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Latest revision as of 05:16, 5 July 2021

Jason Todd and the clones
Date of Scene: 04 July 2021
Location: Hot Dumpling Restaurant
Synopsis: Laura & Conner introduce Gabby, the newest Outsider, to Jason.
Cast of Characters: Jason Todd, Laura Kinney, Gabby Kinney, Conner Kent

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd is in his civilian gear, riding up to the dumpling place on his motorcycle, kicking it into park and letting the engine roar a couple of extra times before he turns it off. He removes his helmet, strapping it to the handlebars and locking the thing in place. This is a place where bikes get stolen. Cars, too. Jason knows cause he used to be the one doing the stealing.

He goes inside, his dark hair shorn tight enough that it doesn't stick up too much from helmet hair, <<Hello! #5, please, and a large drink.>> he says in Cantonese, collecting a jumbo sized styrofoam cup and filling it up with soda from the big dispenser as he goes to grab a booth.

Laura Kinney has posed:
X-23 doesn't really have a costume, unless you count when she's in tactical gear for a mission, and she's not quite at the stage of wearing urban cameo around Gotham just yet. So she's just in casual dark clothing. A generic hoodie and dark pants. The sort of thing that won't win her any style awards but will blend into most Gotham crowds.

She needs no map to find her destination. The smell alone working better than any sign or map.

She glances over to her clone sister. "We're heading to one of our approved meeting spots," she explains. "Also a good place to pick up some food when you're bored of the robot chef."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was perhaps a bit more stylish if only in the fact that she was wearing something a smidge more colorful. She was a good head shorter than Laura, but had grown a few inches so she was rather proud of that. Combat boots with mismatched red and yellow laces are worn. Black leggings, and an oversized hoodie with the image of a colorful cat craping out rainbows as it flies across the cityscape. There was a little bulk beneath the hoodie if one were careful to notice--She knew enough about Gotham that going around without a little body armor seemed like a bad idea. But it's hidden rather well and who would expect such a young seeming girl to have it? Even her hair is swept back out of her face with a few colorful barettes. It just made it impossible to hide the scars on her face. "I'm all for food," she assures Laura as she eagerly heads inside. "We're getting some of everything, right? I can pay I got some money from my last job."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd takes his jacket off carefully, leaving him in a Cannibal Corpse t-shirt, pushing his sunglasses up onto his forehead as he awaits his order, lucky #7 set up on the side of the table to show where the order should go.

He can't smoke in here, which is annoying and could set him off on a rant that comes down to "people who care about their health shouldn't live in Gotham".

Instead, he takes a long sip on his soda and feigns patience while he waits for his food.

Conner Kent has posed:
Approved meeting spots probably means 'approved by Bart', although the speedster keeps buying live chickens to free them. Somewhere. Conner is not sure he wants to know.

Nevertheless, as Laura said, the food is good. And Conner likes tasty food, even though it is questionable if he needs any.

He is not wearing any kind of outfit. Jeans, ESU t-shirt and, well, he is wearing the boots. Because he needs sturdy footwear for the landings. Sneakers tend to last three or four of them at most.

"Who would be bored of the robot chef?" Pipes Conner. The robot chef was programmed with Alfred Pennyworth cookbook. One of Tim's greatest ideas. "Not that I have anything against the dumplings here."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"The food is too bland," Laura points out. Alfred is after all not known for making dishes so spicy they would make the Wayne family guests cry. That would be in poor taste. "And we have a budget for food expenses. It's all covered." Outsiders code for we'll make Tim pay like usual. A cruel trick when she's more than rich enough to pay for all of them. Thanks to a creative money making scheme she calls 'taking money from bad people'.

"Also robots can't season correctly to compensate with differences in the quality of the produce." This is technically true but probably not a concern for most people. But for someone with enhanced senses? The difference is clear.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney had already begin to fish into the pocket of her hoodie when she's told that there's another way. She pauses, shrugs, and stuffs whatever it was back in there. "Fine by me. Means I get to save it then," she points out as her eyes skim over the restaurant. It's hard not to spot Jason Todd. Not too many people with hair like that after all, plus most others here were Asian. Other than them. Shifting her attention back to the group she grins, "I'll have the soup dumplings and... I dunno, some spicy noodles?" There's a pause and she looks to the woman at the counter, "Whatever you guys make best I wanna try! I like trying new foods!" There were so many for her to go through still. "Where should we sit?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd glances up sharply at the arrival of the others, raising a finger and gesturing to the seats around them.

"Put them on my bill," he says to the serving boy as he brings out the steaming shrimp skewers that Jason ordered. "Don't be shy, make your orders and park your rears. I ain't one to stand on ceremony," he says, casually picking a shrimp off the spear and tossing it into his mouth without so much as sayig grace.

Conner Kent has posed:
"It is funny you like spicy food so much," comments Conner, "isn't it overwhelming? Because..." he stops because he spots Jason. He recognizes the other young man, although he really doesn't know him well. Even Dick shows up more often for Outsider social stuff. Red Hood appeared only for missions, and that was a few months ago.

But as he invites them to join, he grins and waves to the woman at the counter. <<I'll have the same he asked,>> his Cantones accent is not great due to never using it, but he got all right the words in the correct order.

Laura Kinney has posed:
When it comes to her turn to order Laura reels off a series of numbers. A selection of mostly snacky nibbles. Dim sum and soups. The kind of thing which can be shared easily or packed up to take away. Depending on how hungry people happen to be.

"Bland food is boring and I'd rather be overwhelmed than underwhelmed. The Facility never served anything except nutritionally perfected meals. No regard for taste or interesting textures." A sure sign they're evil.

She sniffs the air when Jason speaks up. She might not know the face but even the Batfam find it tricky to avoid detection by her enhanced sense of smell. And gives him a nod of acknowledgement.

Her attention flicks back to Gabby "If you need money you can always take some from one of my emergency caches. Just don't clear them out entirely. You only need to work if you want to."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Mention of the facility and nutritionally complete meals earns an actual shudder from Gabby as if she'd just felt a ghost walk over her grave. "Oh god yeah. If anyone comes at me with oatmeal again they are getting a face full of it. Gimme flavor," she agrees with a solemn nod. At Laura's remark she flashes a grin along with a thumbs up. "Thanks, but I've still got the three grand I made from that house sitting gig," she explains just before she heads over to plop herself at the booth that Jason had waved them over to. Sure, she's never met him before, but the others seemed to know him and he DID invite them over. Grinning warmly she offers rather cheerily, "Hi, I'm Gabby! I'm Laura's sister."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd shakes his head, "Nobody needs any money. I told them I got it and I meant it, so don't fuss about it. I'm not gonna pay often, so you better take advantage while you get the chance."

Gabby's warm greeting gets a raised eyebrow, "Jason," he says, "Didn't figure there was much point hidin' my face. You two would know me no matter what, and flyboy here's seen me before. Plus, you're a Super person, aren't you all trustworthy boyscouts or some shit?" he says, gesturing with a skewer.

"And if you want spicy, ask for the special menu, the one they don't show to white devils."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner ehs at the question about his trustworthiness, "sure, what kind of trust is needed here? I mean, are you avoiding the Roost because trust reasons. Okay... at least it means you aren't avoiding it because we are boring."

Or because they are kids and he is an 'adult' or something. Being a couple years older.

Laura Kinney has posed:
For today at least Laura is content to order from the regular menu. It's better to introduce someone to a new restaurant by using the regular menu after all! And right now she's in the mood for a selection of things. Not just the heat. Besides the Outsiders have stopped by here often enough there will definately be some spicy dipping sauce to go along with her order.

"That's a lot of money for house sitting," she notes. Then again her stashes tend to have at least five grand in unmarked non-sequential bills. "Speaking of work. Can you run a message to the school for me? We could use a trustworthy magical consultant to confirm or rule out a demon haunting Phoebe."

Ahh Gotham. It's never quiet is it?

She looks back to Jason "Have you been waiting long?" Conners comment about trust isn't commented on. She pretty much doesn't trust anyone or anything...

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances to the others as they join the table. Resting her elbows on the table in an entirely not-polite way she just shrugs. "I don't have the family nose, actually. Might show up sometime, I don't know. I'm kind of a subpar model or something." Without warning she reaches across the table to snag one of those now-empty skewers from Jason's plate to twirl it between her fingers. The pointy end is suddenly slammed into the back of her opposite hand stabbing through. "Me, I can't feel pain." Her hand is raised to show it off fingers wiggling a moment before she tugs the skewer out again. A fistful of napkins is grabbed to put around her hand for now so she doesn't drip on the table while she heals.

Glancing over at Laura she shrugs. "Hazard pay. There's a portal to hell in the basement," she explains matter-of-fact before Laura explains more. The smile fades to a more serious expression as she considers. "I know a few people. Illyana, and our older sister Rien. They deal with demons. Have you met Rien yet? She's French and really awesome. Don't know how she came from dad but..." Her hands spread in a helpless shrug. Grinning at Conner as well she adds, "I think he means we're not gonna go Narcing on who he is."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd scrunches his nose, "I hate magic shit. And the painless thing is cool. Although pain can be useful a lot. Motivating as fuck, that's for sure," he says, busying himself with his food again for a moment before he continues to speak.

"I don't go to the Roost much 'cause I'm not a high school girl looking to have slumber parties with all my little super pals. Nothing against you guys, enjoy watching spooky movies and eating popcorn, but I don't really roll that way," he says.

"Plus, my relationship with Red Robin is...let's say complicated and leave it at that."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd points to Gabby with his skewer, "Oh, and you don't look subpar to me. Stifle that low-esteem shit."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner gives Jason a sceptic look. That is not what happens in the Roost, and he probably knows it, so... oh yeah, being an ass. Someone warned him about Jason. Probably Tim.

"We do need a magician in the group, I guess," notes Conner, glancing to Laura. Not the biggest fan of magic, because kryptonian, but he can see the problem. Now wait, "you have an older sister that is French and does magic? How does that work?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney raises an eyebrow at Jason. "Yes, because I am clearly the sort to attend slumber parties," she says flatly. "We have plenty of resources. Intel, training facilities and security systems to keep groups like NOWHERE out." Of course they're not quite as effective as her own apartments security systems. If you can call rigging the whole place to explode a security system.

She nods in agreement when Jason tells Gabby she's not subpar. "I wouldn't have recommended you for the team if that was true."

Her fingers tap against the table while she waits for the order to arrive and shrugs at Conner. "I had no idea. I've only met my half brother once. Never mind meeting another sister.. But Gabby if you can vouch for her discretion I'll provide you with some sketches I made of the creature. Plus all the accounts from the two times Phoebe has run into it. Seems it gets bigger each time it shows up. And it took a lot of work to put down... then just vanished as suddenly as it appeared."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney flashes a grin rather broadly at Jason's sentiment. Even though the remark had been made, she didn't seem to believe it. It was still nice to hear from someone in return though. "Thanks. As for how..." Here she pauses glancing at Conner with her face scrunching up a bit in distaste. "Dad gets around apparently I'd rather not think of the details ew. Ewww." Hands lift to clutch at the side of her head. "Too late it's in there EW." Shuddering again she shakes her head quickly as if to get rid of the thought. "She's way older than us. Half sister. Mom was apparently a witch or something so she's got these claws that like, glow with magic. Helped me get away from Captain Mooney and his Alchemax goons last time they made a grab for me." A littel cluck of her tongue and she mutters beneath her breath, "You think they'd learn by now." Louder, she adds, "Oh yeah, demons get bigger if they're feeding off something. Fear maybe? I'm no expert but I've had my dealings with them."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd can't say much about prolific fathers. Not that he thought of Bruce as his dad. Not anymore anyway. But he understood sibling rivalry issues pretty well for an only child.

"I've got plenty of resources and intel, I don't need training facilities cause I had my ass busted by an old man in a cape for years until I could do katas in my sleep and NOWHERE doesn't know where the fuck I live so they're never going to try and break in," he says evenly.

He does nod in agreement towards Gabby, "Never let anybody tell you you're not good enough. Least of all you."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Okay, Cassie might be the best equipped to deal with supernatural," offers Conner. "But in any case, if someone or something is stalking Phoebe and managed to vanish on you, we better get a party to deal with it."

A smirk for Jason. "Laura is all about training, training and more training. But we are also a team and a group of friends. We cover each other's back, and once we take out NOWHERE, I think we should take a look at Alchemax, besides..." but then his cell starts buzzing, and he checks it out. "Well, damn. I gotta go. Don't wait for me... too bad about the food..." he grumbles, heading out.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney takes a napkin and begins doodling a rough sketch of a creature. A large dog-like body with a crocodilian maw sprouting from the neck with weird eyestalk eyes.

"That's what it looked like the time I saw it," she explains. "I have better sketches back at the Roost. It was 'killed' once before I saw it. It's /possible/ the creatures aren't growing. They could just be some iteration on a monster someone is working on. But it could also be magical or demonic."

She makes an vague gesture with her hand. "Hence needing a specialist."

She fixes Jason with a look. It might even be amusement. "Training is an ongoing process. There is always someone or something better than you. If you don't put the effort in you fall behind and die." Not that most Humans could keep up with her training regime. Cutting live rounds out of the air isn't exactly a skill you can just learn.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney snags a drink while people are talking of training. IT doesn't take her long to plop back down in her seat and rejoin the conversation in time to see the doodle that Laura had completed. A bit of ice is crunched as she regards it with a nod. "I can ask around yeah. And training... Ugh. We've all had our share of training," she has to agree with a sigh. "Not that it's bad, but man. I feel like people forget that I have any at times. I appreciate them being protective but..." Here she shrugs again. "I'm not a push over."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd snorts, "You sound like Batman. You probably think that's a good thing. For being effective, it is. Nobody better than him. Nobody I love - and hate - more'n him."

"I keep up just fine, don't you worry. You watch me work, I'll outwork anybody," he says. "Yeah, you wouldn't have that problem with Bats. He's more'n happy to shove a middle school kid in a pair of tights and let him fight psychos. I know from personal experience."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"You weren't left on the sidelines in Midripoor were you?" Laura points out to Gabby. "We had you involved in the operation. And I didn't recommend you just to stay at the Roost for movie night."

With her food finally ready she slides the various plates out and gestures for people to help themselves. It's all sharing food after all.

"From recent experience I know I still need to improve my skills. So your comments aren't likely to encourage me to train less." Anti-telepath skills, ways to evade telekinetics and improvements to her already formidable infiltration skills.

"But for the record you can't outwork me. I can go days without rest with no decline in my operational effectiveness."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney ilfts her drink in hand pointing with one finger toward Laura with a grin. "No, I appreciate that. It was good to get to do something again even if just for one op. But..." here she pauses, shrugging. "Awhile ago, I was involved in a situation that kind of resulted in a new team forming. And I know I'm the youngest, but I did a lot and then was told they didn't want me on it because of my age. That kinda sucked." There was more to it than that, but she couldn't share all the details without spilling the beans on who was on it. She shrugs though. "You're on that one too, Laura," she points out before taking another sip of her drink.

"Oh man, tights? No way. I don't get why people don't wear more body armor. I know I heal but it comes in handy. Common sense."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd points with his second skewer as he finishes it, "If you're not getting tired, then is it even really work? Work implies effort. Superpowers are just cheating. Not that I'm against cheating, mind you. Take every advantage you can get. Just don't expect to get credit for it."

"I used to wear tights. Then I died. Now I wear body armor. Pretty simple equation."

Laura Kinney has posed:
X-23 raises an eyebrow at Jason. "Work is not defined by how tired you get. It simply means the task involves mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result. I expend effort but do not get tired in the same way as you do."

There's a pause before she adds "Nor do I care about credit."

Gabby gets a shrug. "I have barely been called upon to do anything with the group you're referring to. I don't think the school staff really trusts me." Which is fair. She's done a lot of bad things. "You'd be best not discussing our current activities with your teachers though. I doubt they'd understand and our work is largely covert in nature."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches out to lightly pat Laura on the shoulder. "I know I talk a lot but I do know when to keep my mouth shut. Teams look out for each other. I'm not gonna do anything to jeapoardize someone else that is counting on me." Just as she says this, their dishes come over from the staff. The table is piled high with the various goodies ordered and she claps her hands together. "Oh man I am gonna pig out SO MUCH," she gushes with a grin of abject glee. "I don't even know what half of this is! It's great!" Once the waiter leaves she plucks up some chopsticks and takes the time to get them situated correctly in her grip. Having a few Japanese friends was helping but she was still amature at this. "Just warn me to look away if you guys got to kill anyone. I promised Zelda I wouldn't do that. Not on purpose anyway."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd just kind of keeps a deadpan look on Laura for a long moment. "Y'know, people say I'm a hard ass, but I think you might have me beat. I'm an obsessive psycho who hunts criminals for shits and giggles, but even I know ya gotta let off steam sometimes. Go out ridin', play a video game, see a movie, get laid. All the normal stuff, cause it keeps you from going all the way stone cold loco. I've been there," he says, remembering the intensity of his resurrection, "I came out of the grave lookin' to take souls and dig holes. Mostly made myself miserable. Easing off a little ain't the worst thing in the world."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney looks a little distant when Gabby mentions killing people. "We don't do that on Outsiders operations," she assures. "Batman and Tim put the group together with a very specific code. And that includes not trying to kill people. Although some NOWHERE operatives have remote kill switches. So I wouldn't feel too bad if they happen to get destroyed. They're already basically dead."

Jason gets a blank look. "Why do you assume I don't do those things too?" She blinks a few times. "As I said I need very little sleep. So I can train for longer than any regular human could /and/ have time for recreation."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses with a dumpling hovering in front of her mouth abuot ready to take a bite. Her gaze flits between Jasona and Laura at the tone of conversation that has shifted to. "... Uh, well, good? I mean. Even I date," she puts forth before chomping down on the dumpling. It's tucked into her cheek as she chews away, and does a happy little food dance wriggle in her chair. "MmmMmMMmmm! Shogood!"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd sips on his soda for a moment and then shrugs, "Probably because the other hyperintense workaholic I know doesn't really. Well, he does, but he's usually just pretending to have fun. I think." he says. "Doesn't matter. I fully cede to you. I tried to give up on competing with people anyway. I'm always the black sheep," he says.

"I should date again. Someday," he says. His last foray into it was a bit insane even by the standards of his life, enough that it felt mostly like a dream that happened to someone else.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney snaps her head round to look at her sister. "You do?" She sounds wary. "I hope you are making sensible choices regarding the people you date. If you need to run background checks on anyone let me know." There is a fair chance she'll run them even if Gabby doesn't think she'll need them...

A few moments pass while she eats a few choice bites. Steamed buns with cooked pork. Deep fried things with vegetables in. Dipped in a spicy sauce.

"I don't actually date. That part is of no interest to me. But I do all of the other things." She doesn't always have a choice. Sometimes she gets dragged along on team outings.. "Have you ever tried chase a subway train with a motorcycle? It's quite fun. Although you have to watch out for traffic."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses with another bite in her mouth as if she'd just become a deer and there was an oncoming car heading her way. Oops? Another shifty eyed glance darts about, and she gulps down the mouthful. "Well yeah. I dated Julian Keller for a bit until... things happened and he kind of..." A vague gesture is made. "A lot of things happened. He needs to get over things on his own time. I mean finding out his family sold his soul and then losing his hands and having to rescue his soul from Limbo is kind of a life-changing situation. And then there was that new kid I went out with a time or two, but he kept talking about 'soul mates' and stuff and I bailed." With that she shrugs reaching out for another dimsum. "Sorry thought you knew. And anyway I'm almost seventeen so it's not like it's a big deal. Oh... Right. I want a birthday party this year," she adds matter-of-fact with a firm nod. "Never had one before. I want cake and balloons and all that stuff."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd raises an eyebrow. He had no intention of sharing his own personal details much, mostly out of respect for his ex. "Not a subway train. Once went after a plane in the middle of takeoff like that once. Shot a few holes in the fuel tank that made them think twice and hitting the skies," he says with a grin at the memory.

"Just don't get clowns. Clowns are the fucking worst,"he says, getting out a few bills and paying the check with a generous tip, "I'll try to swing by the Roost, just to assuage Superboy's hurt feelings. And I'll be in touch. You two take care. Don't work yoursleves too hard," he says with a wink, drawing out his pack of cigarettes and heading to the door to get his nicotine fix before taking off.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Cake? You don't expect me to /bake/ it for you.. right?" Laura wonders, a hint of concern in her voice. Perhaps she can get Phoebe to make one and pass it off as her own work... "I'm sure we can all work something out anyway." Maybe this Rien can cook. She's French and they like food right?

"I'll let the others know to expect a visit from you soon," she offers to Jason as he gets up. "And yes, we all know not to book clowns. Not that this party is likely to happen in Gotham." No point going all the way to Gotham when NYC has plenty of much nicer establishments they can book!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Ew, no way, no clowns. A pony maybe," Gabby considers as she tries to plot this birthday. "And no buying me a cake is good enough. I don't know how to cook one either," she points out reassuring. Toward Jason he gets a rather broad grin. "Nice meeting you, Jason. See you around!"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd just waves a hand vaguely as he goes outside, lighting up his cigarette and heading towards his bike.