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Neon Death
Date of Scene: 09 July 2021
Location: Paradise Limelight Karaoke
Synopsis: Turns out Elektra had her own agenda when she had June help her steal certain info from an FBI Agent and Madame Gao didn't like it. Hard decisions were made.
Cast of Characters: Elektra Natchios, June Connor

Elektra Natchios has posed:
> Come to the Paradise Limelight, Gotham. 9pm.

It was a simple message, sent to June through an encrypted channel. Elektra. She hadn't been heard of ever since the mission where they went to that party and came across Jessica Jones. It had been a successful mission. But after? Nothing.

Was Elektra reaching out for a debrief? Or maybe something else? What's true was that her choice of place was not by chance. She had been here before, had cased the place, knew the ins and outs, the exits. The people normally on shift. All small details that could often be the difference between life and death.

She was settled at one of the booths close to a corner, the dark and red neon lights above it leaving her position mostly in darkness while she waited, a drink of some clear liquid currently in front of her.

June Connor has posed:
    Given her low rank, June hadn't thought much about the disappearance of Elektra. After all, June had no authority to follow up on her. She's a grunt. She did her job, regardless of how unsavory a thing she may have needed to do in order to accomplish it, and she's on to the next job.
    But when she's called, she obeys, and shows up. Of course, she's under 21, but nothing a fake ID and a flirt with the bouncer can't get around. Dressed in her more usual attire, her hair has changed again, streaks of the red dyed through the platinum colors she had dyed her hair for the previous job. Her shredded jeans and rather risque halter top defining her presence as she makes her way to the booth. Her arrival is announced by a casual plop, as if two old friends are just getting together for drinks. "Sup," she asks, glancing toward the stage's current performer.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The assassin was dressed to 'kill', leather tight pants and a bodice, leaving her shoulders bare. Midnight black hair is tied behind her in a ponytail, the woman's gaze up on June when she moves to sit down. A nod of acknowledgement.

"Routine meeting." With Madame Gao's people. Ones that hadn't been particularly impressed with how Colleen had unveiled part of their operation, shutting down some of their warehouses. Elektra was fully aware of this being dangerous but outwardly she seemed rather calm, even smiling up at June.

"It is time that you get to know more about how these go, don't you think?" A faint smile on her lips. "Call it a test of patience." Of course that the actual reason is that she'd need backup in case this went bad. And it's not as if June hadn't been 'burned' already by her having used her in an op not fully sanctioned by the Hand. Or at least .., not by Gao's people.


On the stage it's DJ night, the young woman behind the mix table nodding her head to the rhythm of the techo music currently on speakers. All very futuristic, cyberpunk style.

June Connor has posed:
    "Yeah?" June arches her pierced brow. Her personality seems by nature just about as far from a discreet ninja as they come. Rough, more likely to get in a bar fight than to sneak up a rooftop. But then again, ninjas are all about being unexpected, so she has that down pat.
    "I kinda suck at patience, but shoot, I'm game. How drunk do I gotta be for this?" she asks, as if implying that her life might be easier if she was for this conversation.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Your choice." Elektra retorts, amusement shining in her eyes, "Depending on the impact you want to make. But you don't seem the type that wants to rise up on the org, do you?" she casts a look across the rest of the room, thoughtful. "You never did get to tell me what you really wanted out of the Hand. But I suppose that can wait.."

Patrons continue their movements around, frenetic dancing on the dance floor, the music fast. Figures here and there come to view. Known to Elektra, or at least the kind of posture they bear. Killers.

"They have arrived." She tells the girl, gesturing as if to have her notice them if she can.

A few moments later a man starts walking to their table, well-dressed in a white suit, black tie, long hair up in a topknot.

June Connor has posed:
    "Rise up ON the org, or IN the org?" June asks, noting the distinction. She's not that bright, but in the time she's paid attention around the Hand, she's noticed that the leaders often choose their words very specifically. She doesn't get the answer, though, as the attention is drawn toward the man who approaches the table.
    June takes in a breath, and draws on the techniques she's learned to sense the atmosphere, the unseen around her. Again, not the brightest, but she does have a remarkably good survival instinct. She goes quiet, green eyes shifting to the newcomer. He isn't there to talk to her, that's probably the case, so she keeps her mouth shut for the moment.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
A snort is the answer that June gets about that first question, Elektra indeed not answering it. The man is just finishing his approach after all, a cursory glance given at June, a brow arched and then focusing on Elektra. He slides down to sit at the booth, adjusting his tie. "I thought you always came to these alone." the man says. Now that he is sitting down his asian features are visible. A trimmed mustache and goatee, eyes dark, not prone to smiling.

Elektra replies, "I thought I'd even the odds. You didn't come alone either." followed by a smirk from the man. "Streets are dangerous as of late. I am sure you have heard. All those attacks on our warehouses." a tsk. "Madame Gao isn't pleased."

The man's eyes then go directly to June, "And I see you have chosen your side." he clearly seems unhappy. "But it doesn't matter, our mistress isn't pleased, all involved will ..., have to answer for it." gaze returning to Elektra.

As for Elektra she smiles gently, tapping a fingertip on the table. "And I thought you were here to congratulate us for a work well done." clearly not apparently.

June Connor has posed:
    June stays silent...for the most part, scooting over some as the unexpected man sits down. Is he on their side? She shifts her gaze to the man, and to Elektra, following the conversation. It's clear that she is missing some pretty key elements to know what's happening. Not only that, she's being talked to as if she is a non-factor. Finally, she holds her hands up, and slaps them on the table to announce her turn to speak.
    "Okay, at the risk of being that asshole that breaks the whole indirect clandesdine bullshit vibe we got brewing here. What the fuck are you two talking about? Because it sounds like there's about to be an ass kicking, and I'd rather know whose ass is supposed to be kicked before I do it."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The two Hand assassins look at June when she slaps her hands on the table, Elektra quirking a brow, expression with that infuriating amusement that is her trademark. As for the man? He just seems to pity her. He shakes his head, "Perhaps you should had considered it before going against Madame Gao." the man taps the table with his fingers and calls the attention of a waitress who comes by. "Offer them whatever they wish to drink. My treat." he gets up from the table.

Elektra tells him, "Always the gentleman, Matsu." for her part she looks rather calm, watching the man simply nod at the two of them and then walk away.

Which means they are now left alone again. As for Elektra she takes on Matsu's offer, telling the waitress, "A martini, please." then a look to June, "It is unfortunate that Gao never had the vision I do." she tsks.

June Connor has posed:
    June narrows her eyes. She hates people giving her pity looks. She looks like she's about to spit in his face...only...well, he did offer to get her a drink. She'll give him a pass for the moment. As he walks away. "Madame Gau?" she says. "Wait, what the-" she pauses, turns to the waitress, "Moscow Mule," Just in case she wasn't already going to be kicked in the face. She turns back, continuing her sentence. "-what the fuck is happening right now? Madame Gau is on our side, isn't she?" Apparently, she hasn't had a lot of politics of the Hand introduced to her.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
As the man walks away and those drinks are being procured by the waitress Elektra nods a couple of times in June's direction. "Not bad." she tells her. "Remarkable self-control." did she expect the young woman to start hostilities against Matsu? Maybe. It would had saved her a lot of trouble. But her eyes were looking here and there now, looking at the shadows. She knew there were people encroached inside the place, waiting for an opportunity. She knew what the drink had been. A courtesy and a goodbye.

"It's not as simple as that." She then finally speaks up about the Hand, "Madame Gao may be part of the Hand but it doesn't mean we all look eye to eye and dance and sing kumbayas around the fire." a smirk. "In fact we are at each other's throat more often than not."

"Clearly she didn't enjoy us snatching information out of her fbi contact. A pity..." She says it all too casually. The drinks arrive and she takes her martini, lifting it for a toast and takes a swig.

She then finally asks after a few moments of silence, "What do you see in the room?"

June Connor has posed:
    "You mean, the perv from that gala?" June asks, a realization of her own piece in the story coming over her. "You. Bitch." She doesn't toast. "I can't believe it. I knew I might get fucked in the ass for that job, never thought it would be by YOU, though." Still, this isn't the place to punch Elektra in the teeth, not to mention she has no illusions that she would very quickly lose that fight.
    "So let me guess. I'm kinda SOL without you at this point, and they are going to kill me, too." If looks really could kill, Superman would be dead from this one.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Welcome to the big leagues?" Is what Elektra replies back at June's outburst about being sorta-maybe used. And even without the toast Elektra takes in a drink, savoring her martini, "But relax. As with everything in the Hand all is ..., fleeting." a grin coming to her lips, one that has no mirth but instead looks awfully deadly. "We but have to make sure the price of coming after us is higher than simply letting this matter rest."

"And we will start by getting out of here alive." The woman says with certainty. A pause and she taps a finger on the table. "And now. Pay attention. What do you see in the room?"

Yes, it's a fantastic time and place for a lesson, isn't it?!

June Connor has posed:
    June takes her drink, and chugs a rather large unpleasant amount of a drink mean to be sipped, wincing at the smarting taste, and then clapping the cup down on the table. It doesn't look like she was impressed with the response. But she's got more important things to do than argue about it now. If she lives through this, then she can continue her foul-mouthed rant.

    She glances around, as if at nothing, not looking directly at anyone, just looking pissed off. She doesn't use words, she's too discrete for that. Two fingers tap the table, followed by a fist that has an extended thumb to a pair near the emergency exit. Another tap of one finger, and her other hand comes up rest on the table, a thumb at the bar. Then a tap of three fingers, and a point directly behind Elektra. "Just one by the front door," she says, which...isn't where she sees one.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The Hand assassin takes note of the gestures made, the ones that June sees, complementing the ones she sees from her own position. Trying to do it all alone would be nearly impossible but with two? It's a lot easier to spot those threats. Not that she immediately gets up to start walking outside, she takes her time to finish the martini. "Good." another sip.

Eventually she does stand up, slipping a small ring on a finger on her right hand. It does seem to have a small 'sting' on the tip, "Shall we go then? I believe the music has lost it's allure." the DJ continues on stage, the techno music loud and fast, frenzied bodies on the dance track and around the bar. Both a blessing and an hindrance to their enemies and themselves.

"Try to keep up." Or die. That seems to be the message. Elektra starts walking towards the back door, which most likely leads to the staff corridors, taking note of that one June flagged that was right behind her. The man approaches, a flash of steel. Elektra swiftly deflects before brushing her knuckles on the man's neck with that ring pressing against it. She continues walking, the man stumbling and crashing on a table. Poison on the ring? Most likely.

The commotion appears to alert the rest to action though and a pair starts coming forward to intercept, looking at June with unfriendly eyes, one on each side.

June Connor has posed:
    June takes her drink with her. Why? Because she needs it, okay? Don't judge. Jessica would be proud.

    June can probably take one, two on a good day. This doesn't feel like a good day, though. She had spotted something else. A few larger jock types who were on the prowl. She doesn't have a ring with poison. She has frat boys. She retreats in their direction, "No, I won't sleep with you creeps!" she says, backing into the frat boys. She gives them her best damsel in distress look, and they react. Whether the four college meat heads are a match for the two hand assassins...questionable. Not her problem, as they respond, making themselves the heroes.
    "Hey," the largest steps up. "You botherin' this lady?" June doesn't wait, though, but instead makes a 180 step around behind the frat boys. Her heroes. She keeps moving in the direction of Elektra under the cover of loud thumping beats and a baseball cap to hide her particularly loud hair. Where'd she get that?

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Those jock heroes are very quickly being turned into martyrs. Turns out the Hand assassins *are* proficient, starting to swiftly dispatch them. Of course that it gives the duo enough time to reach that back door though. And now it's only one last assassin to get past. This one comes ready with a gun, silenced, levelling it subtly towards Elektra but the woman weaves and slips between other dancing patrons, not allowing the man to get a clear shot.

With the loud sound though? And the dancing? Eventually the assassin gets tired and shoots a couple of times, hitting a pair of dancers that fall down. It won't take long until people start screaming. But the man was getting impatient ... Elektra takes advantage of the panic starting to settle in to toss a knife through the air, catching the man on the shoulder and quickly moving in to kick him through the back door.

She waits until June has come in so as to close the door, the thumping sound of the music, along with a few screams now muffled.

June Connor has posed:
    And that would be their cue. As the shots ring out, June reaches into her fanny pack, producing a smoke pellet. "This is where we leave I think" she says to Elektra as she reaches her, and she flings it...not at her feet. The little black pellet soars undetected through the still throbbing light and screams, and explodes on the other side of the dance floor, increasing the panic. Naturally, the mob moves away from the smoke in a panic. And they are all coming in the direction of the door, which will hopefully make it very hard for their pursuers to follow them. Nothing is quite as impenetrable as a mob of a few hundred kids on ecstasy.
    Once she's in the service cooridor, "Okay, so you know where we are going when we get out of here?" she asks, "Or are we just makin' this up as we go along?" Because there's probably about 10 seconds before the flood of clubbers start pouring into the hallway behind them.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The question on whether Elektra knows where to go is met with a raised brow. As if the answer to that should be obvious. She reaches down to pick up the silenced weapon from the man she knocked out, also retrieving her knife and sliding it away.

"Follow me." She tells the young woman, back up to her full height and starting on her walk down the corridor, one door, two doors.. She opens the third one, leading to a darker room where various controls are. Most likely for the lights out in the club itself. It's empty though.

She crosses past at a swift pace, out to another corridor and over past a small room where they keep crates of drinks. That last door? It leads outside..

Elektra steps out onto the cold night, levelling the silenced gun to pop a couple of shots on a waiting man outside. On the knees so ..., not deadly! Maybe she's getting soft. She finally points to an alleyway on the other side of the street and starts crossing.

June Connor has posed:
    June does what she's told, glancing behind her as she makes sure to close the doors behind them. She follows up the kneecapped man with a kick to the face to knock him unconscious, and grabs up his pistol. SHe drinks the rest of her drink, and casts the glass carelessly to the ground, glass and ice shattering across the alley. She checks the chamber, and starts following.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
As they get into that alleyway the sounds of the club become distant, most still inside. Perhaps a few stragglers having ran off by now. But glancing over her shoulder Elektra then nods as she doesn't spot anyone in pursuit. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" a bit of a smirk on her lips.

"Now you can vent all you want." She tells the young woman, continuing to lead them through another alley. Yes, it does seem she knows the area well. Or at least she studied it before coming for the meet here. But would anything less be expected?

"And consider it as taking a side. Or did you expect to continue working for the Hand without any consequence, mmm?"

June Connor has posed:
    Once they are safe, June points the gun straight at Elektra. "I'm not really known for thinking ahead," she answers cocking the gun so it can be heard from behind. She is still mad, and now she has some kind of possibility of winning the fight, since she has the drop on Elektra. "You give me one reason I shouldn't just put you down right now and get myself clear of all this bullshit." Of course, if she wanted to side against her initially, she could have done it in the club. As it is, she has no idea what her play should be.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Because while you may not have had a choice on how you got into the Hand, like me, you can still have a choice on how you go through it." Elektra has stopped, her voice leveled and steady, turning so as to be facing June in a sideways manner, not directly but also not with just her back to the young woman.

"Yes, you can try to shoot me. Then go back to them, beg for forgiveness. Maybe they won't kill you, or maybe they will simply continue using you as they have so far. I am offering you something more here than just being a pawn and a victim of trafficking, June."

Her eyes narrow. She clearly doesn't like having a gun pointed at her, expression hardening and muscles tense.

June Connor has posed:
    If the stare off intimidates June, she's doing a good job of hiding it. She tilts her head back a little, looking down her nose and down the barrel of the pistol.

    "I'm nobody's victim," she says, and almost spit response. Her life has made her very hard inside. "I'm already a pawn, yours, theirs, words are cheap, Miss "Black Sky". Did a little research, sounds like you're just another in a long line of people they think is gonna fill their bullshit prophecy. "And maybe you're right, maybe they just keep using me, maybe you keep using me. I don't got a long life ahead'a me. Don't think I'm that stupid. But I'll be damned if I don't try to barter for every second I can."

    She doesn't break character for a good ten seconds, just staring with the pistol that she DOESN'T fire. Finally, her cold hard face turns to one of rage and she lifts the gun off Elektra. "FUCK!" she screams out at a not so subtle volume of frustration. She apparently has concluded her current odds are better with Elektra than against her. She's seen how forgiving the Hand is, and she remembers Elektra's contrary behavior to standard after she pulled the first mission for her. "So what now?" she surrenders verbally, and her index finger curls back to safety the gun, still in her left hand.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You assume much." As for what Elektra is talking about she doesn't clarify, instead just continuing to stare at June while she goes through the process of accepting her situation. Of course that she pretty much figures the decision had been made already, only offering a nod as the young woman vents off against the unfairness of the world.

It is something Elektra saw herself in. The fury against the rest of the world, of what she was made to do in order to survive and become who she was. She watches with pressed lips, only a few moments later she answering that last question, her posture remaining perfectly stable. "What now?" a smirk starts creeping up her lips. "Now we strike back and show them they overstepped."

Yes, it would most likely be bloody. But then again that's what their lives were from a rather young age.

June Connor has posed:
    "Right now?" June asks incredulously. "Shit, I did not think tonight was gonna go like this," she mutters, stuffing the gun in the back of her shorts. "I shouldn't have had that mule," she admits, pinching the bridge of her nose as she thinks things through. "Okay, so details?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You are eager for some payback I see." Now Elektra is amused, a brow arching at June and she shaking her head, "But no, not tonight. They will be ready for it and on alert. We will lie low for a bit. I am hoping you have a place where you can hide out for a time. If not, I can provide." the assassin offers.

"I will contact you soon with those details." She makes her way to the end of the alley, looking up and down the street, "Try not to die in the meantime."

And then she disappears down a street.