw sets indignantly. "What happened to Carol Danvers. I know she came here before she disappeared. What'd you do to her?"

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter takes Bobbi's hand and shakes his head about the notion they might be killed, "Not sure who all these blokes are but we were told this is where we go to get out of here, if Danvers didn't come back, like as not she's in the real world right now."

He doesn't let go of Bobbi's hand as the men enter, a smile crossing Hunter's face seeing Mack. "Mack mate, please tell me you three are from the real world, I'll even be happy to see Robo-Agent," he nods at Ward "If he's real."

Bobbi's response gets a look, "She's had a rough time of it in here, trust me though we're none of us a threat."

Melinda May has posed:
May's response to Bobbi, just before Gonzales enters, is a faint, wry smile that tends to agree with her. She doesn't say anything however -- mainly because Gonzales is thumping down the stairs before she has a chance. She sits against a wall, head leaned back against the brick, one knee bent, a forearm draped over it, the other stretched out before her. She rolls her head to look at the quartet of SHIELD men on the other side of the force barrier and holds her tongue.

"Not real," Gonzales says calmly in response to Morse's little tirade. "If it's not real, why blow up the Triskelion? Pretty spectacular resignation." He doesn't say anything about Carol Danvers.

The three men each take up a somewhat background position to Gonzales. Trip sets himself closest to the boss, that shield in his hands as he studies the trio in the cage with a faintly curious expression. Mack has a looming, glowery look about him, hands flexing around the shotgun in his hands. Standing near the staircase, he's the only one of them overtly armed. Sure, both Trip and Ward have guns on their hips, but Mack's the one holding his. Ward stands fairly near the barrier, off toward one end. Like Trip, his expression is curious. Unlike Trip, that curiosity doesn't bespeak a great desire to try to understand. He's far more impassive.

Mack manages to look a little uncomfortable as Lance addresses him directly. Hell, as far as he's known before now, Lance Hunter died years ago. And when SHIELD fell, it was Bobbi Morse pulling the trigger. There is little love lost here, any more. "What the hell is it with people coming in here, spouting about things being real or not?" he growls, his frustration clear. "This is the real world, Hunter... How the hell are you not dead?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi laughs at Gonzales's dark quip about her style of resignation. "As if strolling in to the heart of HYDRA and extracting Lance would be easy. I tried to do it the nice way... ran in to my old mentor Garrett unfortunately. He wasn't buying it, so I had to do things the hard way."

    "I prepare for the worst. That should make you stop and pause wondering just what I may have planned if things don't go the way I want." A good threat, considering what she just made happen. It's an empty threat though - she's all out of tricks. Daisy and Jemma have a phone full of tricks but not Bobbi.

    She lifts her chin, "Fine." She says as Mack loses it with the 'nonsense'. "Let's say there's two worlds. Both equally real and people like me were abducted from the other world and we just want to _go home_. How's that? does that work for you big fella?"

    She didn't know much about Gonzales and his crew way back before SHIELD fell. She was very much in the Garrett Camp as his right hand. Her reputation is fierce and well earned. Yet here she is holding Lance's hand like it's the most important thing in the world. Sure, she killed him.. and she suffered for that ever since. Not that she had much of a choice in the matter.

    "So consider your words carefully Robert." She knows _of_ him though. She had no idea he was still alive. "Tell me what happened to Carol Danvers."

Lance Hunter has posed:
"What Bobs said," Hunter fills in on the real world/fake world thing. It was an easier story to swallow. "As for why the Triskelion? How about 'thank you' Bobs did you all a bloody favour and you're all standing here looking like you're wondering if you're going to put us up against the wall and shoot us," he looks over to Mack. "I know it sounds crazy, other worlds and all that but how else do you explain being here holding hands with the woman who shot me? And if this was some HYDRA trick why'd they blow up the Trisk for you lot? The way I hear things you're on the ropes, not worth blowing the place up and breaking the myth of HYDRA's invincibility just to mop up what's left of the resistance. So, how's about you let Bobs know what happened to Danvers and we'll do our best to help you on the way back home. Sound fair?"

Melinda May has posed:
Robert Gonzales is not the sort of man who gives a knee-jerk reaction to pretty much anything. And Bobbi posturing at him from behind a force shield isn't going to move him at all. He's also fairly willing to bet that most of what she's saying is hot air. Even he knows how much villians like to monologue -- not that he's ever heard of Morse being much of a monologuer.

"What about you?" he says, ignoring the pair for a moment to focus on May. "You have something to say?"

May's eyes flit from his face to Ward, to Mack, to Trip, and back to Gonzales. "Nope." Way she sees it, they're either going to kill them, or they're not. Daniel, Peggy, and the kids are safe. That's what she set out to do. That's what she's done. The rest of this?

Her head cants as a slow realization comes to her. "Maybe." She can feel him. It didn't really register before. But she can feel him as well as she once felt Bobbi and Peggy and the others. The difference now? She can tell right where he is, whereas the sense of Bobbi is still 'off to one side somewhere', not exactly where she knows her to be.

"You're as tired as I am, aren't you, Gonzales?" she says then, a curious expression on her face. Her eyes flit between the men again, expression slowly shifting to curiosity. "You all are. You're tired. You're frustrated. You're angry. And you're astounded we just did what you've been trying to do since SHIELD fell." She curls her legs and levers herself up to her feet. "Yeah, well, guess what. So are we. So, tell me: What have you got to lose, Director? You've got two of HYDRA's most valuable agents right here, right now, ready to sing like canaries... but not on this side of the cage. Tell Morse what happened to Danvers and we'll tell you how to bring down Madame HYDRA."

Gonzales looks from her to Morse and back again. "Why should I trust you?"

"Again: What have you got to lose?"

Gonzales' eyes narrow. "We don't know where Danvers is. Or her crazy friend. They're gone. We didn't touch them."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi's smile creeps up just a little bit as Lance gets fired up. She snuggles in a little closer, liking this side of him. Whatever happened 'out there' to make him like this? well, she likes it. But what really surprises her is when May suddenly decides to talk. Not just talk.. make peace with their former organisation.

    So rarely does May talk at all to anyone Bobbi wonders if she's feeling well... "Gone?" She hmphs and says, "May is right. If you want to take out Madame HYDRA you're going to need our help." She nods to the men, "On my phone. It's locked - don't even bother trying to break in you don't have the tech. I can unlock it and show you what I found. It's a secret facility hidden underneath New York. Director Radcliffe has his handy work all over it, no doubt Ophelia too."

    She looks to May and says, "And of all the signals they were tracking in there.. including yours and mine.. only Danvers' was flat lined. Her last known location was here. So..." She pauses, "What crazy friend?"

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter leans into Bobbi as she leans into him. There's comfort in it, especially in this weird place. "They're both telling the truth," Hunter insists. "We want to help you and we want to find our friends, now you can stare at us through this laser field or you can let us out and we'll make good on our promises to give you the intel you need to take down HYDRA in this world, like May said you're all tired and I'm sure you'd love to stop hiding in basements and be out in the sunlight doing good and saving the world like you do where we come from."

Melinda May has posed:
May can sense the bluntness not only in Gonzales' tone, but in his emotional spectrum. He's too tired to prevaricate. He *wants* to believe them. Wants to believe Daniel's right. He doesn't -- not yet. But the unspoken hope is there, buried under everything else.

"He's telling the truth," she tells Morse. She grimaces. "I can tell." There's weight to those words. The weight of obsidian rock and years of fervent loathing. Useful new trick or not, she's really not happy with Jemma Simmons, right now.

"Who's Ophelia?" Gonzales askes, interrupting May's thoughts.

"Madame HYDRA," she tells him. "That's her... 'real' name." Yep. There're heavy, unspoken airquotes around 'real'. May's not really sure what's real any more, anyway.

Her attention comes back around to Bobbi. "If Danvers flatlined, what happened to her?"

"She walked into a closet," Mack growls, stepping forward. "She walked into a damned closet and disappeared. That's what happened to her."

"How'd you get this?" Trip asks, coming forward with the SHIELD. "And how'd you get SHIELD all over your clothes?"

Gonzales stands there silently, now, studying the three of them -- particularly May. His eyes are narrowed in thought. Abruptly, he says, "Maybe we should show them."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi narrows her eyes a touch when May says 'I can tell'. It's hard to wrap her head around their Inhuman status. Both of them, thrown in to -that- barrel together. Hell the two of them only sort of liked each other, as colleagues.. when push came to shove the cruel side of Bobbi would always show its ugly face.

    But circumstances have changed and she looks dourly at Trip with her shield. "It appeared out of no where next to me. It's made of vibranium." She shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head, "What do you want me to say. You tell me Danvers disappeared in to a closet and I'm telling you that shield appeared out of no where."

    She looks over her clothes and shakes her head, "And all our clothing just... changed on us. The Hawk we parked in your hanger too..." She frowns and looks Gonzales in the eyes, "Look you want a reason to trust us -- here it is: we're both Inhuman. That's your shtick right? you save Inhumans from evil HYDRA. Well we don't need saving. We saved ourselves. But we can help you and you can help us... so yeah.. show us this closet."

    A look is given to Lance and she asks, "Hey remember when you turned down joining SHIELD? ..." not too long before she killed him. "This is the guy you would have been working with," she says with a bit of a smirk. In the real world.. both of them worked for him. In the real world, Bobbi was as close with Gonzales as she was with Garrett here.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter nods in support of Bobbi's words. "Weird as it sounds, it's all true, the clothes, the jet all of it, like I said, this world isn't-" he stops himself short. "-normal," he finishes lamely.

Bobs word's are met with a grin "Where we came from you //were// working for him," he tells her. "Small world right? And honestly better you than me," he glances up to Gonzales. "No offence," he offers with a smile.

The mention of the closet gets his usual glibness quickly stowed away. "Yeah, let's see that," he says. It was definitely what he came to find.

Melinda May has posed:
"Are you crazy?" Mack says, turning on Gonzales as he suggests they show the trio the closet. With difficulty, he clamps down on his incredulity and outrage. "With all due respect, sir... It's a damned closet. We have *no* idea what happened to Danvers."

Trip glances at Lance when he makes the weird assertion about the changes -- except he saw Carol Danvers and Lars Anderson walk into a closet and disappear. And he's not the paranoid skeptic Mack is. He examines the shield as Bobbi speaks about it, testing its weight and balance. Hey, she's not the only one who's always wanted to throw the Shield. His grandfather told him stories...

Ward's eyes flit among them all as the conversation heats up. He says nothing, but he's clearly waiting on Gonzales' lead on this.

Gonzales looks between May and Morse when Morse announces they're Inhuman. There's veiled surprise in his eyes, though it's as clear as speaking to May. Enough so that she snirks audibly. "Don't even start," she says dourly to him, holding up a hand. "The irony isn't lost on either of us."

That shrewd look returns to the Director's eyes. "In other words, you don't really have a choice," he says. "Either you destroy HYDRA, or they'll destroy you. SHIELD, the resistance, is entirely incidental."

"That doesn't change the fact we can help each other," May says, stepping toward the barrier, not so far from Ward.

Gonzales nods. "Alright. Let's go." He reaches into his pocket and fishes out the small tablet that will disable the shield, but not before all three of his guys are prepared to defend themselves, in case the three in the cage are simply waiting for a chance to attack.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi rolls her eyes at Mack's objection. She can understand it but they did waltz in here with grateful Peggy and Daniel and kids. Does Bobbi regret telling Lily the truth about what happened to Daniel? ...no, but she will when she gets out of this hell hole.

    She glances side long at Ward. She can just tell he's itching to try his luck against the HYDRA agents. Probably his whole career... but given her superior strength now she just makes a small scoffing sound and then looks back to Trip when the force field drops..

    "Don't get too excited Trip," she says remembering him from the old days of SHIELD before things went wrong. "The speed it moves and bounces off of things, it'll decapitate you." The warning is in earnest and if she wasn't super strong right now, she'd be terrified of throwing it.

    She turns to look to Lance as his comment finally sinks in and she whispers, "Really? I worked for this fossil?" Garrett was a fit survival weakness is a disease monster even up to the last moment of his life. Gonzales looks like he's got one foot in the grave already.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"'Fraid so," Hunter says. "Seemed to enjoy it though, for whatever that's worth." When the shield is dropped Hunter stands slowly hands raised. "Easy nobody wants o harm anyone, let's all go see this magic closet of yours and I'm sure we can sort everything out." Or Lance can kick Bobs and May through the door and then it doesn't really matter what Gozales and the rest want. "Anyhow, shall we get a move on?" he asks, hands still raised.

Melinda May has posed:
Gonzales ignores Bobbi's comments. He's met smart asses like her before. Instead, he deliberately turns his back on them and starts his slow march up the stairs. Trip moves to follow him, giving Bobbi a speculative look, while Mack and Ward are both clearly there to be the heavies in escorting the trio up the stairs.

"Come on," Ward says, speaking for the first time. "Move."

May arches her brow at him briefly and then smirks faintly. After all, she knows what he's feeling. Maybe not what he's thinking, he's too good for that. But it's enough. "Down, boy," she murmurs. Nevertheless, she slides past him and heads up the stairs after the men.

Eventually, they're led through to the Rec Room where the closet is. Someone has grafittied across it Closed for maintenance in the same hand as the messages that were appearing in the Triskelion. Complete with glowing blue eagle marker.

May pauses as she sees that, head canting.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    "He's thirsty May," Bobbi says about Ward. They both have seen it plenty of times before in their subordinates. The pair of them controlled HYDRA armies after all. One by land, one by air. "Still, he's pretty." She then lets go of Lance's hand and puts it around his waist, "Not as pretty as you," she jests playfully to Lance and then heads up the stairs.

    Entering the rec room and seeing that same graffiti as before she pauses a moment. Some part of her liked the lie that the holographics systems in the Triskelion had been hacked.. but she knew it wasn't true. And here they are seeing more of it.

    "Is this it?" she asks Lance, her arm leaving him as she approaches and opens the closet. Because since the moment she had a major panic attack when she realised what Lance had told her was all true she has been desperate to get out of this place.

    There's no Carol in there, no Lars whoever he is. She frowns and glances back at May, then enters the closet to see if there's any magical glowing portals or the like. But nothing happens. "So..." He lips press together and the anger inside of her wells up intensely. Anger that she let herself hope and believe that she'd be out of here by now.

    She steps back out of the closet glaring at everyone and slams the door behind her. That super strength kicks in and bits of the door splinter and break, one of the screws from the hinges pops out. She's holding back words and swallowing the anger, not directing it at anybody but the mood has shifted, it's like having an unexploded bomb threatening to go off at a moments notice. It's not that easy to take the HYDRA out of the Sky Commander.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter smirks and looks at Ward. "Pretty? Him?" he asks shaking his head. "Don't see it," a beat. "No offense mate." Though he happily settles in with Bobs' arm around his waist especially since they're so close to getting home.

The graffiti and eagle marker is a welcome sight and only makes Lance all the more excited to get going.

"That's it, you go first," he tells Bobs, though his excitement quickly turns to confusion, then frustration and then a little fear. "No, no, no, this should work, this should be the door home," he says as he steps around a furious Bobbi and pulls open the splintered door and tries to step inside to the same effect. Nothing. "What in the bloody hell," he says. "Maybe it's like Harry Potter," he says taking a couple steps back and then running at the wall. It goes as well as you'd expect, and Hunter comes out rubbing his head grumbling. "Never liked those bloody books anyhow," before he looks to the others. "Something's wrong this /should/ be the way out and now somehow it's not."

He reconsiders the graffiti for a moment. "McLaren you bastard fix the bloody door right now or I'm going to melt down all your ridiculous big headed statue things when I get back home."

Melinda May has posed:
May's hands ball briefly into fists as Bobbi's anger spikes. She's almost double-whammied by it and so takes a moment to settle her own breath and breathing before she reacts any further. Chances are good Gonzales and Ward, at least, recognize her reaction... even if they don't entirely understand the source.

"Guess it doesn't work any better for them than it did for us," Trip says mildly, glancing over to his boss.

"No," Gonzales agrees. He looks at Lance. "You clearly thought it would, though. Who's McLaren?"

May's ears perk slightly at that question. "The teacher doesn't work for you, does she? Neither does the popstar."

Gonzales shifts his attention to her, brows creasing some in faint confusion. "The teacher with the Carter-Sousas? No. She doesn't."

May shrugs. "She said something about McLaren, too." She looks at Bobbi. "What were you talking about before -- the place where you said Carol flatlined?"

Needless to say, Bobbi's outburst has made both Mack and Ward very nervous. Mack, particularly, tracks the woman, though there's a scowl on his face. "Hey. Didn't you used to have a patch on your eye." He's seen the vids.

It's about this time that a young woman -- Piper -- comes darting into the room. "Hey, boss," she says to Gonzales. "You gotta see this..." She moves over to the television and turns it on.

As the screen lights up, Skye's face appears. She's dressed in an outfit that, given her usual attire in this world, might be considered quite conservative -- though all that means is that there's less than 80% of her skin exposed to the camera. "--DRA has been lying to everyone for years. This footage was taken directly from a so-called 'Enlightenment Facility'. And, yes... those are children you can see there."

The footage has changed from Skye's face to images of the Silo -- albeit somewhat doctored. Hell, it won't be obvious to anyone watching, but even Skye is a deep fake. McLaren has been busy, indeed. He told Sarah, once, he'd always wanted to take over the airwaves. It seems he finally has. On every channel Piper flips through, the same video is playing, beginning to show visual proof of every single one of HYDRAs atrocities... most of them lifted from security cam.

On the bright side, it's not showing anything about Nepal. It's not specifically incriminating anyone other than Madame HYDRA and Radcliffe, in fact.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi makes fists and tries to calm herself down. It's slightly working. "It's a place underneath New York City. Lance told me about it under interrogation," she says and looks back to him with a raised eyebrow. Interrogation where she feigned to believe him.

    "I went there, I took photos. I have the layout of the place for tactical. There's what I think is a cloning facility at the bottom and at the top a bunch of biometric monitoring stations for ... well, us."

    The no longer mangled eyebrow raises as Mack asks about her eye, "Terrigenesis restored my eye.. curious side effect. It makes me wonder what The Doctor has been doing all these years - he could have been advancing medicine by decades but instead....." she scowls a moment at the horrifying experiments he'd do that most of them shied away from thinking about.

    When the screen lights up she raises her eyebrows, "Radcliffe's arm candy.. Skye Starr." She knows her on the periphery. She narrows her eyes and while she may hate what Radcliffe and AIDA have done... the work she did in HYDRA seemed necessary, "This is all out of context propaganda." But.. she quiets because that's like cheering for the other football team in a sports bar.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Yeah, big place called the Sphere," Hunter supplies when Bobbi confirms its the place he'd told her about. "If it helps any I can show you lot the way? since it seems this way's not bloody working right now!" he says voice raising as he looks skyward. "And McLaren is our guy on the outside who's /supposed to make bloody changes faster than this!/" he shouts again looking up.

Piper distracts him from his rants for a moment to look at the screen. "Well guess we know what Daisy got up to," he says before explaining to the Framework crew and the rest. "She's one of us, not actually a singer, but I'll forgive McLaren all his sins if he saved any of her recordings, they're definitely getting run on a loop at the next office party," he says. "Point is she's on outside and looks like she's giving you lot a boost with this newsflash, I suspect that coupled with the Trisk in ruins you might just have a fighting chance now." A beat. "After you get us home."

Melinda May has posed:
Gonzales watches the screen. Those dark brows beetle, his dark gaze sharpens. He looks over at May and Morse, glancing briefly to Hunter as he rants. "Give us what you have," he tells Bobbi. "And we'll... let you rest with the Carter-Sousa family, rather than in the vault, while we decide what we need to do next."

He looks extremely skeptical about the whole thing. May, however, isn't fooled by that expression. She can feel his growing awareness that 'Something Isn't Right'... and it's not these former HYDRA operatives. She can feel him leaning into hope, even as he chooses not to show it.

She looks at Morse. "Do it," she suggests -- well, she's not using her command voice, so it must be a suggestion. "The sooner they know, the sooner they'll help."

Even as she speaks, the grafitti on the door changes to, Stop breaking shit and this will go faster.. She blinks when she sees it. And snirks. "Everyone loves you, don't they?" she says dryly to Hunter.

Still, her attention returns to Gonzales. "We may not be on the same side," she tells him, "but the enemy of my enemy does work."

His lips twitch beneath his moustache just a little. "You're not what I expected."

"Blame Simmons," she says wearily. "I do."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    In a hushed voice Bobbi asks Lance, "Did you really think running face first in to a wall would help?" May can feel that Bobbi is slightly amused at his antics and then she raises an eyebrow as the graffiti changes, "Uh huh." She motions to the door, "That's really starting to freak me out. McLaren you say? I'll remember that name."

    She holds out her hand to Trip for the phone which he takes out of his pocket and hands it over. With a pass code and a biometric she unlocks it and starts to show detained photos of the place she visited.

    It's not like The Sphere in the real world. This place is up to date, pristine, alive but strangely quiet. Lights and a working lift. Photos of what she incorrectly assumed was a cloning tube down below, photos of lots of biometric stations up at the top. The serial numbers on them are very Radcliffe-like. There's one for each of the people trapped in the framework. She took extra photos of the one for Danvers.

    "It's a hike down there, if you're going," she says to Gonzales indicating that she only wants to get out of this world not fight more wars for him. The television broadcast catches her attention as 'JT' an Inhuman who called himself Hellfire is suddenly shown being gunned down by HYDRA soldiers.

    "Oh come on now you're really pushing it. People will remember that psycho. Every thing he touched blew up. He rampaged through Dallas yelling out Ye Harr in his Australian accent. Absolute psychopath." Luckily JT is only on there very briefly.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter scowls rubbing his head, "It seemed like a good idea at the time," he shoots back with the familiar tone of their argumentative banter. "Though if you wanna give it a go be my guest, oh, supersoldier..." his argument is cut short by the change of graffiti. "Seems like it," he says to May before looking up and shouting "Well maybe if you fixed shit faster we wouldn't have to break things in order to SURVIVE!"

He sighs looking at the pics on Bobbi's phone. "That's the spot, except in our world the maid hasn't shown up for a few decades and there's more robot bits around... long story, anyhow, I'm find to go visit the Brady Bunch in medbay as long as we got a plan to get out of here."

Hellfire gets a shake of his head. "Seems like a real charmer."

Melinda May has posed:
Hunter's rantings seem like the antics of a madman to the other men in the room. "Dude," Trip says dryly, "what the hell are you yelling about?" Nevertheless, once Bobbi's unlocked the phone, he's is able to transfer the files to his own handset. That will let him take it to ops where SHIELD can decide what they're doing next. He glances to Gonzales for permission.

The old warhorse sucks in a gravelly breath. "Ward. Mack. Take them to see Daniel and Peggy. Tell Daniel we've got some intel he might want to see, but don't push him, if he doesn't want to come." Gonzales can actually appreciate that the man might need some time to recover from his stint in a HYDRA prison. "Trip, you come with me. Piper..." He looks at the broken door and then briefly at Morse before telling the young agent, "See if there's someone around who can fix that..." He's got work to do, so he leaves the group there and makes good his retreat.

That leaves the others alone, save for their defacto guards, which is rather to be expected. May looks at the door, Bobbi's phone, and then shakes her head. "I want to see those, when you're done," she tells the other woman, perhaps a little surprised they left her with the handset. But she doesn't show it. She really is too tired, now. It's been a bloody long day, in all senses of the phrase.

And, not that she'd ever admit it aloud, but she could actually use a Lily hug.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Orders are given and as the group breaks away Bobbi clears her throat in Piper's direction. "Piper," she says. She doesn't know this woman but she knows of her because of the readouts. She approaches and flicks to the image of her being monitored by AIDA in The Sphere.

    "At first I didn't want to believe what I was being told either. Not until I found this place. But you should talk to Lance, or that teacher Simmons. You're one of us too."

    Then one more thing, she nods to Trip and the shield, "Keep it. It suits you." Because she's not going to fight for anyones cause except her own from now on.

    That cause right now is Lance Hunter and emancipation from this simulation. She puts her arm around his waist again and walks with him casually in the direction they're being herded. She doubts Sousa and Carter or the kids will want to see her, but she can at least spend some time talking to Lance about this other world. About them.