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Latest revision as of 12:59, 8 July 2021

You Brought A Ship To School
Date of Scene: 08 July 2021
Location: Track and Field - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Greg brings his ship to school in hopes of getting some geeky types to look at it. Runs into Madison first, and they end up playing with the ship's food processor and getting alien biology lessons. Madison fangirls like crazy, Greg tries to keep her from using up whatever resources he has on his ship.
Cast of Characters: Greg Rollins, Madison Evans

Greg Rollins has posed:
The quiet morning at Happy Harbor is broken by a bit of a noise. A low hum that betrays the presence of something arriving. Outside of the track and field, a cleared area suddenly has what looks like a miniature tornado before there's a quintet of imprints on the ground. Whatever arrived has to be of considerable size. Then there's a small shimmer in the air, static electricity dancing over it before a ship is revealed. Narrowed, almost avian shaped ship at that and happens to be big. At least almost as big as a house in size.

Finally, a ramp lowers on the bottom from an opening and out comes Greg. Who is talking up a storm in some other language as he has a tool kit in hand, in his suit, and starting to look for something it seems like. Whatever language he is talking seems to shift all around as he moves under the ship, too.

This has to be a bit odd, even for Happy Harbor, but they did have a giant ant do some stuff, right?

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison had been jogging around the track. See, it seems that meeting Spidey, and a Titan, and both of them offering to train her...? Has motivated the young 'Jedi' to attempt to get into something approaching better physical shape. She's only sad she can't do flips while swinging from vines with a Yoda on her back. Then it would be training montage worthy!
    ...but maybe she shouldn't discount the possibility of Yoda entirely, yet. She slows to a stop and stares at the strange 'tornado' and the imprints in the ground, before letting out an 'ohhhhh' as the ship appears. "That's just like in Star Trek! The one with the whales! When they park in that field!" she calls over briefly - jogging towards Greg with a broad grin, slightly of breath from her exercise.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg turns to look at Madison. "Huh? Oh, hi, Madison. And sorry about the landing. I'm still working on those a bit. Um... yeah, you shouldn't be able to see it right now, either."

He looks a bit embarassed, even reaching up to hold the back of his head. "I thought I had the mirage emitters fixed, but apparently not. At least I hope it is just a loose wire or two."

He sighs, looking around, then huhs, "Oh! There it is." He moves over a bit, then reaches up and pulls and twists on something.

Then he holds up a hand and actually seems to attach himself to the side of the ship by one hand. Reaching into the panel, he peers around inside it. "Yep. Loose wires." He looks down at the toolbox and sighs, "Can you hand me a quantum turner, please?" Said toolbox has everything from Earth standard wrenches to weird sci-fi things, too.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Man, but it's so coooool looking as it is! And if you, umm, cloak it. Mirage it. Whatever - won't people walk into it and get hurt?" Madison asks in puzzlement. She turns her attention from staring at the ship - to staring at the box of tools, puzzlement on her features.
    "Yeah! Sure! I can do that!" she agrees. "...what's a quantum turner look like, though? Is like a screw driver or a socket wrench?" she asks in a curious voice.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg looks puzzled, thinks on it, then sighs. "Oh. Yes, they would. I did not think of that one."

He seems to consider, then hums, "Screw driver, has a dial and a switch on the side, uh... spiked looking end?"

He shrugs, "I was going to see if anyone here might be able to help fix it. A lot of it was damaged outside of the solar system, and I would rather not have to use a gravity sling maneuver to visit another planet if I wanted to. That's if it would work again. I still do not know how I made it past that icy one using that idea in this solar system."

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison digs around in the tool box, a curious look on her features as she studies some of the tools. Finally - she holds //something// up. "This?" she hazards uncertainly.
    "Does your ship have a chameleon circuit?" she asks curiously. "Or maybe that's not actually a thing. But if it's not, you should make it be a thing!"
    Then curiously she asks, "Which ice planet? Neptune? Uranus?"

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg looks over, "That's it!" He reaches down to take the thing and then reaches back up to use it inside the ship. There's a few clicks, whirs, and something else like a buzz.

"And... um... I think so? One of those two? I think it was the furthest out. I almost hit an asteroid or two whenever I misjudged the speed. That's actually what happened to some of it."

He sighs, looking at the wires he's messing with. "Rest... well... internal damage, mostly. And chameleon... like those lizards that were covered the other day? That could change their coloring? Something like that is already on it."

The ship after a few moments disappears. Then Greg reaches up to the side of his head, "Mirage, cloak to 180 away from surface. Friendlies in school."

The cloak of the ship shimmers, then the lower half disappears so they can see it and the landing struts, not to mention the ramp inside. The ship itself has a vague avian design to it, with the wings actually twisted and folded to it's sides.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Yeah, like those lizards," Madison confirms. "There's a show - a sci-fi show - where one of the space ships has a 'Chameleon Circuit' so it can disguise itself like something that makes sense in the setting. Like... a storage shed maybe? Or a snack-shack? So people will see that //something's// there and not walk into it. But without them all going 'O.M.G., it's a space ship!'" Yes, she says the letter names. Don't judge.
    "...if you get it fix, can I fly in your spaceship sometime?" she asks curiously. "Get a look at... Jupiter or whatever? It'll be educational!"

Greg Rollins has posed:
"Sure!" Greg unattaches himself, lowering himself down before setting the tool back in the box. And then pointing up at the panel and... apparently closing it by something or other? It looks like it moves on it's own! And even locks when he makes a twisting motion and the panel hides itself.

"Want to take a look inside?" He asks.

Looking considerate, he hums, "I think that might be something to consider. I doubt it would fool sensors, but visual? Definitely."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "See inside a spaceship? ABSOLUTELY!" the girl crows in excitement - bouncing up onto her toes. "I'll, umm, carry your tools for you!" she adds - trying to seal up the tool kit and lift it.
    "The trick is to figure out something big enough to be the size of the ship - but that people won't want to interact with. Like - they might try to get sports stuff out of a shed. Some sort of... water tower? Or- umm. Hrm. I don't really know, but something like that," Madison muses thoughtfully.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg looks thoughtful, then moves to help with the toolbox. Because that thing's freaking heavy. "Oh, don't worry about it. The suit's got some limited strength enhancement. Not a lot, but well..." He shrugs.

"Come on. Just up the ramp. Um... whatever you do, do not touch the things that are moving. I think it said it was doing some fabrication."

Indeed, up the ramp is a small mostly low walled area that has moving parts active. Arms moving things around and... what looks like a piece of a car and a bunch of wires being melted and turned into something? Well, the wires are not, but the car part is. Could've been a hood, maybe. Just maybe.

Otherwise it's pretty much a wide open ship with obvious areas. Medical, some sort of dining area, and the cockpit are all easily identifiable once inside.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison had actually managed to lift the thing. Sure, it was clearly taking some effort - but she was holding it - a look of concentration on her features. She was a Jedi, and for a Jedi this would be no problem. Right?
    Still. She lets Greg take. "Oh. Well, I mean. I had it, but sure. If you rather," she agrees - following him up the steps with light, bouncing steps. Her attention is immediately taken in by what's happening with the car bits, curiosity and fascination in her gaze. "Whoa," she remarks. "Whoa, that's- that's way cool. It just //makes// stuff? Can it just make me a lightsaber? Is it voice activated? Hey ship? Make me a lightsaber!"
    No. There's no pause between any of those questions.

Greg Rollins has posed:
The ship beeps, boops, and an arm actually stops what it's doing to look at her. Then goes back to what it's doing. Greg looks at her, and laughs, "It's not that easy. The ship's limited to what we can find in materials, and we haven't figured out something like that. At least as far as I know. I know some practiced uh... I think you would call it fencing? Or something like it back home?"

He shakes his head, "But welcome aboard." He moves to slide the tool kit into a panel that opens on the wall.

Then the computer of the ship announces something in an odd language. Greg looks puzzled, eyeing it, "... it said that it didn't have the materials to make one?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "It is voice activated!" Madison squeals, jumping up on her toes again. Man - she loves stuff like this, obviously. She spins full circle now - taking in every part of the ship with curious eyes - before returning to the work that was taking place.
    "What materials does it need?" she asks in a curious tone. "Maybe we can figure something out... I mean, it's not like we'd need plutonium, right?" she remarks cheerfully.

Greg Rollins has posed:
The ship again says something in that odd language. Greg at that point looks pointedly at the fabrication station. He speaks back to it. There's a bit of back and forth, then Greg sighs.

"Plutonium is too... ah... intense. You would need a zenokilan or something that can be more focused. It also asked what a lightsaber is supposed to do." He translates. Then he rubs his head. "I swear if you have me make one, Ms. Morrigan is going to kill me for this."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Zenokilan?" Madison repeats with puzzlement. "And why should she? I'm not going to use it to //hurt// people. It's just... a Jedi's supposed to have a lightsaber," she explains - shrugging her shoulders. "When I get the laser disc player hooked up to the projection system in the theater - you'll see. Though - do we have three different movie nights? Or set aside an entire afternoon for a marathon?" she muses thoughtfully. "To watch all three... You'd need 6 and a half, maybe 7 hours?"

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg huhs, "Good question. Marathon might be best. Maybe keep it going and do ah... what is it I heard? A sleep in? Sleep over? Um..." He isn't sure what it's called!

"I know I found it somewhere on that internet thing." He confesses. "It looked pretty fun, but seemed like something only younger than us did?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Sleep over!" Madison confirms. "In the school theater, though? Hardly comfortable. And- well. My friend Emma and I still used to stay over at each others' houses - when we had plans, you know? If we went out to the county fair or something, came back late... It was just easier." She her hands behind her back now as she walks around the ship, peering at everything closetly.
    "So - some of this stuff makes food for you? If you bring it deer and vegetables and stuff?"s he asks curiously.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg nods, "Yep. Um, back here."

He heads for the middle of the ship, tapping a panel. "It's a food processor and recycler. Pretty much everything has some nourishment value. Um... most of the time I just bring food after having collected it and put it in here." He pushes a button to open a roughly microwave shaped panel below the one he was messing with. "Then the ship processes it through a lot of stuff I do not know fully and turns it into food up here." He motions at the panel he was tapping. "A good supply, and I think it can last a good... month, I think it is? At least for myself, perhaps more."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "So, it's supplied right now?" Madison ask curiously, studying the machinery. "Is it voice activated too? Hey ship - make me a slider and small fries?" she tries curiously, //before// looking up at Greg. "Can it make anything you want? OH! What's- what's food from //your// home like? Could I eat it? Can I try some?"
    Sure. After you've asked for a slider and fries, Mads...

Greg Rollins has posed:
That has Greg blinking a few times. "My home? Um... no. I ran out of those before I landed here... and a lucky asteroid took out the rest of those supplies." The ship beeps and Greg rolls his eyes.

Turning to look upwards, he says something in that other language before he switches to English, "Madison Evans, guest access. Language: Earth English."

The ship says something in that odd language, and even her name. Then the panel whirls, flashes, and opens with some slight steam coming out. A plate slides out with said slider and fries. And the plate doesn't look to be smoking at all.

Greg laughs, "I didn't think it could do it. I just gave you guest access. It should respond a little to your commands. Just, uh... don't ask it to make anything beyond what you can get on Earth yet?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "It worked!" Madison squeals - picking up the plate - and moving towards whatever passes for a table and chairs to sit down and nibble at her treat. "I've never had food out of a real Star Trek replicator before!" She giggles - before going wide eyed. "Computer! err... ship! Tea, earl grey, hot!" ...because of course she does.
    She picks up a fry - studying it, and nibbling at it cautiously before remarking, "Are we talking about things that I, Madison Evans, can reasonably obtain? Or things that simply exist on Earth? 'cuz- I mean. Earth has nuclear weapons. And Iron Man suits - ship, don't make those. Please."

Greg Rollins has posed:
There's a small beep, and the odd language again. Greg looks up, then sighs, "I need to really find a way to make it speak English instead of my home language. It says it can't do either without the right resources." He pauses as the ship talks again.

"And the Iron Man suits have an unknown power source that would blow up the ship before it could replicate it, so is unable to complete due to the primary task."

And of course, the ship seems to be humoring her. As she gets the earl grey tea. In a tea cup that looks like it's off of Star Trek, alright. Greg looks at it, blinks a few times, then turns to look towards the front of the ship.

"No taking fictional sources for facts. I told you that already!" He says before shaking his head and looking at Madison, "The internet has too much fictional as opposed to real items at times. It confuses the ship's databases."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "This is the //best//!" Madeline exclaims, letting out a laugh as she retrieves the tea, and sets it near her food. "This is another thing that Emma and Cam and Aiden are //never// going to believe." She takes a cautious sip of the tea before asking, "So... like, your ship can't replicate food from your home with earth food ingredients? Isn't it just... proteins and amino acids and such like earth foods? What's food from your home like?" she asks in a curious tone. Then after a pause she adds, "I mean- if you want to talk about that. If you don't... if you'd rather not talk about that... Sometimes I don't want to talk about California, or my friends, because I just- ...miss them so much. It must be harder for you, so..."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg looks thoughtful, "Well, ours are mostly meats and different vegetables. Um... from what I have discovered, humans evolved from monkeys or something like that, right?"

He looks a bit embarrassed about what he's talking about. "Mine... evolved from something else. And well..." He shrugs. "Still both meat and plant eater, but at times our tastes tend to be interesting."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Well... like what?" Madison asks curiously. Then she looks up at the ceiling before adding a cheerful, "Computer - make me a sample-size of Greg's favorite food." That should work, right? "...or does that not count as 'something I can get on Earth'?" she muses thoughtfully. There certainly shouldn't be any //harm// in such a request, though.
    "Did you want a fry?" she adds - pushing her plate towards him, before picking up her slider for a bite. Mmmm. Replicated beef...

Greg Rollins has posed:
The beef probably doesn't taste that good. After all, a computer made it. And probably just used a recipe from the internet or cooking video internally somewhere.

And there's a small buzz before what looks like a salad with a bunch of meat in it slides out. "Huh... that's not... oh. The ship knows me as Gex. It probably found someone named Greg and used that."

He shakes his head, picking up the salad. "I'll still go with this, however. Oh, wait... uhh..." He says something in that odd language. Out comes what looks like a curved bone with a bunch of meat on it.

He looks at her, "Not quite right, but that is off of a widnakor. It's... like a chicken here?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison bursts into giggles as the ship makes food //some other Greg// likes - and she takes a while getting that under control. In fact - she has to wipe tears out of her eyes - then ends up squeaking. "Salty hands!" she explains. She lifts the collar of her shirt and begins dabbing that at her eyes instead. Wow. Just- wow. Wow. Everything about this is amazing.
    Once she's got all //that// under control, studies the meat dish that was produced curiously. "A widnakor?" she repeats curiously. "Does it //taste// like chicken. Can the ship show me what that looks like? Ship! Display an image of a widnakor, please!"
    She looks around eagerly to see if there's any display screens or holoprojectors or //something// following her command. Man, she loves ordering the ship around.
    Then she picks up the 'widnakor' - taking a cautious nibble.

Greg Rollins has posed:
What looks like an ugly version of a chicken pops up on a monitor off to the side. It looks almost like a dinosaur that has arms too small to fly. Seriously, it barely looks like a chicken. Doesn't even have a beak! And it looks like it's all leather!

Greg looks at the monitor, and sighs, "Oh, I hated those. Had to catch one to help out one time. They run fast and try to claw you if you catch them."

He shakes his head, "I still remember my parents' amusement when they found out.... so clear over the mind."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "My mom took me to a farm, once, and the goose chased me all over the yard," Madison remarks. "Man. Geese are the //worst//. The worst birds. You got to be careful around them." She nibbles at the meat some more - her expression still speculative.
    "Then again - I have the Force now. I could levitate the goose if it came at me. ... is it bad that now I kind'f wanna go mess with a goose? Would that be- I don't know. Mean of me? Because if so, it's probably dark side stuff. Darnit."

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg shakes his head, "It's all about intent, I would say. Um... kinda like how a lot of the good stuff kept my people so peaceful. Those with suits like mine were kinda trained to be used to the whole off-planet thing."

He smiles, "But yeah, I can show you pictures of some different animals we had. I think we had something like a cow..."

He looks at the ship, "Hey, ship, run some comparisons and show us different animals, please?" The ship beeps and proceeds to do so, while they eat and get to learn about different animals. Although it appears their birds are similar to pterodactyls of all thing. And a lot of them don't have feathers or other such. Almost like the world forgot what mammals were at some point.