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Latest revision as of 12:37, 7 July 2021

The Aftermath of Bad Decisions
Date of Scene: 05 July 2021
Location: Central Nexus
Synopsis: Hungover friends catch up over breakfast and talk about issues.
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Laxmi Mallick, Clarice Ferguson

Lorna Dane has posed:
The morning came far too early even given the fact that Lorna had opted to sleep in. She didn't often, really, but after the drinks she had last night it seemed a good idea. Taking her time getting up she had gotten cleaned up as much as sh ecould without a decent change of clothes before making her way to the cafeteria. Or canteen. Whatever it was that it was called on the station. She needed something in her stomach that wasn't going to tear it up later so opted for some cut fruit, yogurt, and a rather large bottle of water. It's this she's currently nibbling on while sitting at a table resting her head in one hand.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Clarice joins Lorna a short while later, sitting down without saying a word. She has a tea this morning - ginger tea, actually. And toast, with a fried egg beside it. Her hair looks damp - evidence of a recent shower. She pokes at her food listlessly before taking a sip of her tea instead.
    Evidently both women are in the same agony, for the same reason. Why - //why// - had that happened last night? Ugh.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane gives a noncommital grunt of greeting that would likely fit someone else better than herself. Yet there she is, doing just that, while pausing to take a swig from her bottle of water. Hydrate. Very much hydrate. Toast didn't sound bad though, and for a moment her mind drifts to the thought of adding to that to her stash of nibbles. Hydrate, settle stomach, fruit. Toast? Hm. The thought fades away as she tries instead to find the proper words. "I am never getting drunk around Mystique again."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Good," Clarice agrees. "I'm trying to decide how long to hate you both for," she adds, before taking another sip of her tea. It does help to settle things - a little. Enough that she can try nibbling at her toast. "Everything was a bad decision last night. //Everything//."
    In fact, she shoots Lorna an uncertain glance, before staring back down at her toast. Maybe Lorna drank enough that some of the conversation was... fuzzy?

Lorna Dane has posed:
No such luck. Lorna never had that gift of drinking so much she forgot things. It was what made drinking all the worse sometimes. "Mm. I am sorry. I only meant to compliment him not..." She opts to trail off as she dips her spoon into her yogurt to scoop up a hefty bit with a strawberry slice ontop. Best not to go there while sober. Best not to say it out loud. The bite is taken and chewed thoughtfully before another swig washes it down. "About that new trick of yours. I'd heard something about someone needing medical attention."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Yeah, well, maybe I should just be glad folks are seeing him as... well. That folks are seeing //him//. Not just the things he's done," Clarice murmurs quietly down at her plate. That's all she intends to say about that, though. She tears off another small piece of toast, and glances up again - a guilty look flashing across her features.
    "Maybe not best to try new tricks in the middle of a job, huh?" she admits quietly, her tone regretful. "I didn't mean for it- I was lucky Doctor McCoy was able to help," she admits. "I'll find someway to practice it before I- try to use it again."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane hmms quietly again with a nod of agreement at the response. Yes, that was best not to go into detail about. "I am trying to see him as more than a killer. I know he's important to you." Another stab of her spoon into the yogurt stirs it up, and she finally risks glancing over at her friend. She even manages to do it without squinting. "Yes, though finding a way to practice is going to be difficult. Perhaps go about it like medical students and practice using... what, pigs feet and ears? I remember hearing about that I think. It's not like you can do it on a living person without possible harm being caused." You know, unless they're a healer, but she isn't about to suggest THAT after last night either.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I appreciate that. I do," Clarice answers quietly. And she means that. She's sure it isn't easy for Lorna, either. She tears idly at her toast as they talk - some of it even goes in her mouth.
    "Well. The first step may just be finding some material I can cut open - to evaluate how much damage the displacement wave has caused. Pinpointing the location, and minimizing the damage are key... After that... I don't know. Pig's hearts?" She frowns in thought as she ponders her options.
    ...she could always experiment on a few of the guys on whatever hit she and Mister Creed decide to pull next? I mean - who cares what happens to those guys, right? She wears a speculative look on her features as she takes another sip of tea.
    "I'll figure it out."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane reaches out to pat her friend's arm consolingly. Reassuringly? She wasn't even sure of her motives completely at the moment but at least the headache was beginning to fade with the more water she drank. "You'll work it out. It's a good idea. I would just keep in mind that liquids teleported inside a body must not have any air bubbles if you want them to work as opposed to... you know."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Clarice flashes her friend a smile in response to the pat, and nods her understanding - before regreting the nod. No, Clarice. No. Don't move your head.
    It's time for more of the ginger tea.
    "Yeah. The whole point there is not to kill them. I just- I shouldn't have let myself get carried away like that with a new idea. It was dumb. If I'd killed him... I mean, screw that dude, but we'd have no way of finding the other people he took."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"I'm glad that worked out at least then. Helping people is ultimately our goal... No matter our association," Lorna points out with a grin. "Well, mutants at least," she has to admit with a little shrug. Seeing the discomfort at nodding she fishes into her pocket to pull out a small pack of single use asprin which she slides over. "Already took some myself. It'll help," she assures.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You know what else would help?" Clarice asks. "...sleeping for a week." She lets out sigh, but takes take the asprin - downing slightly more than the recommended dose.
    "I don't mind helping humans. They're people, too. And - well. It's helps with the image problem that..." she gestures to their surroundings, "we might have helped me." //Might//?
    But at least Clarice has been listening to what Lorna has been telling her for years.
    "Besides, my parents were human." At the mention of her parents there is a moment of uncertainty, that she tries to hide by turning her attention to her egg, cutting off a small piece to nibble on.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"I can't argue that... But unfortunately there's far too much to do to rest that long." Lorna sighs softly feeling as if she ought to take more time to rest herself. It was her own fault she was in this state though--She should know better. At least know enough to drink water between drinks so it doesn't hit as hard. "You know," she murmurs thoughtfully, "The most annoying thing about all of this is that Creed is perfectly fine. There's no hope that he forgot last night." Sighing she adds, "I suppose I ought to apologize to him for my actions."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "He remembers every damned moment of it, and will lord it over me from now until my dying day," Clarice complains, letting out a sigh. "At least you won't have to put up with it as much!" She pokes again at her eggs, and takes another small bite. All of it seems to be going down alright, thankfully. "I honestly doubt he expects an apology. Getting one would probably just confuse the hell outta him."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane waggles her spoon toward Clarice with a slight grin. It would be impish if it wasn't half sleepy from her hangover. "All the more reason to do it then. Confuse your enemies. Or frienemies, too, I suppose." A little chuckle comes as she ducks her head once more. "Sorry again. If I hadn't made that comment, even Mystique might not have gotten on that topic."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah, well, I'll forgive you eventually," Clarice mutters under her breath. "Or, you know, hold it over you for the rest of our days. One of those two." She takes a sip of her tea before adding, "He's not your enemy, though. And certainly you're not his. He wouldn't do that to me. He does have a heart, even if he tries not to show it to most people."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Who knows, maybe I'll end up your mother," Lorna jokes with an impish grin. "You did call him your father after all." She had to at least remind her of THAT part, which she was sure Creed might as well. By way of apology she offers over her plate of fruit to silently share. "Kidding. Though I imagine he might tease you about that as well. Let's not talk about Mystique though. That was... That was something to see."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice blinks, her eyes widening a little. She shakes her head slightly. "It's not like that, Lorna. I mean- he... he was there for me when I was- when I wasn't really myself, yet. Fresh out of the pens, and not really a person, and- and only knowing how to kill. He took me in. He wouldn't tease me about that. He- he feels the same." She stares down at her plate, a little color rising to her cheek as she adds, "He said he couldn't ever ask for a better kid, last night," she adds quietly.
    "You'd be more like... I don't know. A big sister?" she suggests, her voice dropping a few more decibels. "Something like that."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane reaches out quickly to take hold of Clarice's hand giving it a firm squeeze when she starts to stutter over the possibilities. "I am sincerely joking, Clarice," she assures with a warm laugh that fades to a more knowing smile. "I'm glad you had someone for you when you needed them. For that alone I'm willing to give him a chance, if nothing else. ... Not that sort of chance, but you know what I mean," she adds lightly clearing her throat. "You have so many people now that are also willing to be there for you as well."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I have a few," Clarice admits, looking back up at Lorna - a small smile breaking her features. Talking about her //feelings// was never easy for her, and there weren't many who were able to get such admissions out of her. Lorna was one of them.
    Her smile fades a little before she adds, "One less, though." She lets out a sigh. "Nicholai and I aren't talking anymore." There's frustration in her voice as she admits that.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"I'm sorry. Give him time perhaps?" Lorna suggests though she wasn't entirely certain what happened. Just that they had gone to Genosha and after that... Well. She could guess given his powers after all. "Is he at least with other friends, now? I know he hasn't been here. He's welcome at the school if he needs somewhere else to escape to of course. Though the others will have to really be the ones to choose that, I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue at all."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "He decided that he didn't trust Mystique - that she is too 'controling.'" You can feel the eye-roll in Clarice's tone as she continues to glare down at her plate. "And that the Brotherhood isn't doing //anything// to really help mutants. So he left to make his Hope House." It's possible that Nicholai isn't the one who 'needs time' here - judging by the frustration in her tone. "I... may have lost my temper a little," she admits. "But I thought we were friends."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Then ... I think perhaps you ought to apologize first, and try to make ammends? Even if it wasn't all your fault. Sometimes that's what it means to be friends. Make the first gesture of peace," Lorna suggests with a small shrug. "I can't say as I've had a lot of experience in this myself, but if my father and Professor Xavier can still call one another friends yet fight all the time. Then I think you have a far better chance."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice is not sure what response she expected from Lorna - but from the way she lifts her head to gape at at her friend, //that// probably wasn't it. "I- apologize?" she asks in surprised confusion. "But he- he said the Brotherhood isn't accomplishing anything! Isn't helping anyone!" She winces at the volume of her own voice, and forces herself to rein it back in.
    "That's bullshit," she points out flatly. "They helped me."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Amusingly," Lorna begins as she reaches for her water to take another sip. "My father thought the same of the Xavier School. Though each have helped many, there are still those that feel they don't do enough. It did a lot for you. It simply hasn't done the same level for him--and he's looking for something HE needs to fill that void for himself."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice grits her teeth, and stares once more down at her plate, shifting uncomfortably in place. "Apologize," she repeats under her breath. "He... should apologize to //me//," she insists quietly. "Saying things like that. And he - he'd promised we'd stay friends, if he decided to leave. And he promised he'd help me with- he promised he'd help me. But I haven't heard a word from since- since I- since the last time we talked."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane opens her mouth to say something, but finds there's nothing she can really say. Instead she drops her gaze to the tabletop considering quietly. "I'm sorry. Perhaps some things just don't work out."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Maybe," Clarice agrees. She stares at her plate in silence for a while, no longer picking it - clearly mulling over something in her head instead.
    She let's the silence stretch out before finally admitting, in a quiet voice, "Betsy said I hurt him. I didn't mean to." She lets out a sigh. "I really didn't."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"We never mean to hurt our friends, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen sometimes. Just as he hurt you, apparently," Lorna points out with a sad smile. "Talking one way or another is the first means to making ammends though. Think about it. It's not something that has to happen immediately. Just... sooner rather than later. The longer such things wait the harder it is."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    //Talk// about it. Clarice continues to stare down at her plate - poking with her fork at the egg, and eventually taking another small nibble. "Yeah," she murmurs quietly. "Maybe." The thought of talking to him about it, though - she'd rather face off against Hydra again. By a long shot.
    She lets out a sigh. "Anyways. Sorry, guess I'm not much fun today." She does her best to try to force a smile into place.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane reaches up to ruffle Clarice's hair before she scoots her chair back to rise to her feet. "I don't think either of us are great conversationalists right now. A bit more rest ought to help that at least," she points out. "I'm going to go do that myself. I hope your own headache passes soon."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Probably right," Clarice agrees. "I, umm - I'll take you back to the Mansion whenever you like. Just send me a text when you're ready, huh?" she asks - the smile is a little more genuine for a moment.