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Revision as of 04:11, 6 July 2021

The Framework: Reprieve
Date of Scene: 06 July 2021
Location: Lounge - Playground
Synopsis: May gets her Lily-hug. Jemma answers Melly's questions about the great escape. And Peggy discovers that, just mabye, SHIELD is finally winning the war against HYDRA.
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Peggy Carter, Jemma Simmons
Tinyplot: The Framework

Melinda May has posed:
After the T-Hawk landed at the Playground, the small group aboard was separated. Daniel successfully argued to Gonzales that May, Morse, and Hunter weren't spies to be shot on sight, but not so successfully that they weren't hauled off to Vault D to cool their heels until the old man got to the bottom of everything. Apparently, however, he has, since the three are escorted back into the small room where the Carter-Sousa family, along with the so-called school teacher, were allowed to recoup from their misadventure at the Triskelion.

Alphonso MacKenzie and Grant Ward stay in the room with them, once they arrive. Bobbi and Lance stalk off to one corner, the lean blonde wanting little more to do with everyone else aside from the Englishman she murdered so many years ago. May, on the other hand, finds herself simply relieved to see the family together and in one piece. She also finds herself suddenly entirely uncertain how to approach them.

Too much has happened, and she's just So. Damned. Tired.

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's been a rough time for the family. Once they were all together, Peggy's entire focus was on her children and husband. But things have slowly begun to calm. Michael's been fed, Lily tuckered out, and even Melly has calmed down enough to get some sleep at her father's side. The infant is still a little fussy so, instead of risking waking up her husband and his daughters, Peggy's gently bouncing Michael against her shoulder as she paces out into the other areas of the Playground.

She's walking slowly, watching it all with slightly too-wide eyes. She hasn't been in this place since the 1950s, though her old office is still even there and all the old SSR markings. It feels like she's been here more recent, but she can't remember... So she stares and hums a quiet song to her gassy son.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
That so-called school teacher seems to know her way around the Playground, even with the watchful eye of the other SHIELD agents. Jemma, however, is sitting on the floor, at the same level as the children. There was a promise to Melly that, after escaping from the Trisk, Jemma would try to explain just how she did all those fancy moves. Fortunately, though, Melly is asleep. So Jemma just sits quietly.

After all, it might be a little difficult to tell the girl that Jemma basically hacked reality as she knows it.

Melinda May has posed:
When May discovers that the girls have actually fallen asleep, she looks around the room for some safe haven she can retreat to. Her eyes fall briefly on Jemma, the corners of them tightening when her nostrils flare subtly. She turns and retreats into a corner that's fairly opposite in the room to wherever Bobbi is.

Her thoughts are full of... well, confusion, actually. She kept it together in the Vault. She even managed to talk Gonzales into believing them, playing on the hope he buried beneath his mistrust and anger. But with the supposed doorway out of here out of reach, and their only apparent recourse to go hunt AIDA in her center of power somewhere underneath Manhattan, she's beginning to question her own sanity in all this.

This started, as far as she's concerned, purely as a quest to rescue Melly. She's done that. She did what she set out to do. And somehow... she's still breathing.

God, it hurts to breathe.

She slides down the wall into a seated position and leans forward on bent knees. "Damn."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Well, Peggy *thought* the girls were asleep. She's out exploring the hallways of her old offices, trying very hard not to let the fussing Michael wake anyone else up in the big room. That means, when Lily slightly stirs and looks around, the only other really familiar face in sight is May. The little girl ever-so-carefully slips down and off the cot from being with her father. Once little feet are on the ground, she's headed straight in May's direction. She has no clue what really happened. She wants the familiar. "Auntie..." She whimpers out, little fists reaching up, determined to crawl into May's lap.

Melly's more awake and aware than the exhausted Daniel. When Lily toddles past her, she stirs a little as well. A grim, too-mature look crosses her features as she realizes she should chase after her young sister. The gangly pre-teen gets up just in time to see Lily somewhere safe. So, instead, she pushes a hand back through her curly black hair and steps towards Jemma. "Ms. Simmons? Are... are you okay? Are all those people okay?" She asks very softly, in the tone of voice of a girl who knows her teacher wouldn't lie.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Unlike May, Jemma is not empathic. At least, not in the extra-sensory way. She does not sense the confusion in May's thoughts...or perhaps the slight flare up of anger and distrust for the school teacher that knows so much more than what she is supposed to. Instead, Jemma remains sitting on the floor, her legs crossed, with the smartphone on her lap. She seems to be performing some sort of research. Or maybe just an IM to someone.

Possibly the pop star who also seems to know more than she is supposed to.

With her name coming from Melly's lips, Jemma looks up, those brown eyes of hers catching the girl's own. This question...is not as hard to answer as others. This question is one that Jemma answers truthfully. "Yes, Melly. I am quite alright. Thank you so very much for asking." Then...a pause. "Which other people are you referring to? I can assure you that all the people that are important are doing well." What does that mean? It seems that the teacher is not being completely forthcoming with that answer.

Melinda May has posed:
When Lily tries to climb into her lap, May looks up. She actually manages a smile for the girl, one full of relief and sadness. Without a second thought, she lowers her knees and gathers the girl into her lap, hugging her tight. "Lilybug," she murmurs, stroking her hair. "You're safe here, pretty girl. I promise..."

This is, surprisingly enough, all she really wanted. A hug from the child. It's what brought her to the room in the first place.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Since Jemma doesn't seem to mind her company, Melly looks over her shoulder again just to be certain her father is still asleep. She clearly worries about him and she has his eyes, the same lightly hooded, deep concern he wears so often. She might have her mother's cheek, but she's her father's child achingly so. The Framework has done an excellent job at showing exactly what children they could have had. Once she is certain he is still resting, she folds down, skinny legs criss-cross style in her ripped reform-school slacks she was wearing for 'reeducation'. She smiles nervously when Jemma thanks her for asking. "The... the other children they had? I know they were bad people but... a lot of people got killed, didn't they? Did the other kids at least get out? I... I think I hurt someone, and I didn't want to." But then she remembers something, her eyes going a bit wide, "And you promised you'd tell me how you did it. All that cool stuff."

Lily is getting ready to pout as May has her legs up, about to do everything she needs to when she wants to get in someone's lap and they don't want her there. But then her Aunt is smiling and she eagerly crawls up into May's grasp, turning her body so she's curled entirely against May's chest, one arm around the side of her ribs and the other folded up to grab onto the edge of May's shirt. It's a far younger way of sitting, more toddler like than the well into three years she is, but she's tired and missed her Aunt. "I know. You got Melly... You said you would and you did. If the bad men took me, you'd get me too." Lily mutters into May's neck, all the trust of a little girl who loves her family.

Meanwhile, Peggy's slowly treading back into the gathering room. Michael's half asleep but not really fussing any more. She blinks as she realizes both her other children have escaped in the time she left. "... Sorry, if they are bothering you." She mutters gently to both Jemma and May, hovering in the middle of the room herself.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Peggy's fretting, at least when it comes to Melly, is given a wave off from Jemma. "It is quite alright, Peggy." Again with the first name. Jemma seems to be awfully familiar with Mrs Carter...and doesn't really seem to be all that apologetic for it. It is as if she has known Peggy for years. "I did make a promise." Acknowledging that Melly is absolutely right. "It is only proper that I fulfil that promise." With that, she tips a wink towards Melly.

"Now then....the other children? I do believe they did get out, though I cannot be certain on that. Unfortunately, our particular departure was delayed, so I lost track of the other children." Then, the comment about Melly hurting another. "Hmm...I am not sure if you actually did hurt anyone." After all, Jemma wasn't exactly in on that particular part of the rescue. "However, I won't lie. There were quite a lot of violence. Though, as far as deaths, there are far fewer of those than what you would expect." Yes, Jemma is hinting at the digital resurrection of the agents. Can't really say anyone is dead if the digital assets comes back to life.

Now then....about that promise.

Melinda May has posed:
"I would," May tells Lily softly. "I absolutely would." She starts to rock her gently, as much for her own easement as the child's. For a woman who's never had kids, Melinda's maternal streak is on full, shameless display. She rubs the child's back as she rocks. "I'm just sorry you had to be there in the scary part."

She looks up as Peggy enters and gives her a smaller smile than the one she gave Lily, this one more regretful than relieved. "There you are... We're fine." Well, she and Lily are. She really can't speak for Jemma. Then again, she doesn't have to, either.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"...why are people so mean? I want to go *home*..." Lily whines against May's neck, holding onto her shirt just a little tighter as the woman rubs up and down her back. Lily seems able to well sense the maternal protection that May is giving off right now and she leans into every inch of it. She wants the hugs and the warmth.

Melly listens to her teacher with wide, quiet eyes. She really is so grown for her age, so smart. But whatever just happened has aged her even more, haunted trauma behind those young eyes that stare at the kind scientist above her. She swallows a bit tighter as she's reassured she didn't hurt anyone, giving a quiet nod. "I... I thought I shot my dad. But... he.. He's okay now. And it all feels... Fuzzy. I'm glad it's not that bad. Even if we can't go home. But.... yes. Tell me how you did the other things? Can I do it, if this happens again? Can I help them?" That's all the pre-teen wants. To help.

Peggy's listening to both bits of this conversation and her eyes quietly shut, pressing closed against a welling of tears as her daughters' words are jointly heartbreaking. She doesn't have much comfort. She just quietly presses a kiss against the back of Michael's head. "I don't know that fine is the word, but we're all alive, at least." Peggy murmurs in response to May.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Jemma picks up the smartphone that sits in her lap, holding it for Melly to see. "Well...to be perfectly honest, I enter a code into this phone and it unlocks a sort of power. You can think of it as a foci...or a magic wand, if you will. Unfortunately, it is only keyed to me. So it won't necessarily work for you, my dear."

The smartphone is placed back in Jemma's lap, while both of her hands reach out to take one of Melly's. "However, you do not need special abilities to help. You are perfect just as you are."

Melinda May has posed:
"I don't know, baby," May tells the child softly. "There are too many reasons. As many reasons as there are people." She glances up to the child's mother, nodding her head in rueful agreement. Not fine. Very much not fine. But they can pretend.

They always do.

She looks over to Jemma and considers telling her about what happened to Carol. But that will bring up conversation about 'the other world', and that will merely distress Peggy -- who is distressed enough, May knows. So, she decides not to. Instead, she bends her knees again, pushing Lily against her as she levers herself up to her feet and moves to a couch along a far wall. She motions to Peggy with her head, encouraging her to join them. It's softer than the floor.

Peggy Carter has posed:
As Jemma and Melly seem to be deep in some conversation, Peggy is loathe to interript it. Even if Jemma seems strangely familiar with her, Melly is comfortable. Almost happy. She's talking and trusting someone. Peg isn't going to disturb the scene. Therefore, she follows May over towards the indicated couch, more than happy to get off her feet with the baby who is growing more heavy and more asleep by the minute.

As carefully as possible, Peggy sinks down into the couch near May, not wanting to jostle her sleeping son in the least. Lily's clinging to the other woman like a barnacle, but also seems like she might be falling asleep in the crook of May's neck. "Thank you for taking her..." Peggy whispers gently. "I know Daniel needed sleep."

Melinda May has posed:
They all need sleep, May suspects. But she gives her friend a small smile and a nod. "Never a question," she says. "I'd die for these kids." She should already be dead, by rights. But she's glad she's not.

As Lily grows heavier, she traces slower circles between the girl's shoulder blades and adjusts herself slightly to make the child's weight easier to bare. "How are you holding up? Did they... do anything to you?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
Those circles are soothing enough that Lily's body goes a little more slack against May, her hand not holding onto that collar as hard and her weight gets a little heavier to carry as she falls asleep in her Aunt's arms. Her breath is slow and deep, the peaceful, belly deep breathing sleep of a child. But she still clearly trusts May that much. And she needs the sleep.

Peggy's feeling much the same, having to stifle a bit of a yawn as she sinks into the comfortable couch and readjusts Michael to cradle in her arms instead of being propped up on her shoulder. She shakes her head at the question. "No, other than the initial hits, I was lucky... Kept in a cell the whole time. They took Daniel, did something to his head. But I got lucky." Other than her winged arm, though the bullet graze long ago has been bandaged and stopped bleeding. "How...how are you holding up?"

Melinda May has posed:
May leans back some, her head tilting back against the back of the couch. "I'm fine. Tired. AIDA screwed with my head, too. I don't know what she was looking for. I don't think it was intel."

No. It seemed to be memories. Powerful, often painful, sometimes triumphant, memories. And that just makes no sense.

"Morse, of all people, pulled me out."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I still don't...get the whole thing with Morse, but we're out and alive. If she pulled you out? It was...worth it. If she betrays us, we'll take care of it later. Right now? I just need to get them all settled, back together, and figure out where we can make home again." Peggy admits softly, looking down across her sleeping son's face. "God, being back in this place...somehow it feels like just last week and I know it's been 70 years. But... I can't do this again. I know SHIELD is doing...right. I know they need the help. But I can't risk these kids again. Or him."

Melinda May has posed:
"I don't think you'll have to," May admits, rolling her head to glance at her friend. "You haven't seen the news. Whoever this McLaren guy is they keep talking about, apparently, he and his resistance cell have hijacked the tv stations. They're airing all of HYDRA's dirty laundry all over the air waves. I don't know if the internet is flooded with it, too, or not, but I bet it is. The guy's a tech wizard like I've never seen. Hell, he's got fingers in this place, too. There was more of that grafitti in the rec room."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"What? Oh... hell. That's..." Peggy's eyes go a little wider with shock. The thought they could go home, return to living their lives honestly? She doesn't even know how to process that. She carefully brushes her fingertips over Michael's hair, watching him in contemplation. "Does that mean you think they'll get to go...Home? We can return to our lives? God, Melinda, if... If that's possible... Then we won, didn't we? You helped save us all."

Melinda May has posed:
"I don't know," Melinda admits. "But... maybe." She doesn't comment about having helped to save them all. Not when she's fairly certain she was responsible for dooming them all to this hell in the first place. Indeed, the longer she's left with these twisted emotions and the memories AIDA dredged up in full and living colour, the more certain she's become.

She should have killed Katya Belyakov in Bahrain. Not Cambridge.

It doesn't matter, now. It's far too late.

"But, yeah. Looks like SHIELD finally won. Maybe."

Until they've all had a little more sleep... it will do. It's enough.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I do know. I couldn't have done this without you. But now... I think the kids have the right idea. Try and sleep. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." Peggy reassures her friend, tired smile earnest and warm. Then she's sinking a bit deeper into the corner of the couch, letting it prop her arm up so Michael is well supported in the crook of her arm even if she does fall asleep.

Her free hand comes over, giving May's knee one last squeeze. "Thank you again. Truly. You helped save all of us." She has no doubt in her voice or mind about that. Then her hand draws back and her head sinks a little more to the side. Chances are she'll be out within a few minutes, Michael resting against her.